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Psychic vision of schizophrenic's "demon"

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:21 PM
Well, if this was a demonic creature, it would be my 2nd encounter with such beings since I was a teenager.

I understand that demonic beings are out there, but because of the way I choose to deal with the spirit world, the labels tend to be determined by the encounter.

I did not see it push my daughter down, however, I think it did.

I will have to ponder that idea, perhaps I did encounter a demonic force of some kind, I am open to the idea.I know there are ill intended spirits out there. Like I said, as I experience these things, I kind of learn as I go.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Advantage
reply to post by Darkblade71

Its always a good day when some smart arse who can photoshop gets me laughing on ATS.

Glad I could help!

Actually, I read the thread because I have had experiences which have the same sort of flavor.

A mutual acquaintance introduced me to a man needing a ride home from a conference we were attending.

As I drove the man home, and he started telling this horrible tale of child abuse which had occurred to him and others about thirty years before. As I drove, I saw more detail than he described in telling. Several times, I wanted to interrupt him and ask him to stop talking about it. I'm not squeamish-- at all; but his story was too real, too close, too much, and I felt as if I was living it as a victim.

I was astounded when his directions to his neighborhood took me to my own childhood neighborhood-- from thirty years before. I had just driven fifteen miles out of my way, but when he finished the tale, he insisted I let him out at the main road without driving the final few blocks to his house. I turned my car around, and when I looked back, the man was nowhere to be seen-- and there was nothing to block my view of him.

I did some investigation the next day, and asked a few subtle questions (nothing inflammatory or even suggestive) about the perpetrators described, but not named. He had told me of a common association those people had. The day after that, I got a urgent telephone call asking me what I knew, and did the man need help.

His story was true.

For weeks, I occasionally had flashes which seemed like memories of other victims. They eventually went away.

I do not characterize myself a "medium" but as a mystic-- and by that I mean my prayer-life and spiritual life. So visions are not surprising to me. In hind sight, I have suspected this was a very purposeful vision. I could not remember the man's name, he disappeared, and I heard his story as if reliving memories-- as if they were in the present.

A therapist working with me and my nearly life-long PTSD, suggested that it could be my own memory. I don't think so.

It is a strange life, isn't it?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Demonic beings in the general sense of the term are all around us, and IN each of us. People are just so unconscious of it that they reduce it to something banal like an "urge", or a "problem". But in reality these are as much demons as the he-man betty boo you picked up from that guy.

There are ways to experience your own demons - if you would be so stupid to attempt that. Awhile back i had a very serious case of social anxiety. 10 years of it. You can imagine how big that unconscious force - that demon - was within me. It still exists till this day but i have gotten control of it. I am no longer scared of it and it allows me to live. Basically, i woke up in the middle of the night paranoid and anxious - the technical term for this state of mind being "Night psychosis". When i woke up, i had an imprint - the memory of the dream i was having. It seemed innocent enough. Infact, it was nothing at all that should have caused me to react the way i did, but nonetheless, i reacted, and the reaction itself was an expression of the demons power over my conscious mind. I in other words was experiencing the demon first hand, without a subconscious interface or an outside situation to mediate the connection. This is basically what my demon - this particular emotional content was: What is social anxiety? In truth, its insanity. You enter a basic situation - no threat at all - yet you feel anxious, sacred, paranoid. Likewise, when i woke up from the dream, i was left with an imprint in my memory that made me psychotically nervous. I kept thinking to myself "i am going to die". Eventually when i calmed myself down did i realize that i had just experienced and made contact with the undiluted essence of the demon which dwells within me.

You saw a vision of your girlfriends friends demon. The image was a symbolic representation of the demon. It was a confused image - embodying the strength, courage and force of he-man with the innocence and beauty of a betty boo. Clearly, this wasnt meant in the normal adrodynous sense of being made up of two parts; but of a personality lacking cohesion.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Frira

Cool story.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Frira

Originally posted by Advantage
reply to post by Darkblade71
I do not characterize myself a "medium" but as a mystic-- and by that I mean my prayer-life and spiritual life. So visions are not surprising to me. In hind sight, I have suspected this was a very purposeful vision. I could not remember the man's name, he disappeared, and I heard his story as if reliving memories-- as if they were in the present.

A therapist working with me and my nearly life-long PTSD, suggested that it could be my own memory. I don't think so.

It is a strange life, isn't it?

Your life-long PTSD is what creates the "mystic" label. I have a belief about chronic PTSD, because you are "stuck" in survival mode, your senses are heightened, including the 6th sense. Hyper-vigilance has both good and bad effects on a person, a special psychic early warning system is one of the good things, tendency to isolate yourself and be anti-social due to sensory overload is what I see as the biggest bad thing.

Life is very strange, gotta love it!

edit on 24-10-2011 by Darkblade71 because: darn ex-quote boxes!!

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:17 PM
I'm not a psychiatrist, but that sounds to me like he's suffering from a disassociative personality disorder. Maybe he has some bisexual tendancies that are recently coming out of closet, so to speak. I believe that your claivoiyant talent probably saw his imbalanced, confused and confontational psychic projection.

Also, your 2 year old was distracted by the unstable energy and trippped and bumper her head. In Scientology "talk" that would be called "PTS", (potential trouble source), causing accidents in his wake. It's a real phenomena, that I just happened to learn about in the '70 while dabbling in Scientology. (Don't hate on me!)

Another perspective that comes to mind is the transference to mythical charactors of "he-men, gods and goddesses." In my experience this is a symptom of an addiction to fanciful and violent video games combined with an illegal substances that causes one to stay awake for days on end, playing said games. Couple that with a genetic tendency toward schitzophenia and youth. I wouldn't completely rule out demons, but down to earth common sense tells me mental disorder and addiction, a disorder as well, is probably the cause.

Just my 2 cents....

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Frira

Oooh, the scary 'I didn't know it was a spirit until after I dropped him off hitchhiker type.' I have not had that kind of experience yet. I have heard of other stories like that though. Very creepy in retrospect. Usually this type is identified with someone from your past who has returned to you to deliver a message of some sort. Either an explanation, or maybe an apology? Dunno... just a thought.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71

Originally posted by Frira

Originally posted by Advantage
reply to post by Darkblade71
I do not characterize myself a "medium" but as a mystic-- and by that I mean my prayer-life and spiritual life. So visions are not surprising to me. In hind sight, I have suspected this was a very purposeful vision. I could not remember the man's name, he disappeared, and I heard his story as if reliving memories-- as if they were in the present.

A therapist working with me and my nearly life-long PTSD, suggested that it could be my own memory. I don't think so.

It is a strange life, isn't it?

Your life-long PTSD is what creates the "mystic" label. I have a belief about chronic PTSD, because you are "stuck" in survival mode, your senses are heightened, including the 6th sense. Hyper-vigilance has both good and bad effects on a person, a special psychic early warning system is one of the good things, tendency to isolate yourself and be anti-social due to sensory overload is what I see as the biggest bad thing.

Life is very strange, gotta love it!

edit on 24-10-2011 by Darkblade71 because: darn ex-quote boxes!!

EXACTLY what I believe-- although I usually offer it as "speculation," I am convinced PTSD is related to my spiritual awareness. Does not seem to have that effect on everyone, but many do clam a connection.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Frira

Well if it helps you any in your own spiritual journey,
I also am a long-term PTSD abuse survivor,
so you are not at all alone in what you suspect

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by windword

Thank you for your input!

As you can see, I am torn on what I saw.

Thank you everyone for your input!

I hesitate on posting threads, but I am glad I posted this one. There are a lot of different opinions here, and coming from all sides, which is what I need, thank you.
edit on 24-10-2011 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by windword

I wouldn't completely rule out demons, but down to earth common sense tells me mental disorder and addiction, a disorder as well, is probably the cause.

Demons are ANYTHING that sucks energy from the conscious mind, while Angels are the opposite; they expand consciousness ie; happiness, inspiration etc.

Of course there are varying types or 'species' of demons, but overall one type can overlap with another type. So, if one person with a social anxiety disorder (something i can relate to) allows himself to fall into a deeper state of depression - in which more lifeforce is sucked from him, he could very well, if he allows himself to decay that far, develop a personality disorder like Schizophrenia.

While Schizophrenia can be passed on genetically, it can also be developed via isolationism,or a personality broken apart by competing internal forces, with nothing to 'unify' it as a gravitational center.

Thus, a "demon" in the classical sense of the term, or rather, in the popular sense, is only one type of spiritual demonic entity. It could be a disembodied human consciousness seeking to live through another body (and in the process destroying the consciousness it impregnates), or it could be a spiritual force sent by another person - a sorceror - to inflict harm on another person....

But in the simple sense, demons are anything that limits the growth of the individual self. Paradoxically, demons also provide the energy - sort of like an antimatter - for the conscious mind to utilize in its own spiritual evolution, opening up new vistas of awareness.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Advantage
Just an aside to the convo.. my grandmother was a religious person.. christian. We were discussing demons once and she said she believed that people like schizophrenics were people born without the "veil" or had it removed. The veil is something that god in his mercy supposedly gave people to keep them from seeing the demons around them... or put into place after the flood when the nephilim were destroyed/banished. Its the hidden world basically. Of course my poor brain went to something along the lines of being prevented from across dimensions and the whole thing about "long sight" being a euphemism for seeing between dimensions.

OP.. Ill never be able to see a He Man action figure again without thinking of this... gee thanks.

That is great, I really never thought of it that way. I have been fascinated about the "veil" ever since I studied religious topics. For example, witches/pagans/wiccans refer to Halloween as the time when the veil between our world/reality and the spirit world/reality is lifted.

Likewise "apocalypse" roughly translates as the "lifting of the veil" I guess the lifting of the veil would be kinda like taking the red see the other side, the other reality.....

..if that is true then schizophrenics are seeing and hearing the spirits, and even worse if they are capable of manifesting tuplas then can you even imagine the kind of things that must dwell in the spirit world?

I hope that this guy gets some serious help....manifesting negative things like that is terrible, and I hope the OP never runs into him again.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by dontreally


Thanks for that explanation of what is a demon!
I like that because it leaves both doors open, spiritual and psychological.

In the end, it is his own demon, one he embraced from what I can tell.
I do not think he will live 10 more years without help, however, I am powerless to assist.
There are reasons for medications...
I guess I got a look at one of the reasons.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Its extremely dangerous for someone who already has preexisting emotional problems (ie; demons) to mettle with the occult, or even Yoga - particularly kundalini Yoga. Why? Because it opens up your conscious mind to unconscious influences. Your mind ATTRACTS that which it is composed of. If you have alot of personality problems, fears, paranoia, etc, and you start playing around with mysticism, you are attracting to yourself more energies - or influences - of the same nature.

I know this because at age 20 when i was going through social anxiety disorder i started playing around with Kundalini, not really understanding how dangerous it could be. So i did the exercises prescribed, focusing your mind on the tailbone of the spine, imagining the spiritual bodies latent energy at the root chakra to rise through each chakra. Not really understanding anything what i was really doing, by the time i was finished with this exercize, i felt a very subtle increase in conscious energy. But this 'increase' began to feel like an anxiety, an energy beneath consciousness that made me uncomfortable. This led to extreme anxiety, paranoia, and not a wink of sleep - not exaggerating - for 3 straight weeks. If it wasnt for clinical drugs - seroquel, clonazapam, effexor, i would have been done. THATS HOW POWERFUL demonic energies can be.

It ultimately led to my own spiritual growth and now im not on any drugs, but the drugs really did help. If this were an earlier era i probably would have lost my mind. Thank God. Thank God i was spared that nightmare.

Theres no shame in taking drugs. But the point and purpose of taking drugs to treat a psychological/spiritual disorder is to make yourself spiritually strong enough to LIVE WITHOUT IT. I am completely against these psychiatrists who say "when you break your leg, you get a cast.. same thing when you have a broken brain. Its a chemical imbalance that can only be corrected with drugs". I disagree. It is possible, and indeed, it all rests on BELIEF, whether one change his spiritual condition.

The spirit is anterior to the brain, Our thoughts change our neurons, which in turn change the chemicals produced by the brain. Thus, the brain is subservient to the mind. If only we had a culture and society which encouraged and strengthened man with this awareness - something the psychiatric industry sadisticly ignores - so many people would be spared the unbelievable horrors of psychological illness and the pathetic bandaid solution of drugs.

Do you know what is destined to happen to such a person? Yes. He can live normally with the help of drugs. But what about without drugs? What happens if an economic collapse were to occur and international commerce came to a stand still? Or what about when that person dies? His spiritual self will be FLOODED by the repressed energies which the medication kept away while he was alive. But now that he is dead, his unresolved spiritual condition persists, and he will have been weaker for having not worked on himself.

Life is about work, and growth, and yes, sufferring is incredibly helpful, probably indispensible to reaching a higher state of consciousness. To not try, to not seek to eventually get OFF your medications, is to entirely miss the whole point of life.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
reply to post by Frira

Well if it helps you any in your own spiritual journey,
I also am a long-term PTSD abuse survivor,
so you are not at all alone in what you suspect

Thank you. It is all I have known-- so "normal" to me. I'm sorry you share that. But, Yeah, it kind of helps.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I am aware of these facts.
Medication is treated wrong when it comes to psych meds.

People get the drugs but often times do not get any sort of counseling which is what the drugs are for.
They take the edge off of anxiety so that the underlying issues can be addressed to help dissolve the illness if it is mind generated. Without treatment, but with meds, the person eventually becomes a "zombie" of apathy it seems to me.

This guy was on meds, but the meds worked, he got better, and then he went off the meds thinking he was ok.

He was without treatment, his family tried to have him committed, but they could not prove he was a danger to himself or others and no one could help him because he refused any sort of help offered. From what I understand, that's one of the things about schizophrenia, you do not think you are ill.

It is way beyond my understanding other than the basics. That is one of the things I had discovered over the years, being "psychic" requires a bit of psychological knowledge as well

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

They take the edge off of anxiety so that the underlying issues can be addressed to help dissolve the illness if it is mind generated. Without treatment, but with meds, the person eventually becomes a "zombie" of apathy it seems to me.

I know a few people like this.

My mom has been my own inspiration. She was on everything. Prozac, paxil, etc etc, for 4-5 years, for a major depression. a MAJOR depresion might be one of the hardest spiritual states to get out of, but God helped her, and she amazingly, even to the amazement of her doctors, got better. Shes an incredibly strong woman. Just change your thinking, focus your mind. Be disciplined, and if you have a phobia, and if your issue is phobia related (as mine was) you REALLY need to challenge it.

As for your friend and schizophrenia. I used to be terrified of schizophrenia - after seeing 'a beautiful mind' (which i watched high). This was one of the paranoic thoughts i was having after i did the kundalini thing.

John Nash is an incredible man and any schizophrenic should look to him for inspiration. Anyone can do it. A disciplined mind can make the voices go away or atleast live with them without responding anxiously. Its the anxiety which eats you up and eventually destroys you. The body can be your worst enemy. Oh dear lord, can it be. I remember having electric shocks - due to the intense anxiety - blasting up into my brain. Every shock felt as if it could knock me unconscious. And people wonder why i am so humbl, kind, compassionate and sensitive.TRY DEALING WITH THAT! Its the definition of Horror.

Could you imagine in the past when people didnt have the luxury of medicine? What a nightmarish death. I cant imagine anyone enduring the pain of anxiety and psychosis without ending themselves. I contemplated it. Thank heavens i didnt do anything.

This guy was on meds, but the meds worked, he got better, and then he went off the meds thinking he was ok.

Thats what always happens. Its particularly common with Schizophrenics and Manic Depressives. Thy do good and they think they can just get off. As you said, they need to grow SPIRITUALLY. Knowldge is the power which broadens consciousness and gives one the ability to get off drugs. Without knowledge and the experiences needed, its a pipe dream.

He was without treatment, his family tried to have him committed, but they could not prove he was a danger to himself or others and no one could help him because he refused any sort of help offered. From what I understand, that's one of the things about schizophrenia, you do not think you are ill.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

They take the edge off of anxiety so that the underlying issues can be addressed to help dissolve the illness if it is mind generated. Without treatment, but with meds, the person eventually becomes a "zombie" of apathy it seems to me.

I know a few people like this.

My mom has been my own inspiration. She was on everything. Prozac, paxil, etc etc, for 4-5 years, for a major depression. a MAJOR depresion might be one of the hardest spiritual states to get out of, but God helped her, and she amazingly, even to the amazement of her doctors, got better. Shes an incredibly strong woman. Just change your thinking, focus your mind. Be disciplined, and if you have a phobia, and if your issue is phobia related (as mine was) you REALLY need to challenge it.

As for your friend and schizophrenia. I used to be terrified of schizophrenia - after seeing 'a beautiful mind' (which i watched high). This was one of the paranoic thoughts i was having after i did the kundalini thing.

John Nash is an incredible man and any schizophrenic should look to him for inspiration. Anyone can do it. A disciplined mind can make the voices go away or atleast live with them without responding anxiously. Its the anxiety which eats you up and eventually destroys you. The body can be your worst enemy. Oh dear lord, can it be. I remember having electric shocks - due to the intense anxiety - blasting up into my brain. Every shock felt as if it could knock me unconscious. And people wonder why i am so humbl, kind, compassionate and sensitive.TRY DEALING WITH THAT! Its the definition of Horror.

Could you imagine in the past when people didnt have the luxury of medicine? What a nightmarish death. I cant imagine anyone enduring the pain of anxiety and psychosis without ending themselves. I contemplated it. Thank heavens i didnt do anything.

This guy was on meds, but the meds worked, he got better, and then he went off the meds thinking he was ok.

Thats what always happens. Its particularly common with Schizophrenics and Manic Depressives. Thy do good and they think they can just get off. As you said, they need to grow SPIRITUALLY. Knowldge is the power which broadens consciousness and gives one the ability to get off drugs. Without knowledge and the experiences needed, its a pipe dream.

He was without treatment, his family tried to have him committed, but they could not prove he was a danger to himself or others and no one could help him because he refused any sort of help offered. From what I understand, that's one of the things about schizophrenia, you do not think you are ill.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:00 PM
Originally posted by dontreally
reply to post by Darkblade71

They take the edge off of anxiety so that the underlying issues can be addressed to help dissolve the illness if it is mind generated. Without treatment, but with meds, the person eventually becomes a "zombie" of apathy it seems to me.

I know a few people like this.

My mom has been my own inspiration. She was on everything. Prozac, paxil, etc etc, for 4-5 years, for a major depression. a MAJOR depresion might be one of the hardest spiritual states to get out of, but God helped her, and she amazingly, even to the amazement of her doctors, got better. Shes an incredibly strong woman. Just change your thinking, focus your mind. Be disciplined, and if you have a phobia, and if your issue is phobia related (as mine was) you REALLY need to challenge it.

As for your friend and schizophrenia. I used to be terrified of schizophrenia - after seeing 'a beautiful mind' (which i watched high). This was one of the paranoic thoughts i was having after i did the kundalini thing.

John Nash is an incredible man and any schizophrenic should look to him for inspiration. Anyone can do it. A disciplined mind can make the voices go away or atleast live with them without responding anxiously. Its the anxiety which eats you up and eventually destroys you. The body can be your worst enemy. Oh dear lord, can it be. I remember having electric shocks - due to the intense anxiety - blasting up into my brain. Every shock felt as if it could knock me unconscious. And people wonder why i am so humbl, kind, compassionate and sensitive.TRY DEALING WITH THAT! Its the definition of Horror.

Could you imagine in the past when people didnt have the luxury of medicine? What a nightmarish death. I cant imagine anyone enduring the pain of anxiety and psychosis without ending themselves. I contemplated it. Thank heavens i didnt do anything.

This guy was on meds, but the meds worked, he got better, and then he went off the meds thinking he was ok.

Thats what always happens. Its particularly common with Schizophrenics and Manic Depressives. Thy do good and they think they can just get off. As you said, they need to grow SPIRITUALLY. Knowldge is the power which broadens consciousness and gives one the ability to get off drugs. Without knowledge and the experiences needed, its a pipe dream.

He was without treatment, his family tried to have him committed, but they could not prove he was a danger to himself or others and no one could help him because he refused any sort of help offered. From what I understand, that's one of the things about schizophrenia, you do not think you are ill.

What kind of family wants to have their own child, or brother, committed? My family would NEVER want that, especially if it couldnt be proved that i was a danger to myself or others (the fact that such proof was lacking says something about the family he comes from).
edit on 24-10-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:30 PM

What kind of family wants to have their own child, or brother, committed? My family would NEVER want that, especially if it couldnt be proved that i was a danger to myself or others (the fact that such proof was lacking says something about the family he comes from).

According to my gf, he had been committed 3 separate times before, and always would get better with the meds, and then go off and get recommitted.
His sister is a good friend of ours and I know she is scared of him although I dunno what he has done in the past. I never asked.

Seems like quite the pattern though.

I do not think everyone who is schizophrenic is dangerous, I have met a few through-out the years, and only this one guy has had anything I noticed as bad/odd. I wasn't scared of him, as I didn't know him very well, but it seems his family was when he was not on his medication.

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