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Something took over me earlier today

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posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 09:45 PM
We're lucky to have people like you left, sir.

You are the last hope in this global struggle for the survival of the human spirit.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by murkraz

Originally posted by CerBeRus666
Even though I commend your action, I would probably have done the same, because of my love for dogs, I can't agree with this attitude as a norm.

How can somebody have a 12 year old daughter, and not have a couple of hundred bucks to pay the vet's bills for her pet? What if his daughter needed an operation, or braces, or dental care? What has this individual been doing with his life? This is, in my opinion, the reason our society has crumbled. No planing for the future, no personal responsibility for one's actions, a total hedonistic stance, the "certainty" that when things go wrong, somebody else, or the State will ultimately be compelled to clean up the mess that is their lives. What a total looser...oh, of course he had no money for the dog, but had a car, and apparently fuel to run it.

I would have done what you did, because of the dog, but I would then hate myself for having done it. It is because people have no responsibility, we have 30, and 40 year old irresponsible children running around, like headless chickens, in adults bodies and clothes...they have no notion of what it takes to become a being. Big daddy will always be around the corner...

More and more people seem to have forgotten that before their self-proclaimed rights, come their duties to those that depend on them, and to their own lost self-esteem.
And don't even get me started on unemployment, and hard times...this is why I currently love, and respect animals far above most "humans" I encounter...

Yeah. Just stop it already. You're either deliberately acting arrogant and self-righteous or you're unaware how bad you sound. Nobody cares for this behaviour. You have no right, nor the proper information to state what this person has done with his life or what anybody has, just like nobody has the right to delve into your business.

Not everybody is well off, and situations vary so obviously by a great number. To step in and start acting like you know it all and know what people are "doing with their lives", you get zero points.
People! There is alway's someone who mismanages their life and can't function at the most base level without a handout. Fortunately there is always someone there to hand it out,Now here is what I have a problem with.. The self rightous attitude of indignation shown to an opposing opinon. It is apparent to me that,for a lot of people, charity is a guise to be demostrative and self rightously arrogant.
P.S. I wonder if the "poor" dog owner has money for cigs, lotto or booze?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by karen61057

Well say as you will. I have been around money (wealth) my whole life and I know what I see. Yes people can be evil as they can also be kind, just as the OP has shown his/herself to be.

However I dost thou think you are a bit naive to say money isn't evil. Perhaps you should learn the history of money. You are a kind person therefore you will not do unkind things with your money right? However the money changes hands and what it does while no longer in your possession may or may not contribute to evil.

Perhaps I am wrong and money is not evil, then it is greed which is evil then but what drives greed? What I do know is money really only makes us one step away from being a true slave. You can take that to the bank and let them lend 10 times more than you put in.

So are guns evil? I have one and it sits in my closet and it hasn't done anything evil. However I spent time in service to the USA in combat and I had a gun which did some very evil things. Your logic is circular and too you do not know me, where I come from, what I have seen and experienced in this world so you really can't dismiss my statement. I am certain there are more folks in this world who will agree with the statement than not.

Thanks for enlightening me!

edit on 11/15/2011 by americanbuffalo1 because: spelling error

edit on 11/15/2011 by americanbuffalo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by muse7

I have starred you once but I so wish I could have starred you more.

I have flagged you once but I so wish I could have flagged you more.

I haven't given you an applause simply because I can't. But I highly recommend it.`

People like you are restoring Hope in humankind.

BRAVO !!!!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by muse7

The Christian side of me is saying good job, you gave to the less fortunate and thus gave to God who will give to you. I however have to challenge on your chastisement of the Vet. You are not in his shoes, perhaps his practice is losing money and can not allow to just give out free treatments.Just remember that if he gave out free treatments every time someone begged for treatment. He would have no practice, thus less jobs in the economy, thus worsening the economy. It is harsh, you did the right thing however, and God works in mysterious ways and he worked through you. But don't chastise a business because they can't afford no matter how they want to, help every single animal for free.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by grubblesnert
People! There is alway's someone who mismanages their life and can't function at the most base level without a handout. Fortunately there is always someone there to hand it out,Now here is what I have a problem with.. The self rightous attitude of indignation shown to an opposing opinon. It is apparent to me that,for a lot of people, charity is a guise to be demostrative and self rightously arrogant.
P.S. I wonder if the "poor" dog owner has money for cigs, lotto or booze?

How do you know the background story? This is a big assumption that they mismanged their money. Alot of people mismanaged their money when they got screwed over by the housing market crash.

If only they were smart enough to manage their money by predicting the housing crisis.... oh that's right only the elite are privy to that knowledge.

The way you have managed to troll this thread is actually quite spectacular....I didn't think it could be done...
edit on 15-11-2011 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:21 PM
God Bless You !!!!!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:26 PM
There are many ways to help people without offering them downright free things and consequently open the way for abuse, like some people here have suggested here.

One of those ways is offering discounted services.

Everybody knows that in the US, the costs of getting a service does not reflect the amount of stuff used in that service, but the hourly labor.

What if doctors, and not just vets, of all kind, agreed to lower their hourly labor costs to help those who are needy?

Are Americans so afraid that this might turn them into China? or some other third world country?

oh and S&F

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by muse7

Oh god I did not expect to read that from the title.

You made my eyes water.

You are the true spirit of a human. If there is a god, you have a place in heaven.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:46 PM

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:48 PM
Very kind of you, OP. I will be alert for similar ways I can help people. I really believe the good you did will come back to. May God bless you for your generosity.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by CerBeRus666
Even though I commend your action, I would probably have done the same, because of my love for dogs, I can't agree with this attitude as a norm.

How can somebody have a 12 year old daughter, and not have a couple of hundred bucks to pay the vet's bills for her pet? What if his daughter needed an operation, or braces, or dental care?
What has this individual been doing with his life? This is, in my opinion, the reason our society has crumbled. No planing for the future, no personal responsibility for one's actions, a total hedonistic stance, the "certainty" that when things go wrong, somebody else, or the State will ultimately be compelled to clean up the mess that is their lives. What a total looser...oh, of course he had no money for the dog, but had a car, and apparently fuel to run it.

I would have done what you did, because of the dog, but I would then hate myself for having done it. It is because people have no responsibility, we have 30, and 40 year old irresponsible children running around, like headless chickens, in adults bodies and clothes...they have no notion of what it takes to become a being. Big daddy will always be around the corner...

More and more people seem to have forgotten that before their self-proclaimed rights, come their duties to those that depend on them, and to their own lost self-esteem.
And don't even get me started on unemployment, and hard times...this is why I currently love, and respect animals far above most "humans" I encounter...

The things I want to say to you would get me banned from this site forever.
How can someone be so damn judgmental towards someone without ever having met him, seen him, know of him, understand his situation, or anything else.
Our economy sucks. It is hard out there for nearly everyone.
You dont know this man, or his situation. There are millions...........yes millions...............of reasons why he only had 125 bucks to his name.
This does NOT make him a loser, a bad father, dumb, stupid or anything else that your judgmental feeble little mind with no ability to think logically may spew.

What the OP did I applaud. He is the type of person that we should all attempt to be.
People like you are the fault of our race. Not the man who couldnt afford an outlandish vet bill for his sick dog. He was willing to give what sounds like his last 125 dollars to make his little girl happy and fix his dog's ailments. Would you be willing to give all the money you have to do the same?

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:51 PM
Money is more important than people right now, for reason I feel its gonna change soon...

I like this native american proverb:

"When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money"

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by CynefriElm
reply to post by muse7

You realize the fact you had more money than him was the reason you could do something in the first place, Right?

If you did not have this money would you do something? Would you pull a gun and force help for the dog?

No? I thought so.

This means your entire post is absolute selfish BULLSH!T!!

Do you not understand the Vets are obviously working for the same money YOU ALREADY HAVE?

What nonsense! Why would any moron like this thread? Are they blind?

edit on 15-11-2011 by CynefriElm because: (no reason given)

Giving someone something to help them out whether or not you can afford it or not is the complete OPPOSITE of selfish.
I applaud him for his actions.
Its too bad you dont understand what the OP is saying. You take everything for face value.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by muse7

Kudos for you. You did exactly what more of us need to do. The best sort of helping one another is direct action.
As long as people step up and do this sort of thing there is hope.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by CynefriElm

Wow! Someone had a supersized bowl of hate crispies this morning!

If you had read the opening post a little more carefully, you would have noted that op stated that finances were tight.

That stated, what is wrong in helping someone less fortunate if you are able to do so?
A good deed is a reward in itself, whether or not finances are involved. You should try it yourself sometime - you may be surprised how it makes you feel.

Haters are 'gonna hate ...

( just noticed the post I replied to was removed, Mods please do with this as you will )
edit on 15-11-2011 by Timely because: mods removed post in question

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by muse7

Bless you my friend.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by muse7

My wifes from the Philippines and i used to get mad that she would skip out on the rent and her car payments as all her dosh would be sent back there.One day her brother called and our god son over there needed life saving medical care rapidly and he was only a baby,because she had been sending money for her mothers medical bill for a brain tumor removal she had nothing left to give.i immediately went to the bank and got the money to pay for the surgery.The boy lived and i recently went over there to see him.(he's now one and a half)I also saw other things that my money had done for people up until then had been strangers.
if you don't have the money for medical care over there,you die,it's as simple as that.Seeing my God son full of life made me heart so happy.
But it's sad that in a world of such riches the ones with the most cling to it and crave for more.
There is plenty to go around for everyone,denying somebody medical care because they are poor is a disgrace to humanity.

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:25 PM
I believe serj tankian'$ song money kinda sums it up.
Seriously listen to system of a down!

posted on Nov, 15 2011 @ 11:36 PM
You just spread happiness to everyone on this site. Peace to you friend

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