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Occupy Oakland: One of the most sickening things I have heard

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posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Let's see now, if you meet any two of the following criteria you are a member of The 99% :

1. If you have have ever been suckered into any credit card bill or mortgage to then default on said mortgage through absolutely no fault of your own!
2. Your home has been or is under "Threat Of Immediate Foreclosure" that occurred only after you lost a job through no fault of your own! Also includes if you've ever been forced and scammed into taking a deal that you wouldn't've signed ever!
3. Your bank has decided not to lend any local businesses money in order to get them out of the basement!
4. Your job has been sent overseas as well as you were forced to train your replacement!
5. You've seen what little you had saved as late as Q2 2008 dwindle to nearly nothing!
6, Your credit card company tried to pull a fast one on you such as accepting fraudulently gained funds in order to further and advance their agenda!
7, You have ever had to make a conscious decision that going without cable would be in the "Best Interest" of either you or your families household income!
8. You've seen your pay substantially decrease while to maintain basic life essential has astronomically increased!
9. You see that there is little hope for the future for you, your family and your kids!
10. You are just sick and tired of filling out application after application and days turns into months and eventually years!
11. You are sick of the corruption via external infiltration of Govt!
12. Because you are an American and as an American when your fellow countrymen's chips are down we prop him up as we as Americans never allow another American to suffer as long as they are on the homeland!
13. And most important, you are sick and tired of how the very essence and fabric that which makes this giant and great nation being ripped apart by moronic talking heads.

The United States Of America is ours and does not belong to either any corporation, company, conglomerate, charity, religious institution, no one as it is us, We The People now and forever!

USA, USA, USA, USA, Now and forever!
edit on 6-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

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