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Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Isn't (!)

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by buddha
reply to post by citizen3273676

will not work.

But! if you go over there for a day trip.
in a car or boat with a Full tank of fuel...
and come back near empty.

you would have help't some one keep his ,
tractor, amblucse, delivery bussnes going.
now that would help.

im sorry go over to iceland in a car for a day trip??? you must be tired? seriously if andrisam is correct (ill take his word he lives there) sounds like they pissed off some powerfull entities and there paying for it by having their economy crashed.anyway if we believe in taking on the banks we shouldnt let them crush icelands economy. im open to suggestions.

my idea might work thats why i called it an expiriment. iceland is only 300k population if enough of us mailed a random icelander 5$ it would absolutley help. if even only 10k of us sent 5$ a month for 4 months to a random icelander thats 50k dollars extra a month going into their economy your right it would be meaningless in a larger economy but in a smaller more isolated economy it could start a ripple effect and atleast help prevent a complete collapse.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:10 AM
Iceland's demographics is the key here! With a population of just over 300k, 93% is Icelandic with 87% Lutheran (their main religion) 10,700 people are registered unemployed, be that as it may, pretty much the whole of Iceland is made up of Icelandic nationals who are united. This is how they managed to come together to face down their government.

Here in the UK, immigration and the welfare state is actively encouraged to spiral as this not only decreases business overhead when hiring immigrants, it decreases any outcome of a unified country by dividing it up by class and culture as well as an overpopulated mess difficult if not impossible to rally when needed.

Well done Iceland for being an inspiration to us all!
edit on 28-10-2011 by SecretFace because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by HallamFoe
Just watched it again... they also exchange time instead of currency for e.g: art lessons for guitar lessons or fitness workouts for carpentry lessons... they call it a "Time Bank"... I think this is a great idea. People could learn new skills that could be useful in life. Could this be a thing of the future?

P.S Should I maybe start this up as a new topic?

sure, go ahead

but try and make it more than a one liner and a u toob link


posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 08:10 AM
I have also seen how Iceland is standing up to the thugs.....And to think just 5 or so years ago this country had no financial problems at all until the big banks moved in and just about crushed them.

Watch the video Secret from Oz with Bill Still as the narrator and Author whom has a segment on this award winning documentary on Iceland and learn how what was once a children's movie called the Wizard of Oz is actually a movie intended for the adults which was trying to warn us 50 years ago about what was going on inside the banking world but, we all failed to see it.

Amazing I couldn't believe it....So stoked to be able to share this now and see the look on friends faces.

It's a great video and and also an excellent history lesson as he takes you on a journey around the world literally, and stands in front of the banks and places that he speaks about.

All in great HD and perfect audio in plain easy to understand english.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by citizen3273676
seriously if andrisam is correct (ill take his word he lives there) sounds like they pissed off some powerfull entities and there paying for it by having their economy crashed.anyway if we believe in taking on the banks we shouldnt let them crush icelands economy. im open to suggestions.

Read and understand the article.

No outside forces are crushing their economy. In order to stand on their own feet, they have had to take very painful austerity measures. It amazes me that people think they had a massive financial crisis, and somehow, even though they are still recovering, their economy should be perfect. Well its not, and they could still crash again, a la Greece.

Why is it you believe that outside forces are conspiring to destroy Iceland?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 09:06 AM
Greece should follow suit. We all should withdraw from all debt obligations and also the Rothchilds banking ponzy schemes, and as for trade, all the ones who are independent can trade/network amongst themselves.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by nightbringr

thanks ive read it. how bout reading my post? i said it sounds like, not i know for a fact, or here is some inconclusive evidence of a secret banking cartels not so secret plans to destroy iceland.

i luv how you claim to know for a fact that there isnt.

reminds me of an old joke.......

whats it look like? s@#t.

whats it smell like? s@#t.

whats it taste like? s@#t.

carefull dont step in it.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by citizen3273676

And how about looking at the facts that we know beyond a doubt, such as the reason for Iceland having difficult times right now being the austerity measures they enacted to get their economy cleaned up?

It really isnt any more difficult than that.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Greece should follow suit. We all should withdraw from all debt obligations and also the Rothchilds banking ponzy schemes, and as for trade, all the ones who are independent can trade/network amongst themselves.

You dont understand economics.

Ill ask you this simple question: since Greece is currently running massive deficits, how do you propose they pay for their social programs, government employees, pensioners and more once they withdraw from the euro and make their own money?

There is only one answer if they no longer borrow money (and they wont be able to if they renege on their debt obligations), and that is to print money. But that doesnt work in an economy as small as Greeces, does it? Massive runaway inflation is what would result. Might wanna look at Zimbabwe as an example of what happens in this case.

People need to realize that you cannot go year after year spending much more than you make. It doesnt work for people, and it certainly doesnt work for governments. The USA is an exception, because their dollar is pegged to oil, and their economy is so massive.

Ps. you might be tempted to suggest they use the "paperless money" than someone else suggested earlier in the thread, but of course that money is subject to the same inflation as anything else.

edit on 28-10-2011 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:07 PM
Do not want to burst any bubbles, but Iceland is much much much much smaller than any US state (and smaller than many US cites). That is why it is much easier for them to fix all of this stuff, they have LESS than one million residence. Anything that happens there cannot and will not apply to EU banking systems, let alone the FED.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by SecretFace
Iceland's demographics is the key here! With a population of just over 300k, 93% is Icelandic with 87% Lutheran (their main religion) 10,700 people are registered unemployed, be that as it may, pretty much the whole of Iceland is made up of Icelandic nationals who are united. This is how they managed to come together to face down their government.

Here in the UK, immigration and the welfare state is actively encouraged to spiral as this not only decreases business overhead when hiring immigrants, it decreases any outcome of a unified country by dividing it up by class and culture as well as an overpopulated mess difficult if not impossible to rally when needed.

Well done Iceland for being an inspiration to us all!
edit on 28-10-2011 by SecretFace because: (no reason given)

What you speak of in the UK is exactly what the elite ghouls are doing to destroy my nation as well. Flood the land with alien immigrants that share none of the cultural and inherent traits of the majority, cater to them as well forcing the taxpayer to foot the bill to provide for the alien invaders.

You have to hand it to the criminal elite they are using "multiculturalism" and "diversity" as weapons and they are effective tools because they have also "educated" the citizens to accept the UNacceptable. OUTRAGEOUS!!! I doubt that most UK or US citizens in either nation understand that they are being genocided at this very minute slowly but surely.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by randomname
the same thing happened in america. but since americans are stupid sheep, you paid back the international bankers the $700 billion dollars that american bankers and wallstreet put them on the hook for.

edit on 27-10-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

It's nothing to do with being sheep. The Icelandic government allowed the citizens to have a say and then backed them up. The US government doesn't give a damn what the people think and short of a revolution, the people's voice will be ignored.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:59 AM
And again, you are spewing a lot of nonsense that has very little reality within it.

The people of Iceland, that stood up to demonstrate, demonstrated very little sense, and absolutely no idea of what to do afterwards. They were overtaken by empty promises of a socialistic government, that has done nothing to make any of their promises come to life. They have been, again and again, saved by their president, an old commie, who has denied to sign laws. This socialistic government, has made the country completely unemployed, thousands have fled the country, and crime rate has gone up to the roofs.

Iceland has rights in the northern sea, at Yan Mayen. Yan Mayen is actually on Icelandic ground, but is held and controlled by Norway. Iceland, or its government, has no bone in their nose, to actually demand this. And therefore they cannot drill for oil, despite constant promises of oil reserves, because they are denied this by Norway. But the Icelandic people, being generally totally ignorant of reality, think the Norwegians are their friends.

The Icelandic Prime Minister, during the "crisis" was a Norwegian. This Prime Minister, hired Norwegian "hitmen" (from a lack of better word) to actually protect him against the Icelandic population. And since he's actually a foreigner by origin, he is also the only person in the Icelandic government, that is being indigted.

The Icelandic people were fully aware of the "scheme" that took place, to rob, the Brits and Holland. They were fully aware of it, and denied paying back so much as a dime. But at the same time, they deny to pay the brits or the hollanders. They allow Icelandic government, and companies to write off billions of debt, without so much as saying a beep, or a single demonstration hereto. The dept of the people, has at the same time, rising to the skies ... and a person that owned mortgage, does now owe more money for his house, than when he actually bought it, despite having spent years paying off the mortgage.


The future of Iceland is not bright. The socialist government, that these "morons" chose, is now making deals with the European Union, and it will not put it up to the people, when the day comes. As such, no matter what happens, they'll have to pay back every dime, to the brits ... in reality, on the long run, they'd have been better off, paying off the dept and denying their local corrupt politicians to "write off" their own depts. Icelandic companies have been doing this for decades ... they run, make money, than magically go bankrupt while the owners go completely free from any relyability. It's been this way, since I was a child ...

Concerning the Icelandic "crisis". It's basically, because Iceland used its affiliation with the United States, in the Iraqi, Afghan war, to get "good" deals. The money scheme, they used to invest in, Denmark, for instance. As well as Britain. While they were investing in Denmark, The Danes put them under constant "investigation", that was intended to let them go bankrupt and get back the companies they bought ... at a fraction of the price. The danes, as well as the swedes, do this ... all the time.

The stupid Icelandic people ... think these traitors ... are their "allies".

This is the reality of the situation ... Iceland, is ower it's knees in unemployement. It is slave to Aluminium companies, that can determine the price of electricity that they buy from Iceland.

Iceland has just made, one bad deal ... after the other.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:36 AM
Yet here at home there are occupations for the same reason yet people simply pass them off as Socialist/Communist/Space Aliens because faux news told them to perpetuate that. Most people here do even. Just shows how much power the MSM still has over the alleged "awaken".

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by gaurdian2012
reply to post by ELahrairah

why are you and everyone else putting ron paul on a pedestal he is a politician. he is a liar like all the others before him. I am somewhat shocked by most of the members here at ats that promote ron paul as the hope and change messiah that he is not. He says words you wish to hear like obama did when he was getting elected they all do. say words you wish to hear ultimately they will say what needs to be said to get elected how many promises made on the campaign trail get broken or swept under the rug. you people have lost your scrutiny of the truth. politicians lie they all lie. they have to lie to get elected. on the voters ballet there should be another box after all the ego maniacal morons, none of the above, that box would get my x

Then you're just like the other eighty percent of the pop who doesn't vote or think before they do :p Ron Paul acknowledges the fed and wants to take them down. as well as create minimal government. Theres a reason why he hasn`t been covered too much by MSM. And he`s been voting for the same things he was TEN YEARS ago and still is... He knows what the people want, he`s just never had the candidate run to show it. He voted against all the wars, promises to bring the troops back. But most of all he`s gonna get us out of the hole thats been dug. Or at least pave the way and send us in the right direction we as people know we want. Freemarkets and a new currency standard sounds good to me... We need to quit relying on our out of country exporting and importing, because we fail as exporters, and our imports are all made by those greedy scum.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
Yet here at home there are occupations for the same reason yet people simply pass them off as Socialist/Communist/Space Aliens because faux news told them to perpetuate that. Most people here do even. Just shows how much power the MSM still has over the alleged "awaken".

Indeed the brainwashing is very thorough in the USA, and I have noticed that even after many people wake up somewhat they often times are pulled back in to the dialectic that the elite create for them.

These people remind me of folks under general anesthesia, they often times come in and out of consciousness.

Remember folks most money in circulation today in the world is fiat currency, which holds no ACTUAL value unless you are gullible enough to agree with the falsehood.

Indeed most of the so called debts held by countries like Iceland are an illusion created by the elite masters that lord over us.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by JohnJasper

Originally posted by randomname
the same thing happened in america. but since americans are stupid sheep, you paid back the international bankers the $700 billion dollars that american bankers and wallstreet put them on the hook for.

edit on 27-10-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

It's nothing to do with being sheep. The Icelandic government allowed the citizens to have a say and then backed them up. The US government doesn't give a damn what the people think and short of a revolution, the people's voice will be ignored.

This is exactly why we need to pay attention to candidates, and excercise our right to vote.
We as US citizens need to step up and take responsibility for our elected officials.
If they fail to do as we instruct them to ( all politicians, even the president, are in fact representatives of the will of the people who elected them, not leaders or decision makers), we need to remove them, and charge them with treason.

Being elected to office does not equal a liscense to steal and pillage.
Being elected to office does not mean you get to make decisions. It means you swore an oath to represent our will and use the office to progress the will of the people who elected you.
Being elected does not equal being above the law.

" All men arecreated equal."
ALL MEN. Paupers, billionaires, and politicians are equal in the eyes of the constitution.
It's time for the US citizenship to wake up and stop ALLOWING this country to be taken from you right before your eyes.

We have the power, we just need to relentlessly apply it for the right reasons.

I can tap on a your forehead with my finger and you will barely feel it.
If I do the same thing every minute, every day, for a year you'll be a corpse.

Relentless progression against the corruption of our nation is what is needed.
The size of the movement is irrelevant. The persistance is what counts.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by BadNinja68
This is exactly why we need to pay attention to candidates, and excercise our right to vote.

US national elections have been rigged for decades now, there is plenty of evidence to back this fact up.

Read the book "VoteScam, the stealing of America".....

I have noticed that many shills on ATS are trying to make the phony US elections a viable way out of our problems with a criminal ruling elite violating our rights. I think many people have realized what a sham and fraud the elections are all of the "players" are cut from the same elitist cloth and always do the bidding of their masters that is why nothing ever REALLY changes. Dem or Rep never matters you get the exact same result....a criminal class violating our rights over and over again also stealing the tax payers money and no redress of grievances.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Toolatetotalk
IceLand had a population of around 300,000 people in 2011. If 10% of the population did a OWS scenario than it would explain how come they where able to make the changes they did.

Right now if we did a census of just how many people across America were actually participating on OWS I doubt it would exceed 30,000 which is 1% of our countries total population.

Judging from videos, customers and physically checking out the Seattle OWS three times now I don't even think we could break 20k.

Just my two cents.

There are 320 million people in the US and 1% of that is 3.2 million people! I hate to say this but people in the US have it too good right now and until we have a majority of our population who either realize the truth or live way below the Status Quo we will never see any changes for the better! It's unfortunate that many of us are dumbed down through chemicals illegal or otherwise and so we may never see any actual revolution. I would love to see some real changes in the media and federal reserve because the control of disinformation and the manipulation of our monies are the most important factors facing us right now but we hardly hear anything about these issues and this is not by chance, this is by design! Some day America may realize the truth but it wont be
through some uncharacterized protest without any definition or leadership like OWS! Sometimes the reigns of change must be grasped by the rightous even if the risk is great and the Task huge! I'm sure the colonialist of the revolutionary war knew these things! Though the average American wants change without struggle, sacrifice or any personal risks and think that they can vote change into existance! IMO this will never happen for we have had well over 200 years to see this but still we don't realize this fact! Every time there has been change it has always come through struggle and once the struggle has ceased, we have seen the loss of many of those freedoms! I am tired of telling the same message to those without ears to hear or the understanding to comprehend or the eyes to see and so if this is what we choose then so be it! May God have mercy on our souls
cause TPTB wont!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

I don't think Iceland had NewsCorp infiltrate their media and spew their propaganda...

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