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Chinese Toddler Run Over By 2 Vans Left To Die - Ignored By 17 People

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Copperflower

"The Chinese have been so controlled and basically raped by their government that they have turned into these emotional zombies in sheer self-defense. "

Strongly agreed.

We'd probably all be emotional zombies if every country had a communist government.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:11 PM
Their morals are Fu# when i see things like this. How are their laws so messed up that they cannot help a little child? How can this be? If the laws are so messed up where a person cannot help an inocent child , then it is time to rise against the people who made the laws and change them. If it is that bad, it is time that the people over there start revolting in mass numbers against such laws and start a new. They purposefully ran over the child. Come on, they could of at least avoided the kid. 15 miles per hour. come on, they killed the little girl. PURPOSEFULLY. If that were my kid, someone would pay. Mr. smith and wesson would be seeking the ones for payment.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:13 PM
Here in VA, in the town I currently live in, a little 8 month old baby was hit by a car, and the driver drove away. The baby had some how got out of his home and crawled more than a block from his home. These people lived near on a very busy main road. The woman who hit the baby, says she did not know it was a baby, just thought it was a dog. It took her more than two weeks to come forward and admit that it was her who ran over the baby. In this case, there were people who saw it happen, and did help. The woman who hit the baby served no jail time what so ever. Sick really and that's in the USA.

This type of thing can happen anywhere, but it bothers me so much that so many people passed by this baby and did nothing. I have three kids of my own, and I would KILL the person who ran over my child and kept on going. I hope that idiot gets what's coming to him. There are way too many balck hearts in the world, really. Why must it be this way?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:43 PM
I have also read that in China there have been several lawsuits by the victims against people who tried to help them. Also rescuers who had to pay for the victims costs of loss etc. Maybe this can be a hint of people not to help others to avoid any lawsuits and or others misshaps they can get.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by DutchBigBoy

Yeah but still where are the morals? Let a kid suffer and die in the street to save yourself money? Disgusting. I hope this incident helps the Chinese fix their system.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:46 PM
how come in the frames where she was picked up,

the ground looks like it has been cleaned up (of blood) already,

is the video cropped?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by ignant

I dunno. I saw a fair amount of blood. Don't think that the video was cropped.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:55 PM
Very sad post OP. Not only do we mistreat our fellow human beings, we mistreat animals, nature and the world that sustains us.

We are too many. Ever notice in a small community you have cohesion? In a big town everyone obscures themselves to not beheld to responsibility of any kind.

Your post is a true, but we need to limit our population and find sincerity with our Mother. Mother Earth. She is getting angry and I am certain she will raise her lands to obfuscate humanity from the world.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 04:19 AM
This makes me sick! if we humans are evolving to this i hope there comes a comet and wipes us all out!
I hope the girl makes it

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 04:57 AM
I'm appauled. The little girl reminded me of my sister's daugter and a shiver went down my spine when the truck rolled over her like a rag doll and I could hardly watch the 2nd time. Are we sure the footage is not tampered, the scene cuts out and the street is much cleaner when the girl is picked off the ground.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:31 AM
Show of hand, how many folks here would help this poor child knowing full well that you're in for trouble ?

In my native country, I would, in a heart beat, and I'm pretty sure that there are people faster than me.

In the States, I would stop from a far and make a anonymous 911 call., the legal system here is just ...WOW... When I first came here, the first thing I was told is that "When you see people fall, DONT HELP because you might get into serious lawsuit." said my uncle.

Right now, I'm just speechlessly sad, folks.

I have no word to describe the state of humanity at this moment whatsoever.

Because of a lot of thing, and now including this, I wonder when I can proudly say to myself "It's about time we stand up to the system,.....not just White, Black, Yellow, or Brown, but collectively as a human race"

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 03:31 PM
I watched it. And wish I didnt, I have seen some graphic videos, but generally War was involved and consenting adults. This poor innocent, if you watched it and regardless of whether you are religious or not think of her before you go to bed, and wish her memory if not soul well.

The first Van had plenty time to see her and killed her. I am pxssing on his head tonight,

If you are religious, whatever kind, pray for her. I know alot of children die in war, but not many get plastered over the internet for everyone to sorrow or in the sick cases glory over.


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by VirgoGuy

I wish it was, but for what purpose. I noticed that too, but .... wishful thinking in my case

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by the_0bserver85

In the States, I would stop from a far and make a anonymous 911 call., the legal system here is just ...WOW... When I first came here, the first thing I was told is that "When you see people fall, DONT HELP because you might get into serious lawsuit." said my uncle.

I live in the States and would have no fear helping someone. There are laws that protect people in situations like this. I don't think I know a single person that wouldn't have stopped and helped this girl. Even if it meant financial hardship, that was the way we were raised.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Domo1

Good to know that there are still people like you in the world.....but be careful, man,'ll never know.
Financial hardship.....well, I'm a first generation immigrant.....we're still in the process of settling down, so it's kinda a big deal for us when it comes to "injured individual+legal process+probable allegation" ..... common sense is not something everybody understand today.
I mean it tears me up inside out to restrain myself from doing what I need to do. Ten years ago, I would have said something along the line of "F*** the system, I do what is right, I am me and ain't nobody can change it," but if you have a family where everybody depend on you.....and if you were to get into trouble, they would be put into a very difficult might have to think twice.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Aestheteka
I have a suggestion
We in the west are paying for these people. We're buying the cheap, crap products and enabling them to exapnd exponentially to the point where individual lives, even those of a child, are deemed as worthless and disposable as the products they produce.
Boycott them. Stop buying Chinese crap. Instead of buying a multitude of junk items, buy one product produced locally (even at greater price). Buy quality rather than junk and aim to keep it for longer.
If all of us stopped buying their junk and showed this video to everyone we know then those people would also stop buying from the Chinese and they'd learn very quickly why.
They ignore us about shark fins, dogs, tiger penises, bear bile etc, but this time we might make an impression.
i know this is the point of the video and for once I'm following the propaganda but I am sick of all my local stores closing because of Chinese supermarkets and clothing stores.
Boycott them so they will remember the little girl they discarded as waste.
How I'd love to take a walk through that market with a machete.....

You are talkinjg rubbish. Why don't you start by blaming your own government about the loss of jobs to China. And what the hell does that have to do with this story. You are just someone spreading the same propaganda rubbish towards China, and its sad!

Back to the video
This video truely disturbed me and my wife. I can't believe that people were just walking past her while she was dying. Some human beings (not chinese human beings) but human beings really upset me

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Realm52
reply to post by Copperflower

"The Chinese have been so controlled and basically raped by their government that they have turned into these emotional zombies in sheer self-defense. "

Strongly agreed.

We'd probably all be emotional zombies if every country had a communist government.

Wow! You seem to know the chinese people very well! Have you lived there? Have you taken the time to visit different places in China? I don't think so
You just like to put everyone in a group, which makes you just as past as the people that do these horrible things.

If i was watching the news, and a newsflash came up saying that a school boy shot 12 of his classmates, does that mean i should condem your country just because of this story. Should i think that all kids in your country are like that? No, i should not!

The people who walked passed that girl are disgusting. People like you who spread hate are disgusting too in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:51 PM

"We should look into the ugliness in ourselves with a dagger of conscience and bite the soul-searching bullet," says Wang Yang, a top official from Guangdong

RIP little girl. May your death not be in vain.

Chinese toddler dies of brain failure
edit on 21-10-2011 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by the_0bserver85
reply to post by Domo1

Good to know that there are still people like you in the world.....but be careful, man,'ll never know.
Financial hardship.....well, I'm a first generation immigrant.....we're still in the process of settling down, so it's kinda a big deal for us when it comes to "injured individual+legal process+probable allegation" ..... common sense is not something everybody understand today.
I mean it tears me up inside out to restrain myself from doing what I need to do. Ten years ago, I would have said something along the line of "F*** the system, I do what is right, I am me and ain't nobody can change it," but if you have a family where everybody depend on you.....and if you were to get into trouble, they would be put into a very difficult might have to think twice.

Ya know, I am a very tolerant person, and I have immigrants that have married into my family that I love like they were blood related. I would normally never make a negative comment regarding someone's nationality or immigration status. But I feel the extreme need to make an exception due to the above post.

If you truly feel this way, then please pack your bags and go back to where you came from.

Americans do not run over small children like they are dogs and then have a procession of others walk by and ignore the injured child. That is just sick. And if you condone such behavior, then you do NOT belong in America. Come to my neighborhood and pull that crap and you won't have to worry about financial hardships or being put into "a very difficult situation" because my fellow Americans would take care of you with some backwoods justice.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by moonleaf

Americans do not run over small children like they are dogs and then have a procession of others walk by and ignore the injured child. That is just sick. And if you condone such behavior, then you do NOT belong in America. Come to my neighborhood and pull that crap and you won't have to worry about financial hardships or being put into "a very difficult situation" because my fellow Americans would take care of you with some backwoods justice

You know all your fellow Americans? You think all americans are wonderful people? Come on! we are all individuals, not a country collective. This is the problem i have with some of the people on this thread. Let me give you an example. On the news. there is a story about a Chinese child molester, who abused over 100 children. The same old primitive thinking people will say "the chinese are sick" the chinese are child abusers" etc

But if the same story came out in America, or the UK for example, then people will say "that person is sick" Do you see what i am getting at?

Ok, lets put it another way. How would an american person feel if i said americans are murderers and rapists, just because of what some of the american soldiers done in Iraq. You would know that to be a load of rubbish, right?

Its a very primitive way of thinking to look at your country as a collective, a single mind, while looking at other countries as single minds and collectives.

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