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Message to All OWS Protesters

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posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

First off... holy mother of... lol I didn't expect an all out war to spread throughout a single thread. Secondly, could you explain, in an easy to read and summed up paragraph (or even two) what you think the view of OWS protesters is because I think there may be a bit of miscommunication on many fronts here from a lot of directions. From the media, from misinformed and uneducated protesters, from protesters just being there to be there, etc.

Remember the core reason for why this started, not what people have made it out to be in some of the groups

Anywho... I don't mind how you stand on it as long as no bias is leaking through really. I'd rather educate that aggravate

edit on 10-11-2011 by ApolloBloodline because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Well spoken
I think to sum up the occupation: Good intentions... okay delivery... poor quality assurance

I definitely back the movement 110% (not really possible but... that is the saying right?) but think that some of the people within the group need to be weeded out. Remember that ANYONE can rally with these groups
bound to have a few cracked eggs in the batch.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 02:13 AM
I do not support the OWS movement, but OP, great post, this is one OWS post I will star and flag....
too bad those that are supposed to be the big wigs in the movement dont eject the dirtbags giving yas a bad name

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC

That is why these elements you refer to do not speak for nor represent the movement!

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
On this planet, the TRUE superpower is not USA, China, Russia or the 1%.

The TRUE superpower is you and me when combined with others sharing common values despite our differences - justice, equality peace, progress, shared prosperity, and freedom, to determine our evolution and shared destiny.

For the religious faithful, we do share a common Creator, whom is known by many names across geological barriers, time and space, far wiser and older than the Universe itself, and loved us all. It was Him who gave us life, and free will. What is only science still yet to be known, as our daily discoveries had uncovered little so far, would be considered as 'magic'.

And it would seem magical, even to atheists, that millions of seemingly apathetic fellow human brothers and sisters AROUND the world would make a stand today, braving elements and even shading blood on their own free will, to achieve humanity's common aims.....

Even if the political and economic corrupt actors are held accountable and pay for their mistakes or the financial sector collapses, mankind still have NEEDS to be met, with a planet still abundant in resources and improved tech, and it will be the new entrants using existing infrastructure to improve and meet those needs, hopefully, more ethically and fairly shared, not necessarily equally. It aint the end yet, as long we are willing to correct those mistakes made by the unconscionable 1%.....
edit on 9-11-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

Congratulations to all involved, including the police whom had shown restraint in the face of conscience, with the recent standoff in OWS Portland.


posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr

You are The 99%!

How could this movement best represent you? Help us to help not only yourself but everyone else.

Maybe Man behind the mask doesn't want to be part of the 99%, what if this movement cant represent him. What happens if he doesn't want to help you or any one else?

I am behind OWS, but just trying to make you think about what you are saying.

People have a right to belong to the one percent but the annoying aspect is the associated hypocrisy and lies emannating from their keyboards everyday.

They make no claim as to what rich is and they push for a flat tax which burdens only the poor and middle class.

They get offended by confusing *you* singular versus *you* plural.

They say you should protest the government as though ONLY the government is responsible and corporations are regulated as they should be.

They allegedly want a balanced budget with minimal or no cuts to military spending and no extra taxes. Then they claim where is the "small government" and dump all the blame on democrats despite the fact we had 8 years of bush/cheney disaster politics.

So to surmise the hypocrisy we have a)no extra taxes, b)no protesting wall street, c)lots of whinning about big government and over-spending, d)phase out all social welfare systems which means every single person who put money in their trust fund gets screwed the world over

AND E) Take a few radical elements within OWS and claim most of the occuppiers are left wing ideological hippies who do drugs, rape, steal, pollute, etc.

Yes indeed. The one percent seems to be busy working to protect their "hard earned money" by attempting to give OWS a bad name so the government and business can continue down the path of destruction. BTW democrats spend half what republicans spend on average and this is as "official" as it gets.

And oh I forgot "they must be socialist-commies". Runnnnnnn

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by ApolloBloodline
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

First off... holy mother of... lol I didn't expect an all out war to spread throughout a single thread. Secondly, could you explain, in an easy to read and summed up paragraph (or even two) what you think the view of OWS protesters is because I think there may be a bit of miscommunication on many fronts here from a lot of directions. From the media, from misinformed and uneducated protesters, from protesters just being there to be there, etc.

Remember the core reason for why this started, not what people have made it out to be in some of the groups

Anywho... I don't mind how you stand on it as long as no bias is leaking through really. I'd rather educate that aggravate

edit on 10-11-2011 by ApolloBloodline because: (no reason given)

Why should I be for OWS just because they think they are going to get rid of Wall Street and Capitalism by camping out in parks and demanding socialism and direct democracy? I have been watching and studying, I have learned who is supporting OWS and I don't like any of it. It doesn't mean I support the Intl Banking Cartel or the NWO, it just means I don't want socialism or communism to replace our Representative Democracy. Direct Democracy mob rule by the majority is what this group is calling for, and they think they represent everyone but the few super elite wealthy. They couldn't be more mistaken. They do not represent me or most of Americans who still appreciate our Constitution and our system of governance. Getting rid of Capitalism( and I heard two speakers in the Portland Occupy expressly state they wanted to get rid of Capitalism) will not make things better. Socialism just means that people accept that private propert will be abolished. That is the single most important goal of socialism/communism. The Occupy movement are collectivists, everything they do is collectivist. Even the way they talk to politicians is that way, like that creepy thing they did with Michelle Bachmann reading a script pre written and using that creepy human megaphone thing. There is no invidual expression or creativity. It is robotic, and these people need to understand what it is that they are really calling for, because I think it is many of the OWS who are either misinformed, or they are revolutionaries for communism.

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

Direct democracy IS what is needed, but you will still have your car/home/boat and all other personal belongings. You would also have your business under stricter governmental regulations.

You continue unabated making the same disingenuous claims by correllating socialism to communism thread by thread. I can only imagine you are highely ignorant or have a sinister agenda. There is really no other alternative.

The tea party was a capitalist joke. Let it go as it has no future once the people wake up from their deep slumber!

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by ApolloBloodline

You mentioned almost all of the possible ways that the OWS folks can destroy themselves and offered them plausible solutions without judging them. GREAT JOB! This country has PLENTY of room for protesters & I'm SURE we can allow a park or two in the cities of their choice to be "occupied" by people exorcising they're RIGHT to assemble and to freely speak about whatever incoherent message they are trying to convey. Their just being there seems to be a threat to the powers that be and I'm ALL FOR their presence! Rain, cold and even snow hasn't driven them off yet, lets see where this all goes because this is a test! It's a test of what our country REALLY stands for and how our government HANDLES the freedoms THEY say they hold dear.

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