I have been and avid reader of ATS each and every morning while I consume my breakfast for champions. I am so disappointed that a large portion of
people on this superb site are clearly brainwashed by the poison they ingest each time they light up a cigarette.
Forgive my first post here but I am amazed that ATS is breeding such people. Second hand smoke has been found in countless studies to be the main
cause of cardiovascular disease in people up and down any civilized country.
Second hand smoke linked
Secons hand smoke kills 600,000 per year says
secons hand smoke increases risk of
still births ....
Now i understand that anyone can do a study and "fudge" the numbers or make up the results if the actual results do not match their intended
But non smokers are at a very real risk of passive smoking due to the number of chemicals in the smoke. Yes there are other things that do more damage
but we are talking about second hand smoke in this thread.
You smokers think you know best?
Well I started smoking at 12 during my 2nd year at boarding school. Now 26 years later I am still smoking. Marlboro Reds are my choice brand. I love
smoking so much that I think about my next smoke when I am smoking my current one. The one after dinner in the evening is almost as good as sex to me.
Really its true. It s so pleasurable that that cigarette can make a bad day seem almost not so.
I though am disgusted by the smokers on here who state categorically they would blow smoke in non smokers face. You are the reason smoking is banned
all over. The one guy who said he would go near a playground and do it to the children....If I saw you, I would actually KILL you. You disgust me for
saying that.
I am not taking anyone's side here because I agree with both. Those who are attacking the OP's religious beliefs are also very much wrong in their
arguments. I do not believe in God or the Devil. But I do know that Satanists are very much against pedophilia and those that are not, often are never
seen or heard from again.
I have read ATS each morning for 5 years. I have found it a wonderful place to dwell for 30 mins but never been tempted to join till today.
I am ex military and when in the field a smoke is like our only luxury. I can honestly say that smoking has had a negative effect on my cardiovascular
system. I left the Military in 2007 (French Foreign Legion 9 years) and I now smoke 20 -25 per day. If any of you have ever heard of the FFL then you
will be aware of the training we go through each and every day. I am still very fit but smoking has reduced my capabilities. Smoking is not something
I am proud of but it is something that i use as a spiritual center point. We as smokers are definitely more prone to being manipulated when deprived
of our nicotine burst. We simply lose out focus. Some of you will disagree but that is fine. I know different. I know what people are prepared to do
for their drug.
Do I want to give up? NO. Would I ever smoke in a room or outside near non smokers? NO way.
Most of you fellow smokers are so blinded to the real facts. Smoking KILLS. It will kill me and each one of you who do it. Some may live long but they
are the exception not the rule.
Please open you eyes and realize that you part-take in something that is shunned upon for good reason. I too am in that boat but I do it on my own for
me and me alone. Its like masturbation. You do not do it near other people unless they invite you to do so.
I will not stand by and see someone be attack by so many. Most of you smokers don't have an argument. you just hat the OP for his view.
I am for the ban in public places but not my home.
Please understand the OP's point as it is a good one. I see it but I now live alone and bother no one with my habit. I do not have children and I
work 100 hrs per week or near enough. I will always like a smoke but I will never ever ever impose it or pollute someones air for my gain.