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Why I debunk the chemtrail myth

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posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by ProudBird

Hey Bill, Cut the chase here.
Flight patterns, when they spray, are not the same as when contrails stay in the air longer then normal by commercial planes.

You sound convincing,for a contrail. Sorry you don't believe there's a difference.

So it goes..... But don't insult me by insinuating I'm not smart enough to understand I don't comprehend the science behind contrails,flight patterns,altitude and ice.

ohhhhhh what the hell...go ahead.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:01 PM
Regarding contrails staying in the air longer than normal.

Could you explain why a cirrus cloud made of ice crystals will linger in the sky but a contrail with the same make up is expected to disappear quickly and is seen as odd if it doesnt?

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by BillfromCovina
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

As far as the previous thread, Phage was the one who had continually used Vandenberg soundings until it did not support the results and he then decided to use San Diego.

Did you or did you not use Vandenberg soundings to support your contention that there was little or not chance that contrails could form over LA??

He tried to cherry pick not me.

Nope - he used ALL the available data - not just 1 set.

edit on 5-11-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 09:36 PM
Wayne? No No I can't. Great question.

Anything else?

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by niceguybob

Flight patterns, when they spray, are not the same as when contrails stay in the air longer then normal by commercial planes.

"Flight patterns" is not a very technical term, for those of us experienced in aviation. But, if you refer to the normal Jet Airway routes (hopefully you are aware of these), then perhaps that is what you mean.'s a very important point to remember, when it comes to persistent contrails:

They linger, just as clouds....and also, just like clouds, are affected by the winds aloft. IOW, they move with the air mass, as it moves. SO, a contrail that forms from an airplane traveling along a Jet Airway that then lingers, will move depending on the angle of the wind direction, compared to the course of the airplane, and thus the heading of the contrail, how it is aligned with the compass rose.

So, minutes after the fact, the contrails appear to not correspond with what is normally a "known" route....hence, the impression that they are "off".


posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Hey debunkers, have fun!
And to the rest of those who are very aware of what we see and aren't brainwashed.
This is a must see video.

Posting video links - ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ
* Link
* Description
* Review/Opinion

edit on 6/11/2011 by Sauron because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Aloysius you are not paying attention. Here is the link where I start posting. Are They Spraying Anything pg 13
I ask all the readers of this thread to read and judge for themselves. It is obvious that you do not even know how to read the charts.

It has been you supposed chemtrail debunking experts that have been continually saying you could explain Chemtrails and that current science of contrails could explain it. I took up the challenge and decided to post pictures. What happened? It was not me who used Vandenberg AFB but Phage. I was just asking you guys to be consistent. I really did not care what soundings were used or if you used an average. Vandenberg, Edwards, San Diego or an average. Phage never posted any soundings that were conducive to persistent contrails except maybe one day when it was raining. You don't understand this because you are ignorant of what is required to produce Persistent contrails.

I was willing to allow even rel humidity >60%. Phage was consistently wrong throughout the discussion. You do not know this because it was above your head. When I stopped posting he was already thoroughly defeated including his argument about assumptions. Why kick a dead horse? The last word does not mean you are right. He had finally admitted the science was not that good and he could not predict or explain the results. If you believe he was right about anything, please take the soundings and explain why in that area we should or should not have persistent contrails. His postings on Vandenberg when he states that we should have persistent contrails please explain why he was right. Explain why above Vandenberg we should have persistent contrails, not LA. Otherwise kick rocks.

edit on 5-11-2011 by BillfromCovina because: added sentence for clarity

edit on 5-11-2011 by BillfromCovina because: added word

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by hardamber
I don't believe the planes flying over me and spraying are commercial. They turn around out by me like a farmer plowing a field and lay line after line going from East to West and back. They routinely make a patch work over a city to the southwest of me. They did it again today. It's like they are spraying a cloud with the sole intention of blanketing that city. I see them turn off their spray, turn around and turn it back on to make a new line. They make lines that are equally distanced apart. I bought a video camera to film this happening several months ago. I plan to get my butt out there one day and film it.

I take pictures with my phone sometimes when I see 2 airplanes with only one leaving a chemtrail.

The people who say chemtrails are actually persistent contrails have either got an agenda or they are so stuck on their own "Facts" that they can't freely observe their environment.

These people remind me of the kid going to the school for the gifted pushing as hard as he can against the door right below the sign that reads "Pull". If the FAA didn't say it I guess it never happened.

There is plenty of evidence in videos and documents on spraying and the Chemicals used. This stuff is unregulated so any company can spray all they like. Seems ironic to me that such a lack of regulation should be in place for a potentially life threatening method of contagion dispersal over populated areas.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by intuitivegirl

That video has been posted before.....and, you post-spamming it in multiple so-called "chemtrail" threads is certainly not very nice, nor productive.

But, rather than forcing people who are tired of the nonsense and BS to sit through over an hour of more same ole' same ole' - - - what are the highlights? What time references?

Its title suggests some sort of far-fetched "bio-weapon" aspect, is that fair to guess??

SO, where does the video get around to providing ANY proof? Or, does it just babble on for an hour with suppositions and guesswork?

And, on that same tangent.....where are there and facts or evidence of some sort of "causation" from these alleged "bio-weapons"? Actual, verifiable maladies or injuries to people? (And, don't just say "Morgellon's"....because that nonsense has been debunked ages ago).

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by ProudBird

Blah blah blah.....
It has plenty of facts, and I personally think it's worth posting again and again for people to see.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by intuitivegirl

It has plenty of facts....

NAME a few.

And, posting over and over again, with NO description or brief synopsis is a violation of ATS Terms & Conditions.

There are many, many ATS members who have bandwidth limits on their Internet service, and must pay extra every time they need to watch a video. Or, sometimes YouTube is blocked, for whatever reason.


Posting video links - ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ


When members post links to videos, will you please also write a short description of the video and your own opinion of it. We seem to be getting more and more posts which simply say "Watch this Video" with a link and nothing else.

edit on Sat 5 November 2011 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by intuitivegirl

Hey debunkers, have fun!
And to the rest of those who are very aware of what we see and aren't brainwashed.
This is a must see video.

Using one conspiracy myth as evidence for another conspiracy myth is just sad.

Morgellons watch

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by onecraftydude

I take pictures with my phone sometimes when I see 2 airplanes with only one leaving a chemtrail.

That happens all the time, and for perfectly good, valid and scientific FACTUAL reasons.

The people who say chemtrails are actually persistent contrails have either got an agenda....

LOL! No, the people who describe, and try to educate others about the facts and reality of persistent contrails are those who are educated and knowledgeable, and not naive and gullible to believe every silly "theory" that is posted on the Internet...especially when those "theories" are shown time and again to be baseless. Since the facts are in the way of the "theories", and the "theories" have no, nada, zero evidence whatsoever.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by waynos
Regarding contrails staying in the air longer than normal.

Could you explain why a cirrus cloud made of ice crystals will linger in the sky but a contrail with the same make up is expected to disappear quickly and is seen as odd if it doesnt?

I will explain it for you. If you see a cirrus cloud or any clouds at the height where planes are flying, that is an indication of the humidity. In fact if you see cirrus clouds that is an indication that persistent contrails can be formed. If you are in a desert city with low humidity and not a cloud in the sky that is an indication that persistent contrails should not be formed. You should not have planes producing persistent contrails in low humidity ( rel Humidity

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by niceguybob

After a very heavy spraying for a couple of days,I was hiking up in the Mnt's and saw some residual crap in one of the spring runoffs. It looked like it was spiderwebby crap like they layer up there. I was pretty far up in the Mnts but I REALLY wanted to take the sample to a lab. It wasn't runoff spring muck. That was right next to it. I shoulda taken some to a lab. No baggy. Fiberous,but not.

Deny ignorance..but don't tell me contrails are the same as flight patterns I don't understand leaving LONGGG trails back and forth. Again,not worth commenting on.

But hey, anyone that's lived in Italy and now lives in SA deserves a positive defence and response.

Hey! I saw the same stuff in Italy when I was hiking along the river. It looks a bit like vibre glass that has been pulled apart. White stuff. I was to scared to touch it and also had nothing to grab it with.

(Give me your take on why SA is better than Italy? I have my own overpowering reasons, just interested in that statement. U2U me if we are going off topic.)

Sweetguy, why dontya bring your one dollar here to SA cause I also have about one dollar (maybe a little under), and we find ourselves a piece of land and build a hut where the sky has neva seen a silver bird? Somewhere either close to sea or high up in the Drakensberg mountains. In fact, everyone nice and kind and truthful with excellent vibes are welcome as long as you will dig in and help plant and reep and grow and play! Children have right of way over adults.
Oh! and if you denigh chemtrials please don't bother!

7:07am here, and another splended bluesky day outside! Guess the chemtrailing-trolls were sleeping last night.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by onecraftydude

I take pictures with my phone sometimes when I see 2 airplanes with only one leaving a chemtrail.

That happens all the time, and for perfectly good, valid and scientific FACTUAL reasons.

The people who say chemtrails are actually persistent contrails have either got an agenda....

LOL! No, the people who describe, and try to educate others about the facts and reality of persistent contrails are those who are educated and knowledgeable, and not naive and gullible to believe every silly "theory" that is posted on the Internet...especially when those "theories" are shown time and again to be baseless. Since the facts are in the way of the "theories", and the "theories" have no, nada, zero evidence whatsoever.

Hi Proudbird, I am sorry to let you know, you will never be allowed to fly in my unlimited sky!

I would not call my beautiful brain and big open blue eyes baseless tools for zero data. Either you do not want to see them or you are simply stuck at a point because of your own personal involvement with human flight.

Why do you guys that 'have wings' take chemtrials so personal? We are not saying that YOU are spraying us.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by CaDreamer
to all you believers... if chemtrails are making us sick...why is life expectancy worldwide increasing 50% of children born today will live to 100.

oh and BTW that FBI guy is nuts...

The FBI guy is also dead too, BTW

In addition to longer life expectancy, air quality is continually getting better too..

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
reply to post by firepilot

Winter and spring long past. We are in summer. Also, last winter there was nothing.

Unless you're on another planet, it's very much still spring in SA

Oh come on, Essan, lets split hair in a country where spring hardly exsists for longer than a month. Spring quickly grows into full blown summer!
Spring day is 1 September, today is 6 Novemeber.

Do I detect you missing SA or what?

Technically we are already having some days that definitely called summer days. We were not discussing the exact seasonal schedules, we were discussing temperatures. Which, as you know, is not the same as in the UK or wherever where spring is much cooler than high summer.

edit on 6-11-2011 by UnlimitedSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Edit: Just finished reading the first page of the thread and the proper conclusion to the equivalent of this post.

Yes the majority of these supposed "chemtrails" are completely false and loonies wanting to feel special by believing they are witnessing a conspiracy unfolding before their very eyes. It is how ever an absolute fact that the US government was openly using cloud seeding technology to modify weather in enemy territory during the vietnam war.

The above is proof of the US government spraying things in the air to alter and control the weather. I don't even know what "chemtrails" are officially supposed to be in the conspiracy world? Are they poisoning us or brainwashing us? Even IF a government agency were spraying trails in the air all day all year, what harm is it doing us? I feel fine.
edit on 6-11-2011 by Dystopiaphiliac because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky

Why do you guys that 'have wings' take chemtrials so personal? We are not saying that YOU are spraying us.

I think it's because they're trying to say that NOBODY is being sprayed, and for all anybody can prove, nobody is being sprayed. Members of this website seem to have a hobby of taking pictures of contrails in their leisure time and post them on ATS calling them chemtrails. It's an easy thing to fall for, believing the lines in the sky are part of an evil government conspiracy to slowly murder us. But it's also ignorant to fall for it as well.

I personally believe several of the worlds superpowers have the technology and ability to modify the Earth's natural weather patterns. I also believe they have no f***ing clue how much it could disrupt nature.

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