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Egypt's Hall of Records Found But Egyptian Government is Covering it Up!

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posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Its cool all of the talk about mist,snakes, atomic 6, and pyramid dynamics as a tool but what does that have to do with the hall of records?

Dr. Zahi Hawass is now out as the voice of Egyptology and many wish him a speedy adieu and never come back but the new guy on the block seems to be worse.

snippet from source:

Asked about the fate of Egypt's ancient monuments under his tenure, given his specialty in Islamic and Coptic monuments, Amine assured that his training would not be an obstacle to caring for ancient Egyptian monuments. “My duty is to preserve Egypt’s antiquities, whether Islamic, Coptic, Jewish and Pharaonic,” Amine confirmed.


Maybe as bad as he was, Hawass wasn't the worst for hiding further discoveries from the masses. If the hall of records were discovered recently a person devoted to Islamic and coptic studies might bury the findings and erase the histories with no qualms at all.

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy88

Originally posted by bulla
IT must be, by now becoming, obvious, to all who read this, that not one view, whether, supported or not, has been excepted by Mr Hans lune, and that includes but not limited to, the translation of the Rosette stone

I am afraid Mr Lune, you have blow any creditability you thought you had, as an adversary for truth as you have proven to all, your agenda lies elsewhere

It is without doubt that Bulla knows of what art thou he speak. He has taken the holy trinity of einstein, tesla and newton and gone up one higher to levels only he is capable of achieving. I only wish that he recognize that time is of the essence and attest to his candidacy for the presidential election of 2012. Bulla for 2012.

Thank you for your vote of confidence, but there is more important issues to deal with, and I have enough fires lite now without lighting any more, but to explain, I realized that what changes need to be undertaken, need to come from the shop floor, so to speak, put your case to the people, and if they see credibility in what you say, and believe with honest intent, then you get consensuses,

Trying to change long held and floored views, is a contentious issue, not something for the faint hearted one must be accurate as one can, and speak in plain English, and never fall over one own feet with every utterance one makes regardless over what time period,, there for, if one relies upon untruths and made up stories then one must have a super memory and instant recall of any fabricated utterances

Better, and much easier, to tell it how it is, all be it, sometimes the truth is cutting, and hurtful, but haven't we all had a gut full, of the bull # and lies, and full on deceit, that is consuming our very spirit of our existence

posted on Nov, 16 2011 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by dcmb1409
Its cool all of the talk about mist,snakes, atomic 6, and pyramid dynamics as a tool but what does that have to do with the hall of records?

Dr. Zahi Hawass is now out as the voice of Egyptology and many wish him a speedy adieu and never come back but the new guy on the block seems to be worse.

snippet from source:

Asked about the fate of Egypt's ancient monuments under his tenure, given his specialty in Islamic and Coptic monuments, Amine assured that his training would not be an obstacle to caring for ancient Egyptian monuments. “My duty is to preserve Egypt’s antiquities, whether Islamic, Coptic, Jewish and Pharaonic,” Amine confirmed.


Maybe as bad as he was, Hawass wasn't the worst for hiding further discoveries from the masses. If the hall of records were discovered recently a person devoted to Islamic and coptic studies might bury the findings and erase the histories with no qualms at all.

It is true what you say as pitting one religion against the other, and destruction of one another s ancient posted markings, is indeed, is an unspeakable tragedy, and I am appalled at the lack of respect , there not being any, for one another, as it comes down to blind hatred, of one another, being the very floored premise, that religion is based upon, which I see was not the original undertaking, but something to paste over other understandings and horrible actions that put us all on this coarse of self destruction, it is this that I strive to expose, and bring to light , it was not always this way, and it is the hall of records, all be it unread, but understood, that I speak of , and will continue to drill down upon same , but I only do some to bring mankind to one focal point, the cliamte train

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 03:42 AM
Egyptian Hall of Records
Ho, how I would love this to be exposed, and bought in to the light of day, as it is extremely difficult to out line the truth when there has been an ongoing and Semitic and concerted efforts to remove and or destroy any and all documentation, and its not just the Egyptian records that has suffered, as the Mayan civilization underwent the precise same extermination of documentation, and or anything that would lead to the truth, being contradictory to the bible

To this the example, I have uncovered within the Rosetta stone, and the description of the snakes, that while small, I believe is the first time it has been bought to light, in such away and then the, small snippet of the Mayan RED and WHITE rainbows is most heartening, as they corroborate each other,

As to the question of Rainbows that sends the Scientific fraternity into machination of denial, and there scientific understandings, that it can now,for the first time be shown to be floored, incorrect and false,

To this the fraternity believed, that the Rainbow was a reflection of the suns rays through the clouds directly, it can now be shown and proven, that this critical assumption is totally inaccurate and false and misleading

Furthermore that the Rainbows are an event that takes place upon Earths surface, and that the resulting light is project upwards, and if there happens to be clouds over head, then you will see your ROYBIV Rainbow, but what was not realized, that the very same event accrues continuously, but goes unseen by the naked eye, and is what is meant when the Mayan speak of the RED Rainbow and the White Rainbow, and it is all this documentation that has been systemically removed, by others as it didn't fit in with the bible

Now there is a hole lot of Quantum Geophysics that becomes unlocked when this hidden and obscured data gets onto the scientific work bench, and I can tell you right now the first thing that jumps out at you free and for nothing, is the so called ever allusive Scientific GOD Factor, that's the first item, the second on the cab rank Is, Photonic cold fusion power, being endless free power, the third is Zero sum Gravity contained, and also the doorway to another dimension

And for 2000 years, we as a civilization have been treated like mushrooms, and kept in the dark, while, meanwhile this blue planet has been torn apart for profit, for stuff we never needed in the first place, and now it begins to emerge why this age is known as the Iron age, or should it have been called the backwards age, and there is no prize for guessing who it was, that perpetrated this backwards act of an entire civilization, I say looking at it now, that we as a civilization have had our future stolen from us, and an entire two thousand years of advancement, and we have yet to reach the level of our ancient ancestors, who had this wisdom and Knowledge, where by we were bludgeoned and murdered and stoned in to and back to the dark ages, and there has been a purposeful agenda driven cover up, to obscure this fact, in other words, we have been living a total lye for 2000 years

But something tells me within all this, was an agreed contract, that falls due for renewal, on the 21st December 2012 , and that is where the day of reckoning comes from, and to this I add, it is my belief that the Atomic chain reaction that has been put in place within our oceans was on purpose, to cause a massive Magnetosphere eclipse in an en devour to avert the the judgment day by committing this entire planet and its entire population to a religious Gena-side, or, if religion cannot have Earth, then no one else will either, and there in lye's the depth of Religious hatred

The above is a shocking indictment, to mans on going existence, but me, I am fighter, and forewarned is forearmed, and I don't intend to let any one, religious or otherwise, threaten or jeopardize the ongoing future of this planet, perfect it may not be, but it could be a total Paradise, given we now have the understanding and the means to change it, that for 2000 years has been purposely hidden from us, that I have now outed above, and I have nothing but repulsion, and repugnance for the Scientific fraternity who have collaborated in this deception

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:34 AM

To explain the entire Giza Pyramid, its function was to produce mist being, HydroH2o@ Atomic (6)
If you take note within the mask of Horus (RA) god Sacred Geometry, you will see depicted 4 blocks in frame, then see schematics out side Kings chamber see same stone blocks, raised up in frame, the entire top of the Pyramid is fill to overflowing with water

While watching the three baby Pyramids being Giza Atomic clock when sun descends at sunrise and its light touches the tip of highest of the three baby pyramids, then ,Moses thew his stick upon the ground, the Arkites then began dropping the stone block pump stones into the pool of water, thereby cascading said water down the step chamber to make foam and mists, that then were sucked via convection like a huge chimney back up under and through ducts provided and out vents provided and given at dawn the sun draws the breeze to the east so was the mist, and the side not being flat, being con-vexed, it causes a vacuum, where by the mist is suspended where by it is struck by the suns rays causing fiery white snakes makes big rainbows in the sky

The schematics for the three baby pyramids is from first and highest tip to center tip is 4minuets = 1 degree to the third another 4minutes =1 degree in all 8 minutes 2 degrees any longer and you will destroy your own crops from floods

I am affraid I cannot give you a link to Horus

the porpose was producing m i s t ?..rainbows.....??

are u on something??

Its funny, because there is actually evidence in the great pyramid of internal water using..but for ....m i s t ??

edit on 17-11-2011 by anti72 because: edited for ROFL

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by anti72

To explain the entire Giza Pyramid, its function was to produce mist being, HydroH2o@ Atomic (6)
If you take note within the mask of Horus (RA) god Sacred Geometry, you will see depicted 4 blocks in frame, then see schematics out side Kings chamber see same stone blocks, raised up in frame, the entire top of the Pyramid is fill to overflowing with water

While watching the three baby Pyramids being Giza Atomic clock when sun descends at sunrise and its light touches the tip of highest of the three baby pyramids, then ,Moses thew his stick upon the ground, the Arkites then began dropping the stone block pump stones into the pool of water, thereby cascading said water down the step chamber to make foam and mists, that then were sucked via convection like a huge chimney back up under and through ducts provided and out vents provided and given at dawn the sun draws the breeze to the east so was the mist, and the side not being flat, being con-vexed, it causes a vacuum, where by the mist is suspended where by it is struck by the suns rays causing fiery white snakes makes big rainbows in the sky

The schematics for the three baby pyramids is from first and highest tip to center tip is 4minuets = 1 degree to the third another 4minutes =1 degree in all 8 minutes 2 degrees any longer and you will destroy your own crops from floods

I am affraid I cannot give you a link to Horus

the porpose was producing m i s t ?..rainbows.....??

are u on something??

Its funny, because there is actually evidence in the great pyramid of internal water using..but for ....m i s t ??

Look son, there has be far more intelligent people than me om this planet in Ancient times, but don't shoot the massenger

edit on 17-11-2011 by anti72 because: edited for ROFL

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by bulla

Originally posted by anti72

To explain the entire Giza Pyramid, its function was to produce mist being, HydroH2o@ Atomic (6)
If you take note within the mask of Horus (RA) god Sacred Geometry, you will see depicted 4 blocks in frame, then see schematics out side Kings chamber see same stone blocks, raised up in frame, the entire top of the Pyramid is fill to overflowing with water

While watching the three baby Pyramids being Giza Atomic clock when sun descends at sunrise and its light touches the tip of highest of the three baby pyramids, then ,Moses thew his stick upon the ground, the Arkites then began dropping the stone block pump stones into the pool of water, thereby cascading said water down the step chamber to make foam and mists, that then were sucked via convection like a huge chimney back up under and through ducts provided and out vents provided and given at dawn the sun draws the breeze to the east so was the mist, and the side not being flat, being con-vexed, it causes a vacuum, where by the mist is suspended where by it is struck by the suns rays causing fiery white snakes makes big rainbows in the sky

The schematics for the three baby pyramids is from first and highest tip to center tip is 4minuets = 1 degree to the third another 4minutes =1 degree in all 8 minutes 2 degrees any longer and you will destroy your own crops from floods

I am affraid I cannot give you a link to Horus

the porpose was producing m i s t ?..rainbows.....??

are u on something??

Its funny, because there is actually evidence in the great pyramid of internal water using..but for ....m i s t ??

Look son, there has be far more intelligent people than me om this planet in Ancient times, but don't shoot the massenger

edit on 17-11-2011 by anti72 because: edited for ROFL

WE try yet again
Look son there has been far more intellergant people than me on this planet in Ancient times but don't shoot the messenger

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by bulla
IT must be, by now becoming, obvious, to all who read this, that not one view, whether, supported or not, has been excepted by Mr Hans lune, and that includes but not limited to, the translation of the Rosette stone

Sorry bulla you provided no evidence that the stuff you made up is in the Rosetta stone - you declined to provide that information...don't you remember? lol

Your studied reply was

I am affraid I cannot give you a link to Horus

So a complete fail on your first made up stuff

On the second issue of made up stuff you failed to explain what the following phrase meant?

Hetrodynamic Electromagnetic hydro 4 element standing wave array

Your cryptic reply was:

See Mayan Red and or White Rainbows

You told me to go look it up! Oh man a major fail, sorry dude it's up to you to provide the answers and not for me to do your research for ya, lol

Review of bulla's failures

bulla appears to have never actually read the Rosetta stone and cannot provide a quote or reference to back up his claim

(hint for you bulla when you are making stuff up don't use a source that people can find and read - use a source no one can question - like claiming the information is from an Al Hanash, Gabrial, or a talking jar of mayonnaise)

For his techno babble he again fails - I suspect he doesn't take notes of the stuff he makes up so its hard for him to cite to anything that backs it up

So '0' for bulla and '2' for reality, a clear win for reality

So what is your next crazy claim?

Hey since you claim to be smarter than Einstein and Newton howz about I put up some of their formulas - with a small change to them - and see if you can spot it? lol

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by dcmb1409
Its cool all of the talk about mist,snakes, atomic 6, and pyramid dynamics as a tool but what does that have to do with the hall of records?

Well, all the above are related in that each bit is pure fantasy.

Other than that one thread that runs through them all, they have nothing in common.

At least I hope by now everyone has realized that bulla is fulla.


posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Harte

At least I hope by now everyone has realized that bulla is fulla.


The question is now: is he REALLY full of it or just acting like he is full of it? lol

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by dcmb1409
Its cool all of the talk about mist,snakes, atomic 6, and pyramid dynamics as a tool but what does that have to do with the hall of records?

Well, all the above are related in that each bit is pure fantasy.

Other than that one thread that runs through them all, they have nothing in common.

At least I hope by now everyone has realized that bulla is fulla.


I was wondering when the second Gargoyle would show up, upon the locked gates of truth and advancement, and speak of the devil, and he appears

You are entitled to you own opinions, but something tells me that there is many that see the old world of pure spin lies and corruption and greed, is finally showing signs of cracking, on its way to crumbling into decay, that is long overdue

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by bulla

I was wondering when the second Gargoyle would show up, upon the locked gates of truth and advancement, and speak of the devil, and he appears

You are entitled to you own opinions, but something tells me that there is many that see the old world of pure spin lies and corruption and greed, is finally showing signs of cracking, on its way to crumbling into decay, that is long overdue

No facts again......

bulla you have two questions awaiting your answers above and I'll add a third, what is the signifcance of 2.17643?

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by bulla

I was wondering when the second Gargoyle would show up, upon the locked gates of truth and advancement, and speak of the devil, and he appears

You are entitled to you own opinions, but something tells me that there is many that see the old world of pure spin lies and corruption and greed, is finally showing signs of cracking, on its way to crumbling into decay, that is long overdue

No facts again......

bulla you have two questions awaiting your answers above and I'll add a third, what is the signifcance of 2.17643? [/quote

Yes teacher, no teacher, three bags full teacher, the day some rock doctor, thinks he can play childish school yard guessing games, to score totally pointless outcomes, that he believes will cast a all knowing light upon his lack of knowledge and appreciation of same, I would not lower myself to such childish tactics, by becoming involved with such stupidity, I can only recommend, you stick to the school yard, and leave the Quantum Geophysics to those that do Know and understand it,

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by bulla

bulla you have two questions awaiting your answers above and I'll add a third, what is the signifcance of 2.17643? [/quote

Yes teacher, no teacher, three bags full teacher, the day some rock doctor, thinks he can play childish school yard guessing games, to score totally pointless outcomes, that he believes will cast a all knowing light upon his lack of knowledge and appreciation of same, I would not lower myself to such childish tactics, by becoming involved with such stupidity, I can only recommend, you stick to the school yard, and leave the Quantum Geophysics to those that do Know and understand it,

That is interesting.....didn't you claim to be smarter than Newton and Einstein? If so you should recognize that number - the fact that you don't says this about your claim..........f a k e

2.176431087 to give the full number is the Planck mass.....which is one of the key numbers in the most famous formula in the world. It is usually rounded up to 2.17644 - which is why you couldn't google

E = mc2
1.9561 = 2.17644 x 8.987551787
1.9651 = 1.9561

So you're claim is debunked - oh by the way I called a friend of mine who teaches high school science - he knew what the number was instantly........

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune

Originally posted by bulla

bulla you have two questions awaiting your answers above and I'll add a third, what is the signifcance of 2.17643? [/quote

Yes teacher, no teacher, three bags full teacher, the day some rock doctor, thinks he can play childish school yard guessing games, to score totally pointless outcomes, that he believes will cast a all knowing light upon his lack of knowledge and appreciation of same, I would not lower myself to such childish tactics, by becoming involved with such stupidity, I can only recommend, you stick to the school yard, and leave the Quantum Geophysics to those that do Know and understand it,

That is interesting.....didn't you claim to be smarter than Newton and Einstein? If so you should recognize that number - the fact that you don't says this about your claim..........f a k e

2.176431087 to give the full number is the Planck mass.....which is one of the key numbers in the most famous formula in the world. It is usually rounded up to 2.17644 - which is why you couldn't google

E = mc2
1.9561 = 2.17644 x 8.987551787
1.9651 = 1.9561

So you're claim is debunked - oh by the way I called a friend of mine who teaches high school science - he knew what the number was instantly........

So now,given you have all the so called knowledge, of the numbers, could you then please explain to all the members why, we are still living in such a backwards world, and having these, incomplete, numbers,that it has done totally Zero to improve mankind's, standing, on the advancement stakes, as a civilization, nor stopped wars or homelessness or poverty, I see your numbers, as a hocks, for the ruling Ellette, or something you can discuss over the fine china and silver cutlery, while you ponder the possible out comes of your floored numbers

To this, there is something you are not understanding, and that is your so called Numbers, have been superseded as they have not, and still do not,and cannot, derive any conclusive answers, to any questions we want answers to

No demand answers to, its all just a means to a payroll cheq, at the end of each and every month,being a total fraud by the scientific fraternity and its Guild, that sucks upon the assets of the Tax payers

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:19 PM
No bulla it was done to show that your wild claims are without basis and you are making stuff up, you are no messiah, no super genius ,just either a faking troll or a someone having difficulty in the real world.

You have two questions related to your earlier claims still outstanding...should I repeat them or will you concede your claims were just stuff you made up?

Yes bulla that's right I'm ignoring your attempt to change the subject, lol
edit on 17/11/11 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 07:47 PM

posted on Nov, 17 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
No bulla it was done to show that your wild claims are without basis and you are making stuff up, you are no messiah, no super genius ,just either a faking troll or a someone having difficulty in the real world.

You have two questions related to your earlier claims still outstanding...should I repeat them or will you concede your claims were just stuff you made up?

Yes bulla that's right I'm ignoring your attempt to change the subject, lol
edit on 17/11/11 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

I, and every one else can see, that I have driven you in to a corner, that you well know you cannot avoid, and all your bleating s of not true, false, fake, made up,are just pure tactics, and are but the standard practice, and set agenda, that the fraternity has relied upon, to hide behind, in there ineptness and fraud, that they postulate upon the people, and anyone, that dares to challenge there hierarchical strangle hold, that you think you have over scientific advancement, well you are about to discover very soon that your ways are for the trash bin, as the real facts of science begins to emerge, and swallow you hole in the process, all we have to show for your efforts is Mobile cancer causing phones, that steel money under false pretenses from 5 year old upwards , is this your sum of advancement ho goody goody give me cheaper rates

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by bulla

I, and every one else can see, that I have driven you in to a corner, that you well know you cannot avoid, and all your bleating s of not true, false, fake, made up,are just pure tactics, and are but the standard practice, and set agenda, that the fraternity has relied upon, to hide behind, in there ineptness and fraud, that they postulate upon the people, and anyone, that dares to challenge there hierarchical strangle hold, that you think you have over scientific advancement, well you are about to discover very soon that your ways are for the trash bin, as the real facts of science begins to emerge, and swallow you hole in the process, all we have to show for your efforts is Mobile cancer causing phones, that steel money under false pretenses from 5 year old upwards , is this your sum of advancement ho goody goody give me cheaper rates

Hmmm you're have made three claims I have questioned you on and by your refusal to explain them I deem them conceded

So your Rosetta stone comment is deemed invalid and your phrase is deemed a mixture of nonsense and technobabble. We have also shown that despite claims that you were smarter than Einstein you didn't know the Planck mass.

So what do we have; we have a dude who did very badly at faking being a bad speller (why I have no idea) fortunately you abandoned that, you rambled on incoherently about things having nothing to do with the op or archaeology ...... just so you know I'm not personally responsible for the management of the

You are debunked, laughted at and dismissed. If you have any further comments on the op of this thread 'Egypt's Hall of Records Found But Egyptian Government is Covering it up" please make them, however if you are just going to might want to go to the rant forum

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 10:24 AM
Speaking of Albert Einstein, Its my belief that he had the full equation, but was unable to come out with it, due to the repercussions of doing so, as did Sir Isaac Newton, and also Nostradamus, and it is the reasons for there conundrums and cryptic messages they left us with, and I feel sure there are a great many scientists today, that also know a lot more than they are able, or are bold enough to speak out about it, and something that Einstein said was 100% accurate

Quote Albert Einstein 1949
The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today, is in my opinion the real source of the evil

Seen on another members signature, great quote and it still holds true to this very day, only more so

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