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Iran is on the verge of getting the Bomb. It is time for President Barack Obama to act

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posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by aRogue

Because the money the US injected into their military in the last 10 years FAR exceeds the money the countries you just listed did.

Few people realize the extent of the gap between US military and other countries. Factor in that NATO and most of Europe's G20 are "working hand in hand" with the americains.

Of course, there's little application to all that when talking about nuclear weapons.

edit on 4-11-2011 by Alkolyk because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:24 PM
A democracy is rule of the majority. A mob can be the majority. America is a republic, the majority votes and the elected are charged with protecting the rights of everyone including the minorities. Iran and most Muslin countries are democracies. The majority wants a state/religious union. The religious leaders have a hugh amount of power. The religious ideologies permate the gov't sturcture, laws, the educational system and the entire culture. The animosity between Israel and Iran is religious. It will not resolve. No one cared about Palestine until the Balfour Declaration wanted to give it to Israel, then it became a fight for ownership.
I don't think Iran is working to get a nuclear bomb. I think they already have them. They are just bidding their time so they can use them the most effectively.
The first mention of Palestina is in Exodus. It's part of the land God gave the Jews. People will try to take it away from them, but they will not suceed. "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision." Derision is the use of ridicule or scorn to show contempt.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:31 PM
act??? act against what?? who do you think you are ??? respect others if want to be respected...

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:42 PM
YEAH TCANT people see if they say oh there about to get a bomb ppl with actually be convinced.. and wtf is it our right to worry about iran or what any other country .... time to worry about yourself not others its not are problem

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by Habit4ming


"This regime occuping Jerusalem must vanish from the page of Time."

What do you think this means? Here, ill break it down.

"This Regime" = Zionism = A Jewish state. "must be vanish from the page of time"...What else can this mean? It is an exact cognate, just another way of saying, "Israel must be wiped off the map". It is in essence the same statement.

Zionism simply means a Jewish state. This is what it meant when Theodor Herzl wrote "the Jewish state", and this is its essential meaning, in essence, the need to sustain a Jewish state.

Israel is the collective name for the people of Israel ie; the Jews. So, the "regime occupying Jerusalem" is just another way of saying "Israel", in its Jewish identity, as the Jewish state for Jews.

Very, very simply. You people who claim he "did not say that!" make yourselves look stupid by arguing he said something different, when infact he said something of the exact same nature.

Israel is very much threatened by Iran, and Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons in order to politically and if need be, militarily, destroy the Jewish state.

Let me tell you something, bud! I'm an old lady, and I don't take crap! I'm stupid, you say? Do you know what I think is stupid?: People who have poor reading comprehension, as you so obviously do. Or did you not watch the video (one of many, by the way)? Or do you have an agenda?
This is what Ahmadinejad said:

"...The Imam said this REGIME occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time." He also said, "...I think that the ISRAELI GOVERNMENT IS a FABRICATED government (this is the only part reported by media, the rest was suppressed). Here's the rest of what he said: "...and I have talked about the solution. The solution is democracy. We have said allow Palestinian people to participate in a free and fair referendum to express their views. What we are saying only serves THE CAUSE OF DURABLE PEACE. WE WANT DURABLE PEACE in that part of the world. A durable peace will only come about with once the views of the people are met..."

He is against what he calls the fabricated Israeli government, just as many here in the USA are against our out-of-control corrupt government. He is not against its citizens. He calls for DURABLE PEACE. I hardly think durable peace would include wiping Israel off the map!


posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:45 PM
This is ridiculous:

I see more and more news reports every day focusing on iran, It is literally spiraling out of control. News is coming in faster wanting to attack iran than i can post.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:45 PM
It's scary to me... You can visibly see a few countries gearing up for war with Iran. UK even made a statement talking about how they are prepared and all that. Israel.... Well, they are just chomping at the bit and you know the US is the leading force behind it.

I honestly feel bad.... Iran.... More specifically, the people of Iran... If my government attacks you.... I am sorry... Not that an apology will help.... But I truly am....

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
Damn the bovine fecal matter piling up faster than can shovel these days...

Still amazing they worry over iran may have.. When the genocidal psychopaths israel do have and are itching for a war..
As sick as am of all the damn wars hope that in event amerika and israel attack iran that both russia and china step in and send the amerikans and israelis packing putting an end to their damn bloodlust and savagery.

As f'd up as the whole situation is, the hope that Russia and China step in is equivalent to the hope that all of humanity perishes. While "stopping the real bad guys" may sound noble, I'd rather the supernational interests who use the United States' military might for their profit get what they want, than for all but those select few in the bunkers to die in a global nuclear war. Imagine how that would go. Step 1: Conventional War: U.S./UK/Germany/France vs. Russia/China Step 2: Escalation to nukes Step 3: (an hour or so after step 1) Those who haven't died in direct explosions start to die of radiation poisoning, famine, and disease. Yay.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Thanks for contributing the link

The BS sure is piling up isn't it?

Then you got these arm chair patriot/Zionists screaming bomb Iran because they want death to Israel and America plus they are Muslims so they got to be evil right?

Half these idiots don't even know the diff between Arab or Persian.


posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:05 PM
First, no one even knows if Iran actually is developing nuclear weapons (please do not cite the 'wipe Israel off the map quote' - that is a proven hoax. Funny that the media will report 'conspiracy theories' if thats the way politicians want them to go). Remember Iraq's WMDs? That was a total fabrication.

Secondly, even if they are developing nuclear weapons:

a) If one country is entitled to nuclear weapons, they all are.
b) If Israel is entitles to nuclear weapons for 'self-defence' purposes then so is Iran.
c) The nuclear presence of Israel, combined with their aggressive foreign policy trends gives Iran all the more reason to develop one.
d) If the US and Israel, the two most aggressive expansionist states in the world (not to mention UK and France) are entitled to nuclear weapons then everyone is. The RT reporter made some good points on this fact - the US is the only country to have ever used the a bomb, yet suddenly they're judge and jury of whose entitled to one?

When was the last time Iran started a war? They don't, they mind their own business and try to be as self-reliant as possible. This facade has gone on long enough, since Saddam was caught the US has been chirping on about the "Iranian threat".

Don't believe the hype - the 'allies' are the ones storming around the world installing puppet regimes and assassinating sovereign leaders. It's bizarre that no matter how many times history repeats itself, the public never catches on. I suppose you can thank social conditioning for that.

Edit: And seeing as the nuclear nations have been threatening Iran for over a decade now, surely that's all the more reason for them to develop nukes..
edit on 4-11-2011 by arollingstone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:05 PM
We can all sit here and piss and moan about Iran. The truth is the US government doesn't care what you have to say. Whenever Israel commands it's slaves in the US, British and French governments to attack Iran, they will attack. 90% of US citizens didn't want TARP, we got TARP. 60-70% of US citizens didn't want Obamacare, we got Obamacare. 90% of US citizens want our troops out of Iraq, we are still in Iraq and will be for many years to come. Why would they ship troops home that are in Iraq, when they can just keep them there to go and attack Iran when that time comes?!!

People need to wake up and smell the coffee. The only choice you have, is you're choice of fast food to shove down your throat.

We have protests all around America and everybody is trying to label it as this thing or that thing. Americans have been so thoroughly dumbed down and brainwashed with class warfare it's sad. The federal government does this on purpose. You're either a Republican or Democrat. You love the rich and hate the poor. You're racist. I'm not racist, I like Chinese people. You're just a tea bagger. You hate gays. You're a Nazi sympathizer. You're a communist. And on and on it goes.

There is the potential for a real non-violent American Revolution on our hands and people are allowing the media to play their dirty games. How long before we start hearing it's an Iranian plot to blah blah blah.blah.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by dontreally

The only reason Iran would attack Israel

Would be in self defense. Iran has not attacked anyone for thousands of years.

with a nuclear bomb if need be

What nuclear bomb? They only have a nuclear power plant. They dont have any said weapons. I am more concerned about Israel and their nuclear weapons. They are the ones currently threatening to attack them.

would be the same reason why Hitler decided to gas 6 million Jew

Oh no you did not open up that did you. Do you have evidence that Ahamdenijad said this statement? Provide documentation. Also not only that hitler was financed by jewish bankers. Also Judaica declared war on germany prior to hitler declaring war on jews. Or do you forget history?

It will kill Jews - 6 million of which happen to live in Israel today.

Jews were not the only ones who died in WW2, many other millinos more died. What do you think jews are chosen or more special and so other dead people are not as important? I see right through your racism.

Iran would face the consequences

Who are you to decide and which country decides that they are to face consequences?

just as Hilter and other high level Nazi officials (not all) faced repercussions after the war.

The Israeli-zionsist-terrorist regime are the ones acting like Nazis this time around.

Do not think for a second Iran is in someway different from Nazi Germany.

I can tell you that Israel is exactly like nazi germany and worse. Do you have evidence that Iran is doing something like nazi germany? I can show you gaza concentration camp pictures, white phosphorus, tanks being used on a people who have no military. Can you show me evidence of it being like Nazi germany?

Infact, Iran - is the proto-persian word for "Aryan"!

Infact Ashkenazi jews is how they got the word Nazi from as it is in the root of ashkenazi. Nazis are really jews as i have clearly demonstrated by your logic.

There seems to be quite alot which binds the Germans with the Persians

Care to elaborate? You mean like heritage? Yes there are germans in persia and vice versa. Nazi germany has lots of binds with the current Israel.

Not only historically (the ancient Persians, Sassanids, etc, eventually absorbed western culture, and religion, first, with Alexanders campaigns in the east, and later on, with Christianities becoming the defacto religion of the peoples of the east - Persia)....

Irans major religion is islam and they have all other religions there as well. Even if it they were Christians would it matter?

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by phantomjack

Originally posted by DieBravely

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

It would be good for Iran to get a nuke. They would be able to tell the rest of the world to shove it. That would be good for peace.

Iran isn't going to attack anybody, they haven't in a very long time. Seems they are only interested in defending themselves. I've seen no hard evidence to the contrary.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

Yeah, who has been doing all the senseless violent attacking lately, Iran or USA?

it sucks to be on the side of evil in the eyes of the world. And even those of us who recognize what's going on and desperately want to change it will be looked on with contempt by future generations (if there are any) just as the general public of today looks upon the people in Germany during the 30's and 40's.

Iran attacks just as much, if not more, through terrorist actions. They FUND terrorism. To say they are innocent is a load of crap.

The reason Iran doesnt "attack" in an above the board manor is because those in power around the globe have prevented them from building the necessary tools to do so.

What do you really think this world would be like if the USA didnt step in militarily? In fact, why not have all you Anti-USA haters go without anything that involves USA money, technology, leadership, or protection -- which would include that computer you are using right now to read this. Probably the car you drive. The electricity you use.

Its all good when you have the conveniences that the USA provides when it suits your needs. Hypocrisy at its finest if you ask me.

There is no better country on this planet. Get over it already.

What we do as a country allows you to do as a citizen of the planet what you do. Any argument to the contrary is nothing but chatter.

Communism has killed MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS on this planet. More than the USA ever would or could. Thats a fact, jack.

Your knowledge of US history is rather limited isn't it? The new American's killed over 15 million Native Americans taking over this country.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:23 PM
such bull#. amenijad is their prez, but he's like 30th in the line of power... hes just somebody that talks. he has no more power than ron paul does now. Not to draw a comparison cause i love ron paul. but hes the only one that says anything controversial out of iran, and even his words are twisted. iran poses no threat, they only want nuclear POWER. if we attack iran its because our country, our world is run by racist elitist fascist everythingelse-ists.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Weird.. I thought "Change" meant that we would have an ultra Progressive Liberal who was very anti war .. blah blah blah.. same ol' crap.. Makes sense we couldn't have gone to war with Iraq and Iran at the same time without a draft, so now we withdraw from Iraq which means within a year we should be fully prepared for a new major military campaign. And Iran should be a bit harder to contain than Iraq was.. the people are more educated and their military better trained.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Obama understands the implications broadly of butting heads with Iran. It seems the Sabre rattlers are the one misinformed of how immense action by the US would be. It far exceeds just Iran as a concern.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:45 PM
They could manufactuer all the components but to cast them is expensive and to put it together takes forever. In regards to weaponization they are still years off. They are about where we were about 1935. They ain't nowhere near having a live functional device. The nations GDP of $818.7 billion for 2010 would barely buy them 10 functional warheads. It will cost a model car manufacturer such as Hot Wheels or Matchbox to make a 3inch long diecast car that you could put into the palm of your hand and cost north of $100,000 to secure the license but we are talking about casting molds from scratch that have to be laser cut and are the size of a 3 floor house.

If it wasn't for Einstein our nuclear program may've never gotten a chance to exist as for all intensive purposes Germany was a few steps ahead of us and stalled trying to figure out the spark generator and Einstein did and it was a graphite and lead mixture!

There is no one in their employ that can hold a candle to Einstein!

The uranium, yellowcake and nuclear fission are extremely unstable individually and cannot be transported in the same vehicle or even the same convoy and require the transport vehicle to go as slow as a snail and pray to your God that the road you travel on is as smooth as glass. We stateside are so advanced that we can prevent the chemical compounds from mixing prematurely while the warhead it is injected into is atop of an ICBM traveling at north of 3,000 mph. The top speed of the transport vehicle is limited to a slower then molasses 3mph!

Nuclear fissure and fission and uranium for home heating is far easier and far simpler then weaponization!

A weapon whose yellowcake, uranium and fission that is made today won't be weapon ready for a few months. You'd need to have a storage and manufacturing facility the size of a futbol stadium.
edit on 4-11-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

To answer the question in the title, NO!

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:54 PM
If Iran is so dangerous, why the hell did you sell them F14s?

Fail. You all need to be impeached, everyone.

I'll # a brick if an American soldier has to be deployed to that wretched scrape of Earth for no apparent reason. If an American pilot/commander has to shoot down an American made F14 for one pointless reason or another, this is a direct and expensive waste of US tax dollars. The mere fact that our government sold weapons to the people they are about to send us to war with is reason enough to hang them all.

* Grabs a newspaper *

Torpedo tubes ready Cap, prepare to # a brick!

Rosie the riveter would be PISSED!
edit on 4-11-2011 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 08:03 PM
So what-Persia hasnt attacked anyone in years? My next door neighbor never killed anyone in his life until he shot his wife a few months ago. Whats your point?

Israel has had nukes for 40 years...NEVER USED THEM. Again-whats your point?

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by dontreally

The only reason Iran would attack Israel

Would be in self defense. Iran has not attacked anyone for thousands of years.

with a nuclear bomb if need be

What nuclear bomb? They only have a nuclear power plant. They dont have any said weapons. I am more concerned about Israel and their nuclear weapons. They are the ones currently threatening to attack them.

would be the same reason why Hitler decided to gas 6 million Jew

Oh no you did not open up that did you. Do you have evidence that Ahamdenijad said this statement? Provide documentation. Also not only that hitler was financed by jewish bankers. Also Judaica declared war on germany prior to hitler declaring war on jews. Or do you forget history?

It will kill Jews - 6 million of which happen to live in Israel today.

Jews were not the only ones who died in WW2, many other millinos more died. What do you think jews are chosen or more special and so other dead people are not as important? I see right through your racism.

Iran would face the consequences

Who are you to decide and which country decides that they are to face consequences?

just as Hilter and other high level Nazi officials (not all) faced repercussions after the war.

The Israeli-zionsist-terrorist regime are the ones acting like Nazis this time around.

Do not think for a second Iran is in someway different from Nazi Germany.

I can tell you that Israel is exactly like nazi germany and worse. Do you have evidence that Iran is doing something like nazi germany? I can show you gaza concentration camp pictures, white phosphorus, tanks being used on a people who have no military. Can you show me evidence of it being like Nazi germany?

Infact, Iran - is the proto-persian word for "Aryan"!

Infact Ashkenazi jews is how they got the word Nazi from as it is in the root of ashkenazi. Nazis are really jews as i have clearly demonstrated by your logic.

There seems to be quite alot which binds the Germans with the Persians

Care to elaborate? You mean like heritage? Yes there are germans in persia and vice versa. Nazi germany has lots of binds with the current Israel.

Not only historically (the ancient Persians, Sassanids, etc, eventually absorbed western culture, and religion, first, with Alexanders campaigns in the east, and later on, with Christianities becoming the defacto religion of the peoples of the east - Persia)....

Irans major religion is islam and they have all other religions there as well. Even if it they were Christians would it matter?

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