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Why I Support A Violent Revolution

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

Why do you think that men and women who make money the same way you do are the enemy?

Who tells you that? Who tells you that guys who makes 50,000 a year are the ones in control?


Who benefits from that?

Are you all starting to feel uneasy? That the rhetoric you've swallowed might actually mean that someone is playing YOU.

You've been Occupied.
edit on 2011/10/26 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

Are you sure you clicked the right reply link? Where did I say or imply that the police were the enemy? Where did I say they are in control?

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

That is a mighty good plan you have laid out there. Maybe with the help of 'Anonymous' you know, some popular known public force that many pay attention to, all the occupiers could be like, "Okay cops and mayors, we will all go home now. and then watch what happens next. It will make you wish you did not harrass and abuse us there."
"I want to believe!

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by Saucerwench

Shall we schedule it? Pencil it in for, say, Tomorrow and Friday?
Oh, how I wish it could happen that quickly....

ETA: And for those who think, "yeah, that would never happen," well, look at what happens on Thanksgiving and on Christmas! Streets are empty. VERY few cars or people out. Most of the country is already on board with it on those two days...
So, it's not that hard, folks. Just pretend it's a new holiday! to imagine!!!
edit on 26-10-2011 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Yeah I had posted something similar advocating Nov 1st as a no buy day. Don't buy anything.
Of course I couldn't get it to catch on

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by haarvik

Haarvik, I have (almost) always agreed with every post of yours that I have read.

I am certain others have thought of this, as well.

Maybe it wasn't the right time for the idea yet. It's certainly not an unheard of notion...and I see that you are mature enough to recall how on Sundays, back in the 60s, EVERYTHING was closed. There was NO shopping to be had on Sunday. Anywhere. At least in the midwest, where I grew up, that's how it was.

How bout,....the 5th of NOVEMBER?? They would certainly remember it then!
So we have, what... 9 days?
Wait, the 5th of November is a Saturday....should we propose it for a day that's not on the weekend?

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I don't know. Sunday is a day most people do remember for everything being closed. Of course there is also Wednesday. It's mid week and not a lot of shopping then either. But yes, I do remember Sundays being the day you didn't get to buy much. Maybe some gas if you knew the owner, but other than that the only thing open was church. I do like the 5th of November. Anyone who has seen the movie will get it.

I really do feel that if we shut down the economic powerhouse for one day, and it is pre-announced to show we mean business, then maybe, just maybe we can get our point across. But it has to be announced beforehand with a warning that either things change, or you will see what we the people can do to this machine. We will show who has the power in this country.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:21 PM
Not gonna read the thread, but consider this. Do you have children? How do you want the to grow up? At what point would you defend them or would you not bother? Hmm.

Would you defend them if someone attacked them possibly with the intent to kill or mame them? After all, the cancer causing vaccines were designed that way isnt hat an attack, or is it ok for someone to do this to your kids? If someone was going to shoot a child in the head would you let them do it? Whats the diffrence between a gun and a slow death?

You need to get your priorities right, or maybe you are happy to live under a ruthless dictator suh as hitler or pot. You see one does nothing then IMO thats exactly the same as pulling the trigger yourself.

Sorry, but thats my opinion, make of it what you will.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by haarvik

This is how I see it, it was violence what prop America to be an example of democracy for the people and it will be violence what will end what America has become after been taken over from the people.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Dude, you should've read the thread. Your reaction is based on the headline, I take it. It's only 2.5 pages, for heaven's sake. You might be surprised that it's not a "call to arms".
Post fail.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Very interesting. An acquaintence told me a couple years back, that every fifth of November, she would have the kids and her watch the movie V for Vendetta. At that time, I thought she was some kind of moonbat.

But now I see, she was/is a prophet.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:32 PM
Reply to post by haarvik

I see exactly what you are saying and can honestly understand your logic, but violence will only lead to more violence and in the end TPTB will be the ones left standing. The only way movements like OWS can achieve victory and actually make a difference that will stand the tests of time is to rely on faith, patience, hope, and strength in numbers, patience being the most important. Change does not happen overnight. Change does not come served on a silver platter with a side of gold. Change has to be earned, and considering the Change we are all looking for at this moment in time, it will only be earned through stedfastness and harmony, since we all allowed this to happen to us anyway over the last several decades. Can you blame TPTB for the way things have turned out? Sure, we can, but our complaint is not justified, for we gave TPTB the P. And now we want control of our lives back, and want a government to govern us, not rule us. A call to arms is not the answer though, because TPTB have all the arms.

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Kali74

Due to rigged elections and the "electoral college" - we do not have the ability to vote, at least not by direct popular vote. All we see after the presidential election are headlines showing who "should" win.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Saucerwench
reply to post by wildtimes

Very interesting. An acquaintence told me a couple years back, that every fifth of November, she would have the kids and her watch the movie V for Vendetta. At that time, I thought she was some kind of moonbat.

But now I see, she was/is a prophet.

You people are so silly.

Seriously. Its Hollywood. The Crucible of Propaganda. You think that they created a movie for you to achieve freedom? Seriously? Shake your head.
edit on 2011/10/26 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:52 PM
I am reminded of the movie The Patriot with Mel Gibson. While not a true story, I believe the premise behind the revolution was correct. If you were to take that movie and put it into today's environment, you have the same exact thing happening now. Government being oppressive to it's people. Taxation that is rampant, government officials who are corrupt. We are no different now than our forefathers were over 250 years ago. In fact, the majority of colonists were on the side of the British, not the Americans. Yet they defeated the greatest army on earth at that time. What does that tell you? Sure they have guns, etc. But they have to fight a certain way. Militia do not. Our country is far too vast for them to suppress any revolution that happens. I am not promoting everyone goes out and gets guns so we can rush DC. What I am saying is if that moment does in fact arise, then we will be in the same position our forefathers were in. Armies occupying our cities, citizens losing their rights and property.

Just imagine if you can, a day with no purchases taking place. In fact, I would go a step further and promote no entertainment either. No movies, TV or radio. now imagine the impact that would have on revenue. Imagine the impact that would have on wall street. There are ways to protest peacefully, but you have to have cohesion and compliance in order for it to be effective. If even 50% of our nation participated it would be a huge statement and cost the 1% billions in lost revenue. Take away their money, and you take away their power. You instill fear into them of the public in general, which is what they should fear.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:54 PM
Reply to post by Skewed

Even if they throw the first punch, retaliating will only make things worse. We have to use our strength in numbers not just strength. Your reasoning is the way of thinking they want us to have, and know that I have felt the exact same way as you, but lately my gut has been warning me of the dangers that may come if I were to act in haste with a clinched fist. The media may have forsaken us for now, but we have the means to use our own forms of media and let the masses know they no longer have to hide in their living rooms, tails tucked, but instead a peaceful opportunity to let their voices be heard and help induce change. Turn to violence and the majority of the 99 will run, weakening the Movement, and giving TPTB the edge they need to settle the masses, and once again the sheep will be corraled in their living rooms, watching you get beat down in the street. Sheep are harmless and TPTB know this. Let's help the Sheep fing their inner Wolf, and then we prey.

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by DoNotForgetMe

Sitting around hoping and praying does not effect change, sorry, this world does not work that way. If you want something done, it takes action.

I also do not believe that tptb have all the arms. Well...maybe they do but do they have enough people to operate those arms. Those people are not going to take off their 1000 dollar suits and pick up arms against us. The only thing they know how to do is pay people off. They have no clue what do when face to face in a potential physical altercation, those pussies will run the first chance they get.

If it should come down to that, there many backwoods patriots that will come crawling out of the hills, to give aid to their fellow Americans. The bottom line is we outnumber them in every possible way, and if things go bad they do not stand a chance. If tptb wish to take the violent approach, we will then see what the saying really means about a rifle being behind every blade of grass.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by nuttin4U
How is ANY protest going to work? People forget....we're dealing with a SYSTEM! Even IF "the people" were to revolt.....who are the "bad guys"? This is the BIGGEST problem i have, with protesting: We'd be fighting each other, but the SYSTEM would still remain the same!

Instead of "protesting", why don't people start BOYCOTTING? That's what you want, a BOYCOTT. In other words, STOP USING THEIR SERVICES, that helps FUND their AGENDA. Stop using the banking system, stop using credit cards, stop borrowing. This is HOW they've gotten their wealth! You could also cancel your subscription to Direct TV, turn off the cell phone; walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation; stop shopping at Walmart; and, as hard as this may be.......QUIT YOUR JOB...and become self employed!

What you want to have happen is for the SYSTEM to die, not your fellow Americans,

And all other peoples of the World.

I totally concur with your views here. Tear down all systemic constructs, globally.

Just disengage!

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by haarvik

Talk is cheap. Get out there and do something if you support a so-called "Violent Revolution"

Truth is you probably support sitting on your butt day dreaming about one otherwise you would already be actively doing something rather than talking about it.

Everyone wants violence until someone or something they care about gets effed.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by mudbeed
reply to post by haarvik

Everyone wants violence until someone or something they care about gets effed.

Or it pisses them off and then the gloves come off.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:46 PM
Why bother protesting at all? A plane flying into a bilderberg meeting would do a lot more damage.Plus they make it easy enough for people to find out where they will meet next.Just saying..

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