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Michael Moore Lies " I Am Not Part of the 1%"

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Vikus

I always thought the 1% are the people who own vast amounts of American assets and have the political sway to bail themselves out and influence the government to pass laws for their profit.

How could moor own vast amounts of American assets his net worth is only a dip in the ocean when it comes to the amount the real 1% have lol PEOPLE please stop getting confused and allowing the TPTB dogs to confuse you to who are to blame because that will mean that we will not archive much with OWS. It is the people who control most of the worlds assets in the form of ,money like banks and the fed which in turn control you finical life these affects of greed affects the average family's life limitedly and is easy to see to all.Then comes the geopolitics oil ,gas, the individuals who influence the play of geopolitics and the control of natural resources, This part is more on a wider scale it effects country's through staged wars and creating enemies through propaganda which in turn causes rifts between country s which manifest into hatred then takes a life of it own. THEN the conglomerations move in. It is not the rich who have millions its the rich who have trillions who have the forms on influence that call the shots above our government's this is the true 1%. PS keep OWS peaceful or they win

edit on 27/10/2011 by indisputable because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Michael Moore has been exposed as a lying propagandist for years.

How about showing some facts to back up your statement.

OK, let's open up the floor.

In producing Bowling for Columbine, Moore altered history, misled his viewers, and edited the footage and audio in such a way as to reverse the meaning. In one case, he took a speech of a person he desired to target; the problem was that the speech was in fact conciliatory and mild. So he spliced in footage from another speech, cut out paragraphs, and spliced the beginning of one sentence to the ending of another. In another, when he wanted to criticize a political advertisement, but it wasn't as pointed as he wanted, he spliced together two different political ads, then added titling which was in neither.

That's only one example, but if you know how to use Google you can find many many more.

Do some research.

So you are in essence saying that you don't like his editing. A lot of people say that about a lot of films. That is not lying.

I didn't see a single, specific "lie" in anything you wrote. Still waiting...
edit on 27-10-2011 by TheFlash because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by kykweer
reply to post by Chewingonmushrooms

The protests are fouled with people who ARE poor who just want free handouts from rich people who work 7 days a week and already employ thousands of people.

True followers of the occupy movement wants a better future for our children.

I agree there are certainly those within the OWS that are there for free food etc.., but there are also poor that work 7 days a week themselves. OWS are making efforts to kick out those that are there because of handouts and not because of the movement itself. Tea partiers aren't all racists but I don't see them making an effort to kick out the rotten apples. All have purpose (again not talking about free loaders here) are "true followers" there is no right and wrong view in the movement as many don't necessarily agree with each other on all points. What matters is recognizing that the current system (the one that we all have helped create) simply is not (or no longer) working, doesn't matter what idealogy you believe in.

And don't make it seem like Rich do all the work while the poor simply look for handouts. That is as irresponsible as saying ALL rich are crooks with silver spoons in their mouths. The state also employs thousands of people along with small business owners who aren't rich themselves so don't make it look as if rich are the ones that only provide employment which is another corporatist lie.

This is the thing, when we eliminate differences in our view point we realize that the Tea Party, OWS and people that fall under left, right, center or radical all have the same outcome in mind: a fairer system that will benefit those willing to contribute into it. I was a supporter of the Tea Party once even though I consider myself radical and certainly left leaning - I am for the people when it comes down to it. However when that movement got hijacked by ultra right-wingers with bigoted views and a selfish f everyone but me and my children and those that agree with my narrow set of beliefs - I hauled myself away. Same goes with OWS if it gets infiltrated by the likes of people like Michael Moore, whom I personally have nothing against (and enjoyed a few of his docs). But fact of the matter is people like him have a stigma and polarizing effect; look at this thread as an example. The OWS does not need to be lead, just like the Tea party did not need to be lead by people like Bachmann and all the ex GOP "conservatives" (overnight converters.).

I believe that the people can lead themselves with ideals that apply to everyone such as true freedom allowed in the Bill of Rights, the respect for state rights, safety net for those that are sick, elderly and disabled (if you disagree with that, you need to reflect on your ethics), and fair and balance sharing and reaping of wealth not just concentrated in the few yet not equalized either (a bit of middle ground, hence sanity). FREE education, I don't care if you call it socialism, but studies have shown that an educated populous is a tolerant and self suffient one. Free health care (not that abomination that is Obamacare) which would be CHEAPER than our current system. Less federal government enforcement and federal power (not a contradiction to my former statement) and more freedom of states installing their our interpretation of our national constitution without federal interference. Ending of "free trade" imposing penalties on outsourcing. Redefining what constitutes a "Corporation" and limiting their power and influence over our elected officials on a state and federal level.

I am sure most would not agree on all my points but I am dam sure most would agree with some of them, why not join together and talk about these issues as Americans and not "liberals" "conseratives" etc which is only used to divide us.
edit on 27-10-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: grammar, spelling etc..

edit on 27-10-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-10-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Michael Moore has been exposed as a lying propagandist for years.

How about showing some facts to back up your statement.

OK, let's open up the floor.

In producing Bowling for Columbine, Moore altered history, misled his viewers, and edited the footage and audio in such a way as to reverse the meaning. In one case, he took a speech of a person he desired to target; the problem was that the speech was in fact conciliatory and mild. So he spliced in footage from another speech, cut out paragraphs, and spliced the beginning of one sentence to the ending of another. In another, when he wanted to criticize a political advertisement, but it wasn't as pointed as he wanted, he spliced together two different political ads, then added titling which was in neither.

That's only one example, but if you know how to use Google you can find many many more.

Do some research.

I didn't see a single, specific "lie" in anything you wrote. Still waiting...

If you don't see the lie in changing an interview to suite Moore's wants in a film, then you have serious issues with truth in your own life.

Many other instances were given.

Put your head back in the sand.
Do you have Moore videos down there?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by AzureSky

That makes no sense. Corporations are controlled by people. A building housing a company or corporation is in itself completely worthless. It needs people to run. People make money. Not buildings. Therefore the 1% are people. Not corporations.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:34 PM
Sorry, but you can be wealthy and be part of the 99%. Is being poor a pre-requisite? This is a total oversight and is ridiculous.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Michael Moore has been exposed as a lying propagandist for years.

How about showing some facts to back up your statement.

OK, let's open up the floor.

In producing Bowling for Columbine, Moore altered history, misled his viewers, and edited the footage and audio in such a way as to reverse the meaning. In one case, he took a speech of a person he desired to target; the problem was that the speech was in fact conciliatory and mild. So he spliced in footage from another speech, cut out paragraphs, and spliced the beginning of one sentence to the ending of another. In another, when he wanted to criticize a political advertisement, but it wasn't as pointed as he wanted, he spliced together two different political ads, then added titling which was in neither.

That's only one example, but if you know how to use Google you can find many many more.

Do some research.

I didn't see a single, specific "lie" in anything you wrote. Still waiting...

If you don't see the lie in changing an interview to suite Moore's wants in a film, then you have serious issues with truth in your own life.

Many other instances were given.

Put your head back in the sand.
Do you have Moore videos down there?

Awwwwwwwwww... I haven't had so much fun with the insults and rudeness since junior high!

Let the record show - there are vague allusions to wrong-doings. NO specific "lies" have been provided.

Isn't it funny how vague references suffice as proof to those who have made up their minds beforehand yet no facts and concrete proof will do to prove an opposing view?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Michael Moore has been exposed as a lying propagandist for years.

How about showing some facts to back up your statement.

OK, let's open up the floor.

In producing Bowling for Columbine, Moore altered history, misled his viewers, and edited the footage and audio in such a way as to reverse the meaning. In one case, he took a speech of a person he desired to target; the problem was that the speech was in fact conciliatory and mild. So he spliced in footage from another speech, cut out paragraphs, and spliced the beginning of one sentence to the ending of another. In another, when he wanted to criticize a political advertisement, but it wasn't as pointed as he wanted, he spliced together two different political ads, then added titling which was in neither.

That's only one example, but if you know how to use Google you can find many many more.

Do some research.

I didn't see a single, specific "lie" in anything you wrote. Still waiting...

If you don't see the lie in changing an interview to suite Moore's wants in a film, then you have serious issues with truth in your own life.

Many other instances were given.

Put your head back in the sand.
Do you have Moore videos down there?

Awwwwwwwwww... I haven't had so much fun with the insults and rudeness since junior high!

Let the record show - there are vague allusions to wrong-doings. NO specific "lies" have been provided.

Isn't it funny how vague references suffice as proof to those who have made up their minds beforehand yet no facts and concrete proof will do to prove an opposing view?

Oh Flash, the Lord ruler on ATS of Semantics and BS.

You have been provided proof of Moore lying. You are either blindly arrogant or willingly ignorant on this.

Yet, you deem it is not a lie, because I guess it was not from Fox news or something.

Sorry, but you have been shown here, in this thread that he is a liar, and you a willing fool to believe in him.

Please go back and look up liar, half truth and withholding truth.
All are done by Moore.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:00 PM
So, from reading this thread, what I gather is, "Well, I happen to like Michael Moore, so it's okay".

Really? You selective apply your rules? As long as you like somebody it's okay for him to be greedy, fat, loser? The guy hires Canadians so he doesn't have to pay as much to make his films; fact. He says he supports unions but avoids union workers at all costs to make his fiction movies.

The man is a lying hypocrite.

The year that Moore claimed in "Stupid White Men" that he didn't own any stock, he told the IRS that a foundation totally controlled by Moore and his wife had more than $280,000 in corporate stock and nearly $100,000 in corporate bonds. Over the past five years, Moore's holdings have "included such evil pharmaceutical and medical companies as Pfizer, Merck, Genzyme, Elan PLC, Eli Lilly, Becton Dickinson and Boston Scientific," writes Schweizer, whose earlier works include "The Bushes" and "Reagan's War."

Read more here...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by macman

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Originally posted by TheFlash

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Michael Moore has been exposed as a lying propagandist for years.

How about showing some facts to back up your statement.

OK, let's open up the floor.

In producing Bowling for Columbine, Moore altered history, misled his viewers, and edited the footage and audio in such a way as to reverse the meaning. In one case, he took a speech of a person he desired to target; the problem was that the speech was in fact conciliatory and mild. So he spliced in footage from another speech, cut out paragraphs, and spliced the beginning of one sentence to the ending of another. In another, when he wanted to criticize a political advertisement, but it wasn't as pointed as he wanted, he spliced together two different political ads, then added titling which was in neither.

That's only one example, but if you know how to use Google you can find many many more.

Do some research.

I didn't see a single, specific "lie" in anything you wrote. Still waiting...

If you don't see the lie in changing an interview to suite Moore's wants in a film, then you have serious issues with truth in your own life.

Many other instances were given.

Put your head back in the sand.
Do you have Moore videos down there?

Awwwwwwwwww... I haven't had so much fun with the insults and rudeness since junior high!

Let the record show - there are vague allusions to wrong-doings. NO specific "lies" have been provided.

Isn't it funny how vague references suffice as proof to those who have made up their minds beforehand yet no facts and concrete proof will do to prove an opposing view?

Oh Flash, the Lord ruler on ATS of Semantics and BS.

You have been provided proof of Moore lying. You are either blindly arrogant or willingly ignorant on this.

Yet, you deem it is not a lie, because I guess it was not from Fox news or something.

Sorry, but you have been shown here, in this thread that he is a liar, and you a willing fool to believe in him.

Please go back and look up liar, half truth and withholding truth.
All are done by Moore.

Yet again - hot air - no substance.

A claim was made that Moore was a liar. I asked him to back it up. He did not. No one did.
If you claim that Moore is a liar then provide:

1) The source - name of book, film, etc.
2) Reference in source - page number, minutes:seconds, etc.

Still waiting. Save the rhetoric. Give the substance. Let the record show - no one has the goods. Since he is such a terrible, consistent liar it should be easy to come up with many, many examples at the tip of your fingers!

Put up or shut up. Talk is talk - let's see the walk.
edit on 27-10-2011 by TheFlash because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by axslinger

As long as you like somebody it's okay for him to be greedy, fat, loser?

Now that is just downright insulting!

You can disagree with his politics, his actions and his horrible movies, but I think we have had about enough of this "he's a fat slob" bull###!!

I am slightly overweight, so are many others on ATS and in real life. You can take it and shove it!

Do you people know when you cross a line?
edit on 27-10-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-10-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by ErgoSphere
reply to post by AzureSky

That makes no sense. Corporations are controlled by people. A building housing a company or corporation is in itself completely worthless. It needs people to run. People make money. Not buildings. Therefore the 1% are people. Not corporations.

Not necessarily true. The point of incorporation is limited liability, and it is afforded rights of an individual as an entity. So by definition a corporation isn't just parts made up by people, it is a whole as well. And the whole is certainly greater than the parts. For instance, if a CEO does not follow the direction put forward by the board of directors (major shareholders, investors) which is usually not conrete other than to increase profit, then the CEO gets replaced. Same goes with every single one of it's employees. So then the BOD are the true heads aren't they? No they are not because they can be replaced themselves, by buy out or selling. They do not make the exact decisions, the senior executives of the company and CEO do. So they aren't the head either.

Ok here's an analogy - think of a corporation as a living breathing person. The head is the CEO and the body are the workers. You can break down the body with senior executives being the major organs etc.. seems simple enough. So who are the B.O.D. they are sensations, either emotional or vital (need to eat food and drink water as an example). Without emotion, food and water the body cannot function and in certain cases (food and water) cannot survive. Food and water being an analogy for resource consumption (actual materials for a corporation to run on) and emotions being an analogy for profit motif and its effect on the brain (similar to how our emotions effect our everyday lives). Now some emotions are destructive and downright pathological (out of control lust leading to rape, out of control rage leading to murder etc..). These emotions have the capability of taking over the organism or person completely (firing CEO and replacing). Some organisms are out to eat as much food and water as possible in order to grow (either grow in muscle in fat, doesn't matter) looking to maximize profits at whatever costs . And some organisms are content with simply eating enough to sustain itself (good corporations). If you like you can substitute food and water with a smack or crack addiction
. .

So who is in control? The head? The head under the influence of emotion? No one really is in control, the direction is laid out by the head, and when the head does not lead the body to food and water then the organism suffers the possibility of death (bankruptcy) and emotion overcomes the organism (rape, murder, theft for survival). My view is that for the most part corporations that are profit at all costs (not all are like that) are like a pathologically sick person with multiple personality disorder.

Sorry I am getting off point here; the TL;DR version is corporations isn't simply a company made up of individuals but an organism in itself, an entity that at any given moment can cut of a limb, organ or head (any personnel) only for it to be replaced, with little direction other than it's purpose which is to consume. Again that applies mostly to those too big to fail corporations because by very definition they need more real life resources in order to sustain it's appetite.

edit on 27-10-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: lazy proof reading

edit on 27-10-2011 by Chewingonmushrooms because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
When refering to the 1%. Most of the 1% are not people, but corporations that control billions and trillions, and lets not forget the billionaires who have made record profits for themselves in the last 10 years.

He is not part of the 1%, he supports the 99%, which makes him the 99%. People, even wealthy people like Mr Moore, still have a heart, and know where it's at. He's been talking about wall streets crimes before ows even started, of course he'd be on board.

You are using a hypocritical excuse.

Michael Moore uses capitalism to sell you on the evils of capitalism.

Embracing Moore's rantings makes OWS a bunch of hypocrites.

edit on 10/27/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
When refering to the 1%. Most of the 1% are not people, but corporations that control billions and trillions, and lets not forget the billionaires who have made record profits for themselves in the last 10 years.

Corporations are not filled with people? So, you are protesting against an entity that is controlled by metaphysical elements?

How can an inanimate object make money without people to invest, design, and advertise the object?

Here is the irony...
Our bankers live in....China. Regardless about how hard OWS protests on Wall Street, the real folks who control 21st century banks reside in China. Also, the New York Stock Exchange is 60% owed by investors in Germany.


Remember, the Chinese bankers and German NYSE owners are laughing at you. Not with you.

edit on 10/27/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:15 PM
So, I gather that it doesnt matter if you are in the 1% or not, as long as they agree with the OWS then they are automatically part of the 99% ? So George Soros, by that logic, is in the 99%. Hmmm, funny how that works. A couple of weeks ago, the 1% was all people that were the top 1% of earners, but now that some of these people..Moore, Soros, insert random actor or musicians's name here support you're group, they get an honorary membership to the 99%? Please, stop changing what the phrase means, like I said earlier, call it what it is, stop hiding it, people with sense know exactly what it means.

Bourgeois(1%) and Proletarians (99%)

Now, having said that, if you wish to follow the teachings of people Like Karl Marx, Che, Mao, feel free to do so, you have every right to do it and to talk about it. I will stand up for you're rights to say what you will. However, you should take off the rose colored glasses for a moment and look at what the overall message of the movement is, if you still think it is right, then so be it, if you want to end capitalism and private property rights (which is what you are calling for by proxy) then go for it, just do not expect people that like owning their own home or land or money to willingly give it all up for you're marxist utopia. Wealth redistribution on a forced level, no matter how pretty you dress it up is still socialism.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Vandalour
Michael moore kicks ass, but you americans cant handle the truth...

a truth seeker and an honest journalist. Unlike many, he has the courage to just be honest.
We need more like him

nuff said

"the courage to be honest..."
chortle snorfle; guffaw....
( you owe me a keyboard cleaning for that one!!!!)
"google Michael Moore inaccuracies and falsehoods"

Canadians are mad as heck, and this time, they’re not going to take it. Michael Moore went too far to be ignored, which meant that a Canuck really gave him “what for” in the form of a polite but pointed recap of a heated press conference on Saturday for the premiere of “Sicko,” Moore’s one-sided US health-care hit job, which debuted at Cannes Film Festival .

May 20, Toronto Star entertainment reporter Peter Howell wrote in the ideologically left of center paper that the Canadian journalists who saw “Sicko” were less than happy with his “playing fast and loose with the facts” and churning out a one-sided Pollyanna treatment of Canadian health care, presenting a system without problems. After being chastised by some of the most polite people on Earth, he fired back and leveled a truly terrible offense at them by stating their system is barely a step above America's. Quelle horreur!

Read what one of the few articles critical of Moore and his accuracy had to say about the movie's obvious problems with Moore’s film (bold emphasis mine throughout):

We Canucks were taking issue with the large liberties Sicko takes with the facts, with its lavish praise for Canada's government-funded medicare system compared with America's for-profit alternative.

While justifiably demonstrating the evils of an American system...Sicko makes it seem as if Canada's socialized medicine is flawless and that Canadians are satisfied with the status quo.

Moore makes the eyebrow-raising assertion that Canadians live on average three years longer than Americans because of their superior health care system.


Other Canadian journalists spoke of the long wait times Canadians face for health care, much longer than the few minutes Moore suggests in Sicko. Moore, who has come under considerable fire for factual inaccuracies in his films, parried back with more questionable claims.

Read much more:

" ahard working purveyor of blind truth !
You guys crack me up...
edit on 27-10-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:28 PM
It doesnt take very much to be in the top 1% income wise ask any bar owner or self employed plumber ect.

To say they are all criminals because of wealth is crazy they should focus on the game makers the people that set the terms of the game that we have to play - the lets go to war without proof set the lets let illegals who make 13 dollars and hour buy homes they can't afford set.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:35 PM
This is just another thread disguised to attack the left. More narrow minded conservative political party bickering I see posted by the OP almost on a daily basis. What the hell do we care about what Moore has to say about him not being part of the 1 percent? I think most people are interested about the OWS movement and how it may affect change for the better.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:51 PM
Michael Moore whined and cried over a Bank who was giving away rifles to anyone who opened a checking account with them.

He went and opened a checking account with them making a video on how evil it was. He said "I'm going to melt this rifle down".

To date, Michael Moore has never released a picture or a video showing his chopped up or melted Rifle he got for free opening up that checking account.


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
This is just another thread disguised to attack the left. More narrow minded conservative political party bickering I see posted by the OP almost on a daily basis. What the hell do we care about what Moore has to say about him not being part of the 1 percent? I think most people are interested about the OWS movement and how it may affect change for the better.

Well; " I think: Just like during the Obama campaign years, people are just tired of the (typical) blind faith:"over the top"; overly enthusiastic( but naive);
"Why; OWS is just plain wonderful! Why can't everybody see we can burn it all down; repudiate all debt! and then : all we need is love!!!!(???????) b.s.
edit on 27-10-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

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