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Why I have NO repsect for smokers...none at all!! they cause Disease and Death to those around!

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Canned2na
One up'd the OP

I'ma go smoke a stog and come back to read some replies.
edit on 22-10-2011 by Canned2na because: (no reason given)

It is interesting that you should say that, because.

1. at work we (non smokers) have to cover for the smokers who "run outside to have a smoke"

2. We non smokers have to deal with the smokers at work that have not had their puffing break so they are irritable to us and the customers!

3. when playing online games we have to pause (and wait and wait)or die as smokers in our group say "BRB gotta grab a smoke!"

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:25 PM
*lights another cig*



Wish I had never started...


*flicks cig into a trash can and wanders off*

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Mcupobob
reply to post by MagentaRose

Second hand smoke is bull, and the damaging health effects of smoking is very overblown. Not that I'm saying that smoking is healthy in anyway... Oh! Wait smoking is healthy in someways.

It reduces the chance of Parkinson disease and Alzheimer.

Good for schizophrenics

Smokers are also more likely to survive a heart attack. Less likely to be obese, and less likely to have to get knee replacement surgery.

Nicotine also helps autistic.

Smoking also reduces the risk of breast cancer. The same cancer I have wished upon you my dear six'r

Actually didn't know that bit in till I was looking it up. Funny how life works.

Of course when added with the 4000 plus some chemicals in you're average cigarette it can be dangerous. Natural tobacco can still cause emphysema. However nicotine itself isn't dangerous, it can be in high amounts and you can get nicotine poisoning, but your likely to get sick and throw up before that happens. It is still addictive however, but so is listing to pop music, spicy food, and lip balm.

Abortion AIDS Alcoholism Alzheimers
Birth Defects Blindness Crime Divorce
Drugs Hearing Loss Heart Disease Lung Cancer
Mental Disorders Seat Belt Disuse SIDS Suicide

Courts should be particularly receptive to cigarette advertising bans due to their "law and order" focus, related to cigarettes' role in alcoholism, drug abuse, crime, abortion, fires, and suicide. This argument should be emphasized in any and all cases. As these aspects of cigarettes are not "health" issues, the scam argument that local jurisdictions cannot take action on cigarette advertising for purely "health" reasons is thus overcome. (Courts can uphold bans on cigarette advertising for all the above reasons, even when the legislative body did not cite such reasons, as the existence of these additional reasons is a matter of basic "judicial notice.")
For futher background, see Thomas Whiteside, Selling Death: Cigarette Advertising and Public Health (New York: Liveright, 1971).

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by ShedAlert

very poor argument and analysis, this comment should be used as a benchmark to how little nonsmokers understand about our habit that they help to license to legally consume. nothing more and nothing less than bullying.

now bullying isnt drug addictive nor is it licensed by YOU

edit on 22-10-2011 by technologicalsingularity because: type o

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:34 PM
counter argument:- do you find nonsmokers have more bad habits that are not regulated by the authorities, than the smokers who are regulated by the authorities?

if its not safe, you as a citizen and legal voter, why have YOU voted it still legal and safe for consumption? LOL
edit on 22-10-2011 by technologicalsingularity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Q:1984A:1776
I'm glad you made this thread as I wanted to respond to your previous posts in the survival thread about e-cigarettes but didn't want to derail it.
First of all, I'm a former habitual smoker, and I kicked the habit well enough that I can enjoy an occasional cigar or organic tobacco cigarette without having any "cravings". The one thing that held me back from kicking the habit was constantly being told that cigarettes are addictive. I thoroughly disagree. I believe that they are hard to kick simply because of the post-hypnotic suggestions from the "truth" commercials and everybody else that parrots what they've heard on the idiot tube.

To address what you said here;

Originally posted by Six6Six

I've yet to be convinced of this, the statistical analysis of this "fact" is highly lacking in hard-evidence and there is a great deal of propaganda surrounding this. For example: There are two "truth" public service announcements that state blatantly conflicting "facts". The first states that "Big Tobacco" intentionally lied to their customer base by telling them that filtered cigarettes were safer, when in fact, filters do nothing to make cigarettes safer. Then there was another one that stated that second-hand smoke is more dangerous to people around you because it doesn't pass through a filter.

Now, I have to say, I agree with you that smoking is a filthy habit if it is used as a crutch and if it is used in the presence of people who are bothered by it. It's rather rude, and certainly does contribute a great deal to our medical system being overrun by people with resulting health issues.

However, saying you:

Originally posted by Six6Six
reply to post by Rocketman7

rank smokers along side pedophiles, rapists and religious zealots and obese people!

was a proverbial smite on one cheek, and if you had said something like that to me in person, I would "smash you on the other" as Uncle Anton would have put it.

That being said, I love your avatar, and applaud you for speaking your mind so passionately, but I have to wonder if you would have the courage to compare me to an obese, religious zealot pedophile without the shield of anonymity...

edit on 22-10-2011 by Q:1984A:1776 because: typo

Without the shield of anonymity you would curb your tongue!! You would neither have the guts nor the ability. But that is neither here nor there as many people profess what they can do but often its internet bravado.

Well you kicked the habit...but that is no need for applause. when you were smoking I would of out rightly listed you next to child molesters and other such undesirables of society, even below the unemployed the non tax payers.

The Obese and Smokers are a drain on the health systems of the countries they infest.

The other thing that smokers often fail to realize is that they STINK.....when you speak to one and get a wiff of their breath its like "man, i might just s*** my pants so we smell the same". Its foul......and the irony is that the first of the senses to go on a smoker is their sense of smell.
edit on 22-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by technologicalsingularity
reply to post by Six6Six

heroin is very illegal yet easier to quit than cigarette smoking, this gives you a clue, it is very very very very very very very very very very very very hard to quit, its got me buy the goulies hook line and sinker and i dont need to go down some darkened alleyway and buy it from some ill-educated hoody donning thug, this stuff is licensed by your government, just like petrol or diesel that harms you more.

I AGREE with YOU..Its Very very very very very hard to quit smoking..............if you are weak, feeble and have no will power. You have been beaten by something 3 inches long.

Soon cigarette will be banned completely. Smokers only saving grace is the tax the governments make on the product.

Instructions on how to quit:

1) Don't Smoke
2) see point one!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by type0civ
reply to post by Six6Six

An average of 195,000 people in the USA died due to potentially preventable, in-hospital medical errors in each of the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, according to a new study of 37 million patient records that was released today by HealthGrades, the healthcare quality company.


3000 a year!! Really? Dollars to donuts the death cert does NOT say "second hand smoke".....maybe the attending physician accidentally KILLED them.

edit on 22-10-2011 by type0civ because: added link

I am sure the people you have helped to make rich and have your best interests at heart the Tobacco companies can give you the REAL figures!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by TiredofControlFreaks
Please provide proof that passive smoking has killed even one person. And when you are finished trying to prove that...please provide proof that active smoking has killed even one person.

Tired of Control Freaks

Cheers mate

I am personally, yet to see any research which is able to distinguish between the damage caused by 'passive smoking' and environmental factors, or the percentage that one or the other has caused, initiated, in any death by cancer of any sort. Because, we all know that the medical world knows sooooo much about cancer and how, why, when it is caused...don't we?!


posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:51 PM

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by gamesmaster63
First They Came for the Jews... And I said Nothing Because I Was Not a Jew...

Ah, the good Germans.

I have seen enough of my rights eroded, I will keep my right of self-determination.

the problem is you did not take up smoking by self-determination. You were nurtured by big tobacco and think you have made choices.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by Six6Six
I have to ask why a man like yourself, creator of ATS and as far as I can see from your posts I have quickly read very intelligent, why you would harm yourself this way when obviously a lot of people depend on you being around!

A cigarette is a convenient delivery system for a brief bit of nicotine. A quality cigarette from all natural additive-free tobacco is a very different thing than a consumer cigarette you'd buy at a gas station -- the different between well whiskey at a dive bar, and fine 25 year old single malt scotch.

The "reflective pause" afforded by a fine cigarette, combined with the increased blood flow to the brain (from nicotine) is the moment in time where many of the new features members appreciate on ATS have been conceived.

Does anyone at all smoke these pure tobacco cigarettes? Or are they smoking the ones with hundreds of chemicals in them?
I wonder wouldn't it fit more to say the difference between well whiskey and poisoned whiskey?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by Six6Six
I have to ask why a man like yourself, creator of ATS and as far as I can see from your posts I have quickly read very intelligent, why you would harm yourself this way when obviously a lot of people depend on you being around!

A cigarette is a convenient delivery system for a brief bit of nicotine. A quality cigarette from all natural additive-free tobacco is a very different thing than a consumer cigarette you'd buy at a gas station -- the different between well whiskey at a dive bar, and fine 25 year old single malt scotch.

The "reflective pause" afforded by a fine cigarette, combined with the increased blood flow to the brain (from nicotine) is the moment in time where many of the new features members appreciate on ATS have been conceived.

Whiskey is poison...he he...


Does anyone at all smoke these pure tobacco cigarettes? Or are they smoking the ones with hundreds of chemicals in them?
I wonder wouldn't it fit more to say the difference between well whiskey and poisoned whiskey?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:06 PM
I applaud the OP for his continuous
approach to this thread and subject.
I can see how the many people of ATS
are famously known for their bully
tactic of ganging up on one individual
and insulting them all day long.
He has fended off these pathetic attacks
left right and center.
He is the only one who makes a good point
and he is by far the one above the bully people.

I congratulate him for his stance.
Smoking is a gross and dirty habit that
offends good decent normal people.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by Six6Six
I have to ask why a man like yourself, creator of ATS and as far as I can see from your posts I have quickly read very intelligent, why you would harm yourself this way when obviously a lot of people depend on you being around!

A cigarette is a convenient delivery system for a brief bit of nicotine. A quality cigarette from all natural additive-free tobacco is a very different thing than a consumer cigarette you'd buy at a gas station -- the different between well whiskey at a dive bar, and fine 25 year old single malt scotch.

The "reflective pause" afforded by a fine cigarette, combined with the increased blood flow to the brain (from nicotine) is the moment in time where many of the new features members appreciate on ATS have been conceived.

Does anyone at all smoke these pure tobacco cigarettes? Or are they smoking the ones with hundreds of chemicals in them?
I wonder wouldn't it fit more to say the difference between well whiskey and poisoned whiskey?

I'll do that again.

Whiskey, is poison...he, he...

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by projectbane
I applaud the OP for his continuous
approach to this thread and subject.
I can see how the many people of ATS
are famously known for their bully
tactic of ganging up on one individual
and insulting them all day long.
He has fended off these pathetic attacks
left right and center.
He is the only one who makes a good point
and he is by far the one above the bully people.

I congratulate him for his stance.
Smoking is a gross and dirty habit that
offends good decent normal people.

I also applaud the OP...but the determination to be right at all costs, is a little blinded...nevertheless, determination is a good thing.


posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by type0civ
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Well said...I smoke also and know the garbage i'm inhaling is not all natural. I've attempted and consider quitting more often than not. And actually have become more aware of it from your site here....not this thread however.

Anyway thanks for throwing some brands out there that i may consider.

Just out of interest and for my own knowledge. What is it like to try and quit smoking. What do you feel like? Why is it so hard. I can not imagine being addicted to anything that I can not stop.

Putting that cig in your mouth when you know it is bad but you know you want to quit must have a pulling effect on your mind? Is this true?

It seems to be a chemical disposition that we have. My husband is addicted instantly to anything he likes, he will eat oranges every evening three or four and has to get more before he is out. I don't seem to form addictions. When I met him he had already stopped cold turkey ,pot, cigarettes and other drugs. He had to leave the area he lived in for most of his life and all the friends who were doing these things.
He married me, someone who never had any interest in polluting myself with drugs, or tobacco I get my high from running and biking which we do together now. He really can't stand smokers at this point, the smell of the tobacco in our face when we go somewhere really gets him angry. He is also angry that his Father addicted all of his children while they were just babies.

But wonder of all wonders, seeing how his son quit, his Father moved to our area and stopped cold Turkey also been many years ago now. Unfortunately the other 3 children still smoke even around their kids.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by type0civ
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Well said...I smoke also and know the garbage i'm inhaling is not all natural. I've attempted and consider quitting more often than not. And actually have become more aware of it from your site here....not this thread however.

Anyway thanks for throwing some brands out there that i may consider.

Just out of interest and for my own knowledge. What is it like to try and quit smoking. What do you feel like? Why is it so hard. I can not imagine being addicted to anything that I can not stop.

Putting that cig in your mouth when you know it is bad but you know you want to quit must have a pulling effect on your mind? Is this true?

It seems to be a chemical disposition that we have. My husband is addicted instantly to anything he likes, he will eat oranges every evening three or four and has to get more before he is out. I don't seem to form addictions. When I met him he had already stopped cold turkey ,pot, cigarettes and other drugs. He had to leave the area he lived in for most of his life and all the friends who were doing these things.
He married me, someone who never had any interest in polluting myself with drugs, or tobacco I get my high from running and biking which we do together now. He really can't stand smokers at this point, the smell of the tobacco in our face when we go somewhere really gets him angry. He is also angry that his Father addicted all of his children while they were just babies.

But wonder of all wonders, seeing how his son quit, his Father moved to our area and stopped cold Turkey also been many years ago now. Unfortunately the other 3 children still smoke even around their kids.

Nice story.

Have you stopped being addicted to protein? (meat) know it causes cancer?


posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

I really thought that you would have appreciated my cordiality and references to someone that you admire. Unfortunately, you only responded with more "internet bravado" as you call it. I broke away from the COS because of people speaking the way you have on this forum. Instead of meeting my debate with debate, you met it with ignorant scorn. Scorn is certainly the right response to an informed understanding of a person's personality when it proves to be weak, but not the most productive response to a civil debate with a person that you know so little of.

As far as: "Without the shield of anonymity you would curb your tongue!!" goes, that is exactly what I was saying to you. You just reminded me of a child meeting "shut up" with "no, you shut up".
While I think that you and I would actually get along quite well outside of our recent inter(net)actions, I think that it would serve you well to be less confrontational if you wish to get your point across. Based on your posts though, I think that you are only trying to vent in a way that has no repercussions other than the scorn of others on this forum, and my apathetic disinterest in everything else you have to say on this site.
Peace and Love, if you are deserving of it.
edit on 22-10-2011 by Q:1984A:1776 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:25 PM
*lights smoke*

Hey Op, can you say "scapegoat"? Let's go back to the original anti-smoking lobbied, and see why they were formed. Covered this yet?

***The Suppressed Link between Trinity and Lung / Skin Cancer***

*takes a long drag*
Or why don't you check this out?

Another day, another tobacco lie
The truth about public smoking bans

*exhales politely to the side*
I appreciate this take, personally.


Join my biggest crusade yet and get the inside scoop
on the surprising health BENEFITS of smoking...

Dear Reader,

Feel free to light up a smoke while you read this special letter. That’s right, go ahead, get comfortable and savor every delicious, life-saving puff of your tobacco.

Yes, you read that right. I said “Life-Saving.” And I stake my reputation on that.

Nothing beats a good smoke with a strong cup of coffee, or alongside a whiskey... especially after a big steak dinner. The only problem is you can’t light up these days without getting an earful from the anti-smoking nuts.
(not advertising mods, just sayin')

*flicks smoke away*
I roll 'em, they're biodegradeable and have no filter.

Care to explain how you butchers get away treating cancer with chemo-so-called-therapy?


Try this out for size. *walks away*

Cancer is DEAD: Cancer cures from A to Z

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