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The Police ARE the number ONE enemy to a peacful and free society

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posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Doublemint
But what do cops other people have in common? They are both human so I could rewrite your title to be The Humans ARE the number ONE enemy to a peacful and free society.

No, cops think they are above the law, thats the difference. How many time have you seen a cop speeding down the highway without his lights on going 100+ while on the phone? I see it all the time.

They love to aproch you with their hand on their gun to show you whos boss. your guilty until proven other wise.

Or all the cops that dont even know the law, wright you a ticket anyways just to tick you off so you have to go to court to fight it.

or sit there on the side of the road with there radar gun trying to catch you speeding. Cops are there just to make the state money. plan and simple.

If we did not have our 2nd amendmint rights restricted we would have no need for so many cops

edit on 21-10-2011 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by radosta
If any single one of you was in a bad neighborhood being eyed down, you would be fervently hoping and praying for a cop to drive by. If you were caught up in some lawlessness after a natural or manmade disaster, you would be filled with joy to see cops and/or national guard troops pull up.
Give your phony baloney tough guy anarchism a break. Unless you are highly trained in multiple forms of combat and well armed and have several allies with the same, you secretly want and need law enforcement. the mob will always feed on its own.

Why? What's the cop going to do? Last I knew being "eyed down" wasnt a criminal act nor particularly threatening.

During the last great natural disaster cops and guardsmen took extra measures to disarm law-abiding people and make them softer targets. That's a good thing? Gee, the city is falling apart. I really wish some uniformed pencil dick would come by and take this gun away from me.

edit on 21-10-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by radosta
If any single one of you was in a bad neighborhood being eyed down, you would be fervently hoping and praying for a cop to drive by. If you were caught up in some lawlessness after a natural or manmade disaster, you would be filled with joy to see cops and/or national guard troops pull up.
Give your phony baloney tough guy anarchism a break. Unless you are highly trained in multiple forms of combat and well armed and have several allies with the same, you secretly want and need law enforcement. the mob will always feed on its own.

you mean like the Katrina lawlessness where instead of patrolling for criminals, cops were looting, murdering , and/or treasonously seizing weapons from those who if attacked would have been victims long before the cops showed up?

is that what you are saying?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by rebeldog

Sounds like you have more of an issue with laws than you do law enforcement. Are you an advocate for lawless societies?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by radosta
If any single one of you was in a bad neighborhood being eyed down, you would be fervently hoping and praying for a cop to drive by. If you were caught up in some lawlessness after a natural or manmade disaster, you would be filled with joy to see cops and/or national guard troops pull up.
Give your phony baloney tough guy anarchism a break. Unless you are highly trained in multiple forms of combat and well armed and have several allies with the same, you secretly want and need law enforcement. the mob will always feed on its own.

let me guess you are trained in multiple forms of combat, and are well armed right? Pfffftt! please give me a break with your gestapo lovin @ss. I certainly dont secretly want or need any help from law enforcement at all. Im not trained in multiple forms of combat, or what ever you consider to be well armed. Im an ex- Air Force TACP troop who can definitely handle my own, I carry a handgun with a permit, and know how to use it. This has always been plenty for me to get out of situations, and not need the red tape of cops around, thank you very much. If you dont really know us members, than you need to stop your insulting comments and tell us what we secretly yearn for. You should really learn to preach to a different crowd, one who cant see past your BS. and you are dead wrong, the mob will not always feed on its own. and if you think people want cops or military around them after something like say......................................Katrina? you are sadly mistaken sir. I know Im better off on my own with what i got. Do some research first before you start making a bigger @ss out of yourself on here.

just to add, OP you are right on the money with this thread, the law enforcement in this country is yet another broken system put together by our friendly Uncle Sam......
edit on 21/10/11 by gunshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by radosta
If any single one of you was in a bad neighborhood being eyed down, you would be fervently hoping and praying for a cop to drive by. If you were caught up in some lawlessness after a natural or manmade disaster, you would be filled with joy to see cops and/or national guard troops pull up.
Give your phony baloney tough guy anarchism a break. Unless you are highly trained in multiple forms of combat and well armed and have several allies with the same, you secretly want and need law enforcement. the mob will always feed on its own.

cops are scared of the real criminals.. they almost NEVER take on the crips, bloods, ms-13, AB, skins, HA, Mongrols, latin kings, etc..

they know that their family will be in jeopardy, instead they take the safe route and prey on decent citizens..
Ive seen real gangsters scare cops, get out of cuffs, get out of arrests, not get arrested when witnesses call on them, etc..
Plus, if the cops weren't in the way, MANY decent people would "handle it" without worrying about getting into legal trouble..

How many guys out there are afraid to confront thugs/gangsters because they are in a NO win situation?

would there be so many child molestors breathing if people didn't have to worry about jail?

YOU DO REALIZE that vigilante justice was praised pre-NWO..

Someone rapes your daughter

a. call the police, risk rapist getting free, getting less jail time than a pothead, worry about them hurting someone else?
b. everyone in your family hadling it?

someone mugs your grandma

a. see (a) above?
b. see (b) above?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:33 PM
Dear thisguyrightthere,
Obviously you feel very strongly, but I'm not sure that I understand you. Please take a look at my comments and let's see if we can get a discussion going.

That didnt work in Nuremberg and it doesnt work here.

I'm sorry that you think I'm using the Nuremberg defense, I'm not really. As far as I can tell, you're adding confusion to an already complicated topic.

The police are told, "These are the laws of our society, here is a description of the rights our citizens have and how you must behave, there are multiple systems in place to try to catch you if you do anything wrong, now go out and enforce the laws."

If you think that's the Nuremberg defense, I'm very much surprised.

Even if we were to accept that excuse it would mean that people who choose said profession are only doing it for a mindless job with city benefits. Is that all cops are? Automatons punching a time-card just doing what they're told?
Well, I'm not offering that excuse, and I would think you'd have a difficult time convincing the police that they have taken on a "mindless" job.

There are hundreds if not thousands of NYC minorities who would disagree seeing that their local automatons were taking extra steps to "fry n______s" and arrest individuals for a crime that had been deemed unarrestable for since the mid 70's.
An "unarrestable crime?" Perhaps you mean that prosecutors wouldn't charge that crime in the past, but now they do?

If they're going to play the "just following orders" card then they can;t very well get themselves caught making more work for themselves, especially work that goes directly against orders, now can they?
Sorry, see my signature. I don't understand this. Do you mean that they are making arrests that they have been ordered not to make?

With respect,

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by DelMar

do the words Enabler, Profiteer, Contributor, and Beneficiary mean anything?

if these cops had half the courage against the "system" as they do society would we be having this debate?

If the police unions said "heck NO" to the "system" would there be a system?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by charles1952

Here's info on the situation in NYC covering the "unarrestable" offenses and police intentionally making more work for themselves by ignoring direct orders:

Here's the "fry n_______s"

Here's the police admitting to having a mindless job and hiring dullards intentionally:
edit on 21-10-2011 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I had my car ticketed a dozen times for parking at my house. I didn't have a drive way so therefore, I owe the state countless hundreds of dollars.

They essentially put a boot on my car, and threatened to confiscate it if I didn't pay up (Over 500$ ++).


They told me if I removed the boot from the car, I would be arrested for felony destruction of government property, EVEN IF I left the boot there in one piece.

Trust me there are 100 ways to get a boot off a car it's as easy as letting the air out of the tire (on some models).

The parking ticket thing IMHO is the "Hidden Tax" that almost anyone gets charged with in this society unless you are ultra rich and can always afford special parking privileges.

If you add the parking taxation *hidden* with the other out-in-the-open taxes like property tax, state tax, sales tax, IRS tax, etc = We are being taxed for like 90% of our generated wealth.

Do the math!

more examples of their gestapo ways of abuse.............

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by rebeldog

Ok, so again...

Sounds like you have more of an issue with laws than you do law enforcement. Are you an advocate for lawless societies?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by DelMar

Do you understand the difference between laws and statutes?

does it register in your brain housing group the concept of enforcing statutes which are the antithesis of what the nation and th constitution stand for?

do you realize that america has the worlds largest prison population?

do you not think that bankster elites have seized control of USA and hide behind the law?

Once again Enabling, benefitting, profiting, discretion, and honor.

and in closing as we seem to just be riding the merry go round, may i ask whose side would you have taken in the 1770's, the kings agents or the patriots?
because my friend, that is the point we are at..

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:34 PM
Cops always fall back on the old tired lame excuse that " ..we don't pass the laws, we just enforce them". Well, it is a fact, beyond dispute, that cops push politically and with their unions for more laws and worse laws all the time, and usually get their way. Cops have a CHOICE whether or not to arrest someone for petty crap like pot possession...if they stopped enforcing BAD laws, they could actually spend the taxpayers money and time on stopping real criminals..but that would be a lot harder than the easy busts they danger in locking up some kid for pot..and lots of overtime and court time for them.

In the old days, cops were seen as peace keeprs..mainly there to keep people from being robbed and from killing each other. NOW, it is all backwards..most of the money is spent on DRUG arrests and other nonsense. Cops want complete power...they HATE having to get warrants, and most cops would LOVE it if society allowed them to barge in any home, anytime at any hour, and do anything they want...with NO oversight and total immunity when they murder and beat innocent people. Cops do not even apologize when they raid the wrong address and brutalize innocent people!!

The cops of today are the enemy. People should teach their children, as I did mine, that they are NEVER to trust a cop..are NEVER to speak to them or answer ANY questions without me or an attorney present, and to always assume that the cop is out to ruin your life, because thats what they do. Cops today have NO conscience whatsoever about their militant posing and beat downs of the innocent. Try asking a cop for his badge number or try filming them..all legal..and watch them get upset and probably go ballistic; they hate anyone that acts as if the cops are not superior beings, above the law...

Judge Dredd is a perfect example of what cops today WANT to be: Total authority to dispense with juries and lawyers and the rest..just " trust Them" !! yeah, right. I would trust the word of a junkie before the word of a least the junkie doesn't have the legal right to lie to everyone and coerce citizens and abuse them, with no real chance of ever being called to task for it. There are countless examples, all over the place, every day, about cops who MURDER the innocent, and who are corrupt but who still get off scot free...or at worst a light slap on the hand.

Cop unions are as bad as any mafia; they stand behind the abusive cops no matter what...even VIDEO proof of cop brutality and murder means little..they will spin it and lie and cover up..they really see themselves as above us all. I NEVER would ask a cop for help..unless it was to fill out paperwork for an accident or whatever, and when I roll up to another roadblock, which are Nazi style intimidation devices, and some donut munching flatfoot begins to question me, they don't get when they want, I can ssure you. The last time a cop asked me " Where are you heading tonight" he regretted it. After being told it was none of his @#%$&^ damned business where I was going or what I had for lunch, he found out many of us despise the overbearing bulies and look for a way to show them they are SERVANTS and I expect courtesy from my servants, not an attitude and nonsense.

Don't smile at these dogs, and do not kowtow to them..acting as if we owe them something...let them KNOW they are hated, and that if they screw up a complain and maybe a lawsuit will be the result. Let them figure it out: the people are sick and tired of watching cops turn this nation into a slave state where bullies with a badge are worshipped on TV and made out to be heroes, when the opposite is true.They are mean, vile, emotionally immature, reactive cowards that need a dog and 6 other cops to take any the old days a cop would simply arrest you. Now you have to fall down on the pavement and be abused while they point guns and make sure THEY are safe..the safety of cops is of FAR more importance than the safety of the people, for sure.

Someday , if this nation has any chance at all, we will see cops being dealt with by the people when they abuse us...not lawyers, not courts..but US. That is the only thing that will wake them up and put fear in their black hearts, and for one I look forward to it.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Lesson learned:

If there is a threat at home, DO NOT call the the cops. Simply reach for the shotgun and take control of the situation.

Cops always create more problems than they solve. (If they solve any problems to begin with.)

Oops, forgot to add that never, ever let a copper in the house, unless they have a warrant.
edit on 21-10-2011 by EyesII because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by EyesII

Nobody likes cops except their mom and dad, and thier immediate family. That's it.

Not even. The kids resent them and the spouse fears them thanks to emotional instability and a tendency to self-medicate.

Statistically cops are more likely to me manic angry drunks than the rest of us. And less likely to actually deal with those problems in any helpful way.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:58 PM
what about the good cop(lol) who busts the bad cop????


cops legally whoop your ass and even if they are wrong they get away with it.

it is in fact not a cops job to put his life in danger to protect or help you.

they are a gang taking their cut

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 03:06 PM
No there not, they are number two IMHO, number one are tptb bilderbergers and the ruling criminal class who run the police. The police just do as they are told, they are like robots, cut off the head the snake and the robots wont be able to function.

We need to remove any criminals from power, then the police will soon change their tune.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 03:07 PM
There's more than a few cops out there who are complete a-holes, and have chosen their career for the badge, the gun, and the power the cowardly sickos need to show how macho they really are! As for the rest? Keep up the good work, and as thankless as it must seem at times, we need you!

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 03:10 PM
Dear thisguyrightthere,

Thanks for the responses, please let me explore them a little.

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
reply to post by charles1952

Here's info on the situation in NYC covering the "unarrestable" offenses and police intentionally making more work for themselves by ignoring direct orders:
I went to the thread, which referenced a New York Times article, which referenced another Times article, part of which is the following:

Under Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, the number of low-level marijuana arrests has increased significantly. Mr. Bloomberg’s office declined to comment on Mr. Kelly’s order, but in the past, mayoral aides have said such arrests helped fight more serious crime, like the violence that tends to trail drugs.

. . .

In a March appearance before the City Council, Mr. Kelly reiterated the Bloomberg administration’s position that arrests for having marijuana in public view have helped keep crime low.

In response to council members who were skeptical of the policy, he said, “If you think the law is not written correctly, then you should petition the State Legislature to change it.”

Hakeem Jeffries, a Democratic assemblyman from Brooklyn, and Mark Grisanti, a Republican senator from Buffalo, have since sponsored a bill that would downgrade open possession of small amounts of marijuana from a misdemeanor to a violation.

City Hall is opposed to changing the law.

In June, Frank Barry, a mayoral aide, said downgrading the offense would “encourage smoking in the streets and in our parks, reversing successful efforts to clean up neighborhoods and eliminate the open-air drug markets like we used to find in Washington Square Park.”

It really sounds to me like the Mayor is the person responsible for this policy and the arrests you are objecting to.

Here's the "fry n_______s"

Yeah, there are bad cops. He got caught. I don't know how many don't get caught. And I don't know if police are more corrupt than others with similar authority and opportunity. That would be an interesting study. (And I note the number of posts which say you can't judge OWS by the remarks of a few crazies.)

Here's the police admitting to having a mindless job and hiring dullards intentionally:
Well, that's not exactly what the story says. The man involved had an IQ in the top 2.1% of the population. The department wouldn't hire people in the bottom half of the scale. They knew that, for various reasons, the police in New London had a high turnover rate and they wanted to find people they thought would enjoy the work and stick around. They had some reason to believe that high IQ types would leave early, being unfulfilled. That doesn't total up to hiring dullards for mindless work.

With respect,

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Of the few cops that I do know, and some are seargents in NYC, they are all VERY HEAVY DRINKERS.

They all drive home very drunk yet they almost never get arrested or ticketed for it. Nothing happens to them.

Only when they kill someone does something happen to them. They are a public menace.

The funniest thing I learned is that when a pig is tailgating you - almost pushing you to go faster, "tap" the brakes one or twice just to illuminate the rear brake lights, but do not apply them. Then drop the transmission to 2nd gear and let the car slow down without applying the brakes, but keep the car at the speed limit. They can't argue that my tail-lights are out because I have "flashed them". If they hit my car, it's recorded on their dash cam and the liability should be on them. My argement back is that the cop was tail-gating me, and hit me because of his excessive speed. (I just know they will find a way to wiggle out of it.)

I'll try to sue for neck injuries and what-not due to their lack of control of their vehicle. Rear-end collisions are almost always the fault of the driver with the nose-end damage on his car. All drivers are supposed to always be in control of the vehicle. Including cops.

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