Try to stay positive, they say that's the best advice going. Drink the kool aid and hope its spiked with a potent hallucinogen, one strong enough to
make you see their reality. One that allows you to ignore all the gross transgressions committed against almost every living thing on this earth. One
that lets the small beauty tower above the massive cess-pool of evil we call an economic system. If only I could stop remembering how all but a few of
us live in this perpetual slavery. The ones who escape are the masters but they perpetuate the evil so the weight of karma sits 1000 times more over
their heads.
Essentially its a trap. I know. Even the way I feel about my feelings is a trap. Every thought word or action. Know what, I don't feel the love, at
least not enough to counter this pain and hate. This emptiness that drains empathy for the idiots from us fools.
I hate that we are slaves to money.
I hate that wages from my labor are used to kill people everyday.
I hate that 47% of our budget is allocated to war machines.
I hate that people volunteer to kill people they don't know.
I hate that people believe without questioning.
I hate that any one religion claims superiority.
I hate that any person believes he/she can judge another.
I hate the bureaucracy.
I hate that I need a passport and must pay tolls.
I hate watching our community's slowly disintegrate.
I hate the air and water pollution.
I hate nuclear power.
I hate eugenics and all the idiots who believe in overpopulation.
I hate that people empower false scarcity.
I hate that originality is scarce and everything is a pathetic copy of a copy of a copy.
I hate that mass marketing has hipnotized everyone into consumerist zombies.
I hate living to work and pay bills.
I hate that our kids will have it worse than us.
I hate corporate welfare and non taxation and person hood.
I hate that most people are so shallow.
I hate that commitment and loyalty are meaningless these days.
I hate that until the system is destroyed and rebuilt it will only get worse.
I hate racism, nephetism, and dogma.
I hate watching those I love die or disappear.
I hate that 90% of us in this system need some type of drug just to Ger by.
I hate my ability to hate.
But most of all, I hate waking to the reality of all this every mourning and doing it again. Perhaps I am the idiot like maybe 2 billion others caught
up in this supreme nonsense.
Yes its depressing, in fact its more than depressing its soul sucking creativity thieving frustrating crap. Don't worry I wouldn't do anything rash. I
too have been conditioned, violence isnt the answer, right?(yeah cause it may work). Just suck it up let the cancer eat you from the inside out (yea
GMO'S). Make sure the kids are ok (damned as well).
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so please feel free to add to the list of supreme frustration.
And people wonder why some wish for doomsday. While I don't wish for that per se I see the reasoning behind it clearer every day. I do wish for a
reckoning a righting per se where true justice will prevail over this pathetic slavery.
edit on 17-10-2011 by ISHAMAGI because: not
edit on 17-10-2011 by ISHAMAGI because: (no reason given)
edit on 17-10-2011 by ISHAMAGI because: (no reason