"Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of taking up Arms" written July 6, 1775, was a declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of
North-America setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms.
Based on this document compared with our situation in the United States today, how close are we to the situation that our forefathers had when they
declared they were taking arms?
Note in my comparison that references to the Crown of England are replaced with the U.S. Government, the English colonies with the States and
colonists with citizens.
Four basic reasons given for taking arms against the King of England.
1. The Legislature must show "an inordinate passion" for unjustifiable power that is rejected by the constitution.
2. The people are not successful in legal contests against the Government in regards to truth and laws.
3. Our politicians and leaders, can't be chosen by the people (ie. no vote or fixed voting), are exempt from the laws and are not subject to the
people's control.
4. The people have to have tried peaceful means of changing the government for at least ten years without results.
Now a list of specific grievances given in the document.
The Government has to . . .
have a purpose of enslaving the people and States
fall into confusion, gradually losing prosperity
give and grant our (people or State's) money without our consent
deprive us (the people) of trial by jury in cases affecting both life and property
suspend the legislature of one of the States
interdict (commanding that) all commerce (go) to the capital of another (other than the people or State)
fundamentally alter the form of government established by charter (the U.S. constitution)
exempt the "murderers" (police or troops) of citizens from legal trial and punishment
create a dangerous despotism in a neighboring country (think Mexico?)
quarter soldiers (house in citizen owned buildings) in times of peace
transport citizens to foreign countries to be tried for committing certain offenses (rendition?)
create statutes declaring that the government can make laws to bind us in all cases whatsoever
establish a perpetual auction of taxation where State bids against State, to extort taxes from the people at the point of a gun
cut off commercial intercourse of whole States, with foreign countries, and with each other
prohibit States from the fisheries on which they depend in the seas near their coasts
have the military occupy a couple of important cities causing destruction, death and injury
confiscate guns under false pretenses then detain the gun owners and take all their property
falsely accuse the citizens and "declare them all, either by name or description, to be rebels and traitors", supersede the common law and
exercise martial law.
I've tried to boil this down into a check list. I'd like input from ATS members to see if we can check off most of the reasons given in this document
and see what we have left. I think we have a way to go before the government has gotten as bad as the Crown was back then.
edit on 24-10-2011
by MichiganSwampBuck because: Last Lines