posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by desertdweller1
Well see from my perspecive on the "Jew issue" is that there are some innate traits to being "Jewish" that don't facilitate equality or peace.
The premise Jews are "gods chosen children" is innocent enough...until you ACTUALLY BELIEVE that and see the world from that perspective, then it
becomes painfully obvious as to why "Jews" have been ran-out of every country they ever lived in until Israel that is...
Now Israel is the "gods chosen land for gods chosen people"...innocent enough until you actually believe that and see the world from that
perspective, then it becomes painfully obvious as to why palestine is a bit pissed and well the contention is endless between those two
I think the contention with "Jews" would lessen greatly and a live and let live policy could be adopted if they stopped thinking/acting like the
world is THEIRS and GOD only favos them...when they stop looking down on gentiles as slaves and encorporating and promoting usury upon non-jews. When
they stop utilizing blatant propaganda to promote their "gods chosen people" agenda as the world view. When they stop lying and inciting violence to
play the victim and gain sympathy. When they stop labeling anyone who questions their world-view as an anti-semite.
You are right though this is not ALL "Jews" and there will always be the standard deviation on any bell-curve statistic. I haven't heard or seen
any Jews speaking/acting out against this behavior though. I haven't seen or heard a Jew claim its not beneficial to peace and equality to view
yourself as "above" another and renounce that fundamental notion within their religion that they are "gods chosen people" and the "gentiles" are
there for their "use"...
I would say most "Jews" in some form or another participate in this world-view whether directly or indirectly and because of that they perpetuate
the problem.
So this doesn't come off as too "anti-semetic" lol ALL other religions make it difficult for the world to "live and let live" to some degree and
the radicals/extremists of those religions only add fuel to the fire. ALL religions are problematic and contentious...just not ALL of them have their
own designated country with nukes and the US backing it...