posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Op. Good on you, I support you...
What these brainless idiots don't realize is that we are not a riot country. We have not had protests for 40 years in any way substantial. Just
ignore these stupid fools who tell you to stop. You see, what you have there is a bunch of simpletons in your life that don't think THEY are worth #,
don't think THEY are powerful, don't think THEY can make a difference....So what they do is pretend like they care about you, and project their own
lack of self worth onto you...They try to stop you from doing what is right because they are weak...
Everything is not OK in USA, any retard knows that...and child knows that....any fool knows that....anyone pretending that your participation in a
movement in its infancy is worthless...are worthless themselves....
One more thing, I am 42, very financially stable, have 4 kids in private school, and I support you. I know things are #ed up. I am not unemployed (180
degrees opposite of that.)
You are in the beginning of something big and important, at some point there will be representation, a collective voice, a purpose, a movement, and if
yall can hang in there until that time comes...I promise you...all these stupid fools will jump on your bandwagon, because someone on TV will tell
them to...
I also want to state that NO OLD FART deserves an opinion on this because their pathetic, lazy, stupid, sheep mentality allowed the government rape to
us, you , and your children. So the fact that some stupid veteran war hawk has an opinion is was his complacency in this entire issue
for 40 years that has allowed this to happen...
To me, the opinions of arm chair quarterbacks, and old fools whop played a part in creating this economic nightmare from their own stupidity, are
Keep fighting the good fight for all involved, brush off idiot is obvious you are in the right place at the right time. Do you really
want to sit on your ass like your father (figuratively) and continue to let your kids get raped financially. Shame on your DAD!!!!!