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'My headache's about to explode': U.S. girls just dropping dead!

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:30 AM
link goes my conspiracy mind
these vaccines are targeting young females before puberty because the vaccine probably has some sort of agent in it that prevents them from having children later in life. this is probably some type of population agenda with that vaccine, and these are trial runs in TX. just my two cents, and i could be wrong..... (lets hope I am)

BTW: like what you did to your pic old corp, just like those spec op photos

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Suspiria

You are right to be concerned.

Gardasil Linked to Blood Clots, Miscarriages and Deaths

Medical 'experts' pushing HPV vaccines told what not to say about them, including their death toll Two British doctors recently wrote a piece in the BBC urging the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) to switch from Merck's Cervarix human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) Gardasil HPV vaccine, in its mass vaccination program for young girls.

Learn more: Gardasil news and articles

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:48 AM
Weren't nearly all the deaths from them being either ill/sick or with an already existing disease or allergy to the ingredients?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

I have an eleven year old and no, I won't be making her get it. Something like that should be a choice for these young ladies to decide for themselves when they become adults. I had no idea it was mandatory in Texas, though I would think a parent could be a conscientious objector and sign off on it. I had to do this when they made chicken pox vaccines mandatory to attend school for my daughter. She got the chicken pox yes, and now she's immune and all is well. Too many laws, I am sick to my stomach over having a law for everything.

edit on 20-10-2011 by queenofsheba because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by queenofsheba

Perry backed down. It is NOT mandatory in Texas.
There was a huge public outcry. In Texas the vaccines are a mandate. Not the law. It is easy to get a waiver from the state. Some of the colleges ARE insisting that every student get a meningitis vaccine, but I think it is only for students living on campus.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:08 AM
So it's Guardisil ? Again ? A vaccine for cancer ? I called that one so right, way back when it first came out.
I warned my wife and her daughter and everyone else I knew against that crap. The only clue I needed was them calling it a vaccine against cancer.

Never heard of one before that.

There was already one round of deaths from this stuff about 5 - 6 years ago.

This is murder straight out. Call a spade a spade.

The person administering the stuff should be very aware of what there giving people because if it was just someone I knew. They would never find the body.

All medical personel should demand to know what they are giving people and be aware that there life could be on the line.
edit on 20-10-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:13 AM
There's a lot more to the iceberg than these recent deaths and concerns regarding Gardasil, which relates back to vaccine concerns in general. We need proper watchdogs over the FDA and their often faulty decicion-making, in short.


Even if you believe vaccines do some good there is a vast amount of suppressed (Suppress) evidence (Vaccine autism proven) to show they do far more harm than good (Vaccine disease). You wonder then why everyone believes in it, which leads you into Medical Politics, Medical Control ploys, God as Modern Medicine, and Authoritarianism, then to the realisation the main reason for vaccination, as it always was, (Why Vaccination Continues Covert vaccine agendas) is creating disease, which now looks to be as much as 1 in 4 children (Quotes Disease incidence Allergies Asthma Autism). The industry at the top is (obviously) Psychopathic, one obvious example being seen in the Urabe Atrocity (see: Allopathy Inc personality profile).

From the Douglass Report :

New numbers reveal more Gardasil deaths
Gardasil down, but not out
Gardasil linked to epilepsy
Gardasil for boys-CDC looking to expand HPV vaccine
Dutch treat? Holland rejects Gardasil, but...
*Two thumbs down for Gardasil* (good overview)

...and six pages more, doing a search for the drug!

Going back to the specifics from : the site contains many branched hyper-links for further interest .

GARDASIL (Merck cervical cancer vaccine HPV4)
[back] The Vaccines

[The latest killer (78 have died in the USA) disguised as safe and effective, and a preventer, not cause, of Genital warts. If you want to trust them (Allopathy Inc) over Human Papilloma virus (HPV) then you should know they haven't even proven any virus causes hepatitis, yet have lucrative tests and even a vaccine! (see), and they like to use viruses as a cover for their disease causing products (1,2,3,4,5,6,7...), such as other vaccines (1) and drugs which are known causes of female cancers (1, 2, 3 & see), so with one (hidden) hand they cause the cancers, while with the other they sell you pseudo-cancer 'virus' insurance (see).

We trust the CDC and FDA to care for our health and watch over our food? Not exactly, but they insist we do!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Northwarden

We trust the CDC and FDA to care for our health and watch over our food? Not exactly, but they insist we do!

What do you meaan we ? I don't. Not for a minute. You're talking about institutions that have the power to take
out large swaths of people with a single stroke. Look at things as they really are, not as you're told they are.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:26 AM
Even if someone trusts the government to make sure the vaccines are safe, you would think that the fact that the viruses used to create the vaccines are grown in aborted fetal tissue would put them off their lunch. I am not catholic or choosing a side in the right to life debate here. I just find it sickening.

INFORMED CHOICE Vaccine Ingredients

Immunity From Evil?: Vaccines Derived from Abortion

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by randyvs

No, that's not what I'm saying ... I posed that as a question, and replied "Not exactly .... " as my own answer/touchstone over the matter. Please don't label me "nieve" for being succint to the point.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Northwarden

My bad and I'm not into labels. I wouldn't think you were naive anyways. I would think you were normal. The normal person now days doesn't have a clue what evil lurks in thier plumming.

I was being kert with you in my line of thinking, as I am with everyone. Normal people don't understand that we have to be thinking for ourselves at every turn nowadays.. I know you agree.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:41 AM
Wow, thanks for the reporting, I had no idea! This is politics at it's friggin worse!

All involved should be ashamed and convicted, and that includes the gov, the reps and big pharma. Can you imagine if one of those girls were the daughter of a politician? What a horrible way to lose a loved one. Blessings to those families and to hell with some of these new vaccines, and forcing people to take em'! I wonder how many politicians and pharma reps let their kids take this stuff? I bet not too many now!


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:01 AM
Interesting and disgraceful. Sickening and not surprising.

Slightly off-topic, but talk about pharma....
the other day I went to pick up my monthly scrip, for which, several months ago, my friendly neighborhood pharmacist had VERY KINDLY decided I was being overcharged. She had entered into their system a price that was affordable (about a dollar a day per dose), rather than more than twice that...for a GENERIC version of a medication that finally got off the "proprietary list".

Anyhoo, I went to get it, and the clerk looked at the attached bill and frowned. She said "I'm going to check this price." She paused and looked at me, then added, "Is this what you normally pay?"

I said "yep."

She shrugged and went ahead and completed the transaction without "checking the price." Then she said, "Are you going to get a flu shot this year?"

I said, "Nope. Gives me the flu EVERY TIME."

And she frowned again and said in a huffy tone, "Well! Okay, then. Guess you're not going to change YOUR mind."

I said "Nope! Have a nice day."


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by randyvs

That's fair, I'm not offended by your points, and it's good to have a chance to explain sometimes. The problem with understanding the conspiracy facts about vaccinations is finding compassion for those who still promote them and work in the industries, effectively abusing the trust people place in them for their lives, their health, their families and friends lives and health, and starngers lives and health. The entire Allopathy scam is to create revenue, keep people alive and sick until approximately 65 (when they're no longer useful to the beast, the system), and to ensure that the superstructure they have created remains stable by fleecing the eyes of the public with feel-good measures, white-washed statistics, ommissions, and distraction enough to create a tragic indifference at large.

It's at least refreshing to see pharmaceutical companies listing their products' side-effects in commercials these days, it's one step in the right direction. It's better than making endless comparasions about how we feel over the matter, instead of boycotting products and preparing/filling our mind with a truly healthy perspective. As Michael Douglass states, "There is no such thing as an undeniable medical fact". The truth is, most of us are already a quiet rage over the food tampering, the grand scheme to pit the fear of the disease against the fear of the cure, the using the public as lab-rats, the gross negligence of turning blind eyes to approval-stamped drugs, and the sheer diabolical agenda that is pushing forward Codex Alimentarius and stamping out organic farming wherever they can. It's hard to see them in a compassionate light when a mere few days of research and an open mind would counter all their foul practice in an ideological degree. Keep the infrastructure, lose the death medicine, and a new system could overhaul the rest, which insists our health as a priority, not merely lobbied leverage against what we know to be tragic.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Maluhia
I think this is the link for the OP.

And a previous thread showing Perry's wife lobbied for the company that makes the drug.

Yep, this guy should definitely be president because he certainly fits the profile.

And these innocent girls are just "collateral damage"? It's a very sad state of affairs.
edit on 19-10-2011 by Maluhia because: (no reason given)

Thanks for the

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:14 AM

It's at least refreshing to see pharmaceutical companies listing their products' side-effects in commercials these days, it's one step in the right direction.
reply to post by Northwarden

I agree, but dont be fooled by a clever use of language..."Side-effects" is a misnomer. Those are the EFFECTS, they are not some ancillary reaction. The companies know what the drugs do "sort of" and market accordingly.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

It is amazing how everyone is following the herd and not trying to fix the problem at the root.

Why in the hell these girls of certain age group are prone to have sex at that age? What is wrong with their Parenting?, Society? Religion? Education? These are the questions that come to my mind. Education, Knowledge and Wisdom starts at Home. The Government will never preach that message but instead come up with alternative ways to prevent the crap by fattening the pharmaceutical firms (Remember H1N1 vaccine crap couple of years ago and all the hoopla? )

Why can't the people focus on their families and children and pass on the good values so that the problem does not even exist. TV is one of the biggest contributor to majority of the issues in a society. This sounds ridiculous but it isn't that simple but not impossible or difficult to accomplish. There are several factors to be determined.
edit on 20-10-2011 by hp1229 because: add content

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Lono1

I agree, but dont be fooled by a clever use of language..."Side-effects" is a misnomer. Those are the EFFECTS, they are not some ancillary reaction. The companies know what the drugs do "sort of" and market accordingly.

Yeah really never thought of coma and death as side effects. Oily discharge may occur.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:49 AM
Honestly, when my doctor asked me (screw that, she TOLD me) to get the Gardasil vaccine, I looked at her and said, "I don't go around humping strangers."

And it's as simple as that. Girls wouldn't need a vaccine for an STD if they were more responsible about who they slept with.

I mean, I know the vaccine is more about preventing cervical cancer. But it's to prevent cervical cancer caused by an STD. And guess what? If you don't go around humping everything in sight, the vaccine is unnecessary!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by hp1229
reply to post by OldCorp

It is amazing how everyone is following the herd and not trying to fix the problem at the root.

Why in the hell these girls of certain age group are prone to have sex at that age? What is wrong with their Parenting?, Society? Religion? Education? These are the questions that come to my mind. Education, Knowledge and Wisdom starts at Home. The Government will never preach that message but instead come up with alternative ways to prevent the crap by fattening the pharmaceutical firms (Remember H1N1 vaccine crap couple of years ago and all the hoopla? )

Why can't the people focus on their families and children and pass on the good values so that the problem does not even exist. TV is one of the biggest contributor to majority of the issues in a society. This sounds ridiculous but it isn't that simple but not impossible or difficult to accomplish. There are several factors to be determined.
edit on 20-10-2011 by hp1229 because: add content

It's got nothing to do with children supposedly having under age sex. The whole point is it's only supposedly truly effective when administered before sexual relations. It's no different to giving rubella jabs to girls to cover them before they have babies.

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