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One Cause For Our Anger; Corporate Welfare

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posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Your approach is to simplistic though.
You look at the government and corporations as two separate entities.

What we have is heads of corporations or banks that get into politics to help their cronies in their respective industries.

Take a look at Obama and his Wall Street team for example.

Obama did not work on Wall Street, but most of his main team did.

Which, they will then go back to, to reap the rewards after they are done.

How do we stop heads of corporations and banks from going into politics?
How do we get the power to decide who the presidents choose on their teams?

I think there needs to be a two pronged attack, at the government, and against the Wall Street Banks and Mega Corporations. If anything, it brings to light into the public consciousness, the corruption and how owned our government, which more people are beginning to see.

It is not much different than going after terrorists and those who fund them.
Both are equally responsible and need to be attacked.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by SilverStarGazer
reply to post by Harte

Let Verizon go! They're MAKING MONEY from the IRS getting millions in rebates... They're not paying a damn dime in taxes we're paying them. Did you not read the article? Good grief.

Do you consider the fact that Verizon (as only one example) employs around a quarter of a million people in the US as insignificant and beside the point here?


posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Harte

Actually if you think about it, with the tax rebates Verizon gets, We the People employ those people just under the name Verizon.

posted on Jan, 7 2012 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by Harte

Actually if you think about it, with the tax rebates Verizon gets, We the People employ those people just under the name Verizon.

Only if Verizon's average salary is around 25,000 per year, including benefits, which I doubt.

I'm not standing up for their tax dodges, I'm saying they could operate anywhere. Plenty of citizens enjoy a decent living working for them right now. If they get a sweeter deal elswhere, they'll take it.


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