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Urgent: Wake up now!

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posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by Magnum007
Well his ramblings made me chuckle too and i had to work out what on earth he was talking about and i think he's fed up with people who are fed up and so he's trying to produce positivity instead of negativity but he's dealing with the human race.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by Magnum007
reply to post by edog11

WTH are you rambling about? You make no sense whatsoever...

edit on 11/11/13 by Magnum007 because: (no reason given)

He actually made sense. Maybe you need to reread what he wrote. If everyone who complains can be proactive, we are going to live in a different reality than what we have now.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:27 AM
I implore you to consider the source of your distress.

You must ask yourself the right question; who, exactly is creating this feeling in you and in what direction are they pushing you, and why?

Is it possible that your reaction is as planned?

It is quite evident that wars are fought for reasons other than self-defense. That means there are ulterior motives involved that are not related to moral behavior, but instead to nefarious intent. This revelation is not understood by the American masses. Individuals become bitter and take action in order to "wake up" and believe that the purposeful buildup of the military–industrial complex is for the defense of this nation. Those in power need to keep the populace scared and basically pissed off in order to propegate their crimes.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 07:58 AM
Everytime I read about it, I think of this song:

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:12 AM
what sense does it make to think that perfect strangers should come into power and fix everyone's problems when those people don't make efforts to change anything on their own? people who come into power who are corrupt don't fix anything because they don't want to and people who come into power who want to fix things, can't.... because the system is not so easily changed like that. people do not do enough things to change the problems but they do wayyyy too much for the system... for nothing, for loopholes.

too much garbage, waste, unnecessary crap, thinking they gotta make names for themselves, thinking anything unconventional is crazy if it goes against a man made opinionated stance. these things really aren't logical if you think about it.

a problem is when you are stuck in these man made circumstance and no one will help you out, you can't make changes for yourself because your hands are tied. the ones who can make more choices often don't because they are more comfortable with their situations and feel no urgent need to change... but they get mad when they see someone on the news doing people wrong. it doesn't help talking to the TV. i am working to get out of the systems compromises because of the help of another, but i know I can't depend on that. when you are able and comfortable, don't get lazy and forget those in turmoil... don't forget that one days you could be there.

prepare... don't just throw the idea around.... strive for efficiency and simplicity to see through this smoke.
who cares who is ripping off the money if you don't need to depend on it so much? if we could help each other and help ourselves, maybe... just maybe the government won't feel such a need to jerk us around. maybe they would be able to stop writing ious since the needy have to put their hands out but the other problems go on and on as well and we have SERIOUS problem to worry about that don't just involve the people. we got natural things to figure through and much more than that. our country likes to believe the people run it... so why can't we do that unless they give us permission.... because of that damn piece of paper and how everyone feels about it... it's bad news, it's waiting for a lie to be written on it. that's the kind of document it is. what's it worth...what it can buy? so it's worth what other things are worth? no. afraid not because then we would just trade stuff and skip the paper. it's a way to lie.... it's a way to twist and distort value. take the rich to bare bones... buy less and less... throw away less and less.... but live more, the way you re supposed to... helping your family and being within god's creation appreciating it. some in the government would actually thank us for taking care of ourselves... because they can't and they know while some still want to just use us up.

even those with jobs and houses and comfort, but with a keen realization that something is wrong... what if you loose it all tomorrow... are you prepared. maybe you are. maybe you are not worried. but now realize that this ***IS*** happening to people all over the place.

that person is you.

all day long that person is you... all you have to do is wrap your head around that and don't forget it.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:13 AM
I am frustrated too but there's no need for a violent revolution. We the people, especially in the USA are the most empowered people on earth we are the most free, the only chains on us are the ones we put on ourselves or let ourselves be passified enough to be placed on us. These chains aren't locked...yet. In my opinion this is the most vital thing Occupy has done so far, helped some people see those chains. I'd like the movement to go further but if it doesn't it has still been a service to humanity, so even if it goes no further...we can.

In 2012 every seat in our corrupt Congress will be up for vote. This is our huge chance to begin breaking the chains. Americans need to start talking about the kind of Congress we want, we only have one vote in our own districts but, that doesn't mean we can't talk to eachother (I love the internet) and help educate eachother on who is trying to get to Washington and how they will work together as a body of our government, paid by our tax dollars. Even better we can start now to find people outside the system to prop up and send to Congress, that is how we can bring about a revolution and no one has to die for it. All one has to do is to stop being lazy, stop listening to the media garbage...all media left, right, MSM, bloggers, all those political analysts clogging up our brains, they all are corporate paid.

I know that it is easier to hate, easier to identify an enemy and shoot than it is to take responsibility for yourself and your fellow americans but one shot fired in the name of revolution, as opposed to self defense, is condemnation to all of it being repeated again and again. Blood cannot be repaid and it takes generations to overcome the schisms created in humanity when we kill eachother. Anger is so easy to manipulate and fuel and we become pawns when we succumb to it.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Minori
Everytime I read about it, I think of this song:


that song reminds me of something I wanted to arrange. A little art project involving select songs and I'm dying to tell someone about it but it wouldn't be easy... so i don't know how to present... or better yet, haven't found the right person or people to present it to. it would really take certain people with some balls who do well to orchestrate stuff... actually I know one specific gentleman who might actually be interested and you would never believe it.
I can't talk to him about it. No way could I talk to him about. there is perhaps another lady who might kick the idea around but she probably has too much going on.

it actually involves carrying a notoriety while being incognito... it would be quite an effort for just #s and giggles but it would be cool as hell.
edit on 14-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by shadowreborn89
ramblin ramblin rambli RAMBLIN!

Took the words right out of my mouth...

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by edog11

I am ready friend. Just waiting for a mission.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
I am frustrated too but there's no need for a violent revolution.
How can you say that? suggesting that there is no need for violence even though we are at a critical point in time that will decide whether the people or elites rule. Listen, this system we live in, hates and kills us. They wage war with other nations, sitting back and enjoying it all like it's a chess game. They dare to do ANYTHING to us and will never hesitate to exploit the heavenly Earth and all its wonderful creatures. How do you think they came to controlling most of our world? They did it through deceitfully killing those who opposed their agenda. You see, killing has brought them all this success and with us, only death. I think it's about time we get violent with our "parents" and tell them that we're in charge now because they are unable to bring the bread to the table. If we are to ever change this system we are going to have to do some killing or we can wait and allow them to kill us first to further their control over people

We are at a stand still right now, people need to decide whether they want this current system or get rid of it. If we are to get rid of them they obviously won't go down with a fight, we would clash head on with probably police first then after, military (that's if they don't side with us.) How do we bring this to fruition? Well we need to break the current system in order for order to go out the window, this will allow everyone to freely do what ever they want. After that, we gather our forces and attack government directly. Dismantle the assumed master, then reap out the puppeteers once their main tools for controlling are gone. We can set up temporary faked governments to direct the ones still asleep. After the chaos subsides we'll be able to bring up what happened to those asleep who hopefully will be understanding.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer

I wish you luck on your project.
Remember no one can censor or control your mind.
Stay positive.


posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Minori
reply to post by BlackSatinDancer

I wish you luck on your project.
Remember no one can censor or control your mind.
Stay positive.


well, if I could just stay on track without getting distracted by additional troubling stuff.. who knows.
first I have to simplify and then i can start anew on more constructive projects after a bit of liquidation... which is going at a snails pace right now because i have an urge to go off on other ideas but i am going to have to refocus. I guess I should stop daydreaming and get back to making room in my life for what I really want because I have many things I'd like to do.

I will need luck on the not daydreaming part so thanks!

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Tarno

Originally posted by Kali74
I am frustrated too but there's no need for a violent revolution.
How can you say that? suggesting that there is no need for violence even though we are at a critical point in time that will decide whether the people or elites rule. Listen, this system we live in, hates and kills us. They wage war with other nations, sitting back and enjoying it all like it's a chess game. They dare to do ANYTHING to us and will never hesitate to exploit the heavenly Earth and all its wonderful creatures. How do you think they came to controlling most of our world? They did it through deceitfully killing those who opposed their agenda. You see, killing has brought them all this success and with us, only death. I think it's about time we get violent with our "parents" and tell them that we're in charge now because they are unable to bring the bread to the table. If we are to ever change this system we are going to have to do some killing or we can wait and allow them to kill us first to further their control over people

We are at a stand still right now, people need to decide whether they want this current system or get rid of it. If we are to get rid of them they obviously won't go down with a fight, we would clash head on with probably police first then after, military (that's if they don't side with us.) How do we bring this to fruition? Well we need to break the current system in order for order to go out the window, this will allow everyone to freely do what ever they want. After that, we gather our forces and attack government directly. Dismantle the assumed master, then reap out the puppeteers once their main tools for controlling are gone. We can set up temporary faked governments to direct the ones still asleep. After the chaos subsides we'll be able to bring up what happened to those asleep who hopefully will be understanding.

keep in mind that most who created this are already dead. these patterns were set in motion long ago. believe that people can change... and if they come after you- defend yourself when you have the right and do not taint your own spirit on things you can never be certain of unless you are God.

You don't want to be pacified, but you'll never win the way you are talking because if you can't get very many people to walk in peace, then what makes you think you can get very many people to walk in violence... and in the face of uncertainty at exactly who is to blame? It'll never happen. You'll be like the lone ranger but you won't look like a hero. You'll look like a crazy person so someone who is still just doing their job will have no choice but to erase your life.

You don't ever want to feel like you are being talked out of a fight you know is right... but are you so certain you know just how to win?

just don't forget to pay your taxes until you figure out how to not pay taxes if you are truly unhappy with your government because if you don't pay those #ers they don't really have a reason to be and they will certainly find something else to do. Things that work to help people are done by people who care and that will continue without those who are just dead weight to the system and since this would be a gradual change, it will even give those in government who actually do care time to reaccess... but even good hard working people will have to step back and reaccess before they feel ready... so be ready.

The people who protect your interest should be smiling faces around you... your community. Help each other knock off more and more bills so less and less have control over you. Don't depend on the system... govern yourself locally as best you can and try to spread what you learn because it CAN be done. there are plenty of examples but they are not on channel 6 news because that's not the kind of stuff they want to put on TV.

edit on 14-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-11-2011 by BlackSatinDancer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Magnum007

makes perfect sense to me, I'll fight but I can not fight alone. I'm as prepared as what I can be though. as soon as I see it happening, I'm there.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by edog11

It was funny cause OP thinks he can make a difference...

Man I miss being young.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:05 AM
it's actually already happening. everyone wants to stop it, but nothing seems to be stopping it. blame shifts, pretty soon NO ONE will want to mess with it... except those who understand that it is changing. They know that faces on TV will get blamed. A lot of people actually do know it needs to change but no matter what, I think it's barreling down the tracks so save your brake feet and don't be jumping over the rails just yet. Don't get crazy unless you are dancing.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
Unrivalled1 claims to be fighting against "shilling warmongers" yet the OP is calling for war, violent revolution, fighting.

The state of mind a man chooses to be in not only influences his understanding, interpretation of events and of information but also his actions. How one decides to act also decides what path they take.

The op did not call for invasions or pillaging of countries to satisfy the lust of the elite. He clearly called for people to stand up against them for the benefit of mankind and the earth as a whole. One does not have to act violently to fight. The word of truth amongst unity is mightier than any weapon and we have a choice to fight with either of those, but like all things in life each bring forth their own fruit.

From my interpretation the op did not call for the use of violence and if he had i would not have commended his post and if deep down he does think that violence is the way i can only express my opinion of how wrong it is and advise him to think and observe more and in a calmer more peaceful state of being . Love gives and creates, hate takes,destroys and makes things worse, But, Love ALWAYS ALWAYS makes things better!

To me fight means endeavoring vigorously to win and Anger to me is merely a sign that there is something wrong and many many people are angry. I thank you for your comment because it gave me another opportunity to examine the op and there is only 1 thing i disagree with and Unity99 touched on it, im referring to the wrath part aka extreme anger. We must not give them what they thrive on, Love is truly the way and they detest it because it brings creation together and turns the fear and lies they spread into dust. Hate cannot erase hate only Love can do that and Lies do not erase lies only Truth can do that.

All we need to do is STOP and stand together all of us in unity and with Love, speaking truth and the evil shall be taken care of. I have great faith in that. We all have to go eventually and i would rather move forward with Love than backwards with violence.

"Violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers." - Martin Luther King -

"Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat for it is momentary." -Mahatma Gandhi-

Edited to add that the only time i would even think of using violence is if someone was trying to kill me or physically harm me or my family and there was no room for words or anywhere safe for me to go, but i would not try or want to kill them i would only want to stop the attack and it wouldn't be tantamount to a defeat for they lost the moment they chose to attack me. Note that all those who strive for truth and justice all those who seek or represent love and all those being oppressed are my family.


edit on 14/11/11 by Unrivaled1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14/11/11 by Unrivaled1 because: addnedit 1love =)

edit on 14/11/11 by Unrivaled1 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14/11/11 by Unrivaled1 because: supaedit

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by edog11

Great post op. Some little matters I likes to add about your thread. Maybe useful.


I just want to tell you that people should trust their own mind which they have been trying to free it from illusion and affection.

Whatever their goal exactly is, it will be very bad for the rest of us judging from their history of blood-lust, cannibalism, satanism, mass-murder, sadism, pedophilia and a bunch of other sick stuff.

I just send best wishes for you and for all human beings all around the world from Iran.

I entered ATS about exactly 9 months ago. I tried to study about HAARP , then I just saw the category , SEcret societies.

I entered there and a new age in my life began.

I just came to understand that some words of Ahmadinejad are true.

I registered and I fonf out everything is just behind an entity called the PTB.

As I studied more , I understood that there is the PTB.

I just found that US govt is backing it and the new child of that is Israel.

So , I know what you are talking about.

I believe that you are the people who can do that.

and I pray that you could bring justice to that power.

Peace , Equality , brotherhood , justice.

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic
reply to post by edog11

It was funny cause OP thinks he can make a difference...

Man I miss being young.

And when did you decide to throw your human dignity into the wind and cower in fear?

I'm not gonna close my eyes again. NEVER AGAIN will I allow myself to fail to get through for my fellow brothers and sisters.
You see, I have found something much more valuable than "my" life. I have found something that gives me infinite strength, courage and the will to push through no matter what.
What did I find? MY HUMANITY! Nothing and noone can ever take that away from me and I won't allow it to wither to nothingness like you have apparently done. I know exactly what I am!

For those of you who have found their true self and are wide awake, just waiting to join in the war, good job on getting so far. Never let someone tell you that what you are doing is wrong. True justice is not wrong, no matter how they spin it. Fighting for freedom and to end human suffering is not wrong, no matter who says what. You are a soldier with morals and all you need is your humanity! Remember, it is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! If you understand what I said here...- if you FEEL what I just said here, then you are ready for whatever they will throw at us.

For those who are still in the process of gathering the courage to open your eyes and see your true self for the first time: The only thing you have to do is take a good and long look as your existence and the existence of others. Ask yourself, what is really important? Is this life really the most important thing in existence? isn't an idea/thought/concept also something "real" and if so, what Concept/idea do I want to spread? Is this true freedom? What am I willing to do for the "greater good"? What will I do to at least attempt to give the next generation the most valuable and beautiful gift imaginable which is TRUTH, FREEDOM and KNOWLEDGE?

For those who say that violence isn't necessarily the way, I agree. But because we have waited for so long and have therefor let them grow too much. There are not many options left for us. If we only remain peaceful, they will eventually find out our weakness and take advantage of it. Even if the peaceful solution works, it will only be temporary since they won't magically have a change of heart and just STOP.
What is required is not only the overthrowing of these elites. It's also the discouraging of ALL FORMS of corruption. We need to remain vigilant even after they are "gone". Otherwise, a bunch of other psychopaths will try to assume control.
WE AS A RACE NEED TO AWAKEN TO THE TRUE MEANING OF OUR EXISTENCE! We shall not tolerate any more injustice and will have fight corruption on any and every level to secure our future and the future of our children.

Good luck to you all and thank you for the positive replies. I am glad to see that there are some who will not let their humanity be suppressed any longer.

edit on 14-11-2011 by edog11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by edog11

Originally posted by Lysergic
reply to post by edog11

It was funny cause OP thinks he can make a difference...

Man I miss being young.

And when did you decide to throw your human dignity into the wind and cower in fear?

I'm not gonna close my eyes again. NEVER AGAIN will I allow myself to fail to get through for my fellow brothers and sisters.
You see, I have found something much more valuable than "my" life. I have found something that gives me infinite strength, courage and the will to push through no matter what.
What did I find? MY HUMANITY! Nothing and noone can ever take that away from me and I won't allow it to wither to nothingness like you have apparently done. I know exactly what I am!


Okay, obviously you had a hearty breakfast.

All thats fine and dandy, but you know I am just wondering how much good your humanity is doing you behind a PC screen, I would think change requires some hands on. But s'all good player, glad you have it all figured out.I wouldn't say its cowering in fear its more of just being real and seeing how things have played out over history. I use to have a fanciful imagination like yourself.

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