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To my brothers and sisters on ATS

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posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by

The occupy protests alone show how bass ackwards our society has become...
Just months earlier the tea party bozos disrupted hundreds of town hall meeting, bringing business for most of them to a complete hault, and never once were police deployed.

Now we have people protesting as civil as possible and they're getting tear gassed for standing on a sidewalk!

What happened to our country that so many are now blind to what our government gets away with? With the exception of maybe instituting martial law, the manipulation and gross distortion of the facts couldn't be more blatently shoved in our faces, and yet so many just except it and turn a blind eye.

Theses are the same things we shunned other countries over for years, and we just roll over on our backs and accept what ever our corporate masters have in store for us!

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by

Did I say anything about leaving your jobs? That would be stupid considering I DIDN'T LEAVE MINE. This is NOT about OWS, this is not about the TEA PARTY, this is about 300 million people being STRIPPED of their rights to live a life! This is about an entity purposely DUMBING us down, and cutting us off from our potential. What more should we be doing? What ARE we doing is the question? Sitting at home complaining is gonna get less done then anything. Even if we are gonna fail we HAVE TO TRY, and up to this point, I don't feel that we have.

Wow, then offer specific action points if you are judging "we" . . . whoever the "we" is that you are referring to. I don't believe in judging a collection of people. Change starts with "the man in the mirror" Love more, do more, be more -- those are judgements I will lay against myself. I think before you suggest the community is failing you or themselves, you need to look at yourself first. I just asked for specific action points and you have offered none. I told you what I am doing -- home educating my kids, fighting GMO foods by opting for organic whenever possible, cooking from scratch, gardening, donating to Ron Paul. And yet that is "fail" or we are "failing" . . . hmmm. OKAAAAY then.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:58 PM
You are right on many levels and I am sure there are those here that have agreed and disagreed. Perhaps the course of action is a Mass march on DC just as you suggest. Like Kent State or the Million man march, this is not about division but unity. Here are some key things that could happen:

1. Mass Peaceful march on the US Capital and take the Tea Party, OWS, in fact all pissed off Americans and agree on the top 10 things we want our government today. Set up a national survey to collect those ideas and then have them voted on by popularity.
2. National no media month. For a month turn off your television, your radio, get off the internet and get back to pure human communication.
3. National walk out week. Everyone walk off the job for a week. Protest the unfair labor practices and off shoring and all those points. But it has to be unified.

The problem with all of this, is lemmingness. How far are you the individual willing to go? Can you overcome individual fear and take the step.

I say this easily in this forum but if the rubber hit ther road where would I stand, and honestly I do not know.

Good post though, thought provoking and the right call, we all bleed red, and we all die, our choice of now is what makes us unique.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:20 PM
Thank you for posting this OP! I have seen it happening too much, and the "We are the 53%" group that has popped up recently has really done it in!

At another forum I go to people are complaining about the student debt relief program Obama wants to issue out and saying things like, "Well, it's the students fault! Let them lie in the bed that they made!" or "NOT ON MY TAX DOLLARS!"

But yet, I never heard this same vitriol when the corporations and banks received their little debt relief. Do some of these people not realize that the 1% doesn't care about them either and if we as a people do not come together and fight back all of us are going to drown in the pile of sh!t leftover from the 1% while the 1% just sit back and enjoy the show?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by nfflhome
You have good points. But happy is happy. Go build a rode by yourself let me know how that goes.
Thanks for the love and good luck to you.

maybe you've forgotten, but I can get with the residents of Atlanta, present my case, raise money, and hire a company.. The government doesn't need to be involved.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I love how my Deadman's Advocate statements just gets under everyone's skin.

Approximately six months ago, I tried the same approach as the original poster. Unfortunately, I was met with unyielding chaos. Since I noticed that no one actually cared, except for the few moderators behind the scene, I threw my arms up and walked away.

After thinking about our current situation, the only solution I could think of is 'embrace the chaos'. Regardless about what people say on of these forums, the 21st century ideology is the destruction of society.

ACORN, Government Unions, Corporations, Lobbyists, Political Activists, 'OWS', 'TeaParty', Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, Progressives, and NEO Cons all want the same thing. Absolute chaos. Even though they march under rhetorical ideologies, they never truly believe in: (1) Less government, (2) Absolute Freedom of Speech, (3) Border Protection, (4) Establishing English as the Nation's Language, (5) Freedom of Choice, (6) Freedom of Religion, (7) Strong Individualism, and (8) Justifiable Wars. They believe in an un-American and un-Constitutional twist of those ideologies.

'OWS' is all about money. If you strip away all of the static, the only message they spew is about money. Who has it and who doesn't. When they are confronted with violence, they will quickly throw up the peace sign. Once they are not confronted with violence, the protestors engage in criminal acts or violence.

Until 'Occupy: America' publicly comes out and rejects 'all ideologies', I will continue to think of them as a wasted pile of flesh. Not human. Just animal flesh. If they were standing for 'everyone's rights', 'Occupy' would not have accepted the support of Democrat leaning establishments. Look at the list of supporters found on the front page of their site. Its the whose who of Democrat establishments.

Link: OccupyWallStreet

'Occupy: America' represents the 45% that will vote for Obama in 2012.

They do not represent 99%.

Where are your angels?

I don't see them.

Everyone has an agenda.

edit on 10/28/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by

So explain why "unity" is such a panacea? The Nazis were united under Hitler, the Soviets under Lenin and Stalin, and I'm sure you could ask a North Korean and they would explain how wonderful it is to be united under their Dear Leader. The marxist left in this country would love to see us just as "unified" under their auspices, and I'm sure that the globalists would also prefer their own version of "unity". I prefer division, as it allows for the best possible circumstances for individuality to occur.
edit on 28-10-2011 by Duamutef9 because: correction of typographical error

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by CherubBaby
I agree totally with you s/f The best thing we can do as Americans is put a million people in front of The White House and The Capitol and it's going to come to that I feel. Thanks for the thread.

I've seen a lot of the people's movements around the world lately, and the power they demonstrate has so much love, its a shame to see the majority getting stiffed.

If there was a movement of millions surrounding the whitehouse, they would either shoot all the people in a mass murder or cave in to our constitutional rights, ( ohh no! people want good for everyone)

I stress for more civil right movements

Don't want a bill to pass, millions should be at the capitol's doorstep

Don't want to lose your home, Get the whole community at your doorstep, police and banks will leave you alone, seen it happen

S&F for you and OP, Thanks

Much Love

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:11 PM
All that ranting and you say you are from 'new babylon'. I mean get real dude - seriously!

It's all a bit too weird for a normal person isn't it?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 05:28 PM
'Five to One, baby. One in Five.

No One hear gets, out alive now.

You get yours baby, I'll get mine.

Gonna make it baby in our prime...

They got the guns, but we got the numbers.

Gonna win yeah we're taking over! .'

Jim Morrison, Prophet

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
At this point the only way to support OWS on ATS is to just shut the heck up about it, it's not worth it, you aren't going to convince anyone to be reasonable or objective about it.

Partisan lines have been drawn, by the media, and it's working as planned, divide and conquer.

Riiight, tell us, is that why the mayority of OWS supporters did not support, and are not supporting the Tea Party movement?...

You want to talk about divide when you people created a new movement that is mainly leftwing?...

If you want solidarity unite with the TEA PARTY....

Of course you are not going to do so...

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:32 PM
The country isn't going to fold under the weight of the American people. Its going to end in a full on fire and brimstone civil war. I believe civil war during The next World War. Which will be on its helms in the next year.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by

Or just stop supporting the banks.

You love being able to cash out your money wherever you want don't you, oh yessss, loving it. Don't want to ruin that system now do we, oh so give your money to the banks that have no idea how to take care of your funds and then once they do spend it, go complain to someone.

That's like giving your money to someone on the street and expecting them to give it you when you want it. Thing is, you can't trust anyone, not even a bank.

Keep your hard cash on you.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by DenyStupidity

Maybe you missed my thread last month. I've been off banks for a while. Thanks though.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by

Sorry, but can't do that. I'm a Tea Party patriot, conservative Christian, and I'm keeping the label cause it fits me. There is no equality between the right and left and the liberal and conservative. They are oil and water and will never be one. I dislike the OWS movement and liberals and the democrat party. I can no more be one with them in anything than oil can mix with water.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
At this point the only way to support OWS on ATS is to just shut the heck up about it, it's not worth it, you aren't going to convince anyone to be reasonable or objective about it.

Partisan lines have been drawn, by the media, and it's working as planned, divide and conquer.

Riiight, tell us, is that why the mayority of OWS supporters did not support, and are not supporting the Tea Party movement?...

You want to talk about divide when you people created a new movement that is mainly leftwing?...

If you want solidarity unite with the TEA PARTY....

Of course you are not going to do so...

I totally agree with you. In fact, there is a political tsunami coming in 2012, and if they want to see what a real movement is all about they will see what the Tea Party will do. They don't realize that it's not about running around in the streets fighting with the police, we didn't occupy Washington when we went there, we protested and left to go organize and enlist others to the movement and the cause of just government by and for the people.

The only thing the OWS crowd does is make a scene and not a pleasant one either.

And that is why there is no being one with them.

edit on 29-10-2011 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by vonnareverse
well said, we are ALL Equal, have valid Points, and Color, age, religions,Gender, and Political views are all just effects to maintain Illusion of separateness.

Incorrect. All views are not equal. This is why our universities are so jacked up: people peddle this "every view is valid" crap.

Some views are correct, some are not. Some are stupid, some are founded in logic. Just because someone has a "perspective" doesn't mean that perspective is accurate.

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