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All things Pagan. A Druid's guide.

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posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Agarta
reply to post by Druid42

The true lessons are of releasing fear and doubt, knowing self and the Worlds around you, and working toward Ascension in every belief system. The paths to get there are vastly different, the words used to teach the lessons are vastly different and the tools and symbols are vastly different but the lessons and understandings if TRUE are exactly the same regardless of the path,language,tools, or symbols, yet I see in this modern age that the lessons have been lost to rituals of manipulation of energy and self gain in all belief systems. Yes it is about self gain from a Spiritual point of view as the goal is forward progress, but it seems that the purpose has been lost to learning how to cast spells, doing rituals, and misuse of symbols without the lessons being learned.

These lessons and Understandings are actually what unite all beings of all walks of life, not what name you call a higher power or even accepting a higher power for that matter.

The bold above denotes that you are very wise. That in essence is what we are seeking in this thread. Thank you for stating that so succinctly. However, my only criticism at this point would be that we must temper ourselves to those ignorant of our ways, and realize that those who wish to learn must be guided with a spirit of understanding of the Eager's background, and have the patience accordingly. All are created equally, but due to environment and upbringing, not all are equally educated. There is a gap in knowledge in every religion, and misuse of knowledge is flagrant everywhere. It's not our place to judge, simply correct and educate those who will listen.

I'll give you this example: John 3:1-13

1 Now there came a man of the Pharisees whose name was Nicodemus, a member of the council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said to him, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could do the miraculous signs that you do unless God were with him.” 3 Jesus replied, “I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4 Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter his mother’s womb and be born a second time, can he?” 5 Jesus answered, “I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 6 What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born from above.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” 9 Nicodemus replied, “How can these things be?” 10 Jesus answered, “Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you don’t understand these things? 11 I tell you the solemn truth, we speak about what we know and testify about what we have seen, but you people do not accept our testimony. 12 If I have told you people about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? 13 No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven—the Son of Man.

Yep, that is the major premise of modern Christianity. Such a fail in the translation, because people refuse to acknowledge that they have a spirit. They don't know WHAT it is much less how to interact with it. They say idle words, and live a fleshly mortal life, with no acknowledgement that the two are one and the same. Christians have a "holy spirit", but they won't acknowledge it is actually the divinity within themselves. They refuse to release fear and doubt, and know themselves and the Worlds around them, and they don't work toward Ascension in their belief system. (Yes, I added to your thoughts, so thank you for them.)

Here's the fatal flaw. You accept Jesus into your heart in the above example, but it's a meaningless transaction unless you learn to act within your spirit and human nature. You have to act within your abilities, casting off un-needed emotions and ideas, and focus on WHO you really are.

Without proper education, people will continue to misuse symbols and rituals. They've done it with the true message of Jesus, and that has been for 2000 years now. Look at how many religions have sprung up during that time. Amazing, eh? If anything, it's sad.

That's my drive, my determination. To get people to think for themselves, to cast off fear and doubt, and to see themselves for who they really are, and to accept the changes they need to follow their path. All roads intersect at some point.
edit on 11/4/11 by Druid42 because: added p to srung

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by druid1

Welcome, fellow. Thanks for your contribution.

A member since 2008, with a double digit post count? I look forward to hearing more from you. You apparently read, and observe. Peace.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by KhaliWitch
reply to post by Druid42

Blessed be Druid,
I trust you are starting to feel much better, as I am also after experiencing the Negativity.
I am sending you some Positive Energy and some Balancing Energy to help you remain Balanced.
It would also would be pleasant to hear your thoughts on my vision as you have also read the original vision on the other thread. It feels like this is a prelude to that vision.


You are definitely on a cusp. Your are transitioning between circumstances in your personal life, and I'll also include a spiritual transformation. The visions you are having are related to your mind being consumed by circumstance.

You can far see, and you are vulnerable in such a weakened state. Unwanted visions without any sort of scrying ritual are an indication of external influences.

I'll bind you with a shield, for now, but I need to know the source(s) of the attacks against you, and please u2u any personal info.

Verbalize, once you have cleansed your mind, relaxed, and have burned incense, and I recommend Lavender.
Algiz bind from the second aett,
I yield myself to a protective state,
my spirit thus to you does flow,
Laguz states the journey so.

Thus the Druid binds these thoughts,
of happenstance, and wyrd wi'otts,
to hold me safe, and comfort dear,
from everything there is to fear.

Peace for now, Kalhi. We're here to help.

edit on 11/4/11 by Druid42 because: fixed two spelling errors.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Druid42

Thanks for the scrying info Druid v interesting.
I've done that in my mind if you know what I mean but haven't tried the mirror so might try that now to see what it feels like.

x Mara

ps don't have the fiery temper! And haven't come across any McCleods (sorry cant remember how you spelled it) D

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Mara5683

The Mcleod's are a bit of interest to me, because my great-great (something) grandfather immigrated from Ireland. He fought in the Revolutionary War, 1776, and I have a DVD full of the .pdfs from a 2 inch thick book of our genealogy that my father has. He scanned in all the pages, made .pdfs, and burnt them to DVD. I am a member of SAR. Further research, as a hobby, is required.

My family name traces back to Ireland, so I can claim a supposed heritage, but would like more information before I suppose any ties. I have done research, and most of my ancient family changed their names to variations during the Inquisitions to avoid persecution.

My biological mother was 100% German, she's passed on, yet left me with records to research. Same difficulty there, because many genealogy records were lost due to Jewish residents in Germany changing their name and the destruction of records during Hitler's occupation.

The rest resides in my own intuition, and the resonance with past lives I've had. More on that later....

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Druid42

That's my drive, my determination. To get people to think for themselves, to cast off fear and doubt, and to see themselves for who they really are, and to accept the changes they need to follow their path. All roads intersect at some point.

i really like the way you think, druid42 (42!).

i have been working too hard to give a properly considered response, yet:

"trying to get people" is a difficult prospect, this i know from experience. and also it is the CHOICE that matters. choices can not be forced.

fear and doubt cannot be "cast off", only traveled through.

all roads intersect at the balance point. each of us emerged at some different 3D distance from that point and since our path is toward that point, and because we start in different locations our paths MUST be different.

still, there are certain lessons: gravity for example. very important.

a curious thread, this is.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:21 PM
I do want to thank Agarta for her post on smudging, very good, and it will be linked in the summary I am working on. I'm doing most of it offline, to prevent redundancy.

Thank you, Agarta, for providing accurate information. Your contributions are appreciated by me, as I was going to address the smudging aspect of paganism, but you covered all the aspects very well. Kudos. I was going to stress that it was originally a Native American tradition, but you covered that, and I was going to say that some have objected to use shells in a fire ritual, and that they say to use Abalone shells in water rituals, but you also clarified that as well. Well written. I bow to you.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by KhaliWitch

Could you link with my energy and try Seeing, to help me either confirm this happening or that my imagination is running wild? I do have to say the vision has now twice been identical, right down to the smallest of details.

Hi Khali,

Those very clear, repeating visions are usually what I call "prophetic dreams", but their meaning is on a symbolic and personal level. I'm not saying that people never get visions of the actual future, just that these things, in my experience, are quite profound and very meaningful, but rarely literal. You will probably be able to pick out several concepts/symbols/words/etc from the experience that relate to the recent past weeks, different things within the past few days, and if you continue to keep it in mind, there will probably be some things that occur in the next week and month, that will fit with it. Time seems to extend the boundaries a little bit on either side.

I couldn't speak towards world events, but I will work on a tarot reading for you this weekend and U2U it to you. I use the celtic cross method and I often have results that people tell me are useful for them. It may help with insight into whatever is going on with your situation. I need an hour or so in private for that. I will clear the space and do some energy work first - I usually get some colors and images while I am doing that, which I will include with the reading. You'll hear from me in the next few days.

Take care,

edit on 4-11201111-1111 by gwynnhwyfar because: Changed PM to U2U.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Druid42

I just spent the last two hours writing and editing a lengthy comment regarding how and why people may be drawn to this topic, and my opinions about the different places we find ourselves on the wheel, and why it is important, and whether or not it is ok for the process to evolve, and why we should not reject anyone.

I ended up back here. Not one of us needs to justify our interest. We can offer to explain what we have learned and we can seek to learn from others. That is all.

If anybody is drawn to this topic and wants to learn more, then you are welcome.
If there is a specific topic you would like to learn about, one or more of us can probably help or at least point you in the right direction.

So please ask.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Druid42

Originally posted by KhaliWitch
reply to post by Druid42

Blessed be Druid,
I trust you are starting to feel much better, as I am also after experiencing the Negativity.
I am sending you some Positive Energy and some Balancing Energy to help you remain Balanced.
It would also would be pleasant to hear your thoughts on my vision as you have also read the original vision on the other thread. It feels like this is a prelude to that vision.


You are definitely on a cusp. Your are transitioning between circumstances in your personal life, and I'll also include a spiritual transformation. The visions you are having are related to your mind being consumed by circumstance.

You can far see, and you are vulnerable in such a weakened state. Unwanted visions without any sort of scrying ritual are an indication of external influences.

I'll bind you with a shield, for now, but I need to know the source(s) of the attacks against you, and please u2u any personal info.

Verbalize, once you have cleansed your mind, relaxed, and have burned incense, and I recommend Lavender.
Algiz bind from the second aett,
I yield myself to a protective state,
my spirit thus to you does flow,
Laguz states the journey so.

Thus the Druid binds these thoughts,
of happenstance, and wyrd wi'otts,
to hold me safe, and comfort dear,
from everything there is to fear.

Peace for now, Kalhi. We're here to help.

edit on 11/4/11 by Druid42 because: fixed two spelling errors.

Blessed be Druid,
Many thanks for your kind words and your concerns.
My Visions always come without Scrying and are always far Seeing ( the longest has been 10 years ). Perhaps this is because I do not Sleep at night, but place myself in a Meditative Trance, as I have done since I was 18 years of age. ( this makes for quite a refreshed Awakening the next morning ) I am always protected, but at this time, not Shielded, I wear a Protection Amulet which is Alive with the most Positive of Enegies = Love and Light.
I have been attacked in the Past, but my Shield is quite Powerful, as I have made Protection, Cleansing, Crystals and Herbs my "specialties". And I do not feel any attacks, I am waiting for signs to occur and my Shiled might cause me to miss them.

Once again, Thank you for kind words.


posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by gwynnhwyfar

Blessed be Gwyn,
Thank you for helping me to clarify this as it was a mixed Vision ( a literal prophetic vision and a symbolistic personal vision )
I shall wait to hear from you, you needn't U2U it as I find that the others might find it informative on how to do such readings in order to clarify Visions.


posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 10:08 AM
at the risk of going off topic, i'd like to post a few thoughts on magik and mysticism. These thoughts are meant to be interpreted as a beginning of a conversation, rather than some immutable 'conclusions' that i have arrived at.

First a bit of back ground so y'all can put these words into a bit more context:

I have studied very little actual esoteric texts. a coupla obscure profound books here and there, the magician's companion, the book of lies, some golden dawn instructional pamphlets, read some Levi (whew!), a little A.E. Waight and some Paul foster Case. I am mostly interested in alchemical symbolic characters, the Tarot (which i study more empirically), and a deep understanding of the four basic elements (also studied largely empirically).

Most of my actual study is global history, all science and science history, and an enormous amount of science fiction over my 44 years. I also study the universe through measurement and observation. As a failure analyst and experimenter i've built many devices, seen, and measured many of our physical rules.

As an artist and performer i've participated in and helped organize fair number of events and been there to experience... stuff... enough stuff to know that our current deterministic Newtonian/Gravametric framework is incorrect.

more and more i am coming believe that all the stories are true.

i am trying to separate the detail from the structure so as to better see the pattens. I am fairly certain that there just a few? truths that can be expressed in many many ways, and that if we focus too much on detail (of which there is a mind bogling amount) we loose the actual thread of the thing. And understanding this we find it much easier to allow another to express the same truth differently than we do..maybe even if it means them using your details in 'incorrect' ways. What if it works for them? Why is that bad?

Well, because sometimes it is bad, right? I mean, a love potion made with death poison is simply not going to work no matter how well you incant the spell.

how to tell the difference? what matters specifically and what can be a personal expression?

i'd say less the former and more the latter, but i'd like to hear other thoughts.

edit on 5-11-2011 by galactix because: italics

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by galactix

Interesting points, hardly off-topic, because you forgot to add in how you summon dancing pink unicorns and dance naked with them during a full moon. (I can have a sense of humor at times.....)

There are many esoteric symbols assigned to Paganism, the true meanings lost or perverted by mankind over the years. Is there power in these symbols? Is the power inherent, or is it transferred by the living soul using them?

Take a crystal for example. They were found by our ancestors while they explored the primitive world around them (found in nature), and because of their unique appearance and structure, they became imbued with "magical" properties. In an animistic worldview, they attained a spirit of their own, and were able to store and focus the energy of individuals. In neo-paganism, crystals have all sorts of unique properties, such as healing, invoking, and banishing, but I believe it requires a human being to utilize these meta-physical properties, and one properly trained to understand the true usage of such items.

Talismans are another story. They are man-made, and existed primarily for healing, protection, and the warding of evil. Curiously enough, they also span over ALL belief systems. I would attribute that fact to an aspect of paganism that people just couldn't give up, some thing that they believed in, and would not relinquish.

In antiquity and the Middle Ages, most Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Orient believed in the protective and healing power of amulets or blessed objects. Talismans used by these peoples can be broken down into three main categories: talismans carried or worn on the body, talismans hung upon or above the bed of an infirm person, and medicinal talismans. This third category can be further divided into external and internal talismans. For example, an external amulet can be placed in a bath. Jews, Christians, and Muslims have also at times used their holy books in a talisman-like manner in grave situations. For example, a bed-ridden and seriously ill person would have a holy book placed under part of the bed or cushion.

These items seem to have a unique ability, that is, once created, they utilize a specific function.

Amulets are plentiful in the Jewish tradition, with examples of Solomon-era amulets existing in many museums. Due to proscription of idols, Jewish amulets emphasize text and names—the shape, material or color of an amulet makes no difference. See also Khamsa. The Jewish tallis (Yiddish-Hebrew form; plural is tallitot), the prayer shawl with fringed corners and knotted tassels at each corner, is perhaps one of the world's oldest and most used talismanic objects. Some believe it was intended to distinguish the Jews from pagans, as well as to remind them of God and Heaven. An incorrect conjugation of the plural form (with Ashkenazi pronunciation), "tallisim," is very close to the term "talisman;" however, the word "talisman" is of Greek origin.

The Catholic Church, and Christian authorities in general, have always been wary of amulets and other talismans. However, the legitimate use of sacramentals, as long as one has the proper disposition, is encouraged in traditional Christianity. For example, the crucifix is considered a powerful apotropaic against demons and fallen spirits, and rosaries or St. Christopher medals are frequently hung on rear-view mirrors of vehicles in Christian cultures as a way of invoking God's protection during travel. Lay Catholics are not permitted to perform exorcisms but they can use Holy water, blessed salt and other sacramentals such as the Saint Benedict Medal or the Crucifix for warding off evil.

The amulet is particularly prevalent in ancient Roman society, being the inheritor of the ancient Greek tradition, and inextricably linked to Roman Religion and Magic (see Magic in the Greco-Roman World). Amulets are usually outside of the normal sphere of religious experience though associations between certain gemstones and gods has been suggested, for example, Jupiter is represented on milky chalcedony, Sol on heliotrope, Mars on red jasper, Ceres on green jasper and Bacchus on amethyst.[9] Amulets are worn to imbue the wearer with the associated powers of the gods rather than for any reasons of piety. The intrinsic power of the amulet is also evident from others bearing inscriptions, such as VTEREFELIX (UTERE FELIX) or "good luck to the user."[10] Amulet boxes could also be used, such as the example from part of the Thetford treasure, Norfolk, UK, where a gold box intended for suspension around the neck was found to contain sulphur for its apotropaic qualities.

Talismans appear to work with no prior knowledge required of the wearer/user. Other items, however, require years of study for proper usage.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 12:14 PM
A brief look into the concept of Evil.

It's a pretty clear cut picture that most of the adherents to the Abrahamic Traditions have viewed Paganism as Evil. Being in league with the Devil, that we are going to hell, heck, I've even been called "the devil incarnate" by a few hard-core bible thumpers. Then let's toss in the misconceptions of "evil spirits", "demonic possessions", and "Satan worship".

Let's start with a simple definition:

Evil is the violation of, or intent to violate, some moral code. Evil is usually seen as the dualistic opposite of good. Definitions of evil vary along with analysis of its root motive causes, however general actions commonly considered evil include: conscious and deliberate wrongdoing, discrimination designed to harm others, humiliation of people designed to diminish their psychological needs and dignity, destructiveness, and acts of unnecessary and/or indiscriminate violence that are not legitimate acts of self-defense but aggressive and designed to cause ill-being to others.[1] The philosophical question of whether morality is absolute or relative leads to questions about the nature of evil, with views falling into one of four opposed camps: moral absolutism, amoralism, moral relativism, and moral universalism.

Moral absolutism holds that good and evil are fixed concepts established by a deity or deities, nature, morality, common sense, or some other source.[8]
Amoralism claims that good and evil are meaningless, that there is no moral ingredient in nature.
Moral relativism holds that standards of good and evil are only products of local culture, custom, or prejudice.
Moral universalism is the attempt to find a compromise between the absolutist sense of morality, and the relativist view; universalism claims that morality is only flexible to a degree, and that what is truly good or evil can be determined by examining what is commonly considered to be evil amongst all humans. Author Sam Harris notes that universal morality can be understood using measurable (i.e. quantifiable) metrics of happiness and suffering, both physical and mental, rooted in how the biology of the brain processes stimuli.

By very definition, Pagans are not Evil. In fact, we strive to be good, albeit without some occasional human failings. Now here's the scary part: Reread the bolded definition above again, and apply it to the actions of the Abrahamic Traditions over the course of centuries, and you'd be looking at the poster child for an explanation of what Evil really is. You've never really looked at it that way have you?

I know, I may be being harsh, but I am stating what appears to be an honest assessment, if we adhere to strict definitions and really look at a truth. Popular culture has twisted the definitions even further, clouding our minds with nonsense and even further muddying the truth. Hollywood has given us images of things that don't really exist, and helped confuse people even further.

So what do we do? We move along. We remain true to our nature and persevere, as we have since the beginning. I'm leaving this topic open for further discussion.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Druid42
I believe that your definition of evil belongs more to Christianity than to any Abrahamic Tradition. Before Saul of Tarsis the Hebrews saw evil as an inherent part of God. For God and his creations to be perfect and good, a scape-goat had to be found. So Lucifer became Satan the Devil. Until that time a 'satan' was what today we call an devils' advocate. The writers of the New Testament took this idea and ran with it. This 'new' idea enabled the Church Fathers to dream up all kinds of evils for which millions perished in the most gruesome ways possible.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by boomerdude

Blessed be,
Unfortunately you are right, just look at the fact that many Witches have been burnt on the stake, because they were Wiser than the Christian Priests.
The Knowledge and Wisdom that has been lost to us due to those ignorant men will never be regained or found.
Ohh, the herbal remedies to so many illnesses have been lost forever.
* shakes head and sighs *


posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by galactix

I was where you are now about 20 years ago. My suggestion to you is to go all the way back to the beginning. You will slowly come to realize the "Ancients" had the ears to hear, and the eyes to see, the Word. They passed down their knowledge or "Knossos" first in the oral tradition, and later in their writings. They did it by analogy with symbols and with codes. Paying particular attention to the Hermetic Tradition you'll see that there are three great Truths. The Word, The Great Work and Awakening. The Ancients combined the three Truths to construct the megalithic structures; The ruins of which we find all over the planet. With even greater structures yet to be discovered under the seas and oceans. With enough study, research and gained knowledge you'll come to see that all the great minds, past and present, are speaking of the same principals.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by KhaliWitch
And think of what the world would be like if Men had not forced women into a subservient second place. The Art, The Sciences, all of our knowledge would be so much further along. It makes me sick thinking of it. But, I see hope in the fact that every day more and more women are finding their Lilith, and letting their Eve have a nice rest._javascript:icon('

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by boomerdude

And rest we need!!


posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Druid42

Very interesting info on Talismans. i found it particularly interesting cuz i make them..or have: been a coupla years now since my last. i intend to make more once i've built a properly sacred work space to do them in. My process begins in wax, where i carve images/words/symbols that feel correct for the individual or intent in question, often drawing on old alch symbols, but just as often simple roman numerals invoking major archana. Others are simplified images i find thru web searching: depends. i keep them simple mostly. i believe that it is the holding of the intention while marking the wax that matters, not the actual characters. Then they incubate on my alter for a bit. Then cast into sterling (copper + silver) silver, finished and polished, bringing out new detail. Finally to sit again on my alter before it's final gifting.

My meta studies on the results of the '70's paranormal research suggests that the scientists mostly got it wrong but did inadvertently demonstrate that a human connection to the inanimate can and does actually happen. i wish i could post link.. twas during one of my winter dreaming/study periods that i discovered the meta analysis.

anyway. we can and do connect to objects. but if and only if we actually believe we can/do. belief is required here. the data clearly shows this to be true.

on the crystal thing..taking skill an' all: is like playing an instrument? or using a tool? i would expect this to be the case if, in fact, humans can train to utilize particular mental focusing frequencies.. like light bending in glass and magnetic fields bending in iron and generated in copper.

do u have more info on the crystal use? something that goes beyond actual technique? curious here....

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