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Iran warns West of 'strong confrontation' to any 'inappropriate measures'

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by yourmaker

Originally posted by Soshh
Zzzz... At least once every couple of days, some Iranian military/government/religious official will make an almost identical announcement warning that "Western/Zionist aggression" will receive a "robust response" or something along those lines.

You better hope they don't ever actually follow through with it..

They are no threat to the West. However we are to them. Maybe they shouldn't be so reckless with their words.

Not to the west as a whole, but fragment us and we are vulnerable. Not to mention our allies in the region, AND theirs.
There are lots of indirect methods they can employ that they haven't already or we'd damn well know it.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
What a STUPID statement by Iran. So it sounds like they are admitting guilt. So they will only respond to "inappropriate measures" but they wont respond to "appropriate" measures? What would an appropriate measure be then that they would not respond to? Idiots.

I think Bush's Axis of Evil speech was much much stupider.......don't you?

edit on 16-10-2011 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:17 PM
One must take a closer look at the history of Iran. Specifically the US involvement since 1953 and the overlordship of British Petroleum since prior to World War I.

This country has been a pawn in the political games played by several presidential administrations. And once again it appears that this is the case. Good luck finding any substantive evidence in support of the opinion that this is a ruse. You simply won't be able to.

This stands as testament to the ever maturing and morphing movement to consolidate global economics under a single form of control, and those who are employed to initiate planned overt operations and manage this movement.

However it becomes easier to understand the subtle and terrifyingly simple truth when one chooses to do the research and use critical thinking to put things in perspective.

Here's the reality...

Recently, President Obama took the action of basically freezing Iran's central bank. This may not seem like an earth shattering event, but consider. This means the country of Iran cannot perform simple buy and sell transactions with other countries. Which means they cannot sell their own oil.

Since Iran's economy is supported primarily through the export of oil this has the effect of shutting down their economy. How long do you think they will take to respond? There will instantly be created a situation where an entire nation is made homeless and destitute. In my opinion this will not be taken lightly by the Iranians.

As a matter of fact I think they will be highly upset and wish to take their anger out on those responsible for their impoverishment. And who can blame them? Would we not do something similar if some other country's president had the ability and means with which to turn off the money tap? Damn right!

So quit griping about how bad the Iranians are. Wake up and smell the coffee and see this foolishly callous and immature false flag event for what it is. The reason our government has sought out since the days of Dick Cheney for using Iran to begin World War III.

And ain't it about time, too? I mean c'mon. Those silly towel heads need a nuke or two to put 'em in line. Right?

You bet. Just what we need. Another reason to waste young American lives in the pursuit of goals made by men who could care less for America. Trample another country in order to continue the death and devastation industry and line the pockets of billionaires while the lives of our sons and daughters, salt of the Earth and seed of the future, are wasted in this wicked endeavor.

How can we not see what is really going on?

Wake up America!! It's time for us to OCCUPY IRAN!

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:42 PM
Well with Iran admitting guilt as i have illustrated below, i dont think Bush's comment of Axis of Evil is too far off. What he said was MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, less than the crap the Iranian leadership talks about.

Originally posted by Logical one

Originally posted by princeofpeace
What a STUPID statement by Iran. So it sounds like they are admitting guilt. So they will only respond to "inappropriate measures" but they wont respond to "appropriate" measures? What would an appropriate measure be then that they would not respond to? Idiots.

I think Bush's Axis of Evil speech was much much stupider.......don't you?

edit on 16-10-2011 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:50 PM
this makes me wonder about an NWO kinda thing

iran has a financial scandle going on, and the US has the OWS protests, so they cook up a good old fashioned sabre rattling deal ?

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by 5StarOracle

No, they dont have to prove its false, the onus is on the accusers. And this has gone on far too long. All the leaders in the west and probably elsewhere need to be arrested asap to spare all the people these psyhcos I won't stand for anymore of this nonsense.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:15 PM
WE can ill afford another war.

Modern, educated Iranians don't like their government.

All we need to help them is another barrage of stuxnet like worms directed at their government,

or similar subterfuge, not an invasion. Ahmadinejad was being handed his hat

as it was.

There better not be a war over this.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:29 PM
I really don't think there is enough evidence to prove that Iran is behind this supposed terror plot. There may have in fact been a terror plot but other than the claim that these men were conspiring to do so I have seen no proof, and just because these men have ties to Iran or were/are Iranian citizens does not mean they were there doing Iran's Dirty work. It would be a very bad Day the US decides to go to war with a nation because of a small groups actions. I'm pretty sure the world is pretty upset about both middle eastern conflicts, and all those that supported, and sent their own soldiers in support feel pretty taken advantage of and foolish.

Now, if they can provide real evidence that Iran was behind this attack I personally feel the actions they want to take at this moment are just and fair, and any retaliation Iran makes is asking for a beating. How ever, I don't feel the world is going to place sanctions on Iran due to heresay alone. The world needs hard evidence to prosecute both the men involved as well as the Nation of Iran. I do find it extremely odd that the US are the only ones who seem to be victims of terrorism in the west. Canada has never been attacked by terrorist outside of this continent. Nor mexico. Only the US has foreign terrorist threats that I've heard of... Now I know there have been some terrorist activities in Europe, but it would seem they would get more than the US as they are tied by land. I'm just babbling but it does always feel rather odd that a Nation as advanced as the US seems so vulnerable to Terrorism....

My prediction is, the United Nations will not come to a decision to place Iran under sanction with the claim alone, nor is there even any proof available to tie Iran to this claim. In order for something to happen someone is going to have to shoot first so to speak. Whether it be Iran deciding to flex it's muscle for the sake of " F*** we didn't do it. They're liars." Or the US decides to take matters into their own hands once more. Nothing is going to happen, unless another more convincing Terror plot is foiled, or takes place. Again, it's really really hard to prove terrorism beyond the individuals involved. Even if a group in the US is communicating with a group in Iran, that doesn't prove that Iran as a nation is to blame. There is either going to be another attack on American soil, or a bigger scare factor involved. Perhaps the discovery and disarmament of a bunch of bombs or perhaps even a nuclear device... Either way, this still has a very uncomfortable feeling about it, and I'm trying to keep as up to date on the subject as I can.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:05 PM
What gets me is that when Clinton was in office there were so many people who were infuriated when he lied about having sexual relations with that woman, and look at all the crap he took for it.

Then Bush Jr. gets in office and tells who knows how many lies, but for sure one huge one, and nothing happens to him. Now Obama is blatantly lying about Iran's involvement in a fabricated terrorist action, and nothing will happen to him either.

This just goes to show that politicians and the government don't really care about how the people feel about anything...If they can use a situation to their advantage, they will...And when they can't, they will create a situation out of thin air, with lies and deception.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:44 PM

We dont need to rely on the US, they chickened out of helping the only time my country has gone into war in my lifetime to defend itself. The US needs the UK more than the UK needs the US
reply to post by Flyer

While I'm not a bigger defender of my countries actions, just remember if the US didn't get involved in WWII, the UK would all be speaking German by now.
edit on 16-10-2011 by stardog987 because: I didn't paste the quote I was refering too, so the comment might not make sense after so many previous comments.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 10:51 PM
I don't take Iran's threats lightly at all. Anyone thinking that they are idle / empty threats is naïve at the very least. Destroying Israel and the West is deeply ingrained in the Jihadist mentality. I never trusted Iran's nuclear program. I've always suspected that they want nuclear capability for one reason - to destroy Israel and the West. Syria has generally kept a very low profile until the recent political unrest brought out that regimes heavy handed control over its people. I suspect that Syria has quietly been providing support and arms to terrorist groups like Hezbollah. The Jihadist views the world in very black and white terms. Islam vs. Western Capitalism and Western Capitalism equates to the Great Satan. To them it’s Islam or the West; period. There is no happy medium, negotiation or surrender. About the conflict between the West and Iran, I don’t think they should be under estimated. They’ve had over 20 years of watching American occupation of their neighbors. They’ve no doubt studied America’s mistakes and have prepared to capitalize on them. No doubt our military planners realize that and will come up with a new strategy for very quickly knocking out Iran’s communication and air defense. However, America is sorely over extended around the world. Our past policy of playing global policeman is catching up to us fast. Iran must be taken as a serious threat if only because of their extremist mentality. Obviously Israel takes them very seriously. Seriously enough to maintain a submarine presence parked in the Persian Gulf 24/7. Israel is also adding 3 more Dolphin class subs to their fleet.

Israel has also developed a new super bomb called the Golem.
Article Link -'s_nuclear_hell_bomb,_by_mc_piper

Israel’s intelligence is probably the best in the world. It has to be; they’re surrounded by sworn enemies. If Israel is active, it’s because they know something is up in Iran or Syria. I’ve listed several related article links below. Things are heating up in the Middle East and I think it could blow at any time.

Iran vows to increase military strength
Half a dozen of Iran's Shahab-3 missiles, whose range has caused concern in Israel and the United States, were exhibited for the first time since the missiles were deployed to the armed forces in July. The sand-colored Shahab-3s, towed on mobile launchers to rousing military music during the parade, have a range of about 1,300 kilometers (800 miles) - capable of reaching Israel, Iran's sworn enemy. It is also believe that the missile is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. The missiles were daubed with slogans including "We will crush America under our feet" and "Israel must be wiped off the map".
Article Link -

Iran vows 'crushing response' if attacked by Israel or U.S.
U.S. has plan in case attack on Iran needed, says army chief; Iran envoy to UN: We'll set Tel Aviv ablaze if Israel strikes us.
Article Link -

Israel should be wiped off map, says Iran's president
He said: "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury, [while] any [Islamic leader] who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world." He was addressing a conference titled The World without Zionism.
Article Link -

Hezbollah vows to destroy Israel's navy in event of conflict
Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said on Tuesday that his militants are capable of wiping out Israel's navy and any other ships heading to Israel in the event of a new war with the Jewish state.
Article Link -

The Pentagon has already drawn up plans for U.S. sponsored attacks on Iran and Syria. Despite the public posturing of diplomacy by the United States and Britain, just like the Iraq Invasion, Iran and Syria sense another Anglo-American war in the horizon. Both countries have been strengthening their defenses for the eventuality of war with the Anglo-American alliance.

A conflict against Iran and Syria, if it were to materialize, would be unlike previous Anglo-American sponsored conflicts. It would be wider in scope, deadlier, and have active aerial and water (naval) fronts. Sea power would be of greater significance than in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon. The United States would covet a quick victory. The chances of this happening are unknown. If there were to be a conflict with Iran, the United States and its partners would want to keep the Straits of Hormuz open for the flow of international oil. The Straits of Hormuz are the “energy lifeline of the world.”

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:11 PM
I wish that the US government would keep it nose out of other countries business and if we insist on getting up their ass about what they do then we should expect retaliation maybe the US will learn its lesson when one of these countries blow us up.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:57 PM
Here's an interesting, and educated, take on the situation:

I must say, the more Judge Napolitano speaks, the more I respect the man.

The most important question asked: Who benefits?

To be honest, I really can't believe that FOX aired this...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

making threats will not help the situation

It depends on the enemy. If the enemy is logical and predictable , it is not necessary .

IMHO : US govt has shown that it is not logical nor predictable.

You be the judge :

1. US govt dropped two nuclear bombs on Japanese people .

2. US govt attacked American people in 9/11.

3. US govt Invaded Afghanistan and killed lots of innocent people by intention to kill OBL.

4. US govt killed OBL but is still occupying Afghanistan.

5. US govt Invaded Iraq and killed lots of innocents by the bombardments. People are being killed there right now. Boys and gorls are being raped. ( It is not easy for Muslims to say ' Hey people , I was raped' )

6. US navy attacked a civilian airplane in Persian Golf , once.

Iran Air Flight 655 (IR655) was a civilian jet airliner shot down by U.S. missiles on 3 July 1988, over the Strait of Hormuz, toward the end of the Iran–Iraq War. The aircraft, an Airbus A300B2-203 operated by Iran Air, was flying from Bandar Abbas, Iran, to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, when it was destroyed by the U.S. Navy's guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes, killing all 290 passengers and crew aboard, including 66 children,ranking it ninth among the deadliest disasters in aviation history

It was the highest death toll of any aviation incident in the Indian Ocean and the highest death toll of any incident involving an Airbus A300 anywhere in the world. Vincennes was traversing the Strait of Hormuz, inside Iranian territorial waters, and at the time of the attack IR655 was within Iranian airspace

However, the United States has never admitted responsibility, nor apologized to Iran


7. US govt was helping Saddam during 8 years of war with Iran ( Saddam invaded Iran ).

8. US govt is helping and encouraging Saudi Wahhabis to kill more Muslims and make more terror , so that US army should continue occupying Iraq and Afghanistan.

1.Al-Qaeda members are Wahhabi (the new branch Islam supported by CIA & MI6 at 18th century ). They claim that if you kill 7 Shiat-muslims , then heaven is your prize (this is terrorism) .

Those are the ones who behead other Muslims.

It must be easy for you to study about this man : Mr. Hempher. And the book of him Memoirs Of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy To The Middle East.

Pakistan is their geographic capital and they are being supported by Saudi Arabia.
(The upper part of the pyramid live in Saudi Arabia and the lower part live in Pakistan)

2. This is what we get from them : The pictures are taken from two different disasters.




I am not happy to see this pictures myself .

3. They don't believe in Quran. They simply burn it.

Bahrain’s Wahabi Al Khalifa forces Burning Mosques , Desecrating Quran and Banning Media which reports it

Conclusion : we are so ashamed that they are called Muslims , But they are called.

Those cowards are enjoying their time , pumping out the oil and living a good life cooperating with CIA and Mossad.

Edited : IMHO Saudi Arabia is just too coward to attack Iran and Iran is much logical to attack Saudi c@ts.

edit on 17/10/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by drphilxr

Modern, educated Iranians don't like their government.

How do you know that ?

All we need to help them is another barrage of stuxnet like worms directed at their government, or similar subterfuge, not an invasion

All we need is to help you know abut real Iranian people , Not the ones being shown in the new by your MSM nor the random people you see on Facebook.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

iran has a financial scandle going on

Every piece of Iranian govt has told and made efforts to solve this problem.

they cook up a good old fashioned sabre rattling deal ?

I don't think that it is logical to distract people by a far worse issue like being invaded.

But for the US govt , it is different.

They invade Iran , They kill people , They destroy infra-structures. Then they take Iran's oil and rebuild their infra-structures. They will make chaos and then blessedly will provide security after 10 years.

This is why people US flag in Middle East.
edit on 17/10/11 by hmdphantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by 5StarOracle
Iran should shut up, they have mouthed off for long enough...

Time would be better spent digging deep holes in the sand and hiding fast...

The message they have chosen to send for years has been clear, they will get the response needed soon or bow low and play nice....

Do you think this recession is not war related? Take a look at a map Iran is being squeezed hard...

Provide your proof the plot is false... Even if you can it wont matter this will happen, just a matter of time...
edit on 16-10-2011 by 5StarOracle because: ...

How about that you Give Me Proof that Iran was behind it? so far i am seeing any related evidence, just like they did with libya and iraq,1995,1999.

edit on 17-10-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Laxpla

There's a problem with your link

And that problem is

American officials said

reply to princeofpeace

What a wonderfully American username for a warmonger like yourself

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:29 AM
The third world war has already been planned out. They are all actors working for the Illuminati. Anyone that is not in their pocket gets assassinated.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

But this is the war on terror. Anything and everything is trial by fire. Burn those evil witches dead. Can you believe this is what our country has now arrived at... again. 10 years ago, I would have never thought...

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