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Something took over me earlier today

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:20 PM
Ahh had it been over here they could've gone to the Blue Cross or PDSA (not the RSPCA they are politically motivated trash), that is where all the unemployable take their out of control dogs when they get injured, but also pensioners and disabled and other people who have fallen on hard times. It's a great service offering free vet care and they won't ever turn away an animal. However, though the pensioners and other good people will give donations and often the full cost, the unemployable yobs both young and adults won't ever donate a penny, even when they get shown that their dog has just had 1k worth of treatment, they'll just turn up their new IPhone and walk off. They will even complain if they have to wait in line!

This is what I mean about how America and Britain differ, in many respects Americans are worse off as Britain offers pretty much everything for free, which is why so many can't be bothered to get a job and why so many of us working tax payers are poor. However, this has created a spoilt, lazy, disrespectful and in some ways out of control generation of swine that I think cannot be even compared to the lowest American trash, these are far below that! Still, it is a shame when profit comes before any life and these organisations that offer such free services are undervalued and overlooked, especially when so many are volunteers.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:30 PM
Thruth is i think we all have it in us to do this kind of compasionate gesture, even the racists, yet only to there own race, because of years of brainwashing. I mean these people wernt born racist.

Point is, theyve got us by the balls, most of us living check to check with so little free time. And they've brainwashed us into thinking many dont deserve humanitys help, or even some think doing something good could have bad consiquinces.

But i truely beleive every human has this compasion inside us, even the bullies have friends that they are nice to, and i bet even mass murderers did something nice in there life time at some point, they might have even thaught what they did was an act of compasion.

But there subliminal messages have got us so screwed up that most people actually beleive that money, sex and material objects are more important than helping others.

Put it this way, if you had just 1 billion dollars, would you not at the very least buy a home for a homeless family? or fly to a poor country and hand out money? Im sure most people would.

And thats why they keep us poor through theyre price fixing, wage fixing and price raising of common goods. its no accident that the price of living goes up as minimum wage goes up.

Dont even get me started on the power compaines, what a joke. (example) 1 man starts a company, using our own water (hydro electrcity) that just runs naturally through our own country, when he probably only spent "pennies" of his vast fortune to produce the facilty. Then the governments take over casue "its there water" and now we put billions of our hard earned cash every moth into a few individuals pockets, for water that falls from the sky. Truely disgusting and a rape our our rights if you ask me.

And those people are the .01%, the only people with no compasion what so ever, who have paid trillions to ensure we have less compasion, so we, instead of seeing a homless man and paying his rent and thinking of how he got there, we just tell him to get a job. Cmon people wake up, i know everyones said or thaught of yelling out "get a job" but i highly doubt thats how we really feel.
edit on 16-11-2011 by kman420 because: added more

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 12:59 PM

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:13 PM
This may be a little off topic, but has anybody else noticed that the people who don't have a great deal of money are more willing to help someone out financially than people with a lot of money? I'm thinking it's because they know how it is to need help once in a while.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by americanbuffalo1
Money is the root of all which is evil! We see it time and time again don't we? It is a sad fact the almighty dollar is the most important thing in this world. Money has more value than life in most circumstances. ...

The quote is actually, "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." (emphasis mine) Money itself is neither good nor bad. Like anything else we possess in this life, it's what we do with it that changes ourselves and others, either for better or worse. Money has no inherent qualities except its physical makeup. This distinction is critically important.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by mytheroy
This is why I firmly believe there will be a civil war, once more people open their eye's and truly see what's going on. Our government is either aware or not aware that the population does out number those who trample the rights of their people and pass laws to benefit theirs.

I think you mean revolution, but I agree.

OP, hats off, sir. I would have done the same thing if I were able. Unfortunately I am probably in the same position as the guy with the dog right now. Not many people would have stepped up. We need more people like you to show their true colors and spread some hope around.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by muse7
What you did was very generous and commendable. I too would have done the same thing. My dogs are part of my family and would be treated as equals to anyone else in the family. I am in a financial position to do that, and you too but perhaps he was not. 3 years ago we were at the vet. She had 19 dogs up for adoption. All were taken except for a beatup beagle hybrid with a broken front leg and pink nose. He was the only one not taken and had been terribly abused. For some reason he began barking at my wife and soon he was on the way home with us. He had been terribly abused and unfortunately we consulted with 3 vets and they advised against surgery as he was an older dog. That mutt has brough such joy into our lives and I am so thankful we found him. I am sure it is reciprocal as he transitioned from a timid fearful little guy into an assertive dog with no fear. My other dog has problems with liver enzymes and I probably pay $1,200 a year in special foods and I gladly do that because I am a sucker for animals. I believe people that mistreat their animals or do not provide the care they need are missing a piece of their soul.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:29 PM
Hello everyone~I signed up just to reply to this thread. Sometime within the last 10 years or so the pharma companies decided they wanted to increase revenue thru extended sales of testing equipment, supplies to run such. Marketing strategies were explored. A pilot study determined it would be more difficult to change women therefore men became the initial primary target. When enough vets were brought on board it was determined that the rest would follow suit with the mindset of ‘everyone is doing it so it must be okay’. Vets are required by law to take about 30 hours of continuing education per year. Seminars are held throughout the country covering various topics. Reps from the pharma companies attend these seminars. Within the span of aprox 2 years prices for vet services doubled, tripled, quadrupled and continue to rise. Whereas before a vet would make a hands on diagnosis now a test is prescribed. Many of these tests are either useless or useless for the particular condition in question. Treatments for terminal conditions proven statistically to be ineffective or extend life minimally at considerable pain to the animal and considerable expense to the ‘owner’ are routinely recommended. Quality of life has been replaced by quantity. It is not uncommon for cancer treatments to run into thousands, some over 5000 upwards to 8000. The newest lucrative field is prosthetics.

The average working person cannot incur these kinds of charges. Specific tactics are employed to best present a diagnosis or treatment plan that encourages people to commit. This is not some spiracy theory. I have been involved in the field of animal concerns for 30 years. Those of us in this field did not understand what we were initially seeing, just that prices seemed to go up almost overnight. In this area it started with a few vets but now it is sop. $125 for an office visit or $1000 for parvo treatment is beyond outrageous. The overall clinic cost for parvo treatment (medications, supplies, kennel personnel etc) is minimal and was in the past quite affordable. Treatment has not changed just the charges.

Vaccinations…a huge cash cow. Not only are they basically worthless but they are harmful. They cause auto immune diseases and cancer to name just two. Research vaccine-associated sarcoma (VAS) a type of malignant tumor that has been linked to certain vaccines. These tumors have been most commonly associated with rabies and feline leukemia virus vaccines, but other vaccines and injected medications have also been implicated. About 20 years ago rabies vaccination sites were relegated to a specific location nationwide to monitor the incidence of VAS in conjunction with that vaccine. Many states have changed mandatory regulations to every 3 years. To comply with this new mandate vets have adjusted charges via a scale with the 3 year vaccine costing 3 x’s as much as 1 year, 2 year vaccine 2 x’s as much. It is all the same vaccine and always has been. Now this practice includes distemper, parvo etc. Again, it is all the same vaccine. Animal control schools (training for animal control officers) have been teaching for 20 years a distemper vaccine given past 16 weeks of life imparts lifetime immunity, parvo at least 7 years but probably lifetime, rabies 2 vaccines one year apart lifetime immunity. This is of course if you believe in vaccinations but certainly reflective that within mainstream accepted knowledge most vaccinations impart lifetime immunity. There are many vaccinations that have been proven to be worthless, within the established matrix of those that ascribe to vaccination theory. Many shelter and humane society directors and personnel will admit privately they no longer vaccinate but are prevented (for various reasons) from publically admitting such.

Veterinarians that specialize in immunology recommend vaccines be administered in single dose (no multi purpose) at intervals of weeks to months apart for maximum immunity. No vaccine should ever be administered while the animal is anesthetized for any reason yet it is common practice to do so during spay/neuter or teeth cleaning. There is a high risk of kidney failure from doing so. There is also a high risk of kidney failure from administering multiple vaccines at the same time.

When you contract for veterinary services you have certain rights. Online search leads to sites detailing such. You have the right to refuse test. I have personally watched vets I have known for over 25 years shift from people who loved animals and their profession, able to make an informed knowledgeable diagnosis based on physical examination to a commercialized entity. There are a few vets of the ‘old school’ and it is easiest to find them in rural areas but that too is changing particularly when they retire and young vets take over. Vets graduating today have the intended designed mindset.

I remember when dealing with vets of this new school of thought they are asleep. With that understanding I am equipped to handle the situation in a calm clear manner, awakened I have the power. There are times in emergency I have no choice but to deal with such persons so being aware of the nature of the construct makes it possible to maneuver the matrix. While it is true that interactions with the sleeping can be frustrating, infuriating, upsetting, it is also possible to remain centered and in that is an opening of the possibility to access needed treatment. Sometimes it is as simple as calling to the part that ‘remembers’ if only briefly who they really are. Saying something like ‘I can’t afford all these tests so I am asking you to use your best judgment based on your years of learning and valuable knowledge to diagnose, so I can use what funds I have for treatment…I can’t do both’ has opened a wonderful exchange. Many of them have forgotten they know anything.

In any event, I have found I accomplish more by understanding the matrix than hating it. I appreciate the reflection of sleeping because it reminds me of the importance to attend to my own awakening. It took me a long time to come to this perspective, to appreciate what I see as an inspiration, but it has changed my life in many ways. The road I travel is easier.

I also use this approach in interactions with my dentist who lives in the sleeping matrix.

Many thanks to all for stories of loving and sharing. You bring soothing to my heart.

~is still a rose

edit on 16-11-2011 by arosebyanyothername because: word correction

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by noonebutme

I know you'll never prolly read this repost to you, but you need to know there are ways to go without money. I mean there are people that become doctors to be doctors, etc. SO if peoples homes and stuff were paid for they were guranteed a place to live, they'd just do the right thing all the time. It's insecurity that breeds the fear. In school have martial arts taught, farming taught, how to build alternative energy soucesetc. HAve people go off an earn basis. Like you can't have a car till these requirements are done, can't have a boat till these and ya know things like that. If people didn't have to stress so often they'd have time for compassion...

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 03:42 PM
I am a pet lover. I appreciate this story because I had to take my pet to the ER when I was short on cash and had nobody to help me. Thanks OP, for your generous offering, not only to save the pet, but to make the child happy.

Sometimes though, I wonder why it is that there are so many people who want to fund government programs for animals when there are many homeless people and other human beings who need help too. I dunno, it just got me to thinking about what was more important. If I had to jump out in front of a semi truck to save either my 2 y/o nephew or my 15 y/o cat, surely I would save the human.

I gave a dollar to a homeless man at the intersection a couple weeks ago, like I do every time we meet there with me in my car at the light. Later I heard in the news that he died and they were looking for anyone who might know his family. I was just starting to get to know him, so I did not know. It was very sad for me, but I was completely helpless because I did not have enough time to get to know him, I just started.

Thanks for what you did.
edit on 16-11-2011 by ghostwithorangeeyes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:08 PM
Wonderful human being,you saved a dog that was in a bad situation,beautiful.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:31 PM
Your a good person. If only politicians had hearts like yours.....

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by SecretFace
Ahh had it been over here they could've gone to the Blue Cross or PDSA (not the RSPCA they are politically motivated trash), that is where all the unemployable take their out of control dogs when they get injured, but also pensioners and disabled and other people who have fallen on hard times. It's a great service offering free vet care and they won't ever turn away an animal. However, though the pensioners and other good people will give donations and often the full cost, the unemployable yobs both young and adults won't ever donate a penny, even when they get shown that their dog has just had 1k worth of treatment, they'll just turn up their new IPhone and walk off. They will even complain if they have to wait in line!

This is what I mean about how America and Britain differ, in many respects Americans are worse off as Britain offers pretty much everything for free, which is why so many can't be bothered to get a job and why so many of us working tax payers are poor. However, this has created a spoilt, lazy, disrespectful and in some ways out of control generation of swine that I think cannot be even compared to the lowest American trash, these are far below that! Still, it is a shame when profit comes before any life and these organisations that offer such free services are undervalued and overlooked, especially when so many are volunteers.

What you said about some characters, usually wearing trackies, (yes i know i shouldnt generalise) is true, they take the service without contributing anything, theres so used to their welfare culture that they believe the country owes them everything. This is why i said that the PDSA receptionists are so pushy towards you to give a donation, (and rightly so).
Also i know this is slightly off topic, but i thought id mention it, even though they may be a thread about it. Brit posters may know about the guy, who this week was caught on cctv swinging a cat around by its tail FOURTEEN TIMES,barely missing hitting cars, he has now given himself up to the RPSCA. Guys, animals lovers or not, what compels a person to do that to an innocent creature?, I think it is one of the most truly evil things because it is purely for his pleasure. The poor little pussy is now back with its owner, but is too scared to go out. Shocking. If i caught him, I know what id like to swing him around 14 times by.

edit on 16-11-2011 by thedoctorswife because: typo

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Vaxar

Originally posted by Expat888

Would have done the same as you did.. Money and material things are worthless and easily earned/replaced..

I dont know about anyone else but money is not easily earned or replaced for me...

What about the home you have to keep? The family that stays under that roof with you and the mouths of your children you need to feed?

No i cant just go splash money about like its something i can easily replace. I cant just go saving a dogs life and making a family so really happy that you helped them out.

No because i would be broke and me and my family would suffer because of it.

Its a shame to but i love animals dearly and would have loved to help someone in that position but the sad matter of the fact is wouldnt be able to.

Not having a go at you but not everyone thinks like you do about money meaning nothing, because in this day and age its everything unless you know how to live of the land, build your own solar energized house and grow and farm your crops etc etc

...which is what i am learning to do in these bad times.

edit on 16-11-2011 by Vaxar because: (no reason given)

I prefer a quiet simple life.. Walked away from so-called 'civilisation' long ago.
Built my house with my own hands, raise my own food in my garden, fish and get from the jungle. Use solar to run lights and charge my mobile.
At times still work as a physician treating local hmong villagers I ask no payment for doing so. Am trained in both western medicine and tcm (traditional chinese medicine) use mostly tcm as its far more effective than western medicine. There are far more important things in life than money and material possessions.

It will take you time but you will find it worthwhile once you do..
edit on 16/11/11 by Expat888 because: tengu mischief...


posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by CerBeRus666
Even though I commend your action, I would probably have done the same, because of my love for dogs, I can't agree with this attitude as a norm.

How can somebody have a 12 year old daughter, and not have a couple of hundred bucks to pay the vet's bills for her pet? What if his daughter needed an operation, or braces, or dental care?
What has this individual been doing with his life? This is, in my opinion, the reason our society has crumbled. No planing for the future, no personal responsibility for one's actions, a total hedonistic stance, the "certainty" that when things go wrong, somebody else, or the State will ultimately be compelled to clean up the mess that is their lives. What a total looser...oh, of course he had no money for the dog, but had a car, and apparently fuel to run it.

I would have done what you did, because of the dog, but I would then hate myself for having done it. It is because people have no responsibility, we have 30, and 40 year old irresponsible children running around, like headless chickens, in adults bodies and clothes...they have no notion of what it takes to become a being. Big daddy will always be around the corner...

More and more people seem to have forgotten that before their self-proclaimed rights, come their duties to those that depend on them, and to their own lost self-esteem.
And don't even get me started on unemployment, and hard times...this is why I currently love, and respect animals far above most "humans" I encounter...

Your a DIVVY.

OP, well done mate.. well done, did the dog live though?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by muse7

Over here, they would have just got an account with the Vet and paid it off. Vet expenses are always extra expenses people don't usually count on. Maybe it's because I live in the country and people are different in rural settings, small town..everyone knows everyone or perhaps it's because the vets realize the importance of animals to farms and homes alike. I too would have been hard pressed to watch and not step in to do something to help. I have watched people at the supermarket struggle to find the money to pay for their items and just pulled out some money to give the cashier. In the end, it is just money. It comes and it goes and whilst its useful to keep surviving within the system, people can live quite well outside the system. I donate regularly and always give to help those who suffer from things like fires or floods. Its not like you can take it with you when you go and I never know when i might have to rely on the good will of others to help me out of a difficult situation beyond my control.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by muse7

I do the same, because I love human beings, and when i ask myself if I should pay for that senior citizen's breakfast at the local restaurant .. the question is answered immediately.. with

"would you want someone to pay for your meal if you were a senior citizen and living from paycheck to paycheck or in that situation? " ..

I don't even question it any more.. i just pay their bill when i have it in my pocket and let it go at that and hopefully they will pay if forward in another way..

Paying it forward.... is truely an amazing power !!

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Ronfairness
Your a good person. If only politicians had hearts like yours.....

There is one left who does. Can you guess who I am talking about?

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by muse7

I was in that position once when I was young and dumb and owned a pet I could not afford to care for. I found a vet that trusted me by calling them all. Nice man. I learned a lesson and waited until I could afford to support a pet before I got another.

Although I agree the Vet acted wrongly, I can't say it is their fault the owner has pets they cannot afford to take care of. It's the situation that is bad, not the Vet.

People need to be more responsible and understand that pets cost money and are a long term expense just like a child. I understand their love for animals and share it, but part of showing that love is making sure you can afford it, for the animals sake.

Tough love I know, but true all the same.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by muse7

Love this thread. The hard truth...whether it is a sick animal or a sick 2 year old child; in America suffering is a profit opportunity. Among all the western nations of the world and among many so-called second tier states, only in the United States is a dying child a profit opportunity. That is the core truth about how our system functions. It is sick and indicative of our moral collapse as a nation.There are outliers where this is not the case, but in general, in institutional structure of our healthcare structure, this is an undeniable fact.

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