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posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Bramble Iceshimmer

Bramble, like you, I have always been a supporter of the Rule of Law; but when the people who are supposed to protect and serve the public and balance each person's rights with every other's begin to violate the basic tenets of law as set forth by the Constitution then they have abandoned the law and have become criminals themselves.

I understand that the 'cop on the street' did not give the orders for this to occur, but they are the ones directly accountable for the actions they perform. I firmly believe that not only should the officers directly involved in this act be held accountable, but also the superiors that gave the orders, including the Mayor who's excuse was that she was not there at the time and had left it to her Chief of Police to handle it.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:09 AM
I ain't a vet but from a personal point of view on the topic...

This should be a wake up call to one of the greatest armed forces the world has ever seen, a test of their resolute to defend the constitution and the people of the free world.

The police are not the defenders of citizens, they are the defenders of corporations, the US armed forces are the defenders of the citizens, from all enemies, domestic and abroad.

The peoples army needs to march and remove the enemy from the equation...1 life is 1 life too much!

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by VitriolAndAngst

ohhh the Communist Chinese in Korea was an exaggeration? Bull! I know someone who fought in that war. I'm sick and tired of those who keep saying that the Communists were not taking over country by country. The Chinese were in Korea. Viet Nam was a bit different but still communist China involvement. What that person didn't say is that the bankers were financing both sides of the conflict, as always.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman

Originally posted by ShortMemory
are people really that oppressed?

No, people are really still that comfortable. You just watch as more and more people lose their jobs, savings, retirement, etc. how "vocal" the populace will become. People will rant on the establishment and the establishment will respond with increasing "passion". It's what's known as a viscous circle.

I actually think this is a very important point. We are too comfortable - modern technologies have allowed us to totally distort the harsh realities of life on this planet. So, while we see injustice all around us, as a species we tend to have the "it doesn't affect me directly so i won't get involved" attitude.

This will change more when we reach the tipping point in terms of how we are able to go about our daily lives. Everyone wants a better society but until the majority of people are struggling to make ends meet, i just do not see change occuring in any truly meaningful way. I actually believe that TPTB will end up make making various concessions to diffuse the situation over the coming weeks / months but in years time when we look back we will realise that once again we have been hoodwinked.

I honestly hope i am wrong but for me, change will only truly and meaningfully happen when life in the western world has gotten truly desperate.....

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Fromabove

The OWS people did this to him. He like many people are duped into thinking this whole thing is an actual movement instead of what it really is, which is a distraction by Obama and powerful unions and bigtime international corporations. OWS people, You're being played for elite entertainment.

How did the OWS people do that. People should have the right to protest. That is an intergral part of the democratic system. If you cannot see anything wrong with you are too far gone a sheeple... You might as well go back to watching Fox News...

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Flavian

People were still comfortable and some still are. But as the effects of the baillouts, the stimulus, QE, and the cost of socialized healthcare cause more and more inflation from all the printing of the money, more and more people will feel it and get sick of it.

Any solution this POTUS comes up with will be bad for the country.

When OWS stops catering to the Obama agenda I will join them.

In the words of William Wallace in Braveheart, "They may take our lives, but they'll never take our Freedom!"
edit on 28-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by ShortMemory
great to hear.
if this guy dies i dont doubt that would spark the powderkeg.. but then again it wouldnt suprise me if people sat down and took it considering how many people just dont care about their rights anymore.
to me this whole event wether it be in australia or america or anywhere has shown that western nations are in no way free (not that i didnt know this before). but its now obvious and people still dont care, they still sit down with their eyes closed. what the hell?
are people really that oppressed?

I don't think it's that they are oppressed or they don't care. Most Americans have enjoyed a fair wage and decent lifestyle for the last 30 years or so. That tends to make you blind to all of the things going on around you. When people are suddenly forced to see things from another perspective their eyes begin to open and they see what they had been ignoring.

It is easy to blame the MSM for fabricating news and downplaying actual news like the ows movement. That does not quite cover all of the informed people who are still oblivious to the problems our country/world faces. I think these informed people have an agenda and they support the status-quo silently since their livelihood depends on it. That is not to say they don't see the corruption if they don't actually participate in it, but they may well accept the corruption as part of the system. I doubt a very high percentage of Americans think our system is without corruption at every level.

So that leaves us with one question?
If 99% of Americans feel wronged/manipulated/cheated by their government what should they do about it?


posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

But they will still have central heating, running water and flushing toilets in their homes, electricity, warm and comfortable shelter. The ability to go to the shops to buy more things that are apparently 'needed' such as ipads, etc, will still have fast food and all of modern life's luxuries.

I am not defending the TPTB - i genuinely hope for a significant change throughout the world. I am simply trying to inject a note of realism into all of this.

Look at the situation in Europe - if Greece goes under and the people are suffering greatly but the rest of Europe somehow avoids being further sucked into it, do you really think that there will still be desire for wholesale changes throughout the rest of europe? Or do you think it much more likely that the view would be "oh, how sad. Pass the remote"? The simple fact is that we are all totally mollycoddled these days and i am as guilty of that as every other one of us sat typing away here on ATS
edit on 28-10-2011 by Flavian because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:16 AM
Remember this card?
Kill for peace. Let's hope not.

edit on 28-10-2011 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
reply to post by Fromabove

The OWS people did this to him. He like many people are duped into thinking this whole thing is an actual movement instead of what it really is, which is a distraction by Obama and powerful unions and bigtime international corporations. OWS people, You're being played for elite entertainment.

How did the OWS people do that. People should have the right to protest. That is an intergral part of the democratic system. If you cannot see anything wrong with you are too far gone a sheeple... You might as well go back to watching Fox News...

That is precisely the sentiment of the FOX news retards. They think FOX is actually news! When Fox had to defend themselves in court for fabricating stories their response/defense was "We are a ENTERTAINMENT NEWS NETWORK and therefor are not subject to..." They can lie all they want and still call it news, how convenient.

Now they convince these tools that this movement is really just a ploy by democrats to get more public money etc. If someone told me people could think this I would laugh, but they actually believe this dribble. I am keeping a list of people who take this retarded stance and quote FOXTARDS as if it were facts or something. This list will aid me when they come asking for food later. I will tell them FOX is giving away food.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:25 AM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

But they will still have central heating, running water and flushing toilets in their homes, electricity, warm and comfortable shelter. The ability to go to the shops to buy more things that are apparently 'needed' such as ipads, etc, will still have fast food and all of modern life's luxuries.

I am not defending the TPTB - i genuinely hope for a significant change throughout the world. I am simply trying to inject a note of realism into all of this.

Look at the situation in Europe - if Greece goes under and the people are suffering greatly but the rest of Europe somehow avoids being further sucked into it, do you really think that there will still be desire for wholesale changes throughout the rest of europe? Or do you think it much more likely that the view would be "oh, how sad. Pass the remote"? The simple fact is that we are all totally mollycoddled these days and i am as guilty of that as every other one of us sat typing away here on ATS
edit on 28-10-2011 by Flavian because: (no reason given)

We do not know yet the depth of the economic woes we will suffer as the consequence of stupidity of Congress and this POTUS and the betrayers in high places. Or the calamity that awaits the entire world.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Lol. Thats funny. Everyone gets riled up when a veteran gets pissed on by the cops, but no one cares when a woman who was doing nothing more than minding her own business gets pepper sprayed in the face by a cop for no reason other than excersicing her right to a peacable assembly. Is that not hypocracy or what?

Cops get treated better than normal citizens. Vets and active duty get treated better than normal citizens, but when it comes to being a normal citizen no one gives a tin sh*t in a wooden outhouse. See where the caste system comes into play? I'll write it down so you can understand it easier.

Corporate execs/bankers> politicians/government officials> military> cops/law enforcement> EMS/fire rescue> normal citizens.

I guess what they say is true. Sh*t does roll downhill. The rest of us are on the bottom rung, the bottom feeders. We pay everyone elses paychecks that are over us and we get shat on for it. How is that? Do you like paying these people's pay checks just so they can piss in your face? I don't.

You obviously haven't been paying attention to how the military and veterans are being treated nowadays.

I was more outraged when I saw the women getting peppersprayed in New York because civilians often don't understand what can happen. At least this Marine veteran understood that things could turn bad, and was still willing and honor bound to put his life on the line if necessary.

Did you serve? I think not.

If you had you would have a better understanding of the Esprit de Corps that infuses the entire U.S. Military. We did not and do not serve to further the aims of the corrupt politicians, we serve for the Constitution of the United States, for the people of the United States, and for honor.

Until you have proven your willingness to sacrifice your life for the good of the people, why don't you just shut up.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:29 AM
Soon we will have the army behind our back to protest
all the cops will run like chickens

Its a good step forward removing this evil corrupted entity in the government that his run by greedy people

We will win this revolution because of the marines
that have enough of all the lies .

the soldier have sacrifice their life and familly lifes
and be disrespected like this is unaceptable

This vet who was shot by a gas canister will be the face of OWS
US soldier will join massively in each cities the protest .. to protect good people again bad cops

The government will inevitably fall has a result

Obama , Hellary are f***in hypocrites
the world need to wake up to that fact
marines are waking up

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by Fromabove

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
reply to post by Fromabove

Your on the wrong side of the revolution.

How in the world did you let yourself get so brainwashed by the big corp. and big banks?

You threatened the Marine Corps and disrespected them after all they try and do for you?
edit on 27-10-2011 by LoneGunMan because: (no reason given)

Uh, no, I didn't threaten anyone, especially the Marine Corps. A true Marine knows the code of honor, and if you go out into public and disrespect the uniform by rioting in the streets it is a dishonor to both the uniform and nation you swear to protect and defend.

And if you look, you will see that big corporations are bankrolling protesters.

And I stand on the patriotic side of the flag for my country. This battle is one that will end with a strong conservative government. Unlawful rebellion will be stopped. Although I think soon the corporations will tire of it and stop feeding money to the protesters which means that without being paid to riot they will simply go home and get a job.

Nobody was "rioting in the streets" buddy.

Have you even watched the videos?

You need a wake up call.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

But they will still have central heating, running water and flushing toilets in their homes, electricity, warm and comfortable shelter. The ability to go to the shops to buy more things that are apparently 'needed' such as ipads, etc, will still have fast food and all of modern life's luxuries.

I am not defending the TPTB - i genuinely hope for a significant change throughout the world. I am simply trying to inject a note of realism into all of this.

Look at the situation in Europe - if Greece goes under and the people are suffering greatly but the rest of Europe somehow avoids being further sucked into it, do you really think that there will still be desire for wholesale changes throughout the rest of europe? Or do you think it much more likely that the view would be "oh, how sad. Pass the remote"? The simple fact is that we are all totally mollycoddled these days and i am as guilty of that as every other one of us sat typing away here on ATS
edit on 28-10-2011 by Flavian because: (no reason given)

You say we are ALL guilty, but you are wrong. There is a growing movement around the world to become self sufficient. That means growing your own food and making your own energy. Yes we are pampered with modern conveniences, but it does not have to come from TPTB. We are all capable of researching and finding ways of improving our lifestyles without negatively impacting the earth or third world countries.

Your realism is really just a cop-out for being lazy in my opinion. I don't have to protest to agree that our system is seriously flawed and run by people I would not trust with my kids or 1 dollar of my money. Traitors and crooks run rampant in our government paid off by big business/banks/elitists. You can choose to be a part of it or you can choose to stand up for human rights held to be self evident by our founders. Exercise your right to feed your family without government interference. Buy non-GMO seeds and grow a garden. Quit your job(if you have one) and live off the land. Use barter to get what you cannot produce yourself and market what you can to other like-minded people. Form a network of survivors who laugh at corrupt politicians and mis-informed tools of the MSM. Cut the ties that bind you to the accepted paradigm and create your own.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:35 AM
So, NO BODY has thought of the 'conspiracy' side to this "event"? And basically, it's not POSSIBLE for this to be a staged event, just in time for the service men/women to come back from Iraq? NO ONE thinks this is a bit IRONIC?

No one thinks it's a bit strange, that this is happening in Oakland? Oakland, of all places? We all know how BAD Oakland is. Look what they did to that 49er fan. Look what happened when that Bart Officer shot and killed that guy, Oscar Grant. How come no OUTRAGE then?

I'm an ex-vet myself....and i'm also WELL AWARE of their PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION methods. How do we KNOW, this isn't one of those P,R,S, moments? How do we KNOW, this ISN'T staged? A Marine...that did 2 tours in Iraq??? What are the chances? Seriously????

9-11 has taught me 1 thing.....don't be so quick to jump to conclusions. And that's why....i'm NOT jumping the gun, on this. This COULD BE a STAGED event. Keep in mind....America is BROKE. What a GREAT excuse to DEFAULT on all their loans....and BAIL OUT!

And where the heck is the Commander-in-Chief, regarding this matter? Hell-oooooooo isn't he supposed to be the REPRESENTATIVE of "the people"? Where are you Mr. Obama, sir???? Mr. Nobel Peace Prize winner??? Are you gonna do your JOB, and represent those that have voted for you, to represent them???

Oh wait, i only made this vow:

do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Which means, you only swore to protect BIG government, and not "the people". That would require you to also vow to 'preserve, protect and defend the Bill of Rights. Wouldn't it?

Now what?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by onecraftydude

Yes, we are all guilty. What are you posting on? Unless i am mistaken, you are using a computer?

Some people do, to an extent, live self sufficient lives. Practically nobody is totally self sufficient these days though.

Whether it is the clothes people wear, the food people eat, the transport we use, we are all plugged into modern life in one way or another.

Like i say, i hope the movement succeeds in creating a fairer world and society. Lets just say i have my doubts it will succeed.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 05:39 AM
doesn't this man called Muhammad Al Bouazizi ring a bell to you all ? i truly hope that Scott Olsen get well soon but i think that this incident will be one hell of a spark to the revolution over there.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 06:08 AM
We can argue about which laws were broken by the protesters by being in the park overnight etc, but you can't argue with the video of the police flash-banging the crowd helping that marine, and, of course, flash-banging the marine in the process, when he was already out of commission. I cannot understand anyone who condones or excuses the actions of the police on this..what they did was a criminal act. more to the point, it was utterly #ing stupid. I'm not a military man, but I'm smart enough to know this: Don't piss off the USMC.

The oakland police dept. is in for a world of hurt.
edit on 28-10-2011 by dragonseeker because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 06:15 AM
I hope this helps more soldiers realize what is really going on, and so they will go to the right side in the end because of it. Good from bad. Sad but true.

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