posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:33 AM
Hello thought you would like to hear my story, I live here in Lanzarote and on Thursday I was in our furum on the island and a girl posted a thread
saying what is that to the left of the moon is it a ufo can anyone else see it, so without looking for myself as it was not dark i replied to her
saying it's not a ufo it's Niburu don't worry it's not going to crash into the world but it is causing damage, anyway Friday evening we were off
to visit friends for a dinner party, so on the way i looked at the moon and i could clearly see a large brown planet in front of it and all that
remained of the moon was a slither, i said to my husband can you see that planet in front of the moon, he mocked me and said no don't be silly it's
the sun reflecting on the moon, i said no it's not it's reflecting on the planet and i told him the name and that it was also called planet x and
aka the destroyer planet due to it's very strong magnetic pull and that's why the world has so many weather problems and quakes and volcanoes going
off, again he mocked me and said and when did you say the world was going to end, i said the world will not end but it will change on 21st December
2012 he took the piss out of me and said i should go walking around the island with a sandwich board saying the end is nigh, then he said I don't
want you mentioning this tonight they will think you are mad. We arrived at the party and everyone was outside as it was still nice and warm without
any prompting from me they all started to stare at the moon and was fascinated so i proceeded to tell them about the planet Niburu, to my husband's
surprise gary a friend mentioned 2012 and the Myan's to which we chatted away about it, he is now listening to us but this time he is not mocking me
or Gary. So I WONDER if anyone else can see what we can see? missiongal