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Muslims against crusades - BANNED (UK)

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posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by catwhoknowsplusone
reply to post by mr-lizard

Let us get real, please.

The Crusades were about murdering Muslims, by the British.

That is what they did then.

So, now Muslim bombers are murdering.

Could you people get real, please?

And realise that you have a life to live - or, a life in hell.

Slightly wrong there. The crusades were NOT just composed of British, but of nearly all of the Kingdoms of Christiandom which includes, France, Germany, Spain, Italy et al and all under the edict of The Pope.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:42 AM
Not sure about "banning" the group, they've tried this with the same group before.

Just don't let them near the service on Sunday, don't give them any attention, and if the group is banned because of its terrorist links (which has been stated) then arrest the people?

Arrest them on terror charges....

Why just ban this group?

Don't get me wrong, I wish it were as simple as banning them, I'd be all for it... but it's not, you need to tackle the cause and get the root of it... not just ban a group.

Although the fact that they wont be repeating their stunt on Sunday is at least one good thing to come out of it.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by steveknows
And that fact that it's happening in every western country and that the attitude of the muslims in every western country is the same backs that up

Muslims are not ''taking over'' anywhere.

Put your paranoia away. They make up a small percentage of every Western country, where they have been present for over 50 years, in most cases.

What is this ? A ''Jihad'' at snail's pace ?

I would also love to know how you are privy to the ''attitude'' of every single Muslim in the Western world ?

Oh wait, I forgot, you aren't, and your comments are based entirely on your fear and discomfort of those who are different.

Camden. A rural town in NSW. Not a single muslim in the town or anywhere in the area. The muslims wanted to build a school. Why?

Build it and they will come.

Also I have been known to travel and the song is the same.

How loud were they in condeming 911? I was listening out for them but only heard crickets.
edit on 11-11-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
If all they've done is "insult the flag" or other symbolic representations of allegiance to the government, then this is a blow to freedom.

What else might be banned as "offensive", marches against the government, criticism of a "Royal" or elected "official"?

In the US, the government is clamping down on freedoms under the guise of "fighting terrorism" or "making us safer".

In fact, the government is afraid of the people who are more awake than ever.

edit on 10-11-2011 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

That pic is spot on.

I too think that government is rapidly heading toward total lockdown of all dissent in the UK.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by DAZ21
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

I think what he ment to say was, the radical Muslims have a good takeover tactic of building a mass Muslim base in the country and taking over by sheer numbers, which is slowly coming to fruition as we can see. I don't like it but its a great tactic.

And that fact that it's happening in every western country and that the attitude of the muslims in every western country is the same backs that up

Yes, and the 'west' deciding to go bomb the crap out of Iran, will, in reference to Ahmedinajad's mention of street war, only further darken that attitude and risk increased reactionary radicalisation and violent rhetoric and possible uprising
edit on 11/11/2011 by teapot because: english

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by overseer1136

The UK has a long and proud tradition of welcoming deserving refugees into the country and for providing a safe haven for the disadvantaged and perscuted.
When judging Britain for it's historical treatment of it's 'subjects' etc it would be more accurate to compare with how other countries of the time treat their 'subjects;.
And I assure you Britain compares most favourably when compared with French, Belgians and Spanish.
And going further back in time then I think it's fair to say that every Empire that has ever been treat it's 'subjects' quite cruelly by todays standards - just look at The Mayas, Incas, Aztecs etc.
Judging the actions of yesterday by the morals and standards of today hardly gives a fair representation.

Recently Britain has also become home for various different cultures.

Whilst no-one would ever suggest that relations have always been perfect great efforts have been made by all concerned and most of these cultures etc have successfully integrated and enhanced British culture and society allowing it to continue growing and developing.

One notable exception has been large groups of Muslim immigrants and their families who choose to isolate themselves from the rest of British society.
Now there is nothing particularly wrong with that providing British law is observed.
Unfotunately an increasigly large section of these Muslim communities have started disregarding British law and, whilst actively taking advantage of all the benefits and freedoms that Britain has given them for nothing, they actively seek to destroy British society and culture, impose their own barbaric and repressive belief system upon Britain and deny British people those self same freedoms they have exploited.

Muslims Against Crusades seek to exploit any given situation to further their agenda of the imposition of Sharia in the UK, have nothing but contempt for the country that has fed and sheltered them and offered them the opportunity to have a better life away from the poverty and hardship they or their parents etc endured in their country of origin.

These scumbags have no place in the tolerant and free society the vast majority of us wish Britain to be and we will continue to oppose them whenever they raise their evil head.
They will never succeed in their attempts to impose Sharia in the UK.

For once I support this government.

I could not have said it any better and that was a nice little history lesson for me... as soon as I heard this headline I was jumping round my office like a nut case saying finally something good has happened about this.. The MAC website has been taken down already.
I was only on it the day the headlines come out, the thing is there just going to re-name themselves and start again! they should band anything remotely affiliated with MAC!!
All I can say is HAPPY DAYS!!!!

Regards Jay

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

A while ago I stumbled across an interesting organisation called Publications in Contemporary Affairs, PiCA.

Remembering this I looked them up again and read an excellent article titled Islamic Extremism in The United Kingdom: Why, Who and What

In the article the author, Matthew Barnes, highlights, amongst other things, how Muslim extremism was able to gain a foothold in the UK, how the UK had produced so many home grown terrorists and the history behind the development of Muslims Against Crusades.

Although it was written in 2009 it is still very much relevant today and is an excellent read.

I was going to summarise the article in greater depth but would prefer you and anyone else to read it yourself first before commenting on it's contents.
I think there is some common ground, parts are informative and enlightening and it certainly seems to join a lot of the dots up.

Having browsed through the site I think there are some excellent articles on it - I don't agree with some of the conclusions etc, however, I think they are all very well written and for anyone who likes to read more than just the headlines I think the site is well worth more than just a cursory glance.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:15 AM
Agree with the OP, but i'll go further: Why do people come to the UK if they are of a different faith than the majority of the country and religion the country was based on? Opportunity, welfare, handouts.

If they come to such a country wouldn't you think they should be grateful for being here? Sadly, some aren't. And simply should be kicked out.

Islam professes tolerance, willingness to integrate etc.. Individuals may do, but sadly the whole does not. They want to take over, they want to rule with their laws and they won't stop until we either say no, or say yes.

Do we deserve such attrition? Well yes historically all colonialist countries have a certain debt to pay.

The war continues, albeit not outright in the open, but it's there bubbling under the surface.

If you're Islamic and you're not happy with things in the UK, GTFO already, you're not wanted. Not exactly rocket science.


posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:02 AM
Choudary 's house has just been raided under "terrorism charges". Hmmm I wonder if MI5 read these threads and members viewpoints lol. Quite spooky, because I read one poster saying he should be arrested and then BAM ... his home get's raided.

Any odds he has connections to Iran & extreme flammable nuclear weapons?? lol

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:07 AM
The British group Muslims Against Crusades are obviously extremists.

What do normal British Muslims believe?

When 500 British Muslims were interviewed, none believed that homosexual acts were acceptable.

Only 3% of UK Muslims believed that sex between unmarried people was acceptable.

Survey on what British Muslim students believe.

• 57% fell that Muslims serving on the UK armed forces should have the right to opt out if the British army is fighting in a Muslim country.

• 40% felt than men and women should not be allowed to associate freely together, while 12% were not sure.

• 32% felt it could be justifiable to kill in the name of religion.

• 40% want Sharia law introduced into British Law for Muslims.

• 33% want the introduction of a worldwide Caliph, while 25% are opposed. 41% are not sure.

• 59% felt it was important that women wear the hijab but only 31% felt a women should be forced to wear one.

• 40% felt than men and women should not be allowed to associate freely together, while 12% were not sure.

• 16% felt the punishment that Gillian Gibbons received (the British teacher in Sudan who was sent to prison for 15 days after naming a teddy-bear ‘Mohammed’) was just right or not harsh enough. 19% were not sure.

The Pew report in 2006 found that 81% of British Muslims thought of themselves as Muslims first and British second. Only 7% thought of themself as British first.

69% of Spanish Muslims thought of themselves as Muslims first and Spanish second. Only 3% though of themself as Spanish first.

66% of German Muslims thought of themselves as Muslims first and German second. Only 13% thought of themself as German first.

46% of French Muslims thought of themselves as Muslims first and French second.

42% thought of themself as French first.

(1) In respect of the Danish cartoon controversy,

73% of British Muslims feel that the cause for the controversy is Western disrespect (9% feel it is Muslim intolerance).

(2) Interestingly, while 49% of British Muslims feel that Westerners are respectful to women, a significant 44% believe they are not.

59% of non Muslim Britons feel that Muslims are not respectful to women, while only 26% feel they are.

(3) In response to the question, Is there a conflict being a devout Muslim and living in a Western society? 54% of British Muslims feels that there is while 35% see no conflict.

In response to the question "Can violence against civilian targets in order to defend Islam be Justified?"

Only slightly over 1 in 7 (15%) of Muslims said it could (rarely or sometimes), while 64% said it could never be justified

(4) How do British Muslims see Westerns?

67% describe Westerns as selfish, 64% as arrogant and 52% as violent.

British non-Muslim on the other hand describe Muslims as fanatical 48%, as violent 32% and as arrogant 35%.

(5) On a more positive note, British Muslims have a more moderate view of Jews than the non Western Muslim world, however it is still more negative than positive (32% of British Muslims have a positive rating of jews).

(6) 84% of British Muslims are concerned with the rise in Islamic extremism in the world, while only 14% of British Muslim have confidence in Bin Laden, while 68% have little to no confidence in him.

(7) Worryingly, 12% of British Muslims claim that many or most British Muslims support Al Qaeda.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:12 AM
I dont give a crap about who got banned etc, and the muppets who politisize poppies which represents ALL races and creeds.

Just dont disrespect the two minutes silence on Sunday whilst I and my mates march in London to remember our fallen mates because unlike last year, this year you will get a kicking you wont believe!!

The police wont be able to stop it
edit on 11-11-2011 by EvanB because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Freeborn

Thanks for the link, mate.

I shall peruse the content of those articles in the near future, and then I'll come back to you on it.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

edit on 11-11-2011 by Telos because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

Ah, selective poll results !

The foundation of an agenda-driven argument.

How about these ICM polls findings ?

Between 75%-91% of British Muslims polled over the last few years by ICM, pledge their loyalty to Britain.

80% of British Muslims say that ''Western society may not be perfect but Muslims should live within it
and not seek to bring it to an end''.

88% of British Muslims respect the right of all women to dress how they wish.

95% of British Muslims respect the right of all women to work if they wish to.

82% of British Muslims respect of married Muslim women to divorce their husbands, if they wish.

You don't find those poll results reported in The Daily Fail.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:45 AM
Someone should alert the authorities in the west of Scotland. Week in week out we have groups who mock our dead who stand up and rebel against the poppy annually.

Highest profiled example was last year, An anti poppy banner at a football match picked up by sky sports that spread to nearly every UK media outlet.

Anyone found to be anti British should be deported from these shores.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:47 AM
Ok ihave now had a chance to read through all the threads so its time to give my thoughts

Banning of MAC. Whilst agreeing in freedom of speech there needs to be caviats. MAC have overstepped what is moraly acceptable by the vast members of the UK population be they muslim, christian, agnostic et al. Yhe government and politicians are voted in to represent thr people and here is an example of democracy in action that should be applauded.

Chouadry is a sword rattler who would start an argument in a phone box. He stirs up hate and slinks away into the distance. I am glad to see he has had his house raided and i hope enough evidence is found to put him behind bars although i do believe that if sentenced he will find a captive audience (sic) with whom to share his vile rehtoric

The EDL use patriotism as a defence. Wrong. They use patriotism to again stir up trouble all in the name of bigotory and hatred

Choudary and his chronies and Nick griffin and his chronies are just different sides of the same coin and IMHO are no better than each other.

Burning of poppies is wrong. The poppy is a symbol of remeberence of people that have died fighting for freedom. Lets not forget the number of none british amd none british people who died from all religions fighting for freedom

Can i understand how some groups moral sensibilities can be outraged by the poppy. Sadly yes I can as it could be viewed as supporting an unjust war. Do I subscribe to this thinking NO although i do think the evidence to go into Iraq/afganistan is flawed

I have thought long and hard about this recently woild it be right to burn a koran in response to burning a poppy. Answer NO. This isnt about religion it is however about respect

Would I want a group of EDF members angily confronting MAC members on a rememberance parade amswer NO its about respect. Let them rant show your defiance by rising above onserving silence and remembering those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. If anyone has earned the right to protest it is the guys at the parades that fought in the campaigns over the years. So come on you chelsea pentioners fix your bayonets gentlemen if it comes to it after the silence

Regardless of creed colour race or nationality what we need to learn is respect. We all love, laugh, eat, sleep, breath, piss, # and die in equal measure. But without respect it means nothing

Should MAC be banned. My thought is yes. But lets hope the security forces dont let the members slip off the radar as i do think there are some seriously scary fanatical members

Will MAC reform yes no doubt it will. Perhaps a name change to New Mac is in the offing

Should burning of poppies be tolorated - No

Should everyone be tarred with the same brush - No

Its about individual respect and lets not forget opinions are like Arses

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:52 AM
Just seen on Sky News that 57 EDL members were arrested to prevent a "Breach of the peace" and what I thought they said was that the group were trying to lay wreaths?

I can't find any info yet... but there must be more to it than that?

At least the law is fair in this case, Ban Muslim Extremists and ban the EDL..... sounds fair.

This all there is so far, tacked on to this article.

Meanwhile, a group of suspected supporters of the English Defence League, who have regularly clashed with the MAC, were detained by police in Whitehall, opposite the Cenotaph in central London. "We have had a group of people arrested outside the Red Lion in Whitehall to prevent a breach of the peace," a police spokeswoman said, adding there were no further details.

On its website, the EDL said its members were planning to meet in Westminster. "This is about the memories of the fallen past and present,? ?and anyone who acts otherwise will only be helping MAC in disrupting the day," it said.
edit on 11/11/11 by blupblup because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Telos

So, rather than argue your position in support of the five or so comments which I've called you out on, you've completely avoided trying to defend your comments, and just resorted to posting a smiley in response...

There's nothing quite like a stimulating and intellectual debate, I suppose.

We've established that there's a clear disconnect between the point which you're trying to make and how you are actually expressing it. I'm not attempting to ridicule you on how you are articulating your thoughts ( I, also, find it hard, at times, to do justice to my thoughts in written form ).

The problem is that your beliefs, which you've been expressing, in written form, portray a different picture to the actual point that you are attempting to put across. The onus is not on the reader to second-guess the ''true meaning'' of the comments. The reader can do nothing more than interpret the words that are written.

Still, it must me cold in that igloo of yours. You need to tell those foreign invaders to get out of ''your'' country; all 98% of them !

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Soldier81
Someone should alert the authorities in the west of Scotland. Week in week out we have groups who mock our dead who stand up and rebel against the poppy annually.

Highest profiled example was last year, An anti poppy banner at a football match picked up by sky sports that spread to nearly every UK media outlet.

Anyone found to be anti British should be deported from these shores.

I presume you're referring to a group of Celtic ''fans'' who appear to be unhealthily pre-occupied with events in Ireland, 50-100 years ago.

Where are you going to deport them to ? The Republic of Ireland ?

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Because I already said I don't want to personalize the debate and I "rested" my case. I did make my point. Others got it, you didn't. I don't really waste my time in pointless conversations. What was to be said I already said. If you think I was wrong, so be it. Arguing about being right or wrong is not going to change anything.

P.S. I didn't get offended by your comments. I'm a grown man. If I don't like how people might address to me then I just chose to ignore them.

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