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Islam In United Kingdom

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by AussiePatriot
Please UK, get rid of this 'multiculturism' AKA ethnic cleansing of white people. This is not about racial superiority but about racial preservation. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, Europe for Caucasians.
The UK is a native land of white peoples and it should remain that way. Anyone who disagrees is pro- ethnic cleansing and has been brainwashed by the media.

Why dont you get out of your country and leave it to the Aboriginals then?

Practice what you preach.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by AussiePatriot

Originally posted by n00bUK
When you say stay where you are, and that multiculturalism has failed, i hope u also mean Irish stay in Ireland, Scots stay in scotland, welsh in wales. . or would that be wrong because over the time they have integrated into society, with the English taking some traits from them and vica verca.

edit on 9-11-2011 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

Yes thats exactly what I mean. Plus I'm all for Scottish independence in the next few years

well u can fk off in the lcoked room with the other guy too. no room on this planet for people like you, sorry buddy. im not saying go die, im just saying you nshould be locked away so you cant feed utter # into othjer peoples head.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by AussiePatriot
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

If the British didn't colonize Australia then who do you think would of hmm? The Indonesians perhaps? I can assure you if they did and not the British there would be no Aborigines alive today.
And what for? The Aborigines are given everything and they do nothing. They pay no tax, get free education, free housing, free healthcare, free entry to university etc.

The Europeans came here and turned the lifeless desert into one of the wealthiest countries in the world. We fought and died for this nation so I think we have earned enough to call it ours.

I don't expect you to understand since you are in HK and your country isnt undergoing multiculturism. I wouldn't want it to happen to your people because you have much history and culture so why should it happen to mine?

This isn't about hating on other people or religions this is about preserving and keeping places unique and diverse. Multiculturism is ironically destroying that...

So wrong on so many counts!

Again you make the mistake of thinking I don't understand. Like the other poster said you stay locked in your home and don't mix. Your hatred of Aborigine's even stains your own intelligence (lack of).

I have travelled the earth and have learned and been welcomed from so many wise people in Asia, Europe, South America and Africa. Australia and North America don't count because basically they are culturally the same as home.

You stay locked up, fearing from the world, when you get to know people who are different to you, you'll find out one thing:.....It makes you a better person for having shared.

Your ancestors don't come from Australia so maybe you should go home, where would that be exactly?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
Two wrongs dont make a right.

It's a bit rich for a non-aboriginal Australian to be championing the notion of geographic-based racial purity.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by glen200376
reply to post by n00bUK

The only P**** is people like you.I can trace my ancestory back to 79 a.d in this area of Scotland-the oldest family in Scotland.I have no problem with foreigners when in their countries but it's like an invasion which has been sponsored by the state against its own people!I suppose you are one of these floating voters going by your habbit of attending EDL demos but not sharing their beliefs-pathetic!

Thats great stuff, I can trace a family member of mine back to the first fleet. Not nearly as old I admit but still I know what you mean. I believe if all people stayed within their own borders there would be less hate and war in this world.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by n00bUK

If they are not negroes what do you want me to call you(mongrel)?Negroes is not offence but if you are mixed race you would understand nothing about my proud clan history on this isle and the attempts of some to make anything a proper white man says about other races some how wrong.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

So all the lives we have sacrificed fighting your wars, the country we have created for ourselves, our culture etc, we should just throw it all away and became another America?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by truthbet0ld
reply to post by fiftyfifty

The ones with common sense have already shed the racial, religion, and political groups they were raised and programmed to identify with. We are now watching the rest of the monkeys bring us to civil war.

Dumb humans would rather racially identify with their country of origin and divide themselves rather than identify as a collective human race.
edit on 9-11-2011 by truthbet0ld because: (no reason given)

The ones that have moved one tiny step forward, (then frozen and rested on their fat liberal asses) imagine they are now enlightened liberated and morally superior - in their arrogance and ignorance they try and impose their values on everyone else, whether suited or not - and that is why we are headed into civil war!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Flyer

I dare you to come to Perth, WA and see the so called great native race of Australia. These people are just beyond words you have to see them to believe it. If you haven't which I presume then don't make such presumptions.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by AussiePatriot

Originally posted by fiftyfifty

Originally posted by truthbet0ld
I'm really ready to eliminate all you opposing religious groups who can't get along. Let race, class, religion, and politics be the start of civil war in the UK and US. Humans are pathetic.

"In this scene from "Islamophobia," Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League takes "Vanguard" correspondent on a tour of the neighborhood where he grew up, which he says has been taken over by radical Islamists. The drive quickly turns into a heated argument with a Muslim man passing by who recognizes Tommy."
edit on 9-11-2011 by truthbet0ld because: (no reason given)

I'm ready to eliminate the minority of fascist patriots who can't move on with modern times. Let race, class, religion and politics become a thing of the past. Who's with me?

Get #ed mate, its not 'us' who can't move on with modern times its them. They are still stuck in their violent, sexist, racist, primitive, cult of a religion who seem to want to subdue the world to their medieval ways.
Minority of fascist patriots?? The only minority is going to be white people in a few years if nothing is done. If you want to live in a multi-culti hell hole then # off to America, Europe is for Europeans.

Wrong. I'm not saying us/them or referring solely to one side of this argument. There are people of various religions and races which I class as fascist patriots. I agree that us Brits should never lose our identity and I believe that our government is pussyfooting around trying not to upset everyone else they forget what being British is. However, other people from different societies should be accepted as long as they accept and fit in with the local traditions and ways of lives. If I went to live in a foreign country, I would expect to have to conform to their way of living or go elsewhere.

It's people like you who say 'them' and use words like 'cult' without understanding anything about Islam. I am not muslim but if I thought a person was being discriminated against regardless of their ethnicity or religion, I would defend them. If you don't like multiculturalism in your own country then maybe you should f* off to a country that doesn't accept diversity.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by glen200376
reply to post by n00bUK

If they are not negroes what do you want me to call you(mongrel)?Negroes is not offence but if you are mixed race you would understand nothing about my proud clan history on this isle and the attempts of some to make anything a proper white man says about other races some how wrong.

Come my town and call me a negreo, then tell me its not racist.

I come from Beeston , Leeds. i went to Matthew Murray school with Husseib Hussein who blew up the number 56 bus on 7/7, same year, same form, same class - everything.

My world is completly different from you'res, you wouldnt last 5 seconds in my shoes kid.

I went to school with the statistics of

75% Pakistani/Bangladeshi
24% White
1% mixed race/half cast.

All way through my school i was fed # you couldnt even make up, real #, real life about how divided we are - i actualy seen how divided we were. . until i grew up, read allot more and started working around other races that wasnt in a violent environment, like i was. I realized we have all got some older wanker telling us that we shouldnt be talking to other races due to this that and what not, like you and you're fkin history. . . . get over you're self pal really. . . its old news. move on, take the chip off you're shoulder and embrace it
edit on 9-11-2011 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by AussiePatriot
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

If you are white then let me ask you how you feel about the fact that white people will become minorities within their own countries by 2050, earlier in some places such as US.

The US was inhabited by Red skinned aborigines, ask them how they feel? Ask the Aborigine's in Australia and the Mauri's in NZ how they feel?

I don't care about skin colour, we are all human! This is whats wrong with humanity because we judge each other by the colour of ones skin and not by what is actually in a persons heart.

The white man took over brown/red/black/yellow mans land, ever heard of Karma.

I believe in evolution of a species, maybe eventually we will all be coffee coloured and just one race - The HUMAN race!

My son is half Thai, he is darker than me, should I hate him for being different from me? THINK!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:10 AM
Wow I can't believe how many people from the UK are against me? I am here helping to defend you and you're attacking me laying claim that I should leave Australia? There was no country in that continent before white people came, we made Australia so we claim ownership to it.

I'm not racist, I'm just not politically correct.

When will you so called 'english' people realise white people are already a minority in the world population which we only make up something like 14% and dropping.
Now we are to become a minority within our own countries? Do you not realise this technically constitutes genocide?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by AussiePatriot

Then you should look within yourself and the rest of Australian society because it is YOU that has made them so!

Maybe they cannot get jobs because of their skin colour or the reputation of their people (don't you say they are all drunks?). Maybe if you get your way they can all get jobs when you go back to slavery?

You could learn much from these people! They know the truth you don't!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:12 AM
I don't think I've ever read a thread of only three pages long with so much complete bollocks in it.

I think my views are pretty well known here on ATS but wtf happened to reasoned and respectful debate?

As far as I can see this is just full of pre-conceived ignorance and arrogance on both sides and very little, if any, effort to supply supportive evidence or reasoned arguement.

This thread should be closed and then highlighted as an example of how NOT to behave on ATS.

Sorry if that upsets anyone but.....

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by AussiePatriot
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

If you are white then let me ask you how you feel about the fact that white people will become minorities within their own countries by 2050, earlier in some places such as US.

People have such a serious lack of understanding and a need to defend it's unreal! Once upon a time, people lived in their own countries unaware of other races. Now people move relatively freely around the globe and people of different races fall in love (or not) and make mixed race babies. I would have thought that the majority of 'white' people in here are not native to a single country. Most peoples origins trace back to many different countries. Is it any worse if the colour of the skin from another country doesn't look the same? Taking religion out of the equation, if you are white and of english and spanish origin, I'm guessing there's no issue, so why if you are of english and jamaican descent are you any different? Black, white, olive, purple for gods sake, we are all the same! in several hundred years, our genes will be so mixed there will be no black, no white, we will all be the same (not grey, that's a different subject).

Put religion back into the equation and you get barriers. This is not a war on skin colour, if it is, it's senseless. The real problem lies within religion and if you are a Christian opposed to Islam, then you are not better than a muslim with a hate or intolerence to Christians.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Hongkongphooey

Originally posted by AussiePatriot
reply to post by Hongkongphooey

If you are white then let me ask you how you feel about the fact that white people will become minorities within their own countries by 2050, earlier in some places such as US.

The US was inhabited by Red skinned aborigines, ask them how they feel? Ask the Aborigine's in Australia and the Mauri's in NZ how they feel?

I don't care about skin colour, we are all human! This is whats wrong with humanity because we judge each other by the colour of ones skin and not by what is actually in a persons heart.

The white man took over brown/red/black/yellow mans land, ever heard of Karma.

I believe in evolution of a species, maybe eventually we will all be coffee coloured and just one race - The HUMAN race!

My son is half Thai, he is darker than me, should I hate him for being different from me? THINK!

OMFG read the question you submitted to me. I don't give a # what colour a person is either or what their religion is but realise that white people are becoming extinct due to mass immigration and low birth rates. Stop hiding behind race and actually wake up!!!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes
While that's true in some cases, a lot of Islamophobes are motivated by race.

In Britain, the vast majority of Muslims are South Asians, so a lot of people hide behind anti-Islam sentiments to ''legitimise'' their true racism against Asians.

Blame the nations invading, destroying, looting and exploiting the Middle east for that one, after all in order to sell war and liberation to their own nations citizens they have to blame somebody for the evils in the world, so yes people tend to link Islam with the middle east and at the same time have an entire race to blame, after all isn't the middle east the cradle of Islam.

edit on 9-11-2011 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

If you truly believe what you just wrote then please go live in America it is plenty multicultural for you there. Otherwise you are what I would call a race mixing whore.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by n00bUK

Originally posted by glen200376
reply to post by n00bUK

If they are not negroes what do you want me to call you(mongrel)?Negroes is not offence but if you are mixed race you would understand nothing about my proud clan history on this isle and the attempts of some to make anything a proper white man says about other races some how wrong.

Come my town and call me a negreo, then tell me its not racist.

I come from Beeston , Leeds. i went to Matthew Murray school with Husseib Hussein who blew up the number 56 bus on 7/7, same year, same form, same class - everything.

My world is completly different from you'res, you wouldnt last 5 seconds in my shoes kid.

I went to school with the statistics of

75% Pakistani/Bangladeshi
24% White
1% mixed race/half cast.

All way through my school i was fed # you couldnt even make up, real #, real life about how divided we are - i actualy seen how divided we were. . until i grew up, read allot more and started working around other races that wasnt in a violent environment, like i was. I realized we have all got some older wanker telling us that we shouldnt be talking to other races due to this that and what not, like you and you're fkin history. . . . get over you're self pal really. . . its old news. move on, take the chip off you're shoulder and embrace it
edit on 9-11-2011 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)
As you said your elders/ teachers are encouraging your type not to fit in,that is the problem with the majority of immigrants no respect for the country that gave them a home and food.this country is treated like free B & B by people(immigrants) who want to change Britian into the hellhole they came from.As for not lasting 5 minutes in Leeds ha ha ha,you are not the first to be raised in a rough area so your point is mute.Oh and i wouldn't boast about going to the same school as the 7/7 bombers as this just backs up my point that immigrants are a very serious danger to the native population-send you all home,we'll even pay your fare.your time is limited as the pc brigade has had its day and revolution is coming sooner than you want to safe!
edit on 9/11/2011 by glen200376 because: (no reason given)

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