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FA-18 Fighter In Iraqi Airspace

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by alfa1

Originally posted by crkking
Received this email a short while ago and gotta a chuckle out of it. Whether its B.S. or not, it will get a rise out of any patriotic person out there.

Because any patriotic American knows that the US has the right to fly over any country in the world, wherever they like at any time.
And if anyone else in the world wants to complain about this violation, they will get beaten up.

Ah yeah.. so where is that old thread asking why the rest of the world hates the USA?
Should post that story there.

We do have the right to fly anywhere in the world we want. Were the modern Roman Empire and the world is our oyster. This is what happens when you make us do all the work while you sit back and contribute nothing to keeping peace in the world. Those who give nothing, get nothing in return.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

You're comparing the latest russian and french crafts vs the f18 that was designed in the 70's.
Try comparing them to the f22.
let me know what you find.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by JIMC5499

So why did Iran put the F-14 transponder on the Airbus? The Vincennes fired at an aircraft with an F-14 transponder. Makes you wonder.

They didn't. A combination of events resulted in the mis-ident and the rest is history. Explained in detail on the following forum.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
Iran's Migs and Mirage fighters can out-perform a F-18 without breaking a sweat.

... so, yeah, maybe this is not a good idea.

Don't forget that agility is not the end all to air combat. There's a high probability that the F/A-18 had some BVR AIM-120 missiles which would destroy any interceptor aircraft before they even caught sight of him. We also have superior radar detectors and other avionics that make a lot of other fighter's look medieval in comparison.

They do have some aging F-14's and some Mig-29S's and Mirage F1's. The F-14 was replaced by the F/A-18, so there's your answer on that. The Mig-29 would be a fair adversary against the Hornet, no doubt about that. They apparently upgraded them recently too. As for the Mirage F-1, it lost in simulated battles against the F/A-18 and F-16's. Perhaps you're thinking of the Mirage 2000? On a side note, we have lost several fighters/bombers in our recent wars, but it doesn't appear to ever be publicized. As advanced as we may be, we're still losing aircraft and men constantly to older technology.

Patriotic? No. If he was flying within Iraqi airspace, I feel no patriotic tinge to my backbone since we invaded that country under false pretexts. If he was in Iranian airspace, he still doesn't have my respect or get a patriotic "feeling" from me. I doubt we'd enjoy Iran flying it's fighters over our airspace playing the tough guy.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:48 PM
This basic joke is older than the hills, and has had the details changed over the years to reflect the current aircraft.

Any military or military brat have heard this since enlistment...

A lone F-18 would be in a bit of trouble if wandering into Iranian airspace. Man on man though, I'm sure the F-18 pilot would be the victor, mostly due to superior training and experience (and more modern avionics). But, to think the Iranian air defenses to be inadequate would be erroneous.

Now, an F-22...and they wouldn't even know what hit 'em...but then, the F-22 pilot would never get the message, as they wouldn't see him!

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Very true. Coming from a fond love for the F-15, the F-22 would only leave a trace of destruction if needed. One very bad ass piece of technology.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by crkking

What country do you live in...and exactly how many of those eight years of war with Saddam were you a combatant standing up for your liberties?

As I understood that you are much informed about history and you have read my posts , I decided to end debate.

I mentioned many clues so that you could find out the answer.

+ threads like this disappoint me from ATS ,

But there is a lesson for me to learn.

I have learned English while I was thinking that English will be the key to a new world of information and knowledge. Now , I understand that much native English speaking people are just trying to take care of their little world. The people who don't mind searching Google. Don't mind doing some investigation on history.

They remind me of a child provided with much toys and food , but lacks the will to eat or play.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by moonpoet

So... by being an American, I am the bad guy. By paying taxes I support the war?

No. There are some American people who are proud of their govt and it's actions. They are proud that they are supporting the govt.

we can't shake them... for they are too powerful even in their own country.

How is that possible with democracy in America ??

I hope one day I am able to view the majestic wonders of Iran without fear of being arrested as a spy because I'm an American.

I hope you provide the passport to enter my country , because it is illegal here to enter without passport and it is not a good sign.

in fact the majority of us just want to live in peace

We love to live in peace , too. but we don't find any in the Middle East.

It was some days ago that there was a high tension in the region made by the US govt. I hope that people in America do something about The Power That Be soon.

I hope one day I am able to view the majestic wonders of Iran

I hope one day I am able to view the majestic wonders of America , too.

Peace and Justice.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

But you see... ppl hate governments, ppl dont hate ppl... but unfortunately since people cant touch governments, they look at the regular people as the representation of those governments - people are reachable. Iranians dont hate americans... they hate what americans represent. And maybe if the american government stopped its war mongering attitude, stopped taking other people's countries, you wouldnt be frowned upon by being an american. Want to blame someone, blame your own government that is making you look bad and be hated by more than half of the world population.

Nice , but ATSers don't buy it because it hurts their patriot sense.

I don't believe in S&F , but it's a good sign to determine members attitudes.

American people have fortified sense of rage which leads to patriotism.

MSM has done that to them.
edit on 26/10/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by JIMC5499

Apologies and thankyou. I stand corrected.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Democracy is a term for the masses... one individual such as myself can make no change. Plus, look at the OWS movements... soon to be a distant memory. My government is too powerful, for better or for worse.

And of course I'd use passports. I am a law abiding human.

Me... I just want to make music, love my kids and wife, dance in the rain, smile at the sun, and know that each day I wake up is a treasure. Then i do wake up and I have bills to pay a mile high, too many tasks to do in one day and not enough money for it all meanwhile the fat cats are lining their pockets. Thats my beef.

The debate on whose jet would beat whose is nonsense to me. Its arguments over who has the bigger johnson. It's from an old joke that has been around for years. The first time I heard it I was my oldest sons age, and he is 15 now... lol... for all that matters.
edit on 27-10-2011 by moonpoet because: mis-spelled

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