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Judge William Adams beats daughter for using the Internet

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posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
For those who think physically disciplining a child, or even austere groundings, turns out better kids, and prevents jail, I want to point out that this is statistically not true, nor true in any study done in university psychology.

The crowd advocating this level of physical punishment doesn't strike me as the same crowd that gives much credence to silly numbers and statistics. They seem to rely more on pure, unadulterated emotion and gut feeling, than on reason or understanding. Just sayin'.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

I don't like that man or woman. From their mud mouthing all the way to their sadistic side. They SUCK. If they don't get some help, that tiny little girl is doomed. I don't even know if these people can be helped.

I'm beside myself angry it brings up so many bad memories....... I was a back talking, had to have the last word smart-ass and used to get beat too, whether with a belt or a swtich I had to go cut myself. Oh, and it better have been a perfect switch - not too dead, but not too green. When I had my own children I could never whip them. I had the perfect relationship with my perfect daughter, until she took her dying last breath at 18 years old..... and she had never been smacked on the hand, let alone a spanking or a beating. My Mother didn't even come to her funeral. She hasn't even picked up the phone once to call and say sometihng - anything..

Some people just don't deserve children.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Anttyk47
Hes using a belt for pain, to dicipline. Not to "beat" her.

Anyone who deliberately inflicts pain on their child, is - in addition to being a complete failure of a parent - a really sick twunt.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Anttyk47
You people are morons, this IS dicipline. I got hit harder than that for stupider things. Hey now im 18 and it doesnt matter. Notice hes going for butt and legs area, real abuse is face chest stomach beating.

Hes using a belt for pain, to dicipline. Not to "beat" her.

Although this reasoning is confusing, he musta told her not to do it and she did anyways..

All you've done is bury it deep in your subconscious as though it never happened, from where it will affect and distort your interaction with others in your neighborhood, in recreation, in your relationships, your marriage, and with your own children, all in ways that you'll never even be aware of. Read some material by the German author Alice Miller. It will help you become aware of and wake up to what has been done to you. The earlier in life you learn about it the better for the rest of your time on this planet.
edit on 11/2/2011 by dubiousone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by Anttyk47
You people are morons, this IS dicipline. I got hit harder than that for stupider things. Hey now im 18 and it doesnt matter. Notice hes going for butt and legs area, real abuse is face chest stomach beating.

Hes using a belt for pain, to dicipline. Not to "beat" her.

Although this reasoning is confusing, he musta told her not to do it and she did anyways..

Actually, I would say you are a perfect example of how it DOES matter. The fact you are so indifferent about it, is absolute proof of how much of an impact this has on someone. Because of the abuse you dealt with, you've now accepted that as normal behavior, and will most likely repeat the cycle. You're 18, so you haven't even been a legal adult for a year yet, however you've already decided what sort of long-term effects you will have (or won't have). You have a long road ahead of you my friend.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

The punishment is clearly over the top, but without knowing what she did to set her parents off that way, its hard to be objective. Clearly she filmed this herself by hiding a camera and then doing something to set them off.

What I see is bad behavior by her parents and her. I also see parents showing more than normal anger and perhaps she got caught in risky, dangerous behavior.

She is also way to old for spankings in the first place.

I don't believe in corporal punishment. It's never necessary unless the parents were incompetent to begin with. My own Father never raised a hand to me and I never disobeyed him because I respected him. I never raised a hand to my own daughter and she was very obedient and respectful to me.

From what I've seen parents who resort to this were bad parents to begin with and out of frustration they turn to violence. My apologies to folks who beat their children, but if you do, you are the problem. Your own failures lead to your child's behavior.

I had good role models for parents and know that corporal punishment is never needed unless parents are failures themselves. Generally because they don't work with their children when it matters before age 3 and then they take it out on the child later in life when they pay the price for their own lack of parenting skills when the child was young enough to do something.

In this case I'm betting that girl did something just as bad as what her parents did and since she clearly rigged the camera, she planned it. No innocent parties here.

What troubles me the most though is her staging this and then posting it on the internet. I feel dirty for watching it knowing that now many children will learn to use videos out of context to get even with their parents. It's a very bad thing to have happen. Makes me think allowing children to even use the Internet could be abuse.

The Internet is a dangerous place for kids. I don't even approve of children on ATS considering the adult subjects here and how traumatic this stuff could be for a kid not emotionally prepared for the topics. I accept though it is up to the parents to keep their young children off sites like ATS. Children can't glean the difference between reality and the fantasy that prevails on ATS, but then that's another topic. Teenagers are fragile enough without having them terrified by end of the world, doom and gloom nonsense.

If there is a lesson here its that there is no longer any privacy anywhere.

As to Anonymous, what load of crap. If they start invading peoples homes and private lives, its time for the authorities to step up actions against them and increase the sentences they receive. What they do is not different than a home invasion or burglary. No rational person can possibly side with the little creeps who hack into other peoples computers. They are not hero's, they are plain old fashioned punk criminals. Any person who appoints themselves Judge, Jury and Executioner is a punk in my book.
edit on 11/2/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by Anttyk47
Hes using a belt for pain, to dicipline. Not to "beat" her.

Anyone who deliberately inflicts pain on their child, is - in addition to being a complete failure of a parent - a really sick twunt.

Who are YOU to judge what makes a parent a failure?

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:19 PM

It's not our place to judge.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by NerdGoddess
Posting again because of how much this video pissed me off. I'm going to say the meanest thing I have ever said on the internet, and I will not take it back, or ever feel sorry for saying it.

I hope he dies, and I hope it is a horrible death, he is a bastard. This stuff just hits too close to home for me, and If there is a hell I hope he burns in it. I hope someone beats him in the face with a hard heavy dildo just as hard as he hit her with that belt, SCREW HIM!

I still feel sick, I think the minute that I watched might actually make me throw up. I feel sorry for her, and her little sister and whatever other siblings she may have, and I wish I could go hold her and tell her everything will be alright and that some day she wont have to live in that hell hole with that mother#ing bastard peice of # for a father.
edit on 11/2/2011 by NerdGoddess because: (no reason given)

He was likely as much or more of a victim of his own parents as his daughter is his victim. He needs help. The mother needs help too.
edit on 11/2/2011 by dubiousone because: Grammar

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by scientist

Originally posted by Anttyk47
You people are morons, this IS dicipline. I got hit harder than that for stupider things. Hey now im 18 and it doesnt matter. Notice hes going for butt and legs area, real abuse is face chest stomach beating.

Hes using a belt for pain, to dicipline. Not to "beat" her.

Although this reasoning is confusing, he musta told her not to do it and she did anyways..

Actually, I would say you are a perfect example of how it DOES matter. The fact you are so indifferent about it, is absolute proof of how much of an impact this has on someone. Because of the abuse you dealt with, you've now accepted that as normal behavior, and will most likely repeat the cycle. You're 18, so you haven't even been a legal adult for a year yet, however you've already decided what sort of long-term effects you will have (or won't have). You have a long road ahead of you my friend.

It's one thing you notice often in the type of people who beat their kids... They demonstrate long before being parents that they will beat their children.

A very sickening and malicious mind set to have.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:22 PM
I really hope someone finds the man and beats the s**t outa him, I bet he wouldnt off done it if it was his 19 year old son (if he had one).
I got the belt a couple of times as a kid and I only got hit once each time, If I acted up my dad would come into the room and just put the belt on my bedside table and walk out so I knew it was time to stop being bad.
Its the fact that he keeps on beating her and the wife says "ok give me the belt I will hit her once" and he says "Iam gonna get another"
Maybe he was beaten like this as a kid? doesnt make it right and I hope if he is a judge he gets fired.

Beating Kids just make the Kid more mad , I remember thinking after my dad hit me with a belt "One day Iam gonna punch you so hard" and I did (He deserved it not going into why)
edit on 2-11-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by scientist

Originally posted by Anttyk47
You people are morons, this IS dicipline. I got hit harder than that for stupider things. Hey now im 18 and it doesnt matter. Notice hes going for butt and legs area, real abuse is face chest stomach beating.

Hes using a belt for pain, to dicipline. Not to "beat" her.

Although this reasoning is confusing, he musta told her not to do it and she did anyways..

Actually, I would say you are a perfect example of how it DOES matter. The fact you are so indifferent about it, is absolute proof of how much of an impact this has on someone. Because of the abuse you dealt with, you've now accepted that as normal behavior, and will most likely repeat the cycle. You're 18, so you haven't even been a legal adult for a year yet, however you've already decided what sort of long-term effects you will have (or won't have). You have a long road ahead of you my friend.

So what's with people linking the acceptance of this video with people being abused to the fact that they are growing up with a tramatic life that they tell themselfs were okay?

I feel as though everyone is now all of a sudden doctors who know how something tramatic can cause someone to think differently.

Guys, just because my dad hit me in the arse when i was little, doesn't mean i grew up with this idea that it was just completely "Okay"

You know what you haven't even gotten to ask what level of abuse i endured and yet you people are assuming thata if i did get hit when i was little my parents are failures, i'm a nut job, and you know everything that's right in the world.

You're no different than me people, you grew up without having your butt smacked by your parents so you feel as though that's the acceptable lifestyle and you should look down on everything else.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:28 PM
Soooo! how come the camera was in the room?.... something is strange with this.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Anttyk47
Who are YOU to judge what makes a parent a failure?

What do you mean, ''who am I to judge ?''. I'm me.

A child is much more likely to grow into a happy and well-rounded adult if they are shown love and affection by their parents. A parent going around and intentionally inflicting pain on their child is doing the diametric opposite of showing them love and and affection, and - in additional to the physical and mental pain it causes - will usually leave the child feeling confused and unhappy. ergo, they failed as a parent.

In addition, a parent who attempts to cause pain to their child, does so out of anger - not for the benefit of the child. If a grown-adult has to act out their internal emotions in an externally negative manner, then it shows a lack of personal control, and that they are weak. This is going to provide a negative influence to the child, who is more than likely going to attempt to mimic his or her parents' actions and behaviour.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Trower

She probably planned on recording the next time she was physically assaulted or yelled at.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Anttyk47

NEWS FLASH. You're no different than me people, you grew up without having your butt smacked by your parents so you feel as though that's the acceptable lifestyle and you should look down on everything else.

There have been a few members here who have posted about the physical abuse they endured as a child...and how it made them feel...and why because of it...they would never choose to discipline their child that way.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:32 PM
Oooopsie, lookie what I found on Faux,
from the front page at Faux
luuucy, you got some splainin to do.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Anttyk47

Your 18 right? sorry bud but it is to early to know if the beatings have effected you yet, you body and brain still have growing to do.
I work in Mental health and I know a fella who used to get the crap beaten out him by his Dad and he said it didn't effect him until his Dad died when he was in mid 20's and it all came back to him, he had put all the beatings away somewhere in his head and his Dad's death brought it all back and he lost it,
Its how you spank/hit the child if you do it with anger well your not helping anyone, do it but explain why and do it calmly and dont really hurt the child.
So don't call people morons some of us know much more than you.
Also if you do feel your beating have effected you get help talk to people, just talking about it helps don't let it fester in your mind.
edit on 2-11-2011 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by deadeyedick
It's not our place to judge.

Would it have been our place to judge if he'd murdered his daughter ? Raped her ?

If so, then what arbitrary place are you delineating when it's ''our place to judge'' and when it isn't ?

Not to mention, that you should say: ''it's not my place to judge''. As it's clearly not your place to judge when it's someone else's place to judge, by your own reasoning.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Trower

My guess would be the girl decided that her word against an "upstanding citizen" and judge would be laughed at by any she told.
So she says to herself, "Self, it's only a matter of time before i get beaten again. Let's get PROOF".
So she sets up her cam and waits for the next beating.
Problem is she probably got about 40 beatings before she got the one that was juuuust right!
Practice, practice, practice!

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