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Entire West Coast Hit Hard by Radiation!! Fukushima

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posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 07:09 PM
from the source:

"Altogether, we estimate that 6.4 TBq of 137Cs,
or 19% of the total fallout until 20 April, were deposited over Japanese land areas,
while most of the rest fell over the North Pacific Ocean. Only 0.7 TBq, or 2% of the
total fallout were deposited on land areas other than Japan."

So, aside from their adjectives, the figure given (math doesn't lie) is 2%, which is only ONE TENTH of the amount estimated to be deposited on Japanese land areas (much smaller than our land area).

So 2% spread over a huge mass of land (N.A.) versus around 10 times that over a much much smaller land area (Japan).

So, North America is relatively in great condition compared to Japan. You really must feel for those people in that area. They have it bad there. Those in North America are lucky that the Pacific ocean captured most of the contamination in the form of rain (per this article anyway).

So, I hope that puts this into some perspective. When in doubt, check the source and try to interpret the numbers.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by daynight42

This is strange how people seem to think there is an acceptable amount, like just one won't hurt. I am sure anyone on here if sent a bottle of water from Japan would not want to drink it, as there are too many variables involved. None is best.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by daynight42

I appreciate what you have to say and respect you aththough I don't share your trust. I hope and pray that your right. I just don't have alot of faith in the Governments' track record for telling The People the truth ! Not my Government or any other.You know they like to have us "Look There" or " Look Here" like an Easter Egg Hunt !

Kinda of like the crap they promise during elections and "The Updates" Good ole' Bush. The Mother Of All Liars would say, " My fellow Americans, The Economy is Strong" Yeah and had a bag with 750 billion dollars in it the week he was through legally sticking it to The American People who believed his treasonist butt.. Thx for your post

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by MarkJS
Most people didn't hear, I suspect.... that the Fukushima plant experienced a nuclear meltdown. You didn't know about it, because it was mostly covered up:

It was widespread common knowledge. Maybe you were hiding in a cave at the time?

As was the fact that small amounts of radiation (quite higher then normal levels but still not as serious as an x-ray on your teeth) reached the US west coast in March.

This thread is VERY OLD news.

OK.... maybe I was in the dark. There were a few caves around... but I did not have the urge to hide in any at the time.(???) Can't be up on everything these days, can we? Especially when there is a cover-up involved. Please tell me where you learned that there was a nuclear meltdown in the Fukishima plant? What are your sources? AFAIK, they were not US-based. yes/no? Thanks.
edit on 1/11/2011 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by MarkJS quotes... just like I thought(??)

secungo línea

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:35 AM
I have been travelting the world starting from San Francisco, I have been in Japan using a Russian Radiation detector. I am in Kyoto right now, was in Tokyo last week, none of them have any significant radiation. I am here to see it for myself. The detection in SF was 0.2, in Vancouver 0.1, in Tokyo 0.25, in Kyoto 0.15. A normal radiation from teeth X-ray is around 20 or so I think. A full Jaw X-ray is 200. A flight across U.S. is 80.
I am really thinking that sites like are disinformation.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 07:49 AM
The Xenon gas isn't that big of an issue.. The others ARE. Here are some facts about the Xenon 133.

Appearance: Colorless gas sealed in a 2 mL unit dose glass vial.
Odor: Odorless.

Boiling Point: –108°C @ 1 mm.

Radioactivity: 10 or 20 mCi/vial on the calibration date and time.
Concentration: 5 or 10 mCi/mL on the calibration date and time.

Specific Activity: >1mCi/μg of Xenon gas on the
calibration date and time.
Half-Life: ca. 5.4 days. (Which would be long gone before it reached the ground)

I worry about the long term effect of the Cesium-137 and Iodine 131...

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by timmhaines
reply to post by daynight42

This is strange how people seem to think there is an acceptable amount, like just one won't hurt. I am sure anyone on here if sent a bottle of water from Japan would not want to drink it, as there are too many variables involved. None is best.

Try to live life trying to avoid every little bit of everything bad, and you'd never leave the house. Don't go outside during the day due to radiation from the sun. Board up the windows on your house; don't want any of that light seeping in; could cause cancer!

The point is to quantify the level so that we can react accordingly instead of just raising our arms up into the air and running around screaming that the end is near.

A measure of the threat allows a measure of the response that it's worth.

Now, if you rather guess or assume that all threats are equal, then you're sure to miss the ones that really count.

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by true-life

The fact is this. There was a very unhealthfull amount of radiation leaked from the reactors 6 months ago. Now according to your Russian made detector all is well 6 months later at ground zero. You are kidding right? Maybe 2 things are possible here. You dont know how to read your toy or your toy is broken.???

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 01:29 PM
My oldest sister moved from New York State to Camano Island off Washington State about 2 1/2 years ago.
October 23, 2011 she had a stroke that was so massive the hospital said they have never seen anything like it. Her heart blew out and sent clots to her brain which killed her brain functions. On November 2nd after a delay in finding family members, my sister was taken off life support. We sent her for organ donation. When they opened her for what they term "harvesting" my sister was found to be full of cancer in all her organs. The only symptoms was a few days before this happened, my sister said she felt a bit tired like she was coming down with the flu.

When my sister lived in New York State she did not have heart issues nor did she have cancer.
I believe it is the radiation that happened to my sister, it sure has made some in my family think now.

We loved you Deb.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by LdyHades

I am sorry for your loss. I didn't realize that you had posted . I know very little about radiation, but I do know very little is usually too much when your talking about leaks and accidents. I again thank you for your post and I am truely sorry for your loss

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