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Do You Fear Change? Is That Why You Do Not Support OWS?

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:14 PM
I had a discussion today with a friend about current political issues and the Occupy Wall St. movement. He kept insisting that the movement was left-leaning and biased towards liberal, socialist and communist ideology. After I had proven to him that there was no evidence to support such a claim, he made it quite clear to me why he did not support the movement.

He was scared! In a nutshell, he was afraid that he may have to be more responsible for his own life if the "automated" life we live now is threatened.

It is a normal human response to fear the unknown and to embrace the status quo. It takes courage and strength to overcome the fear that comes when you have no clue what lies ahead.

What the Wall St. protests, and other uprisings across the globe, represent is the breaking down of barriers that keep us locked into our current paradigm. We apply political "name tags", personally attack the protester's intelligence and social value all because it is an attempt to shelter ourselves from the inevitable change that must occur.

Some people will go to any means to quell attempts to change the system, but this is futile. The change has been set in motion and is gaining momentum as more people take the step away from fear and embrace a new alternative to the same-ole same-ole.

I'll admit that I am scared. Uncertainty of what the future holds, where are we going as a global race, and how a new system is put in place are all things that frighten me. But at the same time I embrace it and will do what I can to facilitate it because I see that the current system is set to fail....soon!

Change is coming whether we like it or not. Do not fear the change, be the change. Embrace it! It may be our only chance to take control of our lives as the shackles of TPTB's controls are torn from the wrists of the populace.

edit on 17-10-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

I definitely agree with that statement. People are worried more about the bad that could come from OWS, then what good might come of it. Your friend could also be a simple pessimist. People are like that.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:23 PM
OWS is reckless.

I think that people should embrace this country for the freedoms and opportunities that safeguard Liberty and Freedom.

Without it, their is only tyranny, that is where the OWS will take this country.

Think OWS will accomplish nothing? I disagree, unfortunately it will not accomplish anything of worth.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Unfounded pessimistic accusations. You have no idea what will come of it unless you're a fortune teller. Try thinking of what good might happen, you'll feel much better.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

OWS is reckless.

I think they are practicing the "liberties and freedoms" that made this country great. We have to practice those rights to keep them.

Without it, their is only tyranny, that is where the OWS will take this country.

We are already in a tyrannical system! Haven't you noticed how the rights of the people are subservient to the will and end goal of those who are able to manipulate our perceived "rights" through the power of money and government?

Think OWS will accomplish nothing?

I don't know what this will accomplish. Neither do you. The point of the thread is to say that just because there is uncertainty, I will not fear what lies ahead. Do you agree that a change is needed, or are you content with how things are, as-is?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
OWS is reckless.

I think that people should embrace this country for the freedoms and opportunities that safeguard Liberty and Freedom.

Without it, their is only tyranny, that is where the OWS will take this country.

Think OWS will accomplish nothing? I disagree, unfortunately it will not accomplish anything of worth.

If OWS encourages people to look at and recognize the corruption and greed fostered by big business and it's influence on the Government then that will be a patriotic enterprise.

But it's traitors that want to shut down OWS and stifle the freedom of speech guaranteed by the constitution; that is the real tyranny we are facing. Not from OWS but from right wing fascist.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:37 PM
Do I fear change? My hair is falling out where I want to keep it, and growing in areas I don't want it to. My waist keeps expanding in spite of my best efforts to keep that contained, and the gray hairs and wrinkles keep multiplying. Do I fear change? You bet your sweet patatootie I do! That, however, has nothing at all to do with my attitudes toward this so called "movement" Occupy Wall Street.

Wall Street is a very real street in the City of New York, but for more than a hundred years Wall Street has also been a symbol of high stakes trading, get quick rich schemes, and fall just as quickly reactions. It has been a symbol of "easy street", and "fat cat capitalists", and "big business". It has never been a symbol of government.

The New York Stock Exchange was the original Vegas sans the gaudy neon lights, showgirls and fey crooners who dress in glitz. Gambling for a different crowd, what goes on in Wall Street is largely a gambling scheme, or as "they" (those ever nasty though hard to define elite, or powers that be) might put it "speculative investment".

What these gamblers who call themselves "speculators" do is trade public stocks, bonds and other government approved investments on government ordained legal fictions. Anyone who purchases stock is buying shares in a corporation that was charted by a state, licensed and in contract with that state to abide by certain regulations and rules. Wall Street could not even exist were it not for government creating corporations through grant of charter. Corporations would not exist were it not for government creating charters allowing them to exist.

The state in which most corporations incorporate is the State of Delaware. More than 60% of the Fortune 500 companies were incorporated in Delaware. It is the Attorney General of the State of Delaware who has the lawful authority to revoke charters. That State's current Attorney General is Beau Biden, son of Vice President Joseph Biden.

If the big complaint is with corporatism, and these People want to change the system, and reign in out of control corporatism, why not begin with the State who has made it very lucrative and ideal to incorporate and demand that those companies guilty of corporate malfeasance have their charters revoked? Why not Occupy Delaware and actually insist that Beau Biden revoke Monsanto's charter of incorporation? Why not insist Biden revoke as many charters of incorporation as necessary?

That would be a proactive, practical and effective means of protest of this magnitude, but is that what we have with "Occupy Wall Street"? Not by a long shot!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:39 PM
Very well articulated OP and I understand that people do fear the unknown. And dismantling the current financial system would create anxiety amongst a lot of people out there. Because that is all they have ever known. Sharing and caring for your fellow Human being can be a freaky new paradigm . And so people tend to hide their angst by insulting the other people in the movement. After all Human beings tend to side with the devil they know and not the one they dont...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Am I content with the way things are? No

Do I agree that this country is headed in the wrong direction? Yes

However the OWS is hypocritical.

Protestors attacking cops while chanting Che.
Then they turn around and scream police brutality.
Then they uniformly attack constitutional liberties all while they claim the constitution allows them to do such things .


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I can agree with what you said. Most of those I have talked to at my local Occupy understand that government is complicit with corporate and Wall St. greed. They go hand in hand, but would you agree that the money lobby has the power to manipulate the very government that allows it's existence?

Would this be the "chicken and the egg" type of paradox?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:46 PM
We don't need to start over!
we need"Mr. change" himself to grab that useless Atty Gen(of his)Mr. Holder by the scruff of the neck; get him off his rear and perpwalk and prosecute some of these big firm scumbags. Not throw our system in the bin and turn it over to a bunch of "pie in the sky"
unicorn ranchers chanting about "fairness; free tuition " and wealth redistribution!
edit on 17-10-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

There may be a few bad apples on the OWS side, but we cant let that sway us from the importance of their message. IMO, that's like canceling a football game because one fan got drunk and puked on the bleachers.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
Am I content with the way things are? No

Do I agree that this country is headed in the wrong direction? Yes

However the OWS is hypocritical.

Protestors attacking cops while chanting Che.
Then they turn around and scream police brutality.
Then they uniformly attack constitutional liberties all while they claim the constitution allows them to do such things .



Go to an OWS event instead of parroting back Rush. I listened to Rush today and he is so full of **** that it's almost funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

There's your Hypocrisy....Letting your ideology get in the way of your common sense.
edit on 17-10-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

A few?

Ok when martial law is declared and there are riots, stealing and looting because of this recklessness stop by and tell me how I was wrong.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:51 PM
Great post OP. I have found fear to be a great motivator of much opposition from fellow Americans on the OWS movement. I have also noticed that most of the opposition to this movement stems from ignorance of "the way things work" in our system. People who see the US and the World through the MSM and are unwilling or fearful of stepping out of the box to think for themselves oppose this change. If you live your life to strive for the next material success you can acquire and not see "the big picture" of how life can really be rewarding, then you probably oppose OWS.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:53 PM
It's amazing how many people who have wrapped themselves in the flag these past ten years or so claim to hate the 'Occupy' movement. Why? Because corporate/bank controlled Fox News and NewsMax tells them to?

Apparently they have failed to realize that the problem begins with the Money-Changers who are purchasing our Government and Stealing US Resources and Property (that your parents, grandparents and greats paid for) right out from under your noses.

Finally there is a movement to end the lobbying and unlimited, anonymous political donations as well as put the criminals in jail that crashed our economy (while making trillions in profit) through their fraud and greed and .. what? People are actually against these things? The only people on earth who can be against this movement have to be either:

A. Sock Puppets hoping for a few crumbs off the table of the 1%'ers.
B. Completely ignorant fools who have been utterly buffaloed by the Major Media interests (who do get the crumbs from the table of the 1%'ers.)

And don't freaking pretend not to know what the movement is about. Well here is the List of Demands and YOU can go vote on which is most important to YOU. How democratic is that?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Why do we throw the system away. We need to throw the criminals in jail. Its not eh Constitution and the Amendments that are wrong it the fact that they have all been circumvented and ignored. People are calling for throwing out the baby with the bath water. What is wrong is you can't find anyone clean enough or powerful enough to slap the RICO Act among other laws on the organized crime gang we call our government and bring any of them to justice. What good is change when we can't get the law we already have enforced A skunk by any other name still stinks.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

I'm not asking you to support OWS, nor am I asking you to agree with their message. But I think we can both agree that these protests are much more civil and non-violent unlike the protests of the 60's.

By the way, how does protesting corruption and greed lead to martial law? Well it could, but only if by design if TPTB get scared that this movement may actually work, and declare ML because it's time to jump ship.

So the real question is.......are you scared?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I can agree with what you said. Most of those I have talked to at my local Occupy understand that government is complicit with corporate and Wall St. greed. They go hand in hand, but would you agree that the money lobby has the power to manipulate the very government that allows it's existence?

Would this be the "chicken and the egg" type of paradox?

Of course! There is a symbiosis between government and corporatism, and in terms of big government and corporatism, neither can exist without the other.

The "paradox", however, is contained and exists only within the corporate paradigm. People are not obligated to incorporate. People are not obligated to ask the state permission to exist. Tragically, People do. How many of those People in these protests have drivers licenses? How many have Social Security Numbers? How many of these People at these protests perfectly fine with drivers licenses and SSN's, and that part of corporatism? How many are ignorant of the fact that SSN's and licensing schemes are a part of corporatism?

Business regulations? Corporatism! Corporatism loves regulations because it limits the competition, and corporations hate competition. Capitalism, on the other hand, is all about competition, but how many at these protests even understand this? That corporatism is not capitalism, and that in order to have capitalism we would have to have a free and unregulated market place (or at the very least a largely unregulated market place) with massive competition and a currency backed by genuine wealth so that all can agree upon its value.

How many of these People understand any of this as they target a symbol of business and wealth insisting that they are "waking People up"?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Well said!

I can agree. What we need to understand is that this initial Occupy movement will only serve as the catalyst to reform such issues. This is simply the birth of a movement that will have to eventually address truths such as you describe. What's important is that the door has been opened that leads to those discussions.

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