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I am a hater.

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:46 AM
I'm a hater too, I hate that I feel that way!

Try to find a little sunshine in every day, I promise it's there somewhere. If you can't find it, make it. When I catch myself feeling dark inside (seems more often these days) I do something nice for someone else. Little things like baking brownies for my co-workers or blowing off errands for an afternoon to take my daughter to the park majorly change my mood. Seeing another person smile and knowing it's because of me helps the hate go away a little.

It IS the little things in life, right?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Love the fact that you are intelligent enough to hate all the right things. Most people go through life questioning nothing and just fitting into the system in mindless obedience or indifference. Great thread S&F.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:20 AM
I hate that just by living and consuming I am subsidizing the corrupt, sociopathic, twisted, corporatist, exploitative, abusive, tyrannical, murderous system that is our American way of life.

I hate that I don't know the way out.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:36 AM
knowing is a curse and being as ats hates 1 liners im gonna say blah blah blah blah blah curse blah blah blah i feel the same blah blah misery blah no one understands me blah blah.

peace mods really but i had to agree with him.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

Hate is but one side of the coin, the other is love. Yes the world seems soiled with crap, and people tee us off plenty, but our perspective is also how and what we see, or put our attention to. There is still plenty of beauty, love and worth amongst humanity and in our world, but when buried in negativity, we must actively seek other sources of energy.
Hug a relative or pet, write a letter of gratitude to a parent or grandparent, do some volunteer work this wknd, do something creative, listen to some inspiring music, watch funny animal videos on you tube. These are all things we can do to balance ourselves in the madness. These days being passive only gets one engulfed in the madness, so imo we have to actively provide alternative/additional sources of inspiration to our lives.

My .02, and peace...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:14 AM
I hate all the things you listed too, but need to add one more. I hate that I brought 3 beautiful innocent children into this mess.....and that now they have become adults, I don't know how to protect them. Okay, I guess I hate two things....the fact that I BELIEVED all the lies....and lived by the rules.....followed the laws.....and tried to be a GOOD person.
I thought the fluoride was good for our teeth.....the prescriptions would make us better.....and our leaders were here to care about us. I guess I would have to hate myself for being naive and gullible, but moreso I hate that we were lied to.
This world scares me now.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI

But most of all, I hate waking to the reality of all this every mourning and doing it again.

I don't know if your spelling of morning this way was intentional, but it does sound like you're in mourning, and is therefore fitting.

It is a sad day when we realise that everyting we based our lives on was lies. You're not alone in your thoughts.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

Waking up to deal with the same daily routine man..... That's just the way it is. Depressing for sure.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:37 PM
this should be in the "rant" forum.

Lets focus our energy on the positive..we all could name a thousand things wrong with this country but thats not helping fix the problem.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:46 PM
As a recovering hate tank myself, the list of things you hate are things we all have to deal with. You may feel like others are ignorant to all the things you hate, but from my experience this is not true. Many people are entirely aware of your hate list, but choose not to dwell on it. Acknowledge the negatives in life for what they are then move on to do something positive.

The alternative is, as you know, dwelling on the hate and diminishing your own enjoyment of life. Unfortunately, changing your mentality is not as simple as flipping the "hate switch" to the "OFF" position. It will most likely take years to cultivate a more healthy disposition.

Being consumed with hate is the easy way out. Anyone can do it. Peace.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI
And people wonder why some wish for doomsday. While I don't wish for that per se I see the reasoning behind it clearer every day. I do wish for a reckoning a righting per se where true justice will prevail over this pathetic slavery.

And i suppose on that day of reckoning you will be one of the "saved"?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:35 PM
Happiness is a choice. Keep searching and you will find it.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:30 PM
OP...geez...I got your post! There seems to be a lot of haters right here on the post.

Posters if you don't get don't get it!

Ever heard of a double negative....makes a positive.

I hate the oppression. hate and oppression are both negatives....the message is positive!

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 08:23 AM
1.I hate people that judge me for judging them.

2.I hate people who hate me simply because I hate them.

3.I hate people who like me even though I hate them.

4.I hate that the OP complained about the absence of originality in society but then screamed and hollered some very ubiquitous sentiments.

5.I hate people who think that they think one way but in reality think in a whole different way

6.I hate people who think that their pets are people.

7.I hate vegans.

8.I hate people who can't go a post without dropping the phrases, "TPTB, sheeple, and disinformation"

9.I hate that my hate is withering in obscurity.

10.I hate that my exceptional sexual prowess is often stifled by my poor first impressions.

WOW, starred and flagged for at least revealing the awesome cathartic properties of an "I hate list," I recommend everyone on ATS try it, you'll like it!

edit on 26-10-2011 by Threadfall because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 08:27 AM
Hate is no more than fear. Hate/fear is caused by misunderstanding.
It is caused by not knowing what you are.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 12:33 AM
I'm inclined to agree with everything you said. Right now I'm locked in a horrible job overseen by money-grubbing penny pinchers that treat their employees like robots. It's hard to just throw it away and end up losing the respect of your family members. They would never understand why I would leave such a "great opportunity". It's terrible that people are conditioned to accept the stress and mental erosion associated with 50+ hour a week jobs, just to make ends meet.. and what exactly is it that people gain from meeting ends meet? They continue to slowly die, continue to be distracted from their creative and recreational pursuits, and for myself, it detracts me from my spiritual goal, all the while contributing to the money stashes of the higher ups in the corporate ladder.

I am just thinking out loud at this point and basically reiterating what's been echoed by many, but it's just messed up.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

S & F

Good insight and your not alone.

Something has got to change and it starts with all of us uniting and rebelling against the dark tyranny that we have allowed to rule over us.

There are more of us than the ones currently calling the shots.

No on the fence, no "well I will just keep going along for a while longer".

The time is now or never.

It's time for the many to take back our planet from the greedy few who who are hell bent on destroying our beautiful planet and most of it's inhabitants.

BUT and this is a big's gone past the point of holding up signs, writing your reps and "voting" (which is another illusion of choice).

United we stand, divided we fall.

The American dream has turned into a nightmare. The economic system is a sophisticated prison cell; the indentured servant is now an indebted wage slave; whips and chains have evolved into debts.

"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt." -- John Adams

Concealing National Wealth

"Liberty in the concrete signifies release from the impact of particular oppressive forces; emancipation from something once taken as a normal part of human life but now experienced as bondage... Today, it signifies liberation from material insecurity and from the coercions and repressions that prevent multitudes from participation in the vast cultural resources that are at hand."-- John Dewey

When you take the time to research and analyze the wealth that has gone to the economic top one percent, you begin to realize just how much we have been robbed. Trillions upon trillions of dollars that could make the lives of all hard working Americans much easier have been strategically funneled into the coffers of the Economic Elite. The denial of wealth is the key to the Economic Elite's power. An entire generation of massive wealth creation has been strategically withheld from 99% of the US population.

The US public doesn't have any understanding of how much wealth has been generated and concentrated into the hands of the Economic Elite over the past 40 years; there is no historical frame of reference. This withholding of wealth is truly the greatest crime against humanity in the history of civilization.

What could be done with all the money that has been hoarded by the Economic Elite is extraordinary!

Let's consider what we could do with the money that has been stolen from us? On top of what should be our average six-figure yearly income, we could have:

* Free health care for every American,
* A free 4 bedroom home for every American family,
* 5% tax rate for 99% of Americans,
* Drastically improved public education and free college for all,
* Significantly improved public transportation and infrastructure,

The list goes on...

This is not some far-fetched fantasy. These are all things that Franklin D. Roosevelt talked about doing in the 1940's, long before the explosion of wealth creation in our technologically advanced global economy. The money for all this is already there, stashed into the claws of the Economic Elite. The denial of wealth to the masses is the key to the Economic Elite's power. Outside of outdated and obsolete economic models and theories -- and incredibly short-sighted greed -- there is no reason why all this money should be kept in the hands of a few, at the immense suffering and expense of the many.

If Americans could just understand how much wealth is being withheld from us, we would have a massive uprising and the Economic Elite would be swept away, into the history books alongside the evil despots of the past.

This is Part II of David DeGraw's report, "The Economic Elite vs. People of the USA." Click here for Part I Read the rest of the series on Amped Status.

Read more of David DeGraw's work on Amped Status.

Source and rest of article:

The time for key boarding and quiet protesting are over if you really and truly want change all of us together will need to get up off our butts and collectively revolt.

United we stand, divided we fall.............and part of the elite's game is keeping us divided and preoccupied.

Talk is cheap - action demands bravery, courage and a fire within the belly to make a new change a reality.

It's now or never...........let your hate turn to action.

It's gone beyond words but we must all set aside our differences and unite.

Now, I did a post a long time ago on ATS about the medical and retirement package our congress and senate have and was met with 100 responses of who cares, so what..........well who in sam hill works for who?

Most of us don't have good medical or retirement packages like the good old boys in Washington.

edit on 28-10-2011 by ofhumandescent because: added last video.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 11:18 AM
To hate is not intelligent.
If there is something to be improved why hate it? Just try to change it, do your best, you don't have to hate it.
You can do everything in this life without being drunk in negativity...
That is a dumb attitude because you feel bad and you spread bad energy making other feel bad. The energy is contagious.
Instead of feeling bad why don't you feel good but try to better yourself and this world anyway?
Sorry if you feel offended but to hate is not necessary, it pollutes yourself and people around you.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 11:49 AM
There is nothing unintelligent about hating the system of lies that we have been force fed. This myth that more love is somehow the solution to the systemic oppression of humanity only perpetuates the status quo and will never lead to change. And its not a binary relationship either. You cannot overthrow the system by showing more love to the oppressors. They don't deserve our love, they already have most of the people in a perpetual state of Stockholm Syndrome in which the prisoners are in love with their captors, which sort of explains why a large percentage of the low-mid income Americans irrationally defend polices that are contrary to their own self interests.

I hate greed. I hate selfishness. Telling me I that somehow feeling more love will help me swallow the existence of these base and evil human behaviors easier is insulting and wrong.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by mirrormaker326

But why hate? You don't have to.
I am not denying that there is things to change in the world, there is things to change in ourselves. Do you hate yourself? You certainly have something to improve.
To hate yourself, or at least the part you want to improve, to hate others, to hate the world, to hate existence... is stupid, i´ve been there and i got tired of being a stupid rebel, always angry.
You don't have to. Just be aware, and take action, change yourself, help others change, but why hate?
Its stupid, it feels bad, its contagious, it is not a solution to anything...
Cant you get my point?

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