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TSA checkpoints now on HIGHWAYS, buses and rails

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

I'm sure they still do gather intel and actually do catch the bad guys... no doubt about that.

The TSA is just their way of letting their hair down after a hard days work..

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:01 PM
Republican Senator Orin Hatch forced to go through TSA naked body scanner.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 03:25 AM
They tried that here in Washington a few years back and the people ran them off.

Luckily our local LE wasn't interested in supporting them here.

Our government is into tolls not checkpoints.

I see sniper rifles becoming popular.

Curious, who's going to protect their homes & families when they're out playing Nazi's?

edit on 21-10-2011 by verylowfrequency because: just say what again

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 03:48 AM

Google Ron Paul, join the liberty movement

Vote Ron Paul 2012 in your primaries and the general election (look at your state GOP party sites to see if your state is closed or open)

THATS IT! Simple huh!?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 05:34 AM
Do the police realize that they are being fazed out?
TSA are taking the jobs from police.
what will they say/do when they get layer off? joine TSA?
you have to be a humanoid alien to be TSA.
you have learnt nothing from history.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 05:34 AM
Do the police realize that they are being fazed out?
TSA are taking the jobs from police.
what will they say/do when they get layer off? joine TSA?
you have to be a humanoid alien to be TSA.
you have learnt nothing from history.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 07:33 AM
Well, if they want us to be afraid of something, they may have achieved their goal... Only we aren't afraid of terrorists from foreign lands... We are afraid of the ones in our own government!

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:03 AM
TSA/DHS = SS of Nazi Germany.....Sieg Heil......Papers Please......

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by SuzMc

That first video reminds me of this;

The vast majority of Gestapo informers were not full-term informers working undercover, but were rather ordinary citizens who for whatever reason chose to denounce those they knew to the Gestapo

So now they are using citizens to turn in other citizens. We are so close to what Nazi Germany was it's not even funny.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

I looked though the thread, and I didn't see anyone talking about the military presence in the photo from the original article. I may have missed someone's post about this.

I am quite alarmed and appalled by this situation, but especially by military showing their presence (with cool dark glasses) at a press conference announcing random checkpoints in a non-border state.

The two guys in full camo, although seemingly unarmed, definitely are out of place in a domestic "police" action. Wonder what unit they are with. Part of NORTHCOM?

Is this photo-op more conditioning to get the citizens used to military operations inside our borders?

Maybe they should just blend the military camo with a big blue TSA stripe, and state police smokey-the-bear-hats and a nice Wall Street tie? Then just call it what it will be: Federal Homeland Paramilitary Police squads.

Just skip all the BS pre-conditioning and go to it!

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by 1SawSomeThings

wow, this is chilling

wtf is going everyone just gonna roll over and accept blatant destruction of the constitution?

military should NEVER be involved in enforcing anything on American citizens

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by SuperTripps

Of course they are. After all, it is to keep us safe.

People are too busy watching Dancing with the stars or Biggest loser to be bothered by trivial stuff like this.

When they are yanked out of their beds because someone with a grudge turned them into the gestapo...I mean TSA for being a terror suspect, maybe then they'll wake up.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by haarvik

its amazing just reading the constitution and bill of rights

re-read what the poster above posted about ILLEGAL search and seizure

do all of you even REMEMBER this on a daily basis? you have a right to not be bothered and searched

all i am seeing now is a society OK with more and more of the control GRID or at least afraid to speak up about it

the only folks who care are on this board and a few other blogs out there

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
reply to post by SuperTripps

If you knew the threats that are out there, you'd be demanding more of these checkpoints.

Though, for now... believe what you want about your evil government and TSA, they've earned that reputation and deserve it... For now.

If you know why these alleged threats are out there, you'd be thinking about voting for Ron Paul. He knows why, but none of the other candidates seem to.

And I really doubt that there are many legitimate threats that our government doesn't have a hand in somehow. These checkpoints are not for the safety and security of US citizens, rather the safety and security of our oppressors.

edit on 21-10-2011 by AwakeinNM because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by arbiture
Seems a little more then creepy, but may I ask a straight forward question NO ONE in the legal world has ever been able to answer? They say to travel in a car, or one would suspect any technological device, is a privilege not a right? Right? So you can walk anywhere, great. Just try getting anywhere fast walking. To use an infrascture that must co-ordinate its use with the powers that be. Hmmm. I suppose there is a certain logic there. But only some.

Setting up random checkpoints to disrupt and inconvenience the population is also a "privilege", rather than a "right". Wait and see what happens if the People ever decide to revoke that privilege which they never granted in the first place.

Talk about some good old fashioned "disruption"!

Pop popcorn for that event if it ever comes to pass.

I hear they've "trained" for "ambush scenarios". I have to wonder if they factored in "mobile ambushes". AKA "raids" into that planning.

Speaking of raids, I saw somewhere yesterday that a SWAT team was raided and had something like 30 of their high tech bullet-tossing gadgets liberated.

How embarrassing must THAT be?


I must admit,dreadfully so. Look at the way I travel, for the most part I get into my car. And since I have to use roads paid by and for the rest of our citizens to use, I do expect that things that happen on those roads do so with in a certain type of "order". Do I like the fact I can leave my house and can and likely am tracked down to the nth degree very pretty? No. But then again all I want to do is go to the grocery store, or to a business meeting, or have a conversation in confidence with someone like me. And who are people like me? Lets put it this way, we always live by the first rule, do no harm to others. From there the "joy" we try to spread is new options, and technologies for the masses. What you ultimately do with what we invent? Just remember what I said, first do no harm. Then were all cool..

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by SuzMc

The problem with this stupid border patrol monkey is that he thinks he has authorization because of some kind of probable cause. The problem is that the entire checkpoint is in violation of the 4th amendment, regardless of whatever legislation you want to reference. The patriot act is unconstitutional, but they are using it as 'authorization' anyway.

Clearly they pulled these guys over to harass them because they were videotaping, and nothing else.

The time is nigh, folks. Not gonna be pretty.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
reply to post by SuzMc

The problem with this stupid border patrol monkey is that he thinks he has authorization because of some kind of probable cause. The problem is that the entire checkpoint is in violation of the 4th amendment, regardless of whatever legislation you want to reference. The patriot act is unconstitutional, but they are using it as 'authorization' anyway.

Clearly they pulled these guys over to harass them because they were videotaping, and nothing else.

The time is nigh, folks. Not gonna be pretty.

What I don't understand is why the citizen in the car did not inform the border patrol officer that he was VIOLATING HIS 4TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS?

I have noticed that if you are stopped at one of these unconstitutional check points you must indicate that there was NO reasonable suspicion that a crime was committed and that they are right at that time in violation of your 4th Amendment rights. You have to be polite of course, but they cannot insist you ID yourself and allow them to search the vehicle.


posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:20 PM
In 1995 I spent over two hours at the intersection of US-175 and US-59 while state and county officers checked my Lincoln Town Car for drugs because a rookie sheriffs department deputy saw me driving in a safe manner at the posted speed with long hair black pocket Tshirt sunglasses and long hair... When I got out of the car to cooperate he noticed I had an authorization on my drivers licence to operate a motorcycle and assumed I rode a Harley and was some kind of outlaw scooter nasty.. I told him I owned 2 Harleys and 2 BMWs and preferred riding BMWs because yuppie scum rode Harleys... I was accompanied by 2 other Vietnam Vets that I had met when being treated in a VA inpatient program for PTSD and taking one of them into an inpatient program for his alcohol abuse kprogram because he was throwing up blood and convulsing severely so I was letting him drink beer in the back seat of the car to control the convulsions... We were surrounded by all kinds of cop cars and some with drug dogs to search the car and I guess us as well... The guy we were taking to be treated in the back seat unknown to us had a warrant out for something related to a DWI in DalHart Texas, and we didn't have the money between us to have him released so he was off to jail... Somehow the rookie deputy came up with an empty 35mm film canister he claimed to find between the seat cushions in the front seat that smelled like pot.. On top of that they were claiming some machetes in the trunk were illegal but said nothing about the come along pulley or chainsaw that I was using to clear a place on land I owned to put my travel trailer on to live in since my recent divorce... I could tell that my Vet friend that had come with me to keep the drunk Vet under control was going to own up for the film canister and knowing I had a few bucks in the bank and he didn't and had a wife with a job to get to, told the cops It was mine, though it wasn't. While all of this was going on I had been sort of leaning/ sitting on the front fender of a squad car talking to a HUGE sheriffs dept.detective with a Colt.45 pistol. I had looked at him and his gun and said, what in the hell is a man as big as you doing wasting money on a gun like that, you would scare anyone to death with just a big stick. The big guy was real cool and told me that his daddy told him he would be afraid for him if he carried anything other than a 1911 Colt .45. I said your daddy was a veteran wasn't he. He answered yes and we sat there talking and the guy knew we weren't up to doing anything we said we weren't... They took the drunk guy to jail and the big guy had the judge who was a Vietnam Vet come talk to him. The judge called Dalhart and had drop charges and lower the fine on him. I had a thing going on with the DAV Chaplains youngest daughter and drove back to her place and just as I got there the HUGE guy had called to talk to me since I had given him her number so he could reach me... The guy was so very apologetic and nice and impressed by me telling them the empty film canister was mine that he said he wished to hell he had friends like me.. He told me they wanted me to come and get my friend to the Shreveport VA and all was cool on the warrant.. He wanted me to come down and hang out with him anytime I'd like but hell if the guy thinks so highly of me, why blow it by going back and giving him a chance to change his mind.... Hell man it could have been a lot worse... It bothers me some that they messed up the wiring checking under the dash and the lights messing up weeks later caused me to hit a deer and screwed up what had been a great looking car... Like I said it could have been worse... I'm talking deep East Texas Bad.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by hypervigilant

Ok I read the entire post... sooo....

This means your against the TSA... or....

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Man If you are at an intersection where a Texas Department of Transportation trooper was killed weeks earlier and one of the passengers in your car is a Mexican out of his mind on alcohol and PTSD from surviving the siege at Khe Sahn, iIt isn't a bad idea to be humble, truthful and cooperative... I bitched and complained and told them they were wrong and went ahead and cooperated... They found out I wasn't lying to them and helped to have my friend released from the charges in another county so he got the care he needed... I probably could have gotten a job as a deputy or something if I'd gone and hung out with the big guy but I carried a gun long enough before I'd turned 19.

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