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Why I Support A Violent Revolution

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+36 more 
posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 09:50 AM
So, got your attention? Good. Now before you go and flame me, read on. I fully support a peaceful revolution, but alas I am a pessimist. I have watched over the course of my 48 years on this planet as protest after protest goes on and nothing changes. The closest thing we have had to a peaceful revolution was the Civil Rights movement. But that was anything but non-violent. Sure, most of the protesters were not violent, but the opposition sure was. Violence comes to these movements whether the protesters initiate them or not.

If one was to try and have a movement similar to the Civil Rights movement today, they would be crushed before they even got a following. Why? Because we have allowed our government to take away our freedoms to the point where any mass protest or group organization is labeled a terrorist movement. How many people who have had militia ties have been hunted down like animals? How do we know the charges they claim against these people are valid? We are so quick to claim we deny ignorance, yet how many people have we said "wow, can't believe they did that" just accepting what MSM and TPTB claim.

So on that note, I say even though we may want a peaceful revolution, it will be violent. It may not be to the protesters or organizers that start the violence, but it will be by TPTB. I support revolution because we cannot continue at our current state and remain a global power. We are splintering into too many sides with no cohesion. We are too busy watching our boob tubes and believing everything TPTB and MSM tell us to even realize what is happening to us. So I say bring on the revolution. And if TPTB want to make it violent, then I say bring it on! If the Taliban can hide from our great army in Afghanistan, then do you really think it would be that hard for a militia to do the same in a country 10 times the size?

We are fast approaching a cross roads in this country. People are going to have to make a choice very soon. You will have to decide if you are willing to become a Nazi state and submit, or are you going to do something about it and reclaim your birthright? As for me and my family, we will choose the latter.

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:01 AM
I am with you.

I would prefer that no blood be spilled but if that is the way tptb want it, then I will oblige and will not be intimidated.

I will never throw the first punch, but I will throw the second and however many it takes after that.

+4 more 
posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:04 AM
It is with a heavy heart that I am forced to agree with you. Our politicians are bought and paid for. Our police despise those who are not police. They exercise brutality upon the citizenry on a daily basis. The first amendment is now restricted to "free speech zones", but even worse free speech is now a thought crime. If you believe that illegal immigrants should be deported, you are a racist. If you believe obama's policies are an abject failure, you hate black people. If you believe in fiscal restraint, you are heartless and hate poor people. Free speech is now hate speech. Disagree with any part of the liberal agenda to turn this country socialist and you are a hate monger of some sort. Since we cannot openly discuss and debate the issues, violence is the only answer left us.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:08 AM
I understand where you are coming from but I disagree, we still have the power to protest and vote. If we as a nation can bridge some of the divide, if we can raise awareness through protest and share the facts of the corruption we are facing then we can do this peacefully.

We the people cannot be the aggressors, that is an open invation to steal more freedoms away and also to lose support of other people. People outside of mob mentality, generally, are afraid of violence and will side with whatever helps them to keep their person and their family safe.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:08 AM
S+F very logical conclusions OP

if I may add a little more, We (the people) have everything to gain and They (tptb) have everything to lose

...if they are prepared to go to war and spread destruction and violence for a resource what does that say about what they will do to keep their power


Peaceful revolution can only happen IF BOTH SIDES ARE PEACEFUL
edit on 26-10-2011 by all answers exist because: spelling

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:11 AM
I couldn't agree more.

We are Americans, and that used to mean something.

Oathkeeper and Three Percenter here.

Another point..

I WILL NOT accept any form of communism.

The Constitution needs to be re-instated as the Supreme Law of the land.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:14 AM
And play into the PTB's hands?

No thank you.

I'm sorry, but I know that they want you to get violent, so they can proclaim you enemy combatants and resistance fighters and take away your rights and throw you in jail, or worse kill you.

All those police in riot gear are awaiting just one guy to throw a rock or pull a gun.

Peacefull protests are the only way anything will ever get done, otherwise, you'll be made out to be monsters and the rest of the people who don't realize what's going on will fall in line and send you to the gallows without a second thought.

Sad but true.


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:14 AM
We are a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. If the nation is failing then we the people are to blame and must own our responsibility for failing to keep checks on corporations and government and the many links between them.
We don't need a revolution, we just need to do what it was decided we would do after the last revolution.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
I understand where you are coming from but I disagree, we still have the power to protest and vote. If we as a nation can bridge some of the divide, if we can raise awareness through protest and share the facts of the corruption we are facing then we can do this peacefully.

We the people cannot be the aggressors, that is an open invation to steal more freedoms away and also to lose support of other people. People outside of mob mentality, generally, are afraid of violence and will side with whatever helps them to keep their person and their family safe.

Well said, Kali - if we can see past the petty and come together to address the root issues affecting all of us (plenty of time to deal with the rest later), then by all means we should.

I can sympathize with the OP, though - I am also cynical and pessimistic about this because I continue to see people splintering on the peripherals and spouting bile and hared at one another, and this seems to be in good part by design (although it does come all too naturally on its own).

Regardless of who it applies to - and god forbid, as I do not sanction violence but do acknowledge the way this world works - Kennedy said it well:

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Kali74

While I respect your sentiment, I must ask;

How can we possibly vote in change when all choices provided are a part of the corruption that has caused this debacle? Removing one head will only allow more to spring up. We will have to slay the heart to bring down this beast. Those who have made and kept fortunes on the blood of others, and anyone who has willingly helped them to do this through bribery must be stripped of every ounce of their power. No remorse, no regret. We will be destroying legacies that are hundreds of years old, but it cannot matter. The present must witness change, or we will have no future.


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by haarvik

Sadly, I too have to agree with you. We the People have tried to get them to listen to us, but they keep their hands in our pockets and they eyes in our lives. The Banking Cartel are above the law and any oversight, and will never give up their money and power willingly, we will have to take it from them by force. I hate to see it, many times I have called for a peaceful, bloodless revolution, but TPTB are not buying it.

I was a soldier, took my oath, and will stand by it.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
I understand where you are coming from but I disagree, we still have the power to protest and vote. If we as a nation can bridge some of the divide, if we can raise awareness through protest and share the facts of the corruption we are facing then we can do this peacefully.

We the people cannot be the aggressors, that is an open invation to steal more freedoms away and also to lose support of other people. People outside of mob mentality, generally, are afraid of violence and will side with whatever helps them to keep their person and their family safe.

I agree with you, and I think most people do as well. What you state is what I would like at least. However, we have seen over the years that voting for the lesser of the evils still forces us to vote for evil regardless. The question is, how long do we keep allowing ourselves to be ignored while acting peacefully, that does not get any ones attention. People turn their heads and look when a brick goes flying through a window, it is a shame that people will not listen otherwise.

I also find myself in a moral dilemma. I took an oath to defend this country and Constitution and I still stand behind that oath. My problems will arise if I have to start raising my hand to other citizens, even if they are police officers. In my mind, this is a sticky situation.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:22 AM
There are other options. Just because you aren't being presented with them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

However, many of the politicians in our nations are beholden to the very small group of people causing many of the problems.

Violent revolution tends to wreck things. I don't like the solutions many people are presenting. For example, I don't believe in a lack of a social contract like the Tea Party. I also have no interest in the remarketed communist state being floated by those marketing the Occupy movement. As for the religious nuts slathering on the sidelines, I trust them even less.

I'm not for full out smash and burn. I'd like to see a more surgical approach to a cancerous problem.

Now failing to address what even "They" know is a problem isn't acceptable. I'm not opposed to the French Revolution. Either we correct these people now, or the wider World is going to "correct" us at some point. Because while everyone is talking the One Percent, on a global level you and I ....we are the top Five Percent. More likely the top 3%.

If you were to project the problems and the demographics of the Bourgeois and the Royal-Right-To-Rule classes of Europe from the Enlightenment through to the Bolshevik Revolution onto the global stage today, what you would find is that you and I, we are the merchant class, the Earls, the Barons, the Counts, the Chevaliers.

Not getting the top 0.01% and the political laps dogs under control is going to eventually have the effect of the World wanting to put you and I to the guillotine.

They are clearly not acting in anyone's best interests but their own. From the Corporate Oligarchs, to the infamous "Military-Industrial-Complex." I say that as someone who isn't opposed military in any way. Nor am I opposed to capitalism.

There are WAY fewer of "them." And I'm not talking the 1%. I'm talking the 0.01%.

Many of the institutions your being told to hate over and over - those institutions are often working to fix these problems. The message to hate these agencies and economic actors is likely being funded by the 0.01% to favour their interests.

edit on 2011/10/26 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:25 AM
In my opinion, we are quickly reaching the point where voting and protests, whether they are violent or non-violent, will not do any good.

The entire population has been asleep at the wheel for so long that it would be almost impossible to get massive support for an uprising against TPTB. Protesting has become another "matter of fact" news item on the TV and the majority of people have no clue what is really going on.

So I think this country will either turn into a fascist state of control, or it will all come crashing down. TPTB will not go quietly. But most of the people will.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Yup, former military myself. Some of you are reading what I said wrong. I am not promoting the citizens start taking up arms and fighting. What I said was if they want to bring down the violence, then I fully support a violent retaliation. Sometimes responding with force gets their attention. I am advocating defending our country from a violent police state that seems to have emerged. What is your catalyst for supporting a retaliatory response? When they kill a family member? When they drag you from your house because a pissed off neighbor turned you in as a terrorist? We are no longer presumed innocent. The Dept. of Homeland security by it's definition is above the law and constitution. If they perceive you as a threat, they will arrest and detain you without legal representation. Is that what it will take for you to respond in kind?

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:30 AM
I am thoroughly convinced that some kind of alien (meaning, very foreign) invasion/take-over of the US leadership/government happened. So, when I think of our military taking that oath, to defend THE CONSTITUTION from all enemies both foreign ---and domestic---, maybe when they realize they had been obeying and under control of an alien ---enemy--- ,
Could we then "storm the Bastile" and physically......throw the bums out
On their patards? It seems this should be so.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Skewed

I also find myself in a moral dilemma. I took an oath to defend this country and Constitution and I still stand behind that oath. My problems will arise if I have to start raising my hand to other citizens, even if they are police officers. In my mind, this is a sticky situation.
Fortunately, our oath covered that. We are to defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES foreign and DOMESTIC. If the police have become part of the problem, a domestic enemy, then we must defend against them. The police seem to forget that they are also citizens first. They believe in putting themselves ahead of the general populace. How many times have you seen police breaking the very laws they are supposed to enforce? How many times are they speeding on our highways and in our neighborhoods? How many times do you see them turn on their lightbars in order to go through a red light, then immediately turn the light off when they are through it? The list is endless, why is this permitted? They believe they are our masters, but the truth is they are just "trusties" in the prison of the Corporate States of America.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Aeons

I'd like to add that anyone who thinks that the top 0.01% would not support communism should really take a good look at what happened in Russia. That 0.01% does FANTASTIC in Russia. They make away like Robber Princes.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I 100% agree with you, that our strings are being pulled and it's clear (to me at least) that tptb are encouraging this, with their political rhetoric (which was supposed to stop after Arizona shooting) with the class warfare that is being pushed by 90% of the politicians coming on TV, with the constant backstabbing and stealing of the middle class working class, its clear to me the ones steering this ship we call America want these current situations to happen

so again I agree with you they want this to happen, but the only card we have to play is to recognize this and remain peaceful until they do not, for like I said they have everything to lose we have everything to gain

for tptb can only be peaceful until we start actually making the changes people are looking for, once they realize they are losing their grip they will have to turn to force

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:42 AM
As i watch the news and see the tear gas and flash bombs hurled into the protesters it is quite clear that a violent protest is in the making. I think the protest would stop if the removed the fed and IRS and reinstated the treasury to print the USD. The whole concept of the Government needing to take out loans to pay its bills make no sense at all. The FED and IRS where illegal to begin with W. Wilson signed it into law when everyone was on holiday dec 23.
This country is are birthright and to think the people will stand idle while its taken over buy foreign bankers and interest is just stupid. I believe in government backed banking if its part of the government but not this corrupt privately owned perversion that exist now.
There is a storm brewing and there isn't any stopping it people around the world are waking up. I am honestly surprized it took this long for them to see the problem figure in 2008 all the foreclosed homeless would of tourched there banks but i was wrong. That only happens in Ireland so far. I think soon as the cops start using live rounds in the mob of people all hell will break lose then it will be like the french revolution played out in the modern stage.

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