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To my brothers and sisters on ATS

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by BubbaJoe
reply to post by The GUT

I admit, didn't watch the whole video, but missed any reference to him being a vet. I am one, and trust me I don't run around wearing camo anymore.

I'm a vet too and what does camo have to do with the issue? I agree with what he said and like the fact they were willing to show up and support the citizens regardless of political differences. You don't?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I have serious issues with the fact that he has been outed as a neo-nazi, also issues with the border patrol thing. While I agree with the first and second amendment, and support both, I am not a fan of whack jobs with loaded weapons, and grown men that wanna play soldier.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by BubbaJoe

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by BubbaJoe

Originally posted by tangonine

Your ability to live your life as you see fit, without government interference.

Your ability to take care of your family and raise your children without someone else telling you how you should do it.


It's what OWS isn't.

Please expand on this, the government interferes with my life all the time. They tell me I cannot assault some whack job that seriously needs it, they tell me I can't smoke in a restuarant, they wanna tell my wife she should continue her pregnancy even if it kills her, they tell me I can't grow cannabis in my backyard. From your post, I am sure you support one or all of these government interferences.

That's because you're making assumptions about me. And you know what Samuel L. Jackson said about assumptions: They make an ass out of you, and umption. I do not disagree with any of your scenarios.

Assault the whackjob if he threatens your life, smoke where you want, tell your wife to do what she wants and grow whatever you want.

I think you mistook me for a republican.

I will agree that it is dangerous to make assumptions, but I feel that you have done the same thing about the OWS crowd. I will say that I think the OWS movement is being underwritten by Soros and his crowd in the same way that the tea party folks are underwritten by the Koch brothers. Both are fringes, what we need is for common sense Americans to stand up, and see if we can bring the fringe to the center. The fringe, right or left, is not the way this country should be led.

I consider myself a Tea Party member, but I'll be damned if I've ever gotten a check in the mail from anyone for supporting my constitution, let alone the Koch Brothers (which the left apparenly loves to hate). I'd like you to keep thinking the Tea Party is fringe. Supporting the constitution is apparently "fringe" nowdays...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by BubbaJoe
reply to post by The GUT

I admit, didn't watch the whole video, but missed any reference to him being a vet. I am one, and trust me I don't run around wearing camo anymore.

I'm a vet too and what does camo have to do with the issue? I agree with what he said and like the fact they were willing to show up and support the citizens regardless of political differences. You don't?


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by herecomesthesun
reply to post by tangonine

So by that logic, anyone who is against smoking is a nazi?

The guy in the video really is a Nazi, as in political ideology...

In His Own Words
“This is a white, European homeland. That’s how it should be preserved if we want to keep it clean, safe, and pure.”
— Ready speaking at a National Socialist Movement rally in Oct. 24, 2009

“The jew [sic] itself knows it is a parasite. I have had them admit as much to me and laugh in my face… But a parasite cannot carry on in its parasitic nature if it is exposed for what it really is. Their whole house of cards comes tumbling down for all to see. Like in 1933 Germany. Just because it has two legs, does not change its nature any less than a six-legged parasite stops sucking blood. There have been many pogroms when the host people stops being victims of these vampires. Another pogrom is approaching.”
— New Saxon blog posting, May 8, 2010

“This is the minuteman project on steroids. We’ve got people with assault weapons. We will use lawful, deadly force when appropriate.”
— KOLD News 13, June 21, 2010

J.T. Ready

Edit: He was also discharged from the USMC for bad conduct after 2 court martials...

In 1996, while serving in the Marine Corps as a lance corporal, Ready was court-martialed twice. The first time, after being absent for eight days without authorization, he was convicted of unauthorized absence, failing to follow an order or regulation, and larceny and wrongful appropriation. He was convicted, demoted to private and jailed for three months. Later that year, Ready was court-martialed again for conspiracy, assault, and wrongful solicitation and advice. He was found guilty, spent six months in detention, and was discharged from the Marine Corps for bad conduct.

edit on 27-10-2011 by Drunkenparrot because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by BubbaJoe
reply to post by The GUT

I admit, didn't watch the whole video, but missed any reference to him being a vet. I am one, and trust me I don't run around wearing camo anymore.

I'm a vet too and what does camo have to do with the issue? I agree with what he said and like the fact they were willing to show up and support the citizens regardless of political differences. You don't?



I'm not interested in his background or his fashion choices, I'm commenting on the general principle stated. I like it when Tea Party members exercise their right to bear arms too.

Maybe you need to go to a tea party with the lil' ol' ladies, because your lips say "Constitution" on one hand and then when someone stands up for it you...???


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:55 PM
And this is what OWS attracts: Nazis, Communists, Socialists, hippies, homeless people, losers, Hollywood crazies like Michael Moore... they can never hope to have any single shred of credibility.

Imagine if any of these nutjobs had appeared at a Tea Party rally? Actually, I think on 2 occasions, 2 individuals did show up and got thrown out on their arses... having said that, can you imagine the shrieking and screaming on MSNBC about the RAAAACIIIIST Tea Party had some idiots like these have shown? And all those riots at those Tea Party rallies! Oh. Wait.

And the Tea Party rallies where people defied the police and got tear gassed!
Oh. Wait.

But, they didn't. Why? Because the Tea Party is just people working day-to-day, NORMAL people just doing the best for their family wanting the government to stay away.

Amazing contrast, ain't it?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by BubbaJoe

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by BubbaJoe

Originally posted by tangonine

Your ability to live your life as you see fit, without government interference.

Your ability to take care of your family and raise your children without someone else telling you how you should do it.


It's what OWS isn't.

Please expand on this, the government interferes with my life all the time. They tell me I cannot assault some whack job that seriously needs it, they tell me I can't smoke in a restuarant, they wanna tell my wife she should continue her pregnancy even if it kills her, they tell me I can't grow cannabis in my backyard. From your post, I am sure you support one or all of these government interferences.

That's because you're making assumptions about me. And you know what Samuel L. Jackson said about assumptions: They make an ass out of you, and umption. I do not disagree with any of your scenarios.

Assault the whackjob if he threatens your life, smoke where you want, tell your wife to do what she wants and grow whatever you want.

I think you mistook me for a republican.

I will agree that it is dangerous to make assumptions, but I feel that you have done the same thing about the OWS crowd. I will say that I think the OWS movement is being underwritten by Soros and his crowd in the same way that the tea party folks are underwritten by the Koch brothers. Both are fringes, what we need is for common sense Americans to stand up, and see if we can bring the fringe to the center. The fringe, right or left, is not the way this country should be led.

I consider myself a Tea Party member, but I'll be damned if I've ever gotten a check in the mail from anyone for supporting my constitution, let alone the Koch Brothers (which the left apparenly loves to hate). I'd like you to keep thinking the Tea Party is fringe. Supporting the constitution is apparently "fringe" nowdays...

I am a member of nothing and have gotten a check from no one but the guy I work for. The left loves to hate the Kochs, the right loves to hate Soros. I don't want to open a can of worms, but Michelle "Tea Party Darling" Bachmann wants a federal ban on abortion, Santorum is in agreement, Cain wants to fry Mexicans on the border, Perry likes to hunt a very racially charged camp, and these are the candidates that a good portion of the tea party supports. They want federal action on things they abhor, however polluting the air and water isn't fair game for the feds? This is just not making sense to me. I honestly have a feeling that you and I are not very far apart politically, however we have let labels and titles divide us, this was what the common sense part of the OP was about.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by tangonine

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by BubbaJoe
reply to post by The GUT

I admit, didn't watch the whole video, but missed any reference to him being a vet. I am one, and trust me I don't run around wearing camo anymore.

I'm a vet too and what does camo have to do with the issue? I agree with what he said and like the fact they were willing to show up and support the citizens regardless of political differences. You don't?



I'm not interested in his background or his fashion choices, I'm commenting on the general principle stated. I like it when Tea Party members exercise their right to bear arms too.

Maybe you need to go to a tea party with the lil' ol' ladies, because your lips say "Constitution" on one hand and then when someone stands up for it you...???


I get it: you're just fine with the guy who hit Denny's "all you can eat" rack 80 days straight who's a nazi and you're all for it.

Got it. Got you.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by tangonine
I get it: you're just fine with the guy who hit Denny's "all you can eat" rack 80 days straight who's a nazi and you're all for it.

Got it. Got you.

That's good because it doesn't look like many here "get" you.

Defend the Constitution, brudda. Or whine. Your choice.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by tangonine
I get it: you're just fine with the guy who hit Denny's "all you can eat" rack 80 days straight who's a nazi and you're all for it.

Got it. Got you.

That's good because it doesn't look like many here "get" you.

Defend the Constitution, brudda. Or whine. Your choice.

First, I'm not your "brudda"
Second, pointing out that some loser who spent his mom's social security check on military 2d hand gear from is a wannabe at some OWS protest isn't "whine" it's just pointing it out.
Third, if you think our constitution is aligned with nazism, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed

Just because some fat idiot screams "first amendment11!)!ONE!!11" or "second amendment!111!!1eleventy!" and you get behind it? It kinda means you're... well... yeah.

And I took an oath many many years ago to defend that constitution, against all enemies. Don't presume to school me on the constitution, there, sparky.
edit on 27-10-2011 by tangonine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:07 PM
There are a lot of ways to defend our Constitution, some are right and some are just wrong. When the guy in the video is investigated, he is no better, than the KKK guys trying to go mainstream, he is a whack job to the far right, a racist, and anti semitic, where do you find "Correct" in any of this. My common sense self says, I don't want this slob to have access to weapons. If you want him too, we might as well hand them to all the guys in prison too. Holy Crap.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by tangonine

J.T Ready went to Tea Party events to speak to those wonderful people, does that make them nazi?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by herecomesthesun
reply to post by tangonine

J.T Ready went to Tea Party events to speak to those wonderful people, does that make them nazi?

This is the point the OP was trying to make without the freaking rants. Every group, the Tea Party, OWS, Dems, Repubs are going to draw out the crazies. We have all got to get away from listening to the crazies, and stop and think, "WHAT MAKES THE MOST SENSE", folks this isn't hard, but we have to lose the labels.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by BubbaJoe

I totally agree with you and the OP, i was simply trying to show him, that his bias attempt to make that guy look bad appears to be a Tea Party supporter is silly.
edit on 10/10/2011 by herecomesthesun because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:39 PM
To be honest. The only way for the American Government to be successful is for the people to rise up and over throw it. Quickly, before the military can be activated. Think 2nd Amendment.

But that will never happen. To many agendas, not enough honest people to foresake their families lives.

I'm thinking of something along the lines of wiping out the two party system.
edit on 27-10-2011 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by herecomesthesun
reply to post by BubbaJoe

I totally agree with you and the OP, i was simply trying to show him, that his bias attempt to make that guy look bad appears to be a Tea Party supporter is silly.
edit on 10/10/2011 by herecomesthesun because: (no reason given)

I understand, I am thinking about just disconnecting from this sight for a while. There are many of us who are not very far apart politically, who have let the labels and the tags guide us. Between social issues and fiscal issues, I am not sure that I can find 10 people who believe like I do, that being said, I think there are probably 200 million of us, who could find common ground and solve a lot of the problems.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
To be honest. The only way for the American Government to be successful is for the people to rise up and over throw it. Quickly, before the military can be activated. Think 2nd Amendment.

But that will never happen. To many agendas, not enough honest people to foresake their families lives.

There has never before been a time where the average citizen enjoyed the freedom of expression, inalienable civil rights, standard of living and opportunities that all members of western society enjoy today.

I cant help but get the sense that many of those advocating violent revolution are confusing reality with a video game and have no idea of the consequences of their hyperbole.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by

Thank you for the thread you bring a great topic and explain quite well how you see what is going on in our nation.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

I agree whole heartedly with you.

Conflict is a nasty business.

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