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Why can't people accept there are other religions....

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:52 AM
There is no doubt "something (s) bigger than ourselves with a great awareness. However common sense would state that if a person lived their life bound to a book or were happy to go along not questioning or not seeking that which makes then happy whatever it mat be, that entity would most likely raise an eyebrow and wonder at the waste.

There's a whole universe to play in why waste the time hanging off every word in a book.

I'm sure athiests are safe and no person has to answer to anybody.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 05:59 AM

That would make Man the creator of God and Not God the creator of Man

Did you make us or did we make you? And the devil too?

Lyrics from Dear God.

Not a new concept but one to ponder.
edit on 31-10-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:49 AM
Morning to all!
May you have a peaceful day, and if it is not in your path to have such may god grant you the understanding and the strength to persevere.

I wanted to share a post I made this morning on "the other thread". It's a bit long winded, but I believe it sums up my beliefs quite well.

reply to post by WarminIndy

I wanted to address some of the things you have said due to the fact YOU seem to have a good head on your shoulders and may actually answer me. The OP here has stated that this thread is simply to expose the evils of Wicca, though he has gone on to condemn all non-Christian beliefs. I am not Wiccan, though my path is quite similar. I appreciate hearing your side of this case.
Here is mine...

First Commandment:Thou shalt have no other gods before me. The word here is gods, small letters, and the classic definition of this is spirits. So if we worship the "spirits" of nature, which is exactly what nature worship is and you worship a goddess, then you have violated the first commandment.

Most Wiccans and other nature based religions will tell you that their worship of deities (plural) is simply a way in which to follow the many aspects of the one creator god. Much as the Christian god has 3 aspects - father, son, and holy ghost, the Wiccan god is maiden, mother, crone. All of these so called spirits whom are called upon or praised are in fact merely the many faces of GOD (singular). To add to this, just as a Christian finds it easier to relate to a masculine god, Wiccans find it easier to relate to either a feminine god, or (in most cases) the two sides of god- male AND female. Even a Christian will admit that God has no gender.

One can appreciate nature, but to worship nature is entirely different. Moses could not worship anything other than God and even though he was very familiar with Egyptian magic, he did not practice it. Since the OP was about Wicca, then we need to address what Wicca is. It is a philosophical ideal that has become a religion. Wicca is nature worship and their "deity" is the goddess. Wiccans worship nature because they believe that God is ALL. Nature is a part of God, just as all people are a part of God, just as the sun and the moon and the heavens above are a part of God. Even though Wicca is considered white, according to my brother who practices it, it does allow black magick, therefore it is not white as people think.

This is only partially correct. In order to follow the Wiccan way properly there can be no "black" magick. First, Wiccans do not hold to black and white- they believe that in all things there is a positive and a negative. You cannot have one without the other. Those who follow the path the way it is meant to be followed will do their best to only put forth positive energies, through thought, AND action.

The Bible says we are not to worship any other gods. Yahweh is God and Jesus is His Son. They created the entire universe, they are Lord over it. That is not something debatable with us, we won't bend on that because that is the crux of our faith. We have to understand all that is involved in a particular faith viewpoint before we attempt to practice it. We don't call on our God to command Him to our will, that is opposite of Wicca and paganism who seek their will done and ask their spirits to do it for them. Sure, we ask God for different things, that is true, but we accept that nothing can be done if it is not His will. He is still God and we are not. Sure, we sing hymns, because that is what praise and worship is all about. It is about reverence, not about getting God to do our will. The Lord's prayer is "THY will be done in heaven as it is done in earth", not our will, but God's will. If I decide to enact MY will, then it must be done within my power and it is against God.

This is very much the reason why I try not to push MY WILL in my prayers. I understand (as do many Wiccans as well) that the path we are meant to take is not always the path we want to take. There is a meaning to everything we experience in this lifetime and just because we don't like what's happening does not mean there is not something to learn from it. When I pray I simply ask for guidance. If I am confused as to a decision I need to make, or angry with someone, or saddened by an event, I ask for understanding if God wills it, I ask to be led onto the path I need to take so as to not make the wrong decision. I do not force my will into it because I know that my will is not always God's will.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:50 AM

That is the point the OP was making, these people are practicing a religion that is against God. We hear it from all the critics on here, they speak out against God, they deny God and they argue against what God said. From a philosophical viewpoint, they are simply against God. But at the same time, they ask God for acceptance of their actions against Him. They do not like what they perceive as intolerance against them, but yet show greater intolerance, and twisting religions to justify being against God. It is not really Christians they are against, it is God Himself. The only other one in the Bible who opposed God, found himself on the losing side and since then has gone after humanity to turn them away from God. He has promised false power through false teachings, all designed to turn them away from God. Witchcraft is all about enacting the human will against the spiritual forces that people really have no power over.

One of the many reasons I left the Christian faith was that I cannot understand how such a loving and compassionate God cannot accept that people could have different ways of worshiping him. I do not feel that my beliefs are in any way against god. I live my life, to the best of my ability, in a loving and compassionate manner. I have sacrificed many comforts for myself and my family so that I could be there for those around me when they had needs - whether it was a roof over their head, food in their stomach, an ear to listen, or a sitter for their child. I personally cannot accept that in order to go on to a better place I must state that Jesus is my lord and savior. He was an amazing man who, I believe, did walk this earth, and was sent by God to teach us a great many things. But, I do not believe that he was the only one who was ever sent to us. I believe we have had a great many teachers and I have tried to live according to the peace and understanding they have all had to share. If I am wrong in my beliefs then I will gladly stand before God on my judgement day and answer for my sins. If I am to burn for eternity for the life I have led then I will continue to aide those who join me. For we are not evil people.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by avatar22

Morning hope you slept well

Also great post, If anyone replies to that post and says your not going to heaven Iam gonna go round to their house and beat them with their own book
But Star for you

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 07:59 AM
thank you! that put a smile on my face

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Who said I wasn't?
Iam exploring all possibilities here, some people say being an atheist is a religion,
Just because is "Godless" doesnt mean they are bad people and not to be trusted, and heck I hope if there is a God he would welcome atheist's with open arms saying "wow you tried living a full life without me....well done for your human spirit but now let me show you the way".
Personally Iam boarder line agnostic with a dash of spirituality thrown in for side measure.

God doesn't work that way. I am sorry but he does not. Yes he does love you, but if you go your own way then he will not save you, because your ways are not his ways. Because he loved you he gave you Jesus Christ, his physical incarnation to redeem you if you could believe in him. God is about the business of weeding the goats from the sheep, but it doesn't help you for me to quote scripture at you that you will not understand. I am not going to tell you that you will go to hell if you do not accept Christ, that is for you to figure out for yourself. If you can hear the Holy Spirit calling your name then you are meant to be saved, if not then you are not. Not everyone can hear him.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

So answer me this according to your beliefs a person like the Dhali Lama who is not a christian but a very good chap will not goto heaven because he has not accepted Christ?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by avatar22

We obey Yahweh, he does not obey us. God is not some genie in a lamp that you can rub anytime you have a wish. If you worship anything other than the lord than you are worshipping another god over him. If you pray to any graven image that is made of anything that was created on earth, or the heavens than you re worshipping idols. Wiccans may think that they are worshipping God but they are mistaken. God is a he, mascline. Why is god a male? Because Jesus Christ is the Lord, God in person as prophesied by Isaiah. Half of the Old Testement alludes to this.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I think if God is a loving God he will let everyone in heaven, in fact I think that Hell is a man made myth to scare people into picking that certain religion.
I just don't buy the fact he would be so petty to just care about people worshiping just one type of Religion.
God didnt invent Religion man did and I think God would be pretty mad about it.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
Why can't people accept there are other religions...

Because there are other religions.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by avatar22

We obey Yahweh, he does not obey us. God is not some genie in a lamp that you can rub anytime you have a wish. If you worship anything other than the lord than you are worshipping another god over him. If you pray to any graven image that is made of anything that was created on earth, or the heavens than you re worshipping idols. Wiccans may think that they are worshipping God but they are mistaken. God is a he, mascline. Why is god a male? Because Jesus Christ is the Lord, God in person as prophesied by Isaiah. Half of the Old Testement alludes to this.

Jesus was the human incarnation of God. In order to be incarnated God had to choose a gender to appear as. Given the time in which Jesus appeared on earth men were taken more seriously than women. Women were meant to be nothing more than wives and mothers. Could you imagine what could have happened had God shown up as a woman? Absolutely nothing. She would have been laughed out of the square, and probably crucified for being a witch before any one had a chance to hear what she had to say. This is nearly proven with Mary Magdaline who many believe to be the prostitute Mary. These were two different women. Mary Magdaline was a follower of Jesus, and many believe her to be one of the disciples, and many also believe that she was the favorite of them. But, in the days of Jesus (and all the way into very recent history I might add) men could not accept that a woman held any wisdom or power, and thus she was pushed out of the stories and made out to be the prostitute.
The creator, as in God the Father, actually has no gender, as God is not of this earth.

None of us have ever said that we treat God as a "genie in a lamp" as you so callously stated.
If you read any of my above posts you would see that my thoughts and prayers to God are not for "wishes". I ask for guidance to be sure I take the path I am meant to take. I ask that if God wishes me to know may I understand the reasons for the path I am to take.
As I said before, if I am wrong I will be the one standing before God to answer for my wrong doings. But, no one on this earth has the right to judge me for the life I live or the faith by which I live. Only God can do that.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by avatar22

Well said, Avatar

As I said before, if I am wrong I will be the one standing before God to answer for my wrong doings.

As will we all. We each have our own path to walk. How we walk that path says who we really are...what we really believe.

But, no one on this earth has the right to judge me for the life I live or the faith by which I live.

Judging others is a very dangerous thing to do. The only person here on earth that should judge ourself.

Or so it seems to me.


posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I think if God is a loving God he will let everyone in heaven, in fact I think that Hell is a man made myth to scare people into picking that certain religion.
I just don't buy the fact he would be so petty to just care about people worshiping just one type of Religion.
God didnt invent Religion man did and I think God would be pretty mad about it.

What youre not getting is that youre trying to put your limited human knowledge of him in place of what and who he really is and what he is about. God cannot abide by sin, sin is destroyed in his presence. When our mother and father sinned against him that stain of sin passed through them to their children (us), this concept is called original sin. Yes he is a loving God and it is for that reason he gave us Jesus Christ, so that if we believe in him and are covered in his blood then that sin debt is paid. The wages of sin is death (spiritual death that comes after the physical death). That spiritual death is being cut off for eternity from the light of God. For all eternity you are in darkness. The muslim call it the outter darkness. So you might think "ok, darkness isn't so bad". Wrong kind if darkness. Hell isn't actually the place where you burn for eternity. Hell is the prison God built to hold the fallen angels who rebelled against him, it was never meant to hold man but you will be held there until the judgement day and if you have not accepted Christ as Lord and savior then you get thrown into the lake of fire and are consumed for eternity.

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ, so that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Fear isn't the message. Yes you should walk in the fear of God, but live in his love, for he loved you enough to send a redeemer so that you do not have to suffer if you believe in him. The message is his love, but you have to do it his way not your way. His gift is for everyone to partake of, but not everyone will and this is the test which you do not get graded on. Pass you live for eternity, fail your die for eternity. He gives you the millions of chances each day you draw breath to accept his gift of salvation, but when you die your chances are gone, the clock stops ticking and your choice has been made.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by TNTarheel

Thanks TNT. Good to see you here. Maybe your kind nature and wisdom can help any who may be lost.

You are quite right, we are our only judges on this earth.
And we can be quite stern can't we?

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by avatar22

None of us have ever said that we treat God as a "genie in a lamp" as you so callously stated.

Those who treat God like a wishmaster are they who pray for selfish reasons, for themselves and for their own wealth, health and worldly gains. Many come to Him thinking that he will grant them their hearts desire and they are wrong. We serve him, he does not serve us. He will bless us, but we should never pray fpor selfish reasons, but pray for those whom he has not taken care of because it is they who need our prayers. The moment we accept the savior we are taken care of forevermore. We are servants and Jesus Christ showed us how to live Goid's laws by being the living example because until he came man had been living God's laws as according to man and not according to God, it was for this reason the pharisees had him crucified. They were happy abusing God's authority for their own selfish gain.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Something in my soul tells me your wrong and God will accept me for who Iam.
No point trying to scare me with Hell, I really believe it doesnt exist.
Heck I may just imagine a different god than yours and with the power of the Human spirit *poof* he just became real...
All praise Bod for Bod is God

there I have done what leaders of religion have done since time began...made up a I just need disciples (only Red headed female ones please. lol)

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by avatar22

None of us have ever said that we treat God as a "genie in a lamp" as you so callously stated.

Those who treat God like a wishmaster are they who pray for selfish reasons, for themselves and for their own wealth, health and worldly gains. Many come to Him thinking that he will grant them their hearts desire and they are wrong. We serve him, he does not serve us. He will bless us, but we should never pray fpor selfish reasons, but pray for those whom he has not taken care of because it is they who need our prayers. The moment we accept the savior we are taken care of forevermore. We are servants and Jesus Christ showed us how to live Goid's laws by being the living example because until he came man had been living God's laws as according to man and not according to God, it was for this reason the pharisees had him crucified. They were happy abusing God's authority for their own selfish gain.

Wow, by your own words, it sounds as if many need to remember this.
"Jesus Christ showed us how to live God's laws by being the living example"
and many more need to realize that much of what they are taught is exactly what Jesus came to stop
"because until he came man had been living God's laws as according to man and not according to God, it was for this reason the pharisees had him crucified. They were happy abusing God's authority for their own selfish gain."
This is exactly what has happened to the Christian faith. Unfortunately, what was meant to be a beautiful, kind, and loving faith, has turned into a power trip ruled by God's laws according to man and NOT according to God.
This is why I have chosen to listen and follow God by what God guides me to and not what a man or a book that has been re-written countless numbers of times tells me.

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:38 AM
Christians are not called to judge their fellow man. (Matthew 7:1-3) (Luke 6:36-38). We are called to be a living example of Christ. That is what Christian is supposed to mean..a follower of Christ's teachings. I fear the majority are failing...miserably.

Where does Christ teach the people with wrath, intolerance, and insults? We are given a path to walk, a beacon to direct us. We would do well to remember that.


edit on 10/31/2011 by TNTarheel because: usual

posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Something in my soul tells me your wrong and God will accept me for who Iam.
No point trying to scare me with Hell, I really believe it doesnt exist.
Heck I may just imagine a different god than yours and with the power of the Human spirit *poof* he just became real...
All praise Bod for Bod is God

there I have done what leaders of religion have done since time began...made up a I just need disciples (only Red headed female ones please. lol)

I'm not a natural red-head, but I do have a few red streaks... will that count or am I to be excluded because I am not born the right color...

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