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Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Originally posted by BRAVO949
As I said a few days ago "we" have seen no real computer simulation of the WTC impact or the Pentagon impact.
The Purdue video is a joke. It is CGI, possibly done on a Commadore 64.
Here we see a 12 inch wooden pole cut righ through an airplane wing.
This is a deliberate misrepresentation of the Purdue report and you know it. The main point of the report is that the incompressible fluids of the aircraft (I.E the fuel) acted like a battering ram against the strructure and caused more damage to the structure than originally understood.
Not that it matters, as we saw with our own eyes how an aluminum aircraft was able to sever the exterior box columns as per every video every taken during the 9/11 attack so it stands to reason the aircraft was able to sever the interior box columns. Unless you're one of those people spreading that "the planes were all holograms" foolishness, the plane DID cause significant structural damage to the building regardless of how many youtube videos you post.
Think of the aircraft as a beach ball and the building as a katana.
No, according to the Purdue report, it's more of the case we need to think of the aircraft as hurricane Katrina and the building as New Orleans.
What does this have anything to do with the Pentagon attack that the OP was discussing? Is this one of those attempts to steer the argument to something else because you know you're wrong about the "no plane hit the Pentagon" nonsense?
Originally posted by BRAVO949
Aw Jeez, not this crap again?
My original post on this topic was that the destruction revealed by the Pentagon pictures and videos indicated much less total impact energy compared to the WTC case.
We are urged by you to equate a tiny hole punched in the wallboard of the Pentagon through which and woman and her child escaped the damaged building.
Now, how in the world do you explain that?
You might know a few things about RC planes but physics is not your area and you proved that by mixing astrology and physics back last week.
Are you telling us that if you fire a light aluminum bullet at a solid steel plate if it is going fast enough it will go through the steel plate?
If you throw a butter ball as hard as you can at padded wall in your room will it bounce off or penetrate the wall?
The ulitimate question for a man of your experience is, "Was the pilot of the missile that hit the Pentagon a better pilot than you are?"
Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by BRAVO949
You might know a few things about RC planes but physics is not your area and you proved that by mixing astrology and physics back last week.
I have no idea what you're talking about! I am not Rob Balsamo...he's the one who uses the "RC plane analogy".
And, saying that I used "astrology" is a flat-out lie. I know that astrology is horse crap.
Are you telling us that if you fire a light aluminum bullet at a solid steel plate if it is going fast enough it will go through the steel plate?
Make the bullet fast enough, and yes. A tiny, tiny speck of dust is a hazard when in space.
If you throw a butter ball as hard as you can at padded wall in your room will it bounce off or penetrate the wall?
What's a "butter ball"? Do you mean a turkey? Who said a turkey is equivalent to an airplane??
A "butter ball" against a "padded wall" isn't even close to an analogy for 9/11. How ridiculous can a person get?
The ulitimate question for a man of your experience is, "Was the pilot of the missile that hit the Pentagon a better pilot than you are?"
No....I am hands-down 1,000 times better. And also..... I don't have the vile intention of being a suicide bomber.
CIT has the most definitive evidence proving 9/11 an inside job. Hands down.
Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by WetBlanky
CIT has no evidence for their theory. No plane flying away means no flyover. It is one of more idiotic theories out there. Even Ranke can't be stupid enough to believe it; he has to be trolling for the sake of publicity.
I discussed Jones' promise to redo his faulty experiment with turbofan in June of 2009 right after the Norwegian State Radio interview.
Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by turbofan
On the Norwegian radio interview you provided a link to, Jones discusses ongoing work in some detail, e.g.,
"This paper is nearing completion and will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. I am more involved in the TEM and XRD studies which are also being vigorously pursued. Note that this research is essentially pro-bono; we do not have a grant for these studies."
There are other references to the new work in there apparent to anyone who bothered to read it.
Of course, it never happened and Jones got very quiet. Either the work was so bad that it never made it through the review process or Stevie's experiments showed him that it paint. Jones ego prevents him from admitting either which
Originally posted by impressme
[color=gold]Steven Jones Tells 9/11 "Debunkers" to Put up or Shut up!
”What you need to know about "Peer-review"
"Useful information for "non-scientists" about the process of peer-reviewed publishing, such as has been the case with Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe, Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction, and Environmental Anomalies at the World Trade Center: Evidence for Energetic Materials ." -
He is feeding off of deluded people who pay him to give lectures about his thoroughly debunked theories. Jones was forced to 'retire' when the faculty at his university refused to support his bad science. He is an embarassment to his school and science in general. As you are fond of saying, "how does that work for you?"
The fact is you are not telling the truth again, Jones was asked to retire and it was a simple phone call from the Bush administration that demanded his removal because he proved the government was lying to the American people about the demise of the WTC and his science PROVES THAT. Pro Steven Jones was not an embarrassment to the University, it was the university board members who were the embarrassment for not standing up to credible science, no instead they stood for “Bush politics” and sold Jones out for their university funding from the feral government. It was that simple if the university wanted their yearly funding then they had to comply and remove Steven Jones. It is so clear to who has been disingenuous and has an agenda in this thread.edit on 21-11-2011 by impressme because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by WetBlanky
Pretty sure he got booted a long time ago. I could be wrong, but haven't seen him post in ages....thank God.
Originally posted by pteridine
reply to post by WetBlanky
CIT's theory is that there was a flyover event and bombs went off just as the aircraft flew over. All of DC ducked and turned away from the blast and missed the airplane flying away. The NOC part is all related to witnesses with parallax problems claiming flight paths that are not reconcilable with the evidence of downed light poles and trimmed trees.
Your delusions are consistent, at least.
Jones was forced to retire. Did you tap the phones to listen in on the Bush administration instructing the university to be rid of Jones?
Jones did say he was correcting his experiments in the Norwegian State Radio interview.
You have never shown that my calculations were incorrect
The irregularities at Bentham over the review process caused the editor to resign in protest