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Challenge for Those who are against #OWS!

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 04:59 PM
It doesn't seem to me to be that most people you claim to be against it are actually against it but rather how the Occupy idiots are going about it. Yet it just goes to show the "with us or against us" mentality of Occupy.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Why would I support OWS when Iran, Nazi party, Communist party, North Korea, Obama, Al Sharpton & Union bosses/thugs all support it.

This tells me to stay clear.

edit on 11/9/2011 by WhatTheory because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory

Because most of the world supports it! However we do not endorse nor support the Nazi, Socialist, communists as they do not speak nor represent us!


This group wants absolutely nothing to do with the corrupt 2 party oligarchy as both have been bought and paid by the banks, The Federal Reserve and Wall Street and does not need nor require money from 1%'rs and to say anything otherwise is a major dis service to this group and movement as a whole as we see people like Soros as being apart of the problem and does not endorse millionaires or billionaires. No corporate dollars are welcomed and if one were to attempt to finance this movement it would be rejected and returned with a note saying "No sale!"!

To believe anything else means you are being seriously deceived and tricked and said source should not be trusted or taken seriously and if it does not come from the aforementioned it is not to be taken as the official stance. No General Assembly in any group throughout the planet will amend this ever!

Unless it comes from Occupy Together, Occupy Everything, #Occupy Wall Street, NYC General Assembly or any of the countless official "Occupy" family of sites it does not speak for this movement and the movement will not endorse any site outside of our family of sites. Adbusters does not speak for us, Tides does not speak for us, no union speaks for us, The American Socialist Party does not speak for us, The Communist Party does not speak for us, Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Biden, The Democratic National Committee, The Republican Nation Committee, The Tea Party, Libertarian movement or any other political party or figurehead does not speak for us and neither do they represent us! neither does any group that has decided to join us under their own free will and volition but even those groups and our partner firms do not speak for us! We speak for ourselves!

All are welcomed from all faiths, ethnic groups, political persuasions, LBGTI, animal and kid friendly as we will not discriminate, we will be friendly to all. Illicit narcotics (marijuana to meth while all scrips prescribed to a fellow protester are obviously allowed) and liquor (all forms) use are banned and will get someone expelled and turned over to law enforcement. Come as you are! Remember, there is no member of the 1% that is on this website which means we are all The 99%!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Are you refering to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? The one that was debated for many months in Congress, before being passed by Congress on Dec. 22, 1913 with a vote of 298-60, the Senate on Dec. 23, 1913 with a vote of 43-25, and finally signed into law on Dec.23, 1913 by President Woodrow Wilson?

Or are you talking about one that did not go through legitimate legal channels?

The Federal Reserve Act, although not the final form, had been in discussion by US politicians for 8 years (give or take) before it was enacted.

The only way to remove it is also through legal channels. Channels that are not that close to Wall Street.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by peck420

Dec 23 2012 it ends and becomes nationalized Jan 01 2013! The full Congress has never voted on it and to this day has yet to!
edit on 9-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by WhatTheory

Because most of the world supports it! However we do not endorse nor support the Nazi, Socialist, communists as they do not speak nor represent us!

Most Americans do not yet support the movement, let alone the world.

Infact, a great deal of the world has not heard of, nor cares about it.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by peck420

Re read my reply 3 above this and learn something! This is not a case of oneupmanship, not a case of "Me-v-You" but is "Us-v-Them". This is what this is all about.

A recent Fox News poll was conducted and guess what?

Do Occupy Wall Street protest represent your views on the economy? [183,148 total responses]
- Maybe. I am not even sure what they want----- [2.8% 4694 votes]
- No. They have no idea how jobs are created or how a free enterprise system works. -----[28.63% 52025 votes]
- Yes. These folks are right about corporate greed and what's happening to the little guy. ----[67.98% 123509 votes]
- Other (post comment) ---- [.8% 1460 votes ]
67.98% you say..... 67.98%.....oops!
Click on any selection as the poll is already closed and will display the results!

That means that out of nearly 184k votes nearly 124k voted in favour of the movement! A clearcut majority of respondents were you guessed it, Conservatives!

You were saying?
edit on 9-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

How well do you think that that poll represents China, India, Brazil, Pakistan, Africa, etc..?

You were saying?

Or does OWS only apply to the top 15% or so of humanity?
edit on 9-11-2011 by peck420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by peck420

Arabia stands with us, Brazil stands with us, India stands with us! The wold stands with us!

The map of all over 1,500 actions :

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Yes, the Occupy map...what a load of BS.

It includes my city. A city of 1 million+ that has a whole of 15-40 protesters (weekday to weekend).

It includes another city that I am very familiar with (travel to at least 3 times/week) that is also 1 million+ and has almost 50 protesters.

The protesters are the 1% (actually much less, but that is semantics, no?).

If you haven't noticed, the only areas with large numbers are the US and Europe. That is about it.

All of Africa has 4 protest points, all in South Africa.
Arabia has 4 protest points.
India & Surrounding area has 6 points.
China has 2 or 3 (if you include Tawain).
Brazil has 9 points.

So out of close to 5 billion people you have 26 cities with occupy movements. Not even close to 99%....not even close to 1%.
edit on 9-11-2011 by peck420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:15 PM
I am highly offended that I am apparently an OWS protester and nobody told me. I am after all part of the normal 99% of Americans.

Pardon us for promoting a stereotype, but the OWS protesters we see on TV tend to look mostly young and able-bodied. A little logic suggests that they are not among the struggling Americans working two or three jobs to keep a roof over their heads and feed their children. Those people are too busy to camp out in public parks.

Sooner or later, someone has to start calling them on their inconsistent behavior. They claim to speak for 99% of Americans, including most who work or are looking for work. But they're not walking that talk. In other words, stop complaining about the distribution of other people's wealth and try making some wealth of your own. These loosers want something for free that other people worked hard to earn.

235 years ago the Revolutionaries fought for Independence. Today’s Revolutionaries fight for Dependence!
edit on 9-11-2011 by joyride0187 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by joyride0187

They fought for independence while we fight for restoration!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by peck420

At least a million plus are occupying and protesting with another billion or so in solidarity!

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:26 PM
These anarchist puppets/useful idiots of George Soros/Bill Ayers/Van Jones/Francis Fox Piven etc..Have an agenda of hate and violence. They despise the American way of life..They offer nothing better to replace our current system other than Marxism/Socialism, which are known failures to all those who forced them on innocent people.All people have a God given right to live free and not under the watchful eyes of hypocritical self serving egotistical tyrants..History has shown those who refused to conform to these brutal doctrines of hypocrisy were executed like rabid dogs by the millions.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Show the numbers. Put your money where your mouth is so to speak.

It is hard to garner support for a cause when the mouth puppets spew nothing but propaganda bs from the roof tops.

Occupy would be lucky if they have broken a couple of million protesters globally.

1 billion with can guarantee you that at least 1 billion see you as the 1% just based on the fact that you can access the internet to post on this site.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

Your lengthy reply means absolutely nothing.

You highlight what the movement percieves as injustices, with absolutely no game plan as to how you plan to address each issue and what can be done about them, other than for people to use their voice.

How about starting out with one particular injustice each day and concentrating on it rather than having people divided within your own movmement? How about doing this on a national level rather than just in New York?

You have done nothing at all with your reply to further the movment agenda (what is it) with me, as you still do not come up with a clear cut set of goals, and exactly what you hope to accomplish.

I sure hope you do not head up any portion of this, because you seem incapable of addressing concerns of people that replied in your own thread at your request.

A 33 second comercial of a bunch of different people stating, "I WANT," does absolutely nothing for this movement either. Whomever came up with that one should be barred from participating any further.

You don't want any comments that are hurtful, but you accuse people of not "fact checking?" Fine you can't state your purpose or goals in an adult like fashion, either.

Guess what? You pushed me over to the wrong side of the fence, because you made your movement look like a bunch of ninnies running around doing whatever they freakin please. How is this using anybody's voice in a proper fashion?

Never mind! YOU DON'T GET IT and that is exactly what the problem with the movement is.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 07:15 PM
Here's an answer or two:
1. Why do you stand against this movement?
I have visited our local OWS camp and its filled with pot, pee, and filth. Most there are simply there to get drugs, sex, and gripe about their condition. They are breaking local laws, disrupting others lives that they claim to be in support of, need I go on? It's not even that most in the camps are destructive, drug users...its the fact that they honestly dont want to do anything to improve our society except complain, demand that the tax payers cover their college bills, and crap up our environment with all the trash they are leaving around, all the while they say they love their "mother earth".

2. What would you like to see in this movement?
Honestly, I would love if they would simply clean up their mess and go back to where they came from.

3. Have you ever attended an Occupy event?
Yes, and I was more upset when I left than when I arrived.

4. Where do you see this nation and planet in 10 years time?
Thats a dumb question, please try and ask something of substance like..."How can the individual become more active in directing policy of our republic?

5. What stances that this movement has adopted are you against and please specify a reason?
I am against their demands that they are given a free ride on their college loans, they chose to take on those responsibilities....
I am against their attacks on the banks. Their ignorance of the fact that the Federal Government forcing regulations in the areas of home loans got the banks to loan idiots money for homes they couldn't afford and thus got us down the road to this mess we're in today.

Theres two issues I have with them, but honestly....there's no unity or unified list it varies from protestor to protestor, and from camp to camp.

Everyone wants something different, and the dissorganization that is present is due to the fact that all these campers are doing from day to day, besides marching around like morons, is smoking weed, and screwing!

That isnt a political movement....thats a gross disgusting whale of a mess that will not end up good.

There is the untold side of this story, and thats the majority of us who can't stand these little hypocrites and we're getting tired of seeing them crap up our cities....its time for them to go home...they made their point.

Now they're just making everyone who may sympathize with them mad.
edit on 9-11-2011 by Rockstrongo37 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 07:41 PM
things that need to be changed

1. remove the ability for "private banks" to create money from nothing using deposits and give the power to issiue money back to the people.

2. set up infrastructure banks who loan the money out and all interest pays for the infrastructure and at the completion of the infrastructure project start a new infrastructure loan process (non inflationary)

3. a charter on corperations that must be renewed, and if the corperation hurts humans the CEO and board are responcable criminally if the charter is broken

4. remove corperate person hood, a corperation is not a person and should not have standing in front of the courts,only people are people

5 money is not free speach, this is a pervertion of the meaning of free speach and an insult

6. food products that are not proerly tested must be removed from the food supply (some GMOs)

7. shipping reforms, giant sludge burning ships must pay carbon tax as they are one of the worst polluters on the planet yet pay no carbon tax

8. remove outside money from politics, insider trading must be as more illegal for politicians than for normal citizens. in new zealand you would be thrown in jail for trying to bribe a official.

9. any law passed must apply to all equally, 1 rule of law for all, not exempt politicians

10. prosicute rating agencies as a rico lawsuit
11. prosicute Morgage Back Securites sellers in a rico lawsuit

12. lower fractional reserve leverage amounts to 1-2

13. instigate a education program to teach the principals of modern money mechanics to all peoples to ward off the return of a central banking cartel

14. executive orders make a mockery of democracy remove them

15. remove no bid contracts from the military

16. remove the ability to use state seceret laws to imprision with a fair trial

17. remove the bar societys influence on legal procedings and make the languge spoken at court understandable to the people being tryed, why speak in legaleeze? because you dont understnd it and must pay the bar accociation to get it interpreted to you.

18. supreame court justices voted in by the people not the politicians.

19. remove subsidies for gmo crops. people have a right to labeled food so label all GMOs so that a free market can choose to eat or not to eat them.

i will be thinking of more to add


posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 07:51 PM
1. Why do you stand against this movement?
What is the movement? I see so many different conflicting goals by the group they come accrossed as unorganized and without goals.

2. What would you like to see in this movement?
A clear statement of there goals, I won't support anything I that has no clear goals. Especially when the local OWS group is calling for communism, that I won't support.

3. Have you ever attended an Occupy event?
Yup went to occupy calgary, I brought two boxes of tea bags from costco. The organizer told me they didn't need tea bags but they desperately needed condoms as they had a shortage of condoms. At that point I walked away and took my tea. I will support them but if there number one need with the cold weather coming on is condoms then it's probally not really a movement for me.

4. Where do you see this nation and planet in 10 years time?
Roving bands of bandits terrorizing the people who are trying to make a living while the ultra rich and there minions and serfs live in walled fortified compounds.

5. What stances that this movement has adopted are you against and please specify a reason? I work for everything I currently own, I believe that unless you have a real significant reason you can't work for a living then you should. I chose my post secondary education on the basis of what I was interested in that there were jobs for. I resent someone telling me that they are getting gov't assistance because they got a philosophy degree and there are no jobs for that. I am against forgiving of student loans, nationization of businesses, higher taxes and hand outs. I am for smaller gov't abolishment of the federal reserve, ending of gov't borrowing money from other nations. I don't agree with foreign wars, gov't intervention in my life. If I want to eat at mcdonalds then that is my choice I don't want someone telling me nope too much salt.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by ga-`tv-gi
If they represented me/us they would all be occupying the white hose and the capital those are the ones that need to be dealt with so the current status quo will desolve.

I agree the Whitehouse needs to be occupied, but those who also bribe and buy our politicians, and those who become politicians to help their cronies also need the spotlight shined on them.

As a real world example:

The US military makes no distinction between those who carry out terrorists attacks, and those who recruit and fund terrorists to do their dirty deeds.

I make no distinction either between those who buy our politicians and those who carry out the wishes of their masters. They are both equally culpable in the destruction they have wrought on this country and both must have the light shined on them so the problem can be seen for all to see.

Shining the light on just the politicians, especially when there is "one side" in the Whitehouse allows them to turn it into a partisan fighting match. Both sides in the Whitehouse that claim to be democrat and republican serve the same masters.

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