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Occupy Vancouver to become Occupy a jailcell

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posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:20 PM
Occupy Vancouver protesters face arrest if they stay

Vancouver police Chief Jim Chu says Occupy Vancouver protesters need to pack up their encampment on the lawn of the city's art gallery or face arrest. At a media briefing Tuesday afternoon, Chu told reporters a clash Monday night between police, firefighters and protesters proves it is no longer a peaceful exercise. He said protesters bent on violence have gone over the line. "Last night, this element fought with firefighters and police, sending two police officers to hospital with human bite wounds," Chu said. "Our officers received the full wrath of the protesters. In the scuffle, one officer had his ammunition clip stolen. This can no longer stand." Chu said the once-peaceful protest has been infiltrated by dangerous people, creating a divide within the camp between militant and peaceful protesters.


hopefully this is resolved without incident (injury's or another death) but the protest has been peaceful up until the local election targeted the protest as well as a drug addict over dosing at the sit in..... the media and local counsel candidates have put an ugly face on the people there......
edit on 8-11-2011 by Majestyka because: fix

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by Majestyka

Isn't that usually the case? Find the few bad eggs, zoom in on them, then make the people think the rest of the batch is bad too.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:30 PM
Here we go again, vancouver is the north american capital for hard drugs, vancouver has people overdosing on drugs by the hour, vancouver has a very big homeless people issue, vancouver has a really bad open minded drug policy.

Where the occupy protest is happening, is in downtown vancouver, where it used to be a very hot bed of purchasing drugs, the police just moved them to the east side to hide them from tourist and such.

So plz get to know the subject your are trying to post.

Vancouver still hasent arrested many people from the last hockey riot, why arent the police focusing there efforts on reall criminals.

This is a big nice joke, but heck people would know better right...
edit on 8-11-2011 by GodefroydeBouillon because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:31 PM
I'm just making an observation here, but it seems that every bad thing to happen...every bad incident that goes down within Occupy, is always someone else's fault. Does anyone else notice that? It's agigtators, or police plants, or right wing infiltrators. If there is a rape, it either didn't really happen that way....or it did and was strictly an isolated incident.

Robbery? bad apple and all that...or somebody off the street who wasn't a part of them. Violent protesters? Bonfires? Broken windows and injured members of the public? Oh..that was a one time thing, or media is just lying...or IF it really happened, well there are those evil Police infiltrators again! It was them! Had to be...

If Occupy had ever..or ever DOES just stand up, take responsibility for the fact that they have BAD people in their movement and they need to work on getting them OUT of OWS, the public would likely respect that and offer more support, not less.

Endlessly blaming someone else...EVERYONE else..sounds too much like the scumbag politicians so many of us either joined OWS or supported from a distance to see something done ABOUT, NOT watch OWS become themselves.

Biting officers?? Stealing ammunition magazines?? What is this crap, Romper Room??

OWS needed some adult supervision right from day one. They never really got it, despite the well meaning individuals...and now it's far too late to really make any difference. I hope the good people are out or getting out before this movement is put down hard and with force. That is coming in days, not weeks, no matter how everything else in the world turns out this week.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Get facts buddy, i know its easdier to blame the people that are actually doinmg something for a change, but heck mister wrabbit must know what hes talking about right, with facts and such///

I guess not...

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Chu said the once-peaceful protest has been infiltrated by dangerous people, creating a divide within the camp between militant and peaceful protesters.

And I'm guessing these "Dangerous" people are Agent Provocateurs put in place by the Police themselves.

Just a guess but I think it is a definite possibility.


posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by GodefroydeBouillon
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Get facts buddy, i know its easdier to blame the people that are actually doinmg something for a change, but heck mister wrabbit must know what hes talking about right, with facts and such///

I guess not...

I'll be more than happy to go down point by point and with as many factual sources and references as you have time to read this afternoon. If I can't talk from direct personal time and experience in volunteering security at the Occupy St Louis camp at Kiener Plaza, it won't take long to get what I need to illustrate a point. I'm strung out, burned out and generally exhausted from watching the feeds every night I wasn't in St Louis since this all began, a few days after Zuccotti Park was first occupied.

Feel free to point to wherever you'd like to start, and we can go from there. You actually caught me in the right mood with nothing going on but waiting for our little rocky friend to pass by in a short time. How fortunate.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by jude11

I don't think the OWS people called the police, who are to protect and server the people, for any protection.

Therefore, if they aren't there to protest, why don't they just get the !$&@ outta' dodge.

Oh right -- because they aren't doing their job. My bad.
edit on 11/8/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by GodefroydeBouillon
Here we go again, vancouver is the north american capital for hard drugs, vancouver has people overdosing on drugs by the hour, vancouver has a very big homeless people issue, vancouver has a really bad open minded drug policy.

Uh huh. So instead of blaming individuals who are using the drugs, and or doing whatever they feel like doing that makes the whole occupy movment there look bad, you are blaming the area?

Where the occupy protest is happening, is in downtown vancouver, where it used to be a very hot bed of purchasing drugs, the police just moved them to the east side to hide them from tourist and such.

So let me get this straight, you are blaming the behavior of the bad apples at this event on the police, because they moved them?

So plz get to know the subject your are trying to post.

Oh, please do enlighted all of us, would you? I have no idea what your point is. Are you defending the police, or are you defending the occupy participants?

Vancouver still hasent arrested many people from the last hockey riot, why arent the police focusing there efforts on reall criminals.

So, because the police haven't caught people from a riot they shouldn't be messing with occupy participants? What is a "real criminal" to you?

This is a big nice joke, but heck people would know better right..

I find nothing about the article presented to us, or your reply in the least bit funny.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by GodefroydeBouillon

So plz get to know the subject your are trying to post.

im sorry bro..... you are right.... posting this in an internet cafe around the corner from the vancouver art gallery and blocks from the courthouse where the final decisions are about to be made and actually being IN THE CAMP talking to these people isnt knowing the subject enough for you?

this is my city, and yeah some parts of it are fuc%$# but such is life.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by jude11

Chu said the once-peaceful protest has been infiltrated by dangerous people, creating a divide within the camp between militant and peaceful protesters.

And I'm guessing these "Dangerous" people are Agent Provocateurs put in place by the Police themselves.

Just a guess but I think it is a definite possibility.


it certainly comes at a time when there is growing pressure on mayor robertson, enough where he could potentially lose his job in the upcoming election to a clueless hardliner susan anton who uses tough rhetoric against the protestors because she wants to be mayor, which please a lot of the business community in vancouver.

also pressure on police chief chu for his lack of ability to uphold the law during the riots and the times leading up to this potentially hazardous scene.

militant protestors? that's a shocking new term i've heard.
and thats what will cause a lot of people to begin to either join or oppose with all their might.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by GodefroydeBouillon

The idiot media is making it sound like there isn't constant overdoses in that area.

Like you said. That area is a total zombie zone. It's Canada's best kept secret

Here is an educational documentary from the 90s, wayyyyy before OWS. It is relevant to the topic at hand so I will post the link but not embed the video. Mods I don't think it violates T and C but if it does please remove.

This award-winning documentary film, shot in Vancouver, Canadas notorious Downtown Eastside, caught the eyes of audiences, film makers and critics world wide for its unusual and sensitive depiction of life on the street.

Through A Blue Lens documents a year of life and death on the street and behind tenement walls. The striking thing about the film is not the horror of drug abuse but the story of how the interaction between the police and the drug addicts, with the camera as a catalyst, actually changed the people involved. The cops became more sympathetic to the people on the street and the drug addicts, in having friendship extended to them by the police and film makers, developed self esteem and, in some cases, actually cleaned up.

I saw this a long time ago, don't watch it if you get grossed out easily, and it's depressing. But it's also a harsh reality in Vancouver.

It sickens me that the city is using this as an excuse to shut down the occupy movement and threaten people with arrest when they let that part of town continue to decay year after year.. We have less freedom than the US. I never thought I would say that, but it's true.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Thanks for bringing up big words, vancouver is not st louis or what ever place youve been, so if youve never been to vancouver canada, and you dont know how people live and act, well that just means you have no idea what you are taking about...

Where where you when drive by shootings where going on, did you complain about the riots, did you complian about the drug overdose happening by the hour, de laisser faire of the vancouve rpolice...

I think not, so go peddle your agenda where someone might care

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

And I was watching CTV Newsnet the other day when that lady died. They showed a video of a protester holding a sign that says "Stop Oil Addiction" and then the newscaster said something along the lines that the protester was protesting against addiction in the area.

It was pathetic.

Wish I had a video of it. I'm going to search YouTube right now for it.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by GodefroydeBouillon
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Get facts buddy, i know its easdier to blame the people that are actually doinmg something for a change, but heck mister wrabbit must know what hes talking about right, with facts and such///

I guess not...

Oh..and I'd hate to be blamed for just leaving you to come up with a starting point for a challenge you I'll help out:

The Rap sheet reaches #172!

There is a brief snapshot of the poor, misguided and misunderstood OWS people..and those "isolated incidents" that seem to be anything BUT isolated and more par for the course at this point in time.... So, as I'd said. I'm more than happy to speak to any point you feel I'm not fair on, am not presenting accurately or heaven forbid, you actually think I'm just making up. I notice you logged off immediately after your nasty note...but I'll be around to reply.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Majestyka

Lol if itsa your city how do you not know the drug problem , the homeless problenm, and how the cops dont do anything, sorry but i call hoax on you behing there lol, wheres that suposed internet cafe lol, cause i dont seem to rememebr there behing one aroubnd that are...

SO thanks for trying to get flags and stars, but you sir are lying

thank you come again

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
The idiot media is making it sound like there isn't constant overdoses in that area.

Like you said. That area is a total zombie zone. It's Canada's best kept secret

Here is an educational documentary from the 90s, wayyyyy before OWS. It is relevant to the topic at hand so I will post the link but not embed the video. Mods I don't think it violates T and C but if it does please remove.

I have a question then, is this the only place the occupy movement is allowed to be in Vancouver? Why aren't they trying to hold this some place else to keep the bad elements out?

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:49 PM

More than a hundred Occupy Vancouver supporters have made their way into the downtown Law Courts building hoping to get in and plead their case to remain at their Art Gallery camp. The Occupy group protesters are waiting in the expansive outer lobby of the building while lawyers speak to a judge inside a courtroom. For the moment it is a peaceful and quiet group. The Occupy group says they have a constitutional right to protest and many believe a court imposed injunction will be granted and they will be ordered off the site. They have been steadfast in saying they will not leave their camp.

At the Occupy Vancouver site protestors huddled near the stage were given some last minute instructions in anticipation of being swept away by police. "Don't hit back. They're reluctant to do this .They don't really want to do it," one of the leaders told the crowd from the stage. The group appears to be preparing for the inevitable confrontation with police. There are about 200 people at the Art Gallery site right now and another 100 at the courthouse.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:52 PM
Another stupid thing about this is that the violence in Vancouver comes mostly from Gangs. There are too many to name. Most of the stuff the police should be worrying about (like the gang warfare) is happening in suburban areas away from the damn protests.

edit on 8-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by GodefroydeBouillon
reply to post by Majestyka

Lol if itsa your city how do you not know the drug problem , the homeless problenm, and how the cops dont do anything, sorry but i call hoax on you behing there lol, wheres that suposed internet cafe lol, cause i dont seem to rememebr there behing one aroubnd that are...

SO thanks for trying to get flags and stars, but you sir are lying

thank you come again

wow, calling bs on me because i could never prove that iam here in vancouver......

this isnt about stars and flags, ive been here for a long time and could care less about the popularity contest. the point is to share the info.

i agreed that yes vancouver does have problems but what city doesnt?

stay on topic please

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