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Why Iceland Should Be in the News, But Isn't (!)

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Instead of running to Iceland, I say let's stay here and try to implement what took place there, here.

I'm not a big fan of running away.
I like to stand my ground.

Jail the bankers.

As soon as I read that, this popped into my mind, could be cause I am Scottish and I love the film or.. Could be because your onto something

William Wallace: "Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!"

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by citizen3273676

will not work.

But! if you go over there for a day trip.
in a car or boat with a Full tank of fuel...
and come back near empty.

you would have help't some one keep his ,
tractor, amblucse, delivery bussnes going.
now that would help.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by SecondAmendmentUser
The master elite bankster family of all time just happens to be so called jews "Rothchilds"

So what? Someone has to be at the top?

Originally posted by SecondAmendmentUser
The top echelon of banksters are all so called jews. This is an absolute fact.

So what? The Jews are the single most persecuted peoples in the world who are still alive and well. They have endured thousands of years of persecution and it is no wonder they have a drive to acheive and succeed. If they did not, they would have died out many years ago.

Originally posted by SecondAmendmentUser
Folks you have been brainwashed by your elite masters into thinking that tribal and racial issues and aspects of humanoids have no bearing on things, this is wrong.

And maybe people like you have been brainwashed by your anti-semite parents and role models to believe that the big, bad jews are the reason for every evil in the world.

Originally posted by SecondAmendmentUser
Stop and think! So many subjects, especially on ATS, can be openly discussed ....the one thing that doesn't seem to be allowed is the racial and tribal aspects of humanity.

Maybe they removed your post because they dont want newer users to assume all ATSers are rampant rascists?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by nightbringr

Originally posted by SecondAmendmentUser
The master elite bankster family of all time just happens to be so called jews "Rothchilds"

So what? Someone has to be at the top?

Originally posted by SecondAmendmentUser
The top echelon of banksters are all so called jews. This is an absolute fact.

So what? The Jews are the single most persecuted peoples in the world who are still alive and well. They have endured thousands of years of persecution and it is no wonder they have a drive to acheive and succeed. If they did not, they would have died out many years ago.

Originally posted by SecondAmendmentUser
Folks you have been brainwashed by your elite masters into thinking that tribal and racial issues and aspects of humanoids have no bearing on things, this is wrong.

And maybe people like you have been brainwashed by your anti-semite parents and role models to believe that the big, bad jews are the reason for every evil in the world.

Originally posted by SecondAmendmentUser
Stop and think! So many subjects, especially on ATS, can be openly discussed ....the one thing that doesn't seem to be allowed is the racial and tribal aspects of humanity.

Maybe they removed your post because they dont want newer users to assume all ATSers are rampant rascists?

Fellow members this is a prime example of how you have been trained "don't touch the third rail" , Well known White House reporter Helen Thomas experienced this eye opener too when she stated the obvious.


Why is it off limits to the general public?

People need to ponder this.

Folks will notice that this seems to be a web wide and societial wide taboo, at least the elite power brokers want you to believe it is.

Another important point is that most jews today are in fact NOT semitic, they are from the Khazarian tribes and have no connection to the semitic Hebrews of the tribe of judah or the Holy Land.
edit on 27-10-2011 by SecondAmendmentUser because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

A portion of bank managers might be Jewish, but its not their money. Big oil feeds banks with capital. That be OPEC for the most part, and any of them are far from being Jewish countries. OPEC is big time anti Semitic. They look upon Jews as mere accountant slaves. There are many Jewish bankers, money managers because for many years Jews could not own land in Europe, but they could manage money for the owners of wealth. LAND. This is why there are many Jewish folk who are actors, lawyers, doctors in all sciences, and bankers/accountants today. Its family tradition. Just as many Aryans are engineers, and Anglos farmers and corporate managers. These are cultural employment traditions established due to racial laws practiced for centuries in Europe that gave birth to why many Jewish folks are in banking today. Sort of ironic that the poster made such a statement I think. At that Jewish folks are isolated on Wall Street. Why? How many Jews go Yale? Few. They go to Harvard and later work for Rothschild etc or the FED. I can't find any who are on any of the boards of of any of the Six Sisters formally the Seven Sisters the suppliers of liquidity to the world.

This is the real world.

In the real world Jewish folk are

Notice all the media entities are ran mostly by Anglos with so many Jewish folk faces plastered across their programing? Can you say racial glass ceiling?

I personally heard a CEO of a powerful multi national corporation say one time. "Heck I would like to promote Jews more through the ranks, but they have the idea that they are special and smarter than other ethnics. Go figure most of them are autistic savants."

I hate to admit it, but I have the same stereotypical mental image when I think of Jewish folks. The Nutty Professor played by Jerry Lewis pictured in my head.

They need assimilation.

Now how do Jewish folk assimilate into the masses? Their best bet for long term survival is to simply intermarry into the rest of the world and blend their culture with all the others joining the great melting pot of the world because their genes need diversification.

Its okay to have nerd genes, but not when involves interbreeding.

I'm pretty sure it all started with Lot.

Sorry just having some fun with ya...
My Great grandmother was Jewish.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 04:59 PM
Mayer Amschel Rothschild quote:

" Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by 1nOne
And wouldn't you know it, a little research into who these foreign bankers are: Jews.

So who's your bank?

They aren't Jewish because Jews own no oil. Oil is banking!

Got it? Good...

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by burningbelief
Yippe ki yay! If only Americans would stick together and do the same D*&^* thing! I am still on pins and needles over whats gonna happen here, but holding on to faith. Thanks Poster and Iceland....we needed an example to follow if we just will!

It's hard when everyone is sperated by nationality. Nobody wants to unite it seems.

kind of sad really.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by SecondAmendmentUser

So I bet his kid found out differently when they got kicked out of U.S. banking right after he died. That was Royal British money that got 86ed btw. He and James Biddle got an education. Again in more blunt wording, so called Jewish bankers are mere mortals in the world of finance. They are accountants who manage other people's money. I'm not so sure that Mr. Rothschild was cut short in his life by moneyed Anglos who felt he was bad for business with American during the 1830's.

It all started with the Tudors you know. ROYAL ENTERPRISE.

They ain't Jewish.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:28 PM

It's hard when everyone is sperated by nationality. Nobody wants to unite it seems.

kind of sad really.

There is the catch all. You see the US was not originally designed by our Founding Fathers to be a country, BUT a nation. Folks need to look up the word "nation" in the dictionary. Seriously go look it up. A NOT the same as a country.

Webster Dictionary


Ethnol.) A part, or division, of the people of the earth, distinguished from the rest by common descent, language, or institutions; a race; a stock.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

i guess you are missing the story of the new revolution
This started a long time ago here in Argentina, the reason why it wasn`t even noticeable is that we were not in the main agenda of many of the most important countries around the world near year 2000, so what really happened here is that:
corrupts governments such us the ones during military government (that yesterday our justice convicted the militars that participated in that government for dessapearing more than 30.000 people), that government during the 90`s which were extreme neoliberalists by the hand of Menem (the one who sold most of our resources to foreign countries mostly EEUU, and some of them to Spain and Italy, UK participated here during the 1890-1910 governments besides the Malvinas War) and the government of Mr. Duhalde and DeLaRua that ended up with people savings and closed the peoples accounts in the banks with their money in it without the capability of touching them by their owners...
This ended up in the CACEROLAZO in plaza de mayo in 2002

Till Nestor Kirchner arrived and changed it all, getting rid off the IMF, paying all our legal and illegal debt, turning back to more socialists politics that saved peoples jobs and peoples works, that gave all the Argentinians back our dignity allthough they attacked him, they denied him all this till now that the countries that never fell in their economies are falling down
Even the Iceland parlament claimed for the application of the Argentinian politics for their people, cuase it has send us to an economic recovery without precedent

Our president was being re elected this past Sunday with the approval of 54% of our country, with the second candidate getting only 15% of the votes, showing how effective the politics applied here had been for the people.
Today is the 1st aniversary of Mr. Nestor Kirchner`death.

Thanks you Nestor were ever you are, my kids will have a better country just because of you and for Cristina, a madman`s idea that only wanted the best for his fellow countrymen and fought for what he believed was the best for us
thanks you eternally

reply to post by mr-lizard

By the way we weren`t on the news also, but hope you people in the EEUU fight for what you deserve best

This is just an example of was being said about the economic politics here by the year 2009
and a little bit of history with a partial position.
part of the funeral with more than 40 blocks of people waiting to give our ex-president the last salutation over oh 500.000 people assited in one day

edit on 27-10-2011 by N1thNa1ath because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by N1thNa1ath

WW3 is a global class war. Who would of thought... I grew up thinking of WW3 being a would be war fought between super powers. And now a multi national civil war? There has never been such a war ever fought before, or even modeled in any think tank. I don't think Rand Corporation has ever modeled it.

I would hate to be rich during our time.

I think it's going to be a global civil war based on a French style revolution where there will be a holocaust of the top 1%. Oh well, pop me some popcorn, I'm going to enjoy the show.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by baburak

...and that attitude is why there is a problem in the world today in most corners. Yeah, take the easy route, to protect our soft posteriors. Wake up. Nothing of value comes easy! That is the truth. We have been led down the garden path to believe that it can be easy, all we have to do is borrow, finance, live outside our problems, refinance, make those payments. At least the Icelanders are paying into a future. MAN I wish we had the gonads here in North America to do the very same!

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by EarthChilde

The thing is success could be made much more accessible only if energy and central banking was nationalized along with mercantile exchanges adding to that only group insurances are allowed to operate. Easy vs hard success is not the issue. Impossible vs intrenched privilege is. Impossible vs intrenched privilege does not promote competition. It does not promote a meritocracy. It promotes a plutocracy.

WW3 a World Class WAR. It has begun.

edit on 27-10-2011 by LilDudeissocool because: cuz

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by LilDudeissocool

The thing is success could be made much more accessible only if energy and central banking was nationalized along with mercantile exchanges adding to that only group insurances are allowed to operate. Easy vs hard success is not the issue. Impossible vs intrenched privilege is. Impossible vs intrenched privilege does not promote competition. It does not promote a meritocracy. It promotes a plutocracy.

Thanks for the reply,

I am sorry I gave the impression of boiling down the point of problems being solely that there is a struggle between easy vs difficulty. I was actually inferring that through the manipulation of the masses through both psychological and chemical manipulation in the general public in North America, that we are at a point where it is constantly being given to us that we can have it all. (The irony is that ALL is becoming at lot LESS! LOL) The State is is control and creating a populace that is passive, too accepting and altogether apathetic. So, while I agree with your statement, easy vs hard success is not the issue, I was not making it the issue, but a result of the underlying issues. The very definition of success is what, IMO, needs to be changed to meet the very real needs of the human condition. The human condition does not require technology to grow and be satisfied. I am not against technology, in fact I rather like the idea of balance, I would tend to lean towards Taoism for most philosophical debates, but I do believe too much of anything is a bad thing.
Meritocracy is an idea that cannot be implemented under the current status quo. The Plutarch's of our societies would not allow that as there is currently a whole host of people who have domain over others through power and wealth control. We are living in plutocratic societies for the most part, upper reaches of Tibet one of the few that maybe are not, and yes it is dismal and wrong on many levels.
Your statement of impossible vs entrenched isn't clear to me. What do you see as impossible against being entrenched?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:30 PM
Wow, I wonder how this all went down: violently or peacefully I mean. Either way it is great to see it happen.

What's really impressive is that these people did it knowing full well (or so I'd hope
) that they have know standing army to protect them from England and Denmark's wrath.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:56 PM
Cashless Transaction: Greek's creative solution

I saw this segment on RT today and thought it was awesome! Seems that some villages and communities in Greece have adopted a kind of bartering system. Everyone in the video looks really happy and it's bringing them closer together. Maybe this whole financial collapse is planned not to create a NWO and one world currency, but rather to bring people together and help each other and to find new ways in which to run an economy? A lesson in humanity and giving...? Just a thought.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:04 PM
Just watched it again... they also exchange time instead of currency for e.g: art lessons for guitar lessons or fitness workouts for carpentry lessons... they call it a "Time Bank"... I think this is a great idea. People could learn new skills that could be useful in life. Could this be a thing of the future?

P.S Should I maybe start this up as a new topic?

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by EarthChilde

Well I basically agree with you.

On your term "chemical" I assume you are referring to brain chemicals being changed due to propaganda flooding, messaging inundation. Am I right? This the idea mass intensive messaging causes changes in brain chemistry as a result of thought patterns being changed. This being claimed by some a product of deliberate design to maintain cultural thought of a cultivation of how people think individually and as an integrated group. Thus the view of what is deemed as reality is actually fantasy, the skewing of perception for control and profit, compliance. A popular theme of the American counter culture during the 1960s.The life universal premise that made the movie The Matrix such a great movie.

"Impossible vs entrenched privilege" means simply success is guaranteed or near guaranteed for the "well heeled" while the rest have a near zero chance to achieve success if they are not. There will always be winners and losers, but lets face it, "What does the future hold if 450lbs marathon runners get to drive to the finish line while would be athletic in shape runners are made to wear shackles during the run?" Its not about class warfare as I believe you would agree, it's about making sure we do not return back to the dark ages by means of social devolution of civilization by way of regressive social practices.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by HallamFoe

Yeah cross training credits too are an up and coming resource exchange. Our local community college is looking into starting something along those lines. More or less to serve the labor pool for the service industry. The scheme is that retail, hotel and restaurant workers will become more flexible. This is the economic benefit. The more financially stable people are in the community is the social benefit. Another is an idea for a work trade program of sorts organized among stores and resorts through a purposed temp consortium. I guess they want property tax breaks for participation in the program along with income tax breaks. That's what it's really about for them. Time currency is a viable medium of exchange however its structured at any rate.

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