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Opinion: Do you guys/gals think that the ETs help make the pyramids?

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posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 07:50 PM
I think people have to remember how long Humans and their ever evolving ancient ancestors have been on Planet Earth.....MILLIONS OF YEARS.

We are considered HOMO our predecesor was....CRO-MAGNON. They were aound about 35,000 to 40,000 years ago. If you put a HOMO SAPIEN next to a CRO-MAGNON.....they would be near impossible to tell them apart....other than Cro-Magnon being define high DRAFT PICKS ON AN NFL COACHES LIST. They tended to be a little taller....but in general....there are Millions of Homosapiens that are the same size as any Cro-magnon.

CRO-MAGNON....had a larger brain. YA!....a bigger brain than us! In fact.....THEY....BECAME....US! WE....are....THEM! EVOLUTION BABY!

There is one thing and one thing only about the Pyramids that may point to E.T. being involved....and it is not the ability to build them or design them or the time needed to construct or move the blocks.....HOMOSAPIENS....were and still enough....even with low tech. to engineer a way to get it done....NO....the real questions have to do with a chamber that hung SHEETS OF COPPER.....AND A DIRECTIONAL SMALL OUTLET TUNNEL FOR THE RADIO TRANSMISION TOWARD A GROUP OF STARS....that this simple but effective acient RADIO TRANSMITTER....that used the EARTHS OWN VIBRATIONARY well as magnetic transmit a RADIO SIGNAL. NOW....WHY?
Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:17 PM
if we humans build advanced things using technology then why is the entire planet of human beings. day after day are forced to go to work and do mind numbing irrellavent work that has nothing to do with anything.

we should only be farming, maintaining our homes, learning the universe, protecting our selves from evil, those things of that nature. not working for a paycheck building products that we really dont care about and did not come up with in the 1st place

if you questioned every human being on the planet and asked them how would they want to live they would say they would wantto be rich
being rich is equivelent to being "free"

when we where free we could build things without E.T help we use the powers of the Pineal Gland to create our own reality and live in harmony with love being the most powerful emotion not fear ,despare, and fascism

proof that humans are not building technological advanced things is our consumerism we wait for the next new product to come out. and we remenice on the old ones that are long gone.....

we cant be evolved creatures who build advance things and be consumers at the same time that doesnt make sense.
edit on 28-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by starsystem3

While I applaud your....let's stop buying crap and concentrate on what is important post....and even though the World Economy is in a down turn....and GLOBAL WARMING IS VERY REAL....and will become a major problem in years to come........PEOPLE IN GENERAL....AS A PERCETAGE OF THE WHOLE....BECAUSE SOME ARE LIVING IN SQUALLER......HAVE A BETTER LIFE NOW THAN AT ANY TIME IN HISTORY!

I used to to a great degree and still do on rare occation....TEACH SURVIVAL....WINTER.....DESERT....OCEAN....DISASTER RESPONSE....YOU NAME IT. I also taught some of this to kids in special programs...mostly inner city youths.

People today have NO to cope or SURVIVE in even the areas they live if power went out as it did in my area....WESERN MASS. for 7 to 14 days for some.

In acient times...or even a couple of hundred years ago.....99.99% of people time was devoted to keeping a supply of food as well as tending crops....chopping wood for winter cold.....continual maintanance on dwellings that did not have the option of modern day pink insulation....and string seeds and tubers or root like potatos...etc....HUNTING.....keeping care of wildstock.....and these people were the LUCKY ONES!

I have been trained to teach Men to survive in Sub-Zero Temps. with nothing but the cloths on their back....and sometimes without.....and sometimes just a knife.....or not. The first and formost hurdle is your can endure having cold feet to the point of FROSTBITE....for days....but then....even if you spent all your time doing other things to shelter and fire....if your toes fall offf and feet turn black then blood poison sets are protection of outer extremities is important since without them....feet and will die.

My point of all this is....I have seen tough men.....MILITARY MEN....SWAT.....last 2 or 3 days in a two week program....vowing never to return. Next time it gets cold out....go out side in your best gear.....with someone watching you....but without gloves and without Winterproof Boots....wear a pair of good heavyleather contruction type boots if you hat....but have a good winter coat and I will even let you wear long johns with whatever kind of pants you want....but no hay or hood, no gloves, and no winterized boots....take a lighter with you if you wish....but try to stay outside for 18 hours....not even a day....18 a fire if you like.....but no furnature, no shelter unless you construct it out of tree or brush....and NO WATER OR DRINK OR FOOD....UNLESS YOU KILL IT.....and it must be wild food...plant or domestic....THEN COME TALK TO ME.....and tell me how bad we have our 21st Century World of Wonder!

YEAH.....we have it sooo bad! PLEEEAAASSSE! It will be the longest 18 hours of your life! If you even make it that long! AND SO THERE IS NO QUESTION OF SAFETY.....ALWAYS HAVE ONE OR BEST TWO PEOPLE CHECKING IN ON YOU....PREFERABLY SOMEONE WITH MEDICAL TRAINING OR A DOCTOR....HYPOTHERMIA CAN SET IN QUICKLY.....especially in people of low body mass or low fat reserves....or WOMEN! Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 09:13 PM
you understand everything i said and im glad an expert came into the post to prove my ranting isnt some made up stuff

you said with your own text that we cannot survive on our own! to an extent, so therefore we are slaves and if we are slaves then that must mean our bodies where designed to serve. not create or build advanced things that would look conventional of todays standards, like houses, computers automobiles etc......

the vivid picture you just painted about us surviving on our own is just more proof we are controlled by ets and currently have help from more advanced beings. even today they help us make everything we use

without them we wouldnt be able to build anything we would just die off if we did not live in a warm climate
edit on 28-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by starsystem3
you understand everything i said and im glad an expert came into the post to prove my ranting isnt some made up stuff

you said with your own text that we cannot survive on our own! to an extent, so therefore we are slaves and if we are slaves then that must mean our bodies where designed to serve. not create or build advanced things that would look conventional of todays standards, like houses, computers automobiles etc......

the vivid picture you just painted about us surviving on our own is just more proof we are controlled by ets and currently have help from more advanced beings. even today they help us make everything we use

without them we wouldnt be able to build anything we would just die off if we did not live in a warm climate
edit on 28-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

I am not sure if you are a man or woman so I will take it easy on you with this response.

You are WRONG! We are the PLANET EARTHS ULTIMATE EVOLUTIONARY KINGS OF SURVIVAL. It is just we are right now making a mistake. We are at a point where our technology is not either sufficient or reliable enough to abandon THE OLD TEACHINGS OF OUR ANCESTORS.


No Animal on land can out run a Human animal can be faster in short sprints....but no animal can out run....out distance....or out think a HUMAN BEING WITH TRAINING AND WILL.

DO you know why we no longer have heavy fur or why we have no claws to speak of....or why we have a combination of both Carnivor and Herbivour TEATH? Because we adapted to be OMNIVEROUS. We have a system to cool our bodies via sweat and an energy storage capacity and access to fat reserves in a way that both converts the material efficiently to energy as well as a energy distribution system that is so evolved it is the WONDER OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. NO OTHER ANIMAL CAN RUN A MARATHON!

We will soon evolve again and we will meld with machine as this is already happening. Our Brains will be HOT WIRED to download or transmit information to anyone anywhere. Bionics....once a TV HERE ....NOW!

We ARE the ULTIMATE SURVIVORS! If we don't kill each other first! Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by yourignoranceisbliss

Yes, but what we are missing here is motivation, not time or manpower.

What motivation was there to build a "tomb" for a Pharaoh, and such a massive one? One that doesn't actually function as a tomb? With a missing capstone?

The monuments to megalomaniac kings litter the Earth.

It's far more plausible that the Egyptians simply discovered the Pyramids and claimed them as their own.

And what motivated the not-Egyptians to build them, then?

Where are the other major contributions from the Egyptian people, who must have mastered advanced mathematics and architecture in order to accomplish such an amazing feat? No remnants? Nothing?

Actually we know quite a bit about their math and architecture now that we can decode some of their texts.

Their math and astronomy was quite a bit better than the Mayans, thousands of years later, who came up with a not-that-great calendar which is supposedly going to end next year.

edit on 28-11-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-11-2011 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

Originally posted by starsystem3
you understand everything i said and im glad an expert came into the post to prove my ranting isnt some made up stuff

you said with your own text that we cannot survive on our own! to an extent, so therefore we are slaves and if we are slaves then that must mean our bodies where designed to serve. not create or build advanced things that would look conventional of todays standards, like houses, computers automobiles etc......

the vivid picture you just painted about us surviving on our own is just more proof we are controlled by ets and currently have help from more advanced beings. even today they help us make everything we use

without them we wouldnt be able to build anything we would just die off if we did not live in a warm climate
edit on 28-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

I am not sure if you are a man or woman so I will take it easy on you with this response.

You are WRONG! We are the PLANET EARTHS ULTIMATE EVOLUTIONARY KINGS OF SURVIVAL. It is just we are right now making a mistake. We are at a point where our technology is not either sufficient or reliable enough to abandon THE OLD TEACHINGS OF OUR ANCESTORS.


No Animal on land can out run a Human animal can be faster in short sprints....but no animal can out run....out distance....or out think a HUMAN BEING WITH TRAINING AND WILL.

DO you know why we no longer have heavy fur or why we have no claws to speak of....or why we have a combination of both Carnivor and Herbivour TEATH? Because we adapted to be OMNIVEROUS. We have a system to cool our bodies via sweat and an energy storage capacity and access to fat reserves in a way that both converts the material efficiently to energy as well as a energy distribution system that is so evolved it is the WONDER OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. NO OTHER ANIMAL CAN RUN A MARATHON!

We will soon evolve again and we will meld with machine as this is already happening. Our Brains will be HOT WIRED to download or transmit information to anyone anywhere. Bionics....once a TV HERE ....NOW!

We ARE the ULTIMATE SURVIVORS! If we don't kill each other first! Split Infinity

we are survivors, but we are not ultimate' thats why we live in little boxes, with triangles on top of them called houses, our alien buddys put those ideas together and brung them to life all we did was learn how to take those pieces like leggos and put them together! but we would never have those type of homes erect out of the forest if we had the bare essentials such as our two hands and a brain.....

thats why its not smart to say we evolved from the caveman, when in reality we are worst then this caveman you speak of!!! only indigeous tribes have any sanity on this planet. those humans are the only ones who live a natural human life. once you get placed into a city you become crazy and indoctrinated with nonsense/

animals have us beat on the survivol skills they come equiped to their enviroment
if the one creator god created all of us then how is evolution a idea of his???

that would be the idea of an advanced species who partakes in x-men experiements, gene splicing etc....
i do not believe in natural evolution. we came here as humans and will die as humans only thing that has changed is our abilty to use our pineal gland to build things

now we build with our hands only and we really dont build we just put things together that have been made for us by an advanced entity.

why do you think the eyeball behind the dollar bill is glowing? on the pyramid and why do you think its disconnected from the rest of the pyramid we dont ned proof we need more people to use commonsense

look at the image and think about everything i said thus far then you will begin to see the picture....but maybe you are having issues bcuz you never heard of the pineal gland

heres a link for you on the pineal glandpineal gland seat of the soul the magic attennna
edit on 28-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by starsystem3

I have no problem with a person who believes in GOD. I have my own set of beliefs but I respect others beliefs. But what I will not condone is ignorance of what a proven reality is. EVOLUTION stopped being called a theory even before the HUMAN GENOME MAPPING PROJECT WAS COMPLETED.

Every aspect of our development from what we are today....through all our stages of development as when we became Bi-PEDAL in motion in order to deal with climate change on the African savana .....that at one time had been lush forest but now was dryer grassy plains and we needed to see at a higher our super ancient ancestors.....a fetus developing in the womb of a woman goes through developmental stages that display a reptilian phase....a amphibian phase....and we all came from ancestors who had gills as a Human Fetus breaths oxygenated liquid through term till birth.

We have geneticly mapped our species all the way back to the original SINGLE CELLED ANIMAL....we all decended the arguement over EVOLUTION IS....OVER!

We have massive amounts of reminant DNA from VIRUS and BACTERIO;OGICAL infections that our ancestors were infected with.....we know....every atoms placement at every position....everywhere allong the long Molecule.
It is the savior in science for us to fight and end CANCER, MS, AIDS, HEPATITIS to grow back spinal cords.....grow is everything that we are and will be. is NOT in contradiction to a persons belief in GOD! Split Infinity

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 06:48 AM
to argue that human birth is apart of evolution is pure genius, its amazing how man and womb-man can get together and "create" or be the "god-creators" of another being from specified dna molecules, called dark matter(aka melanin) this same dark matter created the universe, this same dark matter is called junk dna, its also known as satan, but whatever ppl believe it proves that their is a God it also proves that this planet is genetically created to serve the purpose of a indifferent mind, who has caaptured it for its own purpose in attempts to make it a computer biological planet "cyborgs" if you will.

its all about energy. not documents, education, experiments, science, religion media, and all that blah blah blah
its all about light and dark energy, male and female energy, its all about the one mind9pineal gland) did you know the ethonol in vodka is the same ingredient found in our spirit as well?

did you know smoke is a spirit? how about the energy that keeps a flame lit thats also a spirit,
david blaine is a credible source: but since he is on tv you get brainwashed into thinking he is not the real deal, he has to be put on the 6 o clock news 1st then you will believe he's the real deal

that guy was desinged just for that very pupose but i have been around ppl who was connected with the universe those ppl are all around us but David hasdecide d to show himself.

its all about energy its all bout the Pineal Gland" you know so much but you ignore this pineal gland once you learn about it i gurantee you will see the light

instead of trying to think to hard and say "we" discovered this and that who is we? just keep it simple

for all the ppl who have been reading my post i have been helping humanity grow . while pissing off ats they know what im saying is the real deal. thay sit bac n luagh how i try to convince brainwashed ppl of the truth in plain sight*

they know you guys are numb skulls but i wont give up on you

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by starsystem3

in each one of these links you will see waht appears to be the advanced race telling us slaves whatto do or showing us how to operate their stuff

Not one of those linked pics shows anything like what you claim.

A mind is a horrible thing to waste, dear sir.

Apparently, you have a severe deficit of curiosity. Were this not so, you would at the very least make some tiny effort toward learning what it is that is depicted in illustrations you use to demonstrate your ignorance here.

Perhaps you should restrain yourself before you cause bodily harm to people reading pure hogwash, such as this:

We are considered HOMO our predecesor was....CRO-MAGNON. They were aound about 35,000 to 40,000 years ago. If you put a HOMO SAPIEN next to a CRO-MAGNON.....they would be near impossible to tell them apart....other than Cro-Magnon being define high DRAFT PICKS ON AN NFL COACHES LIST. They tended to be a little taller....but in general....there are Millions of Homosapiens that are the same size as any Cro-magnon.

Apparently, though you seem to be aware that there are very few differences between us and the tribe of humans that were once referrerd to as "Cro-Magnon," you are unaware that Cro Magnon Man was precisely the same species as ourselves!

Again, may I suggest you make some small effort to actually utilize your brain?

edit on 11/29/2011 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 07:56 AM
we are terrestrials and have always been, a terrestrial is a star being. and exxtra-terrestrial is anything exxtra. this was onced called planet terra. or the star planet, the land was called terrain, so its not hog wash its called being in tune, as far as saying what is not then contribute to what it is.... say something that will help us learn about what you know....intimidation is very appearent here

whenever i post on ats i am very aware that 80% of the people on here are the illuminati posing as regular everyday idiots, the 15% of the humans on here who are regular are brainwashed, and the other 5% are just observers keepin their mouths shut, they maybe aliens and other beings on here, just watching and observing.

no human is that idiotic to think you can build things that are adavcned without the help of the pineal gland


only the illuminati would keep trying to avoid talking about the pineal gland but try to quote and edit what we say to debunk us, since we dont have acess to the pineal gland anymore.....then yes ETs Help'd Us Build and they still are currently helping us....

if we are the terrestrials and they are they exxtra terrestrials bcus of their ability to use their pineal gland than yes they have helpd us and use it aginst us to make us serve them

thats why the eyeball on the one dollar bill glows it represents the power of a pineal gland
edit on 29-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:02 AM
I don't know where people get the idea that ancient Egyptians were less intelligent than we are today, They had the same brains as we do, with the same intelligence and the same ability to solve problems in clever ways. They were just like us.

We may have more [in]knowledge in general, but that doesn't make us more intelligent. Egyptians had over 1000 years of pyramid-building experience. I'm sure during that time a few clever ideas emerged from their brains on how to solve the problem of constructing the Great Pyramid.

We may not know exactly how it was done, because a lot of those clever construction techniques could have been lost to antiquity. However, the clues are all there that gives us a general understanding -- and those clues point directly to the construction being done by humans.

For example, here is a guy who figured out how one person could move huge blocks (Stonehenge block-sized stones). If this guy could figure this out, then I'm sure an Ancient Egyptian would have been smart enough to figure out similar techniques:

edit on 11/29/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

all of those resources he is using was not created by human, only put together by human in a factory designed by alien he obviously used a crane to ship those resources out to the location. he was using plastic buckets, wood carved by saws, and he had metal bolts try having those resources while alone in a forrest with my friend are brainwashed

i would have been more convinced if he had been in the woods all alone with nothing but his two hands
and used nothing but the earth to help him, that guy ran down to the nearest hardware store lol

so it still stands ETs help us

ets helpd him have the resources to do that crap
its a viscious cycle that keeps going in circles

edit on 29-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by starsystem3
we are terrestrials and have always been, a terrestrial is a star being. and exxtra-terrestrial is anything exxtra. this was onced called planet terra. or the star planet, the land was called terrain, so its not hog wash its called being in tune, as far as saying what is not then contribute to what it is.... say something that will help us learn about what you know....intimidation is very appearent here

Sorry, no, it's hogwash.

"Terra" - Latin for earth, or land

"Astra" - Latin for stars.


posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 08:42 AM
now put them together you have terr-astrial now modernize the word you have (terrestrial) aka planet terra the star planet! duh! since we live on a star planet that makes us terrestrials.correct? and arent the people who live on mars called martians? now give us some info since you are so smart.... explain what an et is or the use of a pineal gland

ets helped us build the pyramids we are the caveman and always have been but we are also star beings
edit on 29-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by starsystem3
now put them together you have terr-astrial now modernize the word you have (terrestrial) aka planet terra the star planet! duh! since we live on a star planet that makes us terrestrials.correct?

Certainly not correct.

But I'll give you credit for creativity anyway.

The pineal gland is part of your endocrine system that secretes seratonin thereby having a hand in controlling your wake/sleep pattern.

Not much more than that is known about it. Despite the many erroneous beliefs about the gland that have been in the past professed by the ignorant - and today by the less than honest.


posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 09:35 AM
the pineal gland has a unknown gray area of information that doesnt get talked about on purpose this is by designe. the idiots running this planet gave away that secret behind the dollar bill- the glowing eyeball on the detached portion of the pyramid (third eye) aka pineal gland located on the dollar bill.... but the fact that you know that much means you are halfway there..... to understanding how humans have help from ets heres a secret im going to share with you a et can become a fallen human, and return back into an et, what seperates us is that is that simple tool that is called the pineal gland

thats why certain native tribes hide from the government and live in the forrest away from humans
they dont want to become slaves to lucifer and fall

they want to live free and be able to build things on their own but once you fall you need the ets help

then you start using money, living in cities, and being apart of brainwashing, and doing mundane things that are not conscious like working going to school being forced into religion,,,and you cannot escape once you are trapped they have police, the military, the mib, to keep you trapped

your whole gentic make up gets re-wired you become domesticated "dumb" and lose contact with nature and the universe

you become dependent on those who enslaved you under the name of lucifer thus the modern day human quite an idiot but it isnt humans fault he has no idea thisis happening to him....

that ets are helping him survive bcuz ets took away his abilities

edit on 29-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by starsystem3

Are you telling me his rough-timber equipment could not ever be able to be put together using simple known ancient techniques? What part of this guys' stone-moving equipment could NOT have been put together somehow by Ancient Egyptians?

Saying something similar to that guys' equipment could not have been used by the ancient Egyptians because he may have used modern screws to put it together is wrong. There are other ways to attach things together.

Using your logic, you could say that Ancient Egyptians could not have had hammers, because hammers today are made in factories.

edit on 11/29/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: speelling

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 10:03 AM
try making a modern day hammer all alone in the woods with nothing but your two hands.....when you figure that out than you can be proffesor know it all. untill then we can only use what already exist, thats been created by an advance being.

try this out lets imagine that this entire planet is a leggo block dimension and our job as humans are to learn how to put those leggos together....that does not prove we created the leggos we are only using them...thats how virtually everything on this planet is set up....

how can things made in a factory be used as an explaination? who the hell made the factory before it existed? see how it goes in a viscious circle?

80% of humans need et help to build things thats why you try to show that video as being proof but that video is just like hollywood it only shows you the parts it wants inorder to prove a point

that video did not show how he built any of it how it arrived on the location, it did not show us if he built any of those resources with his own two hands

he went down to the hardware store 1st that alone makes you loose credibility so he used et help....see the sickness human has we are insane and dont even see it....

the perfect slaves to serve a more advanced race who helps and uses use simotaneously
edit on 29-11-2011 by starsystem3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by starsystem3
we are terrestrials and have always been, a terrestrial is a star being. and exxtra-terrestrial is anything exxtra. this was onced called planet terra. or the star planet, the land was called terrain, so its not hog wash its called being in tune, as far as saying what is not then contribute to what it is.... say something that will help us learn about what you know....intimidation is very appearent here

Originally posted by Harteland

Sorry, no, it's hogwash.

"Terra" - Latin for earth, or land

"Astra" - Latin for stars.


Starsystem3, you're very confused.

As Harte pointed out, terrestrial is derived from the latin word "terrestri" meaning "earthly", the "-al" is just a english language technicality. It's the antonym to Celestial, from latin "caelesti", meaning "heavenly", again with the "-al" addition.
There is nothing about "astra" or any other star reference in the word Terra or terrestrial.

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