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One month in, protests yet to topple capitalism

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by

why tax the rich more? because they have more money?
Thats utter BS

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

whaaa?? how is that BS??? LMAO!!!

ok you're right, tax them less... LOL

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by

negative, EVERYONE should pay the same % across the board

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Contrary to popular belief, it didn't fall in a day either.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:12 PM
"resistributionist, anti-corporate".

Yes, I think it is time to redistribute the wealth that was stolen from us via the capitalist/corporate system. After all, they redistributed to themselves via their bought-and-paid-for politicians and beaurocrats. But, from your perspective they just "played the game" better, right? They deserve everything they have and how dare anybody question their methods in obtaining their wealth. Correct? After all, that's capitalism, right?

I was a staunch capitalist pig. Death penalty supporting, pro-life, throw 'em in jail, private industry can do anything better than government, money is life, kinda guy. Then, my eyes were opened about 10 years ago.

Oh, I still like the things money can buy, I just don't screw people to get it anymore.

Here is the problem with the way you think. You are pretending that capitalists are honorable people who just want fair trade so they can bring their great products and ideas to the masses. Ideals don't work, human nature does not allow them to work. People in power will ALWAYS abuse that power; it is inevitable. That is why there has to be government (i.e., the People) regulation. So, the capitalists got around that by creating the lobby system. The lobby system must go, money must be taken out of politics. Why? Because capitalists are scum and they will screw their mother for a $1. They will screw you and me just because it is fun...and makes them richer.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by

why tax the rich more? because they have more money?
Thats utter BS

No, how about because they don't pay their fair share? They have their politicians create tax laws and loopholes than only they can take advantage of. But, hey, that's capitalism, right? If ya wants ta play, ya gots ta pay...even if that includes buying politicians.

Man, I would love to verbally thrash you in person. I get goosebumps just thinking about debating "your kind".

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by DragonTattooz

my kind?
the only thing i am about is making my money, and i aint 'redistributing' it to anyone
I make it, I keep it

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC live in a world of "i" which is a quality which is not productive to LIVING IN A COMMUNITY OF HUMANS... So while one man is hungry and his children are hungry, you're about your money.... and cool with that...

that's wassup... yea, I'd kinda like to meet you as well..

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

The purpose is not to "topple capitalism" but to deal with the problem of corporatism. A totally different thing.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by

charity is one thing, making me work my tail off so someone else can eat on my dollar because they cant get the motivation to work?
sorry, I dont think so

ETA: I'm a disabled veteran AND a felon, yet I work, I dont get much, but I WORK

Call me Joe the Plumber
edit on 10/17/2011 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:32 PM

We are not in a Democracy but an Oligarchy...

In case you forgot the definition of Oligarchy ....According to Websters is:

Noun, 1: A government in which the power is in the hands of a few...

Andrew Jackson had warned us about being taken over by the Banks...even Thomas Jefferson had as well.

I seriously doubt that Andrew Jackson was fighting Capitalism but was instead fighting a rule of this Nation not by the Constitution but instead by a Oligarchy of wealthy Banking Institutions....

So here we are, One Hundred or so years later since the Federal Reserve Act and coincidentally 1% hold the nation's wealth and the rest of the 99% can go wherever poor people go when they no longer have a home to go to.

Is the system working or is it broken ?

Is it capitalism in a true sense that has failed us or is it due to corruption ?

With the DOW at 11,456...where it has remained for the past couple of years....I'd say it's more to do with the latter.


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:32 PM
The redistribution already happened, in the other direction, over the last 35 years.

That's why the top 1% make 20% of the GDP and control 40% of the nations wealth, up from around 10% in 1982.

Because the wealthy 1% (and particularly the top 0.01%) control both parties, they are able to write legislation, granting them fewer responsibilities and more benefits, over time. This trend is increasing, even as public "debt" is rising at astronomical rates.

Worse -- the bottom 99% literally no longer have representation in their own government, because all representatives are bought and paid for by the top 1%. In fact -- less then 300 people share responsibility and sit on the board of directors for the nations top 50 corporations, who in turn are responsible for more then 75% of all political donations.

There is NOTHING wrong with capitalism, but we don't practice that here anymore. What we have now is corporate oligarchy and mercantilism. These corporations literally write their own legislation, inhibiting competition, and destroying "capitalism."

edit on 17-10-2011 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by DragonTattooz

my kind?
the only thing i am about is making my money, and i aint 'redistributing' it to anyone
I make it, I keep it


This thread is so full of fail. Only 2 flags? Looks like nobody agrees with you.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by DragonTattooz

my kind?
the only thing i am about is making my money, and i aint 'redistributing' it to anyone
I make it, I keep it

You are privileged to live in a country that, with some hard work and a little luck, a person can have a better than average lifestyle, yet you don't feel you should contribute back to that society because you made it and it's all "mine, mine, mine!". Gotcha. Nice thread, Cya around the forums.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by CastleMadeOfSand

let me say it AGAIN

I bet EACH and EVERYONE of you would flip out and cry on here if that actually happened, where the govt decided to pass a bill where EVERYONE has to share their money with EVERYONE ELSE

just to let you know....

ETA: I bring home about $1,300 a month and after I pay MY bills, I MIGHT have about 50-100 left to get by with...and I'll be DAMNED if I gotta use that to contribute to some fat$#@ popping out babies and watching Jerry Springer
edit on 10/17/2011 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by DragonTattooz

wrong yet again...I give back to society, I assist my fellow veterans, phone counsel suicidal veterans, assist in the local community
put that in your pipe and smoke it

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Just because the left is trying to hijack it, does not mean it's a leftist movement friend. Have you been to any of these protests? Talke to the thousands of people who are coming out? You'll find that most don't fall into the liberal or conservative member around those parts.

Funny how when people were saying this about the Tea Party , no one believed it and people poo pood.......

But now that the shoes on the other foot were suppose to fall in line.......

I dont think I have to say much more...........

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by

charity is one thing, making me work my tail off so someone else can eat on my dollar because they cant get the motivation to work?
sorry, I dont think so

ETA: I'm a disabled veteran AND a felon, yet I work, I dont get much, but I WORK

Call me Joe the Plumber
edit on 10/17/2011 by HomerinNC because: (no reason given)

OK, the disabled veteran thing deserves some respect.

Why do you support a system that devalues your disability dollars every day?

Every time the fed prints a dollar so they can give it to a bank, who will essentially gives it to a corporation, makes your dollar worth less. You see, they don't care about the devaluation because they are investing their money in vehicles that are not accessible to you and me. They get huge returns on their money, then, because it's "capital gains" they pay less in taxes on that money. So, every day that your money goes down in value because you can't beat inflation, theirs goes up. They keep getting richer, we keep getting poorer, and you want to support that? I don't understand.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:45 PM
It NOT a movement against capitalism, its a movement against CORRUPTION! Two completely different issues.

Everywhere is mistaking the cause for this protests, you only have to look into it for no longer than 5 minutes to realise what they're about.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

You seem to have mistaken my point by presenting a straw man argument. I don't ever recall talking or defending the Tea Party as some movement like OWS. I actually was super surprised when it was hijacked.

I'll be first person to denounce OWS if it ends up being hijacked, but I doubt it. The Tea Party didn't spark a world wide response, OWS did. There are stark differences between both movements in both demographic & the issues being presented.

Again, as stated time and time again, I reserve judgement for when all the facts are laid down. As it stands, I see no particular sect of society, be it liberal or otherwise, having a heavier hand in the OWS movement than any other particular sect..


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