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Michael Moore Lies " I Am Not Part of the 1%"

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:22 PM
The whole 1% thing is just marketing.So is the use of Wall Street.Its just symbolic,something people associate with greed.And if people from the 1% want to support it,fund the rebellion,why not take their money.Sorros cant control the movement,neither can 'Ben and Jerrys' or Michael Moore.
edit on 27-10-2011 by theovermensch because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by geryon
reply to post by something wicked

I agree, rich people are not evil and not the problem. Bill Gates and Michael Moore have given fortunes to charity, helping out more than we could ever.

Bill Gates has given mass amounts of money to charities, and I believe has pledged most of his fortune when he passes.

Moore has been quoted as stating he would donate an undefined amount of money, sometime, somewhere far far away.

Moore is a stooge.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by neo96

I think it's pretty obvious that they "99%" aren't fighting those who make more than a million but take actions to support the 99%, people like Buffet for example.

Why would they? He may be part of the "1%" but it's not the same "1%" that is being protested.

Just because part of the 1% are being assholes with their money doesn't mean everyone in the 1% is.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by brianmg5
reply to post by neo96

I think it's pretty obvious that they "99%" aren't fighting those who make more than a million but take actions to support the 99%, people like Buffet for example.

Why would they? He may be part of the "1%" but it's not the same "1%" that is being protested.

Just because part of the 1% are being assholes with their money doesn't mean everyone in the 1% is.

I love it.

It is always different for Liberals.

He, is in the 1%, but because he states he supports the 99%, it then makes him not a 1% but part of the 99%.

I am sorry, but it is hard to believe anyone can pitch this crap without holding their nose.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by SM2

You already have a socialist government.What do you think the whole "green energy' scam is.The governments are not supposed to influence and create markets.They do.You have socialism.Crony capialism at best.Thats how you got Solyndra.And the Communist Manifesto is not about socialism.It is about communism.There is a difference. Branding someone a socialist is the new McCarthyism.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:35 PM
Like Moore ain't an illuminati mind slave anyways.

Disgusting like Jaba the hut, oozing with greedy fats.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:36 PM
Michael Moore is the absolute epitome of hypocrisy. He's even admitted in interviews that he's a hypocrite. (The daily Show w\ Jon Stewart is one instance)
He's one of those 'leftists' or 'progressives' or whatever you want to call them who, rather than stand for something, viciously attack something. And that something is usually something that he can make a movie about, and make a very tidy profit.
Anyone who thinks Moore is in any way an advocate or a champion for the poor or downtrodden is an absolute fool.

Having said that, I'll be the first to admit he's very sharp, and I strangely admire his usual slovenly attire. It's kind of a mockery of our fashion-obsessed, style-conscious, GQ, trendy society. In that respect, I like him.
I guess I'm a hypocrite.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Post on topic or Don't read my post's or thread's.

Rather simple.

It was on topic and the fact that you wont acknowledge or respond to his comments is very revealing.

You really are a useful idiot of the right wing.
edit on 27-10-2011 by brianmg5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by macman

It is possible for him to be in both categories. Michael Moore, himself, is in the top 1%. I assume there is someone at some point in time he literally engulfed, which would account for the 99% part.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by brianmg5

That's hilarious the only people who have problem's with the things i say are liberal's aka left wingers and if i had a dollar every time some person on here called me an "idiot" i'd be that 1% that constantly get's redefined.

Thank's for the compliment better to be called an idiot than an OWS supporter or protester.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by macman

If you look deeper into the 'charities' that Bill Gates funds, they are crap - they cause as much destruction and expoloitation as they solve, his stupid foundation is FOR-profit.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by AzureSky
When refering to the 1%. Most of the 1% are not people, but corporations that control billions and trillions, and lets not forget the billionaires who have made record profits for themselves in the last 10 years.

He is not part of the 1%, he supports the 99%, which makes him the 99%. People, even wealthy people like Mr Moore, still have a heart, and know where it's at. He's been talking about wall streets crimes before ows even started, of course he'd be on board.

People take things way too literal, big problem today.

If you are right that Michael Moore is actually not a in the top 1% because "his heart is in the right place", then I guess someone who's in the bottom rung nearing starvation whose heart is in the wrong place is the top 1%. Is that right? If someone says "1%" and doesn't mean anything remotely even close to 1% then a suggestion is that just maybe they should not say "1%". I'm not really a fan of pandering double-talk being the reasoning for that.

So, the reason >50 people gave you a star absolutely shows that for them the 1% sign is a pandering message to mean the "top 1%" actually means:

Left-wingers who have a heart unlike the right. And hey you... you have a bunch of money give me some! Because thats mine mine mine to decide what I'll do with. As the 99% that isn't really 99% but has a secret meaning I must say to look how generous I am to take your money and give it to my favorite people! Meanwhile, people who believe theft is wrong on the libertarian side are evil and greedy and they are the top 1% even if they are starving to death and poor.

Is that it? Michael Moore has what, $50 million in net worth? Wow, that is more than a typical Goldman Sachs exeutive. But he is on the left and has a heart so he isn't the 1%. Meanwhile poor people struggling are part of the 1% if they are the nasty greedy capitalist type. Answer the question please: are the $300,000 earners on the OWS crap list or not? If not, change your stupid sign (which is stupid if you're not saying what you mean).

I think you're dead wrong. When someone has the 1% sign, they are talking about the top 1% of income earners and yes that includes Michael Moore. The idea that you pander for special exceptions is ridiculous. Just admit Moore is a hypocrite and move along. I support the OWS crowd in general because I agree that the banking industry resting on the foundation of a government monopoly is everything wrong with America. And fortunately the OWS crowd hasn't been so stupid as to suggest socialism is the solution for the simple reason they'd be embarrassed to say it. The solution is alternative currencies, period. Either we get alternative currencies and Americans move on to the next stage of civilization, or the US Dollar monopoly stays and America dies a nasty and violent death.

So, if you mean "billionaires", then say "billionaires" instead of top 1% on your sign. I read through the first five pages and it only got more and more confusing because obviously Micheal Moore is in the top 1% by almost any measure. When people write 1% on their sign then I'm not going to shove my opinion down their throat and say "here is what they really mean" but rather give them the benefit of the doubt and believe that they say what they mean and mean what they say.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:48 PM
Hey Neo,

I think you need to give those of us who disagree with your threads some credit. We come here and debate the issues with you and those who agree with you in an effective way. It is us who keep your threads moving to the front page and build up those stars and flags for ya. If we didn't, it would just be a 2 page thread of people saying "I agree! Socialists are bad, Moore is fat! OWS just wants food stamps!"

I give you credit for exposing the obvious differences between many poeple on ATS. I hope someday you will be willing to actually sit down at the table with those whom you disagree and have a fact-driven discussion about the issues.


posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by theovermensch
reply to post by SM2

You already have a socialist government.What do you think the whole "green energy' scam is.The governments are not supposed to influence and create markets.They do.You have socialism.Crony capialism at best.Thats how you got Solyndra.And the Communist Manifesto is not about socialism.It is about communism.There is a difference. Branding someone a socialist is the new McCarthyism.

Actually, Socialism is a way point on the road to communism. When converting a capitalist society to a communist society, you must first move to socialism, then convert to communism from there. At least according to the Communist Manifesto and Karl Marx.So, really the difference is just a small technicality as the end result of socialism is communism.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:49 PM
Why didn't he just say," Yes, I'm apart of the 1% as far as my wealth goes, but I stand with the 99% in their ideals"

Wouldn't that have sound better?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Give them credit never going to happen the only thing i will give them is my contempt for insulting my intelligence for not jumping on the everyone is doing it so you should be bandwagon.

There are leader's and their are follower's and i am neither and it will be a cold day in hell for i ever support OWS.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:52 PM
I agree.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:54 PM
Michael Moore is a gluttonous hypocrite who cultivates his "every-man" persona for profit. He is not one of the common people, and although he might not be in the 1%, but he is still in the single digit percentage points. I might agree with what he is purporting to do, but he incessantly makes a philosophical martyr of himself and loves playing the victim. In person, he is unapproachable and condescending. His meek "aw shucks" routine on camera is as irritating as its is exhausting. I don't like to go after someone's body type, but his spirit is bloated and insatiable and sometimes the stars align and people's physical appearance accurately reflects the vices of their soul.

He is disingenuous and in love with his own image. Maybe he will fall into a HD TV and drown on the liquid crystals. He is not on the poor people's side, he is on his own side. I am probably further left than he is on many issues and like I said before, I don't disagree with most of his arguments, I just find him nausea inducing and unctuous.
edit on 27-10-2011 by mirrormaker326 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by SM2
So what people are saying, if i get this right, is the 1% doesnt actually mean what they said it meant when the protests started, it no longer means the top 1% of income earners? is this correct? If it has changed to mean the uber rich that control everything, why dont you just call it what it has already named in the past? Are you afraid to call it what it is? Here ya go I will do it for you...

1% = Bourgeois

99% = Proletarians

Now, if you replace the numbers with those terms, most of what people are saying comes straight out of marx's work, the communist manifesto. Sorry if you dont like it, but thats what it is.

"The first chapter of the Manifesto, "Bourgeois and Proletarians", examines the Marxist conception of history, with the initial idea asserting that "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles".[3] It goes on to say that in capitalism, the working class, proletariat, are fighting in the class struggle against the owners of the means of production, the bourgeois, and that past class struggle ended either with revolution that restructured society, or "common ruin of the contending classes".[3]

It continues by adding that the bourgeois exploits the proletariat by "constant revolutionising of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones".[3]

The Manifesto explains that the reason the bourgeois exist and exploit the proletariat with low wages is because of private property, "the accumulation of wealth in private hands, the formation and increase of capital",[3] and that competition amongst the proletariat creates wage-labour, which rests entirely on the competition among the workers.[3]

This section further explains that the proletarians will eventually rise to power through class struggle: the bourgeoisie constantly exploits the proletariat for its manual labour and cheap wages, ultimately to create profit for the bourgeois; the proletariat rise to power through revolution against the bourgeoisie such as riots or creation of unions. The Communist Manifesto states that while there is still class struggle amongst society, capitalism will be overthrown by the proletariat only to start again in the near future; ultimately communism is the key to class equality amongst the citizens of Europe."

call a spade a spade. This is the argument most of the supporters use, so therefore, any person that is unbiased and logical would reach the conclusion that this is a socialist movement. Maybe some of you people in denial on the true motives of the movement should do some inner searching, maybe you really are socialist and did not realize it. Whatever though, you have the right to be a socialist if you want, but, you should at least be honest with yourselves.


Brilliant post and really putting it out there for everyone to see! Id really like to see you make an avatar so your more recognizable to the ATS crowd. With logical, well thought out posts like that, id love to read more of your thoughts.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:57 PM
The whole 1% vs. 99% boils down to one thing - where your head and your heart are. It's the measure of your deeds and what you do with your money. Is your strategy to f**k the people or help the people? Michael Moore's mindset and deeds speak for themselves in the video below and many others.

The true mark of an ignorant, conservative idiot is to defend those who are screwing him over worse than anyone else. Most of them have no idea that the conservative politicians serve Big Business interests, not the common man and the only interest they have in the common man is getting his vote. WAKE UP. Watch Capitalism: A Love Story and educate yourself.

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