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Over 200,000 in the streets of Rome!

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:48 AM
I just cannot find anywhere that says there is 200,000?
The only thing mentioned is 'tens of thousands,'

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by WiZKiD111

I just cannot find anywhere that says there is 200,000?

Here's a few articles Ive found that mention 200,000

Sky News -

In Italy's capital up to 200,000 protesters took to the streets.

The demonstration against the government’s economic policy, with a crowd estimated at 200,000, descended into violent chaos when groups of angry protesters set cars on fire, smashed windows and attacked shops.

There have been violent clashes between protesters and riot police in Rome where 200,000 people have taken to the streets to protest about the state of the country's economy.

In Rome, 200,000 protesters took to the streets, where shop windows were smashed and cars set on fire as groups of anarchists belonging to the famed 'Black Bloc' movement took over and clashed with police.

edit on 16-10-2011 by buni11687 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 01:11 AM
thank you, friend.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by MegasAlexandros
There are over 200,000 protesters currently on the streets of Rome, coinciding with global protests occurring as of now. Link to live feed is here:

Its all fun and games until their government collapses and then they will reap their reward for demanding more than their society could afford.

First Greece will collapse from its unsustainable socialist government.
Then Italy will collapse from its unsustainable socialist government.

They will really be happy then when their government will no longer be able to afford to give them anything and a loaf of bread costs a days wages.

I would think any group of people who tear up their own country because their handouts get cut off kind of deserve it.
edit on 16-10-2011 by monkeyfartbreath because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by MegasAlexandros

I am glad to see that the entire world is waking up and saying no to these big corporations. I hope it gains momentum to the point where we will see some sort of definitive change taking place. Lol

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Unvarnished
reply to post by MegasAlexandros

I am glad to see that the entire world is waking up and saying no to these big corporations. I hope it gains momentum to the point where we will see some sort of definitive change taking place. Lol

I to hope & pray with you on that one,

MASSIVE changes are needed the world over

Any confirmed reports of this supposed 200k gathering yet, seems fairly large for such a short period of time

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by monkeyfartbreath

I don't think they "deserve" it because education has failed them. Blame academia and the political agendas of educators.

But I agree with your assessment of what will happen.

Many people dream of a socialistic utopia, but when they actually get the system changed, they will despise it.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:14 PM
minimum wage is low if you compare to france , and things are not cheaper not even speaking of the blatant corruption of the Il Cavalieri.
Left or right the system cannot sustain itself anymore , sometime im wondering if those dot are all here to introduce the nwo meaning that everything is made for us to introduce this new system by ourselve, really clever move if it the case.

Wait and see...

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:27 PM
It is good people are getting out to protest. However burning local shops, breaking windows and destroying cars is unwarrented and frankly hurts the 99%. You would think if these people want to burn something they would visit their local big bank or corporation in which they are protesting against.

Says the angry protestor, "I'll show you corporations, politicians, and bankers I am mad. Look, I burned my brothers car, that's how mad I am. Look at it!"
Says the brother with the burned car, "I got to pay the bank back for that, ya jerk."

Hurting each other does nothing to get the 1% willing to change. They are sitting in their temples laughing.

On a side note, way to go with the numbers Italians, good luck and stop burning your brothers car.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Jordan River
No, in all seriousness Rome receives a lot of money. The church is a billion dollar organization. On top of that you have South italy with the lack of industrial manufacturing and indeaqute land. They seem to be the North and south korea of the western world

I don't think you understand the reasons behind the protest and the point of the occupy movement.

To rephrase your comment as fact, the vatican recieves a lot of money on which it capitalises on. Yes, the church may be a billion dollar organization. Yet that is all it is, an organization... very much the same as a bank.

Come to think of it, the people who actually are "better off" with all the money the vatican owns, is what? 1% at most?

I think most of italy should be enraged by the fact the vatican is hoarding huge sums of money for itself when there are homeless, out of job people, who cannot get jobs or basic shelter. When was the last time you seen the church help the homeless in terms of basic needs? Never.

The vatican is just a huge banking scandal in my eyes, which profits from people who sucker up to it.

I thought i would mention this, because i have a friend (well, my parents friend) who lives in italy has been mentioning some of his views on what the main reasons people are protesting about.

Generally, its the same as the occupy movement elsewhere in the world, but also alot of people are raged by the fact that some of the church's seem to be doing the exact same thing as the banks. Stealing for profit.

Back to your quote, the church is a billion dollar organization. Just because the church has all of the money, it does not make every citizen become a happy citizen with basic needs. The church and it's money is the same 1% as the 1% who run the banking systems.

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