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In Lanzarote Canary Islands We Can See NIBURU In Front Of The Moon

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:24 PM
What phase was the moon in?

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Oh look, another person who lacks even the basic tenants of reading and writing spreading absolute nonsense and fear mongering. If you can't handle something as basic as that why should anyone believe in your ignorant fantasy.

Every day someone has another ignorant video of reflections from the rising sun, or ignorant claims that Jupiter or another object is something out of this world. What makes your claim any different, where is your proof that could withstand simple logic. You don't have it, you will never have it, stop spreading your fear and ignorance and for the love of god don't reproduce.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
but hey...welcome to ATS. glad you're hear to fill up the message boards. look forward to reading your threads in the future!

One thing I love about shamans, they are always so wise and at peace with... Oh wait.. looks like someone didn't get their ovaltine this morning. Maybe you need to get your chakras realigned or something? Or as we do in my neighborhood, "take a chill pill"
I hope I don't wander into your teepee looking for spiritual guidance. You might puke all over me in disgust if I say the wrong thing!

To the Original Poster, I know what you are talking about... It really i s just the shadow of the Earth, just like a normal waxing or waning moon. It's just that, sometimes the shadow covering part of the moon isn't as dark for some reason... So instead of taking on a pitch black color where all that's visible is the sliver or crescent of the moon, you can actually see the whole moon, but from our distance, the shadowed part takes on a brownish color. Things can change color to us when viewed from a distance... Like mountains. We know they have different colors like green because of all the trees for example, but when viewed from a distance, they look blueish or blueish gray.

I'm genuinely glad to hear your enquiry
I would love to watch the sky from the islands sometime! Especially after 2 or 3 drinks to get the mind free from the stresses of everyday life
Don't ever be worries about asking a question or taking a guess just because you might be wrong. If anyone responds in a nasty tone, they are the ones you should feel sorry for. They are truly miserable inside, and many times they do not even know it... It's very sad. I'll look foreward to hearing from you again sometime
Take care!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by curious7

Originally posted by missiongal
reply to post by scotsdavy1
Thank you Scotsdavy i can't believe what i've started here some nasty people around so in fact i think i will now finish in this thread that's all i have to say finito and no we don't smoke weed either!!!

Nasty people?

More like sane people.

Nibiru does not exist, there is nothing between us and the Moon other than rock, ice and debris left by our space missions and satellites.

Maybe your husband shut up and listened because he couldn't believe there was someone else sounding as insane as his wife and he decided to listen for entertainment reasons? SANE PEOPLE have the self control to behave in a civil manner with one another... What you're seeing on this thread is the INSANITY that is currently TEARING OUR CIVILIZATION APART. Have a nice day!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by missiongal
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

Sorry i really didn't know i had that many posts so i'm thrilled to bits that i can now post my own threads thanks for letting me know there are lots of trolls around moaning about paragraphs and bad punctuation, for God's sake there are more important things in life than to pick up on people who maybe didn't get such a good education. I am not referring to you either.

Okay, so maybe I was a little harsh, but there's a reason why people like to see paragraphs.
This may sound ridiculous, but I doubt I'm the only one who does this, so let's run with it. When I read, I "hear" the words in my head, and I "hear" them the way they're written. SO IF SOMEONE TYPES IN ALL CAPS I HEAR A VOICE SHOUTING IN MY HEAD, or if someone types without any punctuation and without any breaks and without any anything i hear a monotonous rushed voice in my head that doesn't stop for breath and it really hurts my brain to read like that.

I know I'm not the only one who feels that way, and that's why people encourage you to break up what you're writing... because it really sucks if you have something important to say, and people are getting turned off by the way that you're saying it.

Some people won't even invest the time to read block text like that.

So... sorry for being all rude about it, but it really does help in getting your point across.
Welcome to ATS, where we brutally put down newcomers who don't use paragraphs!


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by missiongal

The moon is phased locked with the earth so this would have been seen by all looking at the moon , my point os for Niburu to pass in front of the moon to block it out would cause unbelievable problems on the earth. This is allegedly a brown dwarf star, the magnetic pull it would exert on the earth would rip it to pieces .

I would rethink what you seen because it was not a planet , maybe a escaped balloon from the party you just left were you drank a tad to much, only kidding but again ot was no planet and most defiantly no brown dwarf.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by missiongal

Is this what you saw?

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:15 PM
OP , Thank you for your enthusiasm and I'm sorry that you have to endure such people who have nothing better to do than nit-pick at you.
I enjoyed your post and appreciate it and I look forward to more,people like you are a treasure. Naivete and excitement and wonder are all great qualities here.
I hope the nit-pickers can release their sphincters enough to live a normal life . I also hope when they post their perfect ,spell checked paragraphs that they never have to suffer some of the ridicule that they dish out.

Some people really need to lighten up.....

Thanks OP

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by missiongal
reply to post by lonewolf19792000
Okay I'm back couldn't help my self, I've never heard of Sitchin so I don't know what you are talking of however thank you for educating me, so did i get it wrong for my friends as I would love to give them the correct info so are you saying it was and is Jupiter that we could see please answer me I would really love to know?

Zecharia Sitchin postulates that the "gods" are creatures from outter space called the anunnaki and not really gods at all but extraterrestrials or "ancient astronaughts". According to him their "planet" or giant ship was cruising through our solar system about 400k years ago and they were needing gold to maintain their atmosphere or ships shields so they found earth and came down and discovered an indiginous homid species and decided to genetically engineer some of them to be a slave force to mine their gold for them. According to Sitchin "Nibiru" was the name of their world, which got caught in our sun's gravity well and makes an eliptical orbit every 3900 years.

However he was wrong about nibiru, it isn't out passed pluto. Nibiru is the babylonian name for Jupiter. Jupiter the "winged" planet because it's rings make it look like it is winged. Ofcourse people who are desperate to buy into man being created by beings from outter space reject the idea by using ancient texts like bibles to "prove" man was created by extraterrestrials and Sitchin is one of them. The planetary body Sitchin thinks is nibru is actually called Eris or planet x by NASA and is 4 times larger than the earth. It is though to be a brown dwarf star that didn't have enough fuel to ignite or enough mass to sustain a nuclear reaction and NASA thinks it is the companion star to our star because they discovered a while back that most solar systems have binary stars.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:18 PM
WOW Ego/power trip much?

Most people on this thread have a huge ego problem. It's really interesting that you people can attack someone for nothing more than an observation she made. Who cares if she didn't use paragraphs, who cares if you don't agree with her observation. Don't contribute to her thread if you are going to be a complete TOOLBOX. You don't need to make her feel uneducated or that your better than her. She is a very important part of the universe. So are the rest of us and the sooner we all realize this the better our collective lives will become.

You dudes and dudets need to chill out.

I might not agree with her about whether or not she saw planet X but I am not going to belittle her on some random forum and try to boost my own ego. Take that negativity to the real world and see if anyone gives 2 shi7s

This is really sad to see. I get more and more disappoint in us (humans) every second I am alive.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by daryllyn

In Lanzarote Canary Islands We Can See NIBURU In Front Of The Moon

No. You can't.

But, welcome to ATS. I am sure you will feel right at home with the rest of the Niburu-spotting crowd.

How do you know what this lady saw? Were you there with her in that exact moment and location?

And what crowd do you belong too? Let me guess the crowd that is the most popular at the moment

edit on 29-10-2011 by JustBreathe11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by radpetey

The first... is that Einstein is creating at least a 2.5 mag quake with a depth of 6' directly above his place of rest.

sorry what?
Einstein is creating an earthquake?
do you mean the actual decomposing remains of the former well known scientist?
how could that happen? i profess myself intrigued.

as for the rest, maybe some people have been a little rude
but the simple fact is that if there was a planet between the moon and earth no one would be in any doubt
no doubt at all.
spelling and grammar and sentence structure ARE pretty important in a text-based media too.

if anyone is believing any of this niburu/elenin/2012 stuff still
i suggest you read some actual science
start here;

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:43 PM
I can't believe some of the hostility and rudeness, even personal attacks towards the OP. Seriously? Get a hold of yourselves. You make yourselves look worse than you claim the OP looks with her story. Several other people have given level headed responses and explanations, so why do some choose to hurl personal attacks and rude comments instead? If that's all you're going to say, then it would probably be better to just ignore the thread altogether.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by JustBreathe11
WOW Ego/power trip much?

Most people on this thread have a huge ego problem. It's really interesting that you people can attack someone for nothing more than an observation she made. Who cares if she didn't use paragraphs, who cares if you don't agree with her observation

I agree the paragraphs thing was a little much but just to be clear, she didn't share an "observation" she shared an observation and a very far out, unresearched assumption that what she observed was a giant brown planet in front of the moon. An assumption and an observation are very different things.

I was gonna post a pic just like Chadwickus did because it seems obvious to me that's what she saw: the slightly lit-up shadow portion of the moon. Am I making as assumption? yes, one that has been made and observed by billions of people for millenia.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by missiongal

The distance to the moon from the Earth is under 250,000 miles. If it were a brown dwarf, all of which are of considerable mass (equivalent to at least a large gas giant planet such as Jupiter, up to a small star) the gravity would be affecting us and the moon already, in drastic ways. If it were visible from your location, it would also be visible to most of the planet facing the moon at that time unless it were very close to Earth compared to the moon, and again, drastic effects on us here. So.... basically..... I say....... nonsense. I have no idea what you're seeing, but it certainly can't be anything of such a nature as a large and dense object anywhere similar to a brown dwarf or planet.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by JustBreathe11

Originally posted by daryllyn

In Lanzarote Canary Islands We Can See NIBURU In Front Of The Moon

No. You can't.

But, welcome to ATS. I am sure you will feel right at home with the rest of the Niburu-spotting crowd.

How do you know what this lady saw? Were you there with her in that exact moment and location?

And what crowd do you belong too? Let me guess the crowd that is the most popular at the moment

edit on 29-10-2011 by JustBreathe11 because: (no reason given)


I don't dispute that she thinks/believes she saw something. But what she saw, wasn't Niburu.

I am part of the group that relies on scientific data to formulate opinions.

If Niburu (or any other heavenly body) was between the Earth and the moon, everyone would be able to see it, not just people in one part of the world.

If Niburu (or any other heavenly body) was between us and the moon, astronomers all over the world would be reporting it and the information about the object's trajectory would be available via JPL just like any other Near Earth Object or Potentially Hazardous Object.

People want to believe it so badly that they are willing to over look facts, common sense and scientific data.
edit on 30-10-2011 by daryllyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 09:55 AM
For what its worth I was looking at the moon last night in the UK and there was nothing wrong with it ,nothing in front of it and nothing beside it. I think it was a waning crescent.

edit on 30-10-2011 by tarifa37 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:13 AM
another one of these huh?

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Actually I just saw this 2 nights ago where the Moon was a Sliver of light...but you could see the remaining part of the moon by shadow. I was going to respond to the OP that I saw it too in this sense....but I think saying its Nibiru is jumping to conclusions.

Although when I saw it I did make it a point to tell my husband as Ive never noticed it before in person because if your not paying attention you will only notice the Sliver and not the shadow part. This picture says it all I think.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:15 PM
actually i just looked in that direction, i saw what you were seeing! It's actually, you loosing touch with your sanity, but don't worry, this only a minor delay. Soon you will not care, floating unicorns and butterflys that leave rainbow tracer's will give you good luck.

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