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It's Time To Unite Behind OWS!!

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 05:30 PM
I found a great video that might put to rest all of the bickering about OWS between supporters and non-supports. The truth is that OWS is very similar to TTP. We share common goals and a common approach, so everyone who supports TTP and really wants to fix our country should just get behind Occupy now. The video below exposes all of the similarities so watch closely. Sorry if this has been posted already….I didn’t find it on a search.

edit on 15-11-2011 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:07 PM
thats not biased at all

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by el1jah

There is nothing biased about the truth!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by seabag

Good on you orwellian Citizen!

You're functioning exactly as you're supposed to.
Eyes front!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by ColCurious

Do you see something inaccurate about that video? I didn’t.

Oh yeah….here is line 2

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:28 PM
LOL Watch closely!

I am watching close but I still don't get what you mean dude, I mean come on!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
LOL Watch closely!

I am watching close but I still don't get what you mean dude, I mean come on!

Just a little comic relief, dude!

Line 2!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:31 PM
Why should I unite with another group that will just tell me how I should live? Death to all "groups"!!!! I'll resist your group the same as the government. Screw you and your "group".

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by ghost33
Why should I unite with another group that will just tell me how I should live? Death to all "groups"!!!! I'll resist your group the same as the government. Screw you and your "group".

Teamwork buddy! Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Same to you!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 06:43 PM
What a waste of a perfectly good beer bottle they don't even know how to make those right.

OWS is No Teaparty that's for sure and the current Potus knows this to equate the two is flat out lying,

Wanted to laugh couldn't do it OWS is just sad and so is Obama.
edit on 15-11-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by ColCurious

Do you see something inaccurate about that video? I didn’t.

what a load of crap. I am seriously tired of this anti-ows garbage and trust me I've done my research. I have been looking at Soros & OWS ties and they are very very weak. Take a look at the conclusions that were made from the beginning to the end of this thread... and it all starts to make sense

Now lets just say Soros did directly fund this movement... does he have any direct control of it at any point or even right now? It still remains leaderless and in my local occupy movement (consisting of 20-30 dedicated members) we are aware of "problem-reaction solution" and the likelihood of the desire of TPTB want us to get mad and demand a new world order. Does that mean we sit home and bash the movement in the fear of any possibility of it being backed by the same people we are fighting against? No absolutely not. They will still carry on with their agenda regardless of what we do but me and many other people would much rather get out and do at least something about it. Even if it means at the very least the exchange of information... thats better then nothing and infact the exchange of information is the most powerful tool in the global awakening against the 1% (which is probably in reality much less then 1%)

Everything anti-ows I've noticed is cherry-picking and exaggeration of the worst of the worst incidences happening at the gatherings. I have also noticed many people against the movement are still looking through the tunnel vision left-right paradigm. If you haven't heard... it is merely an illusion!

There are hundreds of thousands of people participating and thousands of separate occupy gatherings all with their own approach, beliefs, motifs, and standard of living... how can you paint on image on the movement based on the acts of a few individuals or a union? You can't, its that simple. You do your part based on what you believe and that's all you can do and that's all that matters. You shouldn't bash the entire movement because somewhere along the lines Soros money was indirectly involved through an organization (Tides) that funded another organization $190,000 over TEN YEARS (Adbusters) that indirectly had SOME part in starting the occupy movement.... or because someone in another city took a dump on a cop car or someone was doing coke in a tent. This movement is too large to try classify its centralization of power and the best thing you can do is participate IN YOUR OWN WAY based on your own beliefs instead of sitting home and poking fun at a rare, and unique awakening that has manifested itself in different ways across the globe
edit on 15-11-2011 by seenavv because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by seenavv

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by ColCurious

Do you see something inaccurate about that video? I didn’t.

what a load of crap. I am seriously tired of this anti-ows garbage and trust me I've done my research. I have been looking at Soros & OWS ties and they are very very weak. Take a look at the conclusions that were made from the beginning to the end of this thread... and it all starts to make sense

Now lets just say Soros did directly fund this movement... does he have any direct control of it at any point or even right now? It still remains leaderless and in my local occupy movement (consisting of 20-30 dedicated members) we are aware of "problem-reaction solution" and the likelihood of the desire of TPTB want us to get mad and demand a new world order. Does that mean we sit home and bash the movement in the fear of any possibility of it being backed by the same people we are fighting against? No absolutely not. They will still carry on with their agenda regardless of what we do but me and many other people would much rather get out and do at least something about it. Even if it means at the very least the exchange of information... thats better then nothing and infact the exchange of information is the most powerful tool in the global awakening against the 1% (which is probably in reality much less then 1%)

Everything anti-ows I've noticed is cherry-picking and exaggeration of the worst of the worst incidences happening at the gatherings. I have also noticed many people against the movement are still looking through the tunnel vision left-right paradigm. If you haven't heard... it is merely an illusion!

There are hundreds of thousands of people participating and thousands of separate occupy gatherings all with their own approach, beliefs, motifs, and standard of living... how can you paint on image on the movement based on the acts of a few individuals or a union? You can't, its that simple. You do your part based on what you believe and that's all you can do and that's all that matters. You shouldn't bash the entire movement because somewhere along the lines Soros money was indirectly involved through an organization (Tides) that funded another organization $190,000 over TEN YEARS (Adbusters) that indirectly had SOME part in starting the occupy movement.... or because someone in another city took a dump on a cop car or someone was doing coke in a tent. This movement is too large to try classify its centralization of power and the best thing you can do is participate IN YOUR OWN WAY based on your own beliefs instead of sitting home and poking fun at a rare, and unique awakening that has manifested itself in different ways across the globe
edit on 15-11-2011 by seenavv because: (no reason given)

Dude, you can't be serious. There are so many ties its not even funny. There is no disputing it at this point. Did you see this link?

OWS has been taken over. You are doing work for the exact people you think you're against.

And the “sitting at home poking fun” BS that people keep throwing out is getting old, dude. I’ve spent YEARS of my life supporting my country. What have you done? Because I’m not marching with miscreants doesn’t mean I’m on the couch. I, and many others, happen to be engaged in activity that will actually lead to reform! It's called the Tea Party and we're actually doing something!

edit on 15-11-2011 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 09:11 PM
Wonderful video. I'm another that couldn't laugh at it.

Their are only two lines that I can see for OWS to take. One is we're out to destroy your country and any damage that occurs is part of the war between us and the government.

The other is we're doing terrible things but they're justified because we have a wonderful end in mind and a plan that will likely get us there. Besides the moral weakness of this argument there has been no end (other than vague platitudes)or plan offered. And if one more person says it's necessary "to raise awareness," I'll give up on OWS completely.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by seabag
Dude, you can't be serious. There are so many ties its not even funny. There is no disputing it at this point. Did you see this link?

OWS has been taken over. You are doing work for the exact people you think you're against.

And the “sitting at home poking fun” BS that people keep throwing out is getting old, dude. I’ve spent YEARS of my life supporting my country. What have you done? Because I’m not marching with miscreants doesn’t mean I’m on the couch. I, and many others, happen to be engaged in activity that will actually lead to reform! It's called the Tea Party and we're actually doing something!

edit on 15-11-2011 by seabag because: (no reason given)

I support both the tea party & ows movement

And by poking fun I'm talking about the silliness and one-sidedness in the claims of that video you link to

And yes I have been reading that thread you linked to this whole day and I've read every single post on all the pages

As I mentioned before, unfortunately many still buy into the illusion of the left-right paradigm including the newsbusters website that thread uses a source for all its claims. Have you read the motto they run by? Exposing and combating Liberal Media Bias with what? their own bias? The only reason they are against OWS is because it doesn't fit with their disgust in liberal beliefs. If they stuck their head out of sand they would realize that OWS is not fighting on behalf of right or left but against the 1% which has enslaved all of humanity.
Just looking at the newsbusters sites headlines I can see they are homophobic, support Herman Cain (puppet nominee), support Bill Maher (NWO shill/ disinfo agent), report ONE member of OWS that was put on the spot in an attempt to present the entire movement, and while I do not support Obama AT ALL their attempt to discredit him with an honest mistake (58 states) is pretty sad and immature. Those are just their headlines on their front page right now and thats enough for me to not trust them as reliable source of information

The only connections I see are $185,000 - $190,000 funded to Adbusters over a period of TEN years which was INDIRECTLY funded to them through Tides with Soros' money. TBH... So what? Thats almost $20,000 a year which is almost worthless these days... especially coming from one of the richest people in the world I'm pretty sure if he was in full support of Adbusters he would pay them a lot more then that...

Seriously Adbusters may have played SOME part in starting occupy wall street that doesn't mean they' RUN the movement and certainly doesn't mean they have any control of its course of direction. I have yet to see ANY DIRECT EVIDENCE TPTB have schemed anything regarding the latter especially considering the media blackouts, police brutality, suppression, disinformation and deception that has come from their tongues through their media.

And do you seriously think people like Soros are going to say on record they are not in support of the movement ? That would make them look like fools considering the overwhelming public support OWS carries... they are only trying to cover their asses by saying that. What would you do if you were a 1%er ? IF ANYTHING the Soros connection has been schemed to attempt to discredit the OWS movement..

Liberal billionaire and favorite villain of the right George Soros may be ideologically similar to the Occupy Wall Street protesters, but comments from a limited-access email list of Occupy Wall Street organizers reveal that many of the protesters want nothing to do with the wealthy hedge fund manager — who they say is a manifestation of what they are protesting.

“If Soros speaks at the park or in support of us, we are finished. i have over 500 emails from people complaining about Soros. he is very devise,” wrote David DeGraw, the editor of “If you guys don’t agree, and he shows at the park, we will have to go into all out PR mode to make sure people know that anyone can just show up and speak.”

There has been speculation that Soros is one of the financial backers of the movement, a charge Soros spokesman Michael Vachon told CNBC is untrue.

“[He has not] funded the protests directly or indirectly.” Vichon said. “Assertions to the contrary are an attempt by those who oppose the protesters to cast doubt on the authenticity of the movement.”

edit on 16-11-2011 by seenavv because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
And if one more person says it's necessary "to raise awareness," I'll give up on OWS completely.
oo please don't give up on OWS completely we could really use that support of yours there

Even if you are against OWS, one of the best things it has done is create an opportunity for local, peaceful, open discussion, free of any mainstream media bias across thousands of cities in North America. If your against that then I'm pretty sure no one would care if you lost support of OWS

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by ColCurious

Do you see something inaccurate about that video? I didn’t.

Of course you didn't. You are so well ideologically indoctrinated that you can't see it.
Thats what makes you such an excellent specimen of an orwellian Citizen.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by ColCurious

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by ColCurious

Do you see something inaccurate about that video? I didn’t.

Of course you didn't. You are so well ideologically indoctrinated that you can't see it.
Thats what makes you such an excellent specimen of an orwellian Citizen.

Coming from an obvious OWS supporter, I will take your “Orwellian citizen” comment as a compliment.

Anyone who is patriotic or respects authority or understands how to function in society WITHOUT a ton of handouts is considered by OWS’ers to be a shill, an Orwellian citizen or a just plain brainwashed. That’s fine with me! Think what you will, my friend.

I thought the video was fantastic! It accurately depicts the real and numerous differences between how The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street operate.

A clear message vs Anything that anybody wants to complain about
Demand less government vs Demand more free stuff
Compassion for others vs Violence and destruction
Peaceful protest vs Total mayhem (rapes, arson, vandalism etc)
Respect for others vs Disrespect and anti-Semitism
Patriotic Americans vs Socialist global citizens
Singing the American Anthem vs Shouting profanity and anti-America rhetoric
Cleanliness and hygiene vs Crapping on police cars and urinating on sidewalks

Etc, etc, etc…

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:22 PM
I don't know what to say
I was fairly opposed to OWS but after seeing that video now i'm just disgusted

public sex, public nudity, pooping on police cars????
I mean really... pooping on police cars??????????
what the hell is that going to solve?

How can you call this media bias when I haven't seen 90% of what was in that video in the news?

Ah man i'm just so disgusted now, I can't believe it was thissssss badddddddd
you might always support cockroaches if you support OWS

What are these Anarcho-Socialists?

Does that term even exist?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

What are these Anarcho-Socialists?

Does that term even exist?

I think you coined that phrase! Sadly, the shoe fits for some of them.

Those actions are not perpetrated by the majority of OWS, but the majority has allowed it to happen continuously all over the country.

When you allow someone to act up and ruin your party, don’t complain when people say your party sucked! It’s your own fault!

By the way, that garbage never happens at Tea Party protests even though the MSM was sure looking for it! If it did happen it would be the only Tea Party footage ever shown on TV.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:05 PM

One question though.

Did the Tea Party properly dispose of their adult diapers?

And does the Republican party provide those for you?

I'm sure they keep the good ones.. and give you guys the crappy ones (no pun intended).

Hey Ho.. What do they know?

Not much.. dementia is a bane on those approaching a more.. feeble age : /

Gingko biloba fellas.. hurry

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