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The Awakening Has Begun (Documentary by me)

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posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by ProphetOfZeal

Hi Prophet,

Yes, The awakening has certainly begun - but does no-one think it is amazing that Ezekiel came to me with his message?

The awakening has begun, but the people are asleep.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by ProphetOfZeal

ATS awoke me to the "real world" and I have not looked back...only forward.

I would love to watch this video...however it says "Publication in Progress".

If ATS woke you to the real world how did you find the site? I was a late arriver to the internet and when I first got online I started reading lots of history and the more I read the more Something didn't seem right for me. I used to look all over the interent reading all sorts to try and work out the truth about the world, then a friend pointed me towards ATS and iv stopped doing all my own research and just log in here to see what others put. sometimes I wonder if that is the purpose of this site(to get all us suspicous people into one place and maybe keep us destracted with lots of bogus story's to waste our time on) but maybe that just my paranoid mind.

Il take a look at the doc now OP, Ty for posting.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ what gets me is this....if tptb are powerful enough to take down the twin towers and kill thousands....then HOW do We The People take the power from them in order to reach a goal of peace?

The solution is simple, obvious and absolutely unthinkable for most people: Just stop.

Seriously. Just stop.

The people in control are depending on us to keep doing what they want. They depend on Judges to make the laws and Police to enforce them. They depend on the military to excecute their will overseas. They depend on people to pump their Fuel and serve their food. Just like the scene from Fight Club - "We guard you while you sleep. Do not # with us!".

All we need to do is collectively realise this isn't the right path and choose to start walking another one. All you need to survive is food, water, air and shelter. That's all. It doesn't really matter if you are 5 minutes late for work, or you didn't complete that project you've been working on in time. These are all "extra" things that we choose to do, not the necessities. Yet we've been lead to believe that those things are more important than the basics - led to believe that WORK is more important than LIFE. It isn't.

Its simple, but difficult because we are all so invested in this system and we are unsure if we can survive without it.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by loveguy

Its about incorporating the District of Columbia. Not the United States of America.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by MamaJ

As long as human beings are human beings, you will never have peace. There will ALWAYS be people who covet what others have and are willing to commit mayhem to get it. Its called human nature.

That may be so.

I am a very DEEP thinker and always pondering. Below is some of my deep pondering.....

IF we were to have a major event and then that major event becomes like a concert of events and people are not only killed but they are brought to their knees I can assure you humans will indeed change their least for a minute.

Everything that is going on around the globe imo will only get worse. The Earth is going through its changes as well and let me tell you, it is nothing new. Humans have inhabited this Planet by about 6 billion and rising. If a major event happens and then it goes in a concert fashion.....there will not be a lot of humans left to fight over anything except for food and possibly water. We (they, us) will all be our brothers keeper then and look at life a lot different when we are sent back to the stone age, ice age, or you name it.

The awakening in my opinion is sooooo much more and will be soooo much more in the future. It is coming and I think a lot of us not only feel it....we just know that History is about to repeat itself. The law of cause and effect along with the law of unison within the Grand system we have is broken and it needs to heal.

The awakening will truly come when the men are brought to their knees ......I remain alert to all possibilities. Although I am not not talking about the end of the world, do not mistake my words. I am talking about a rise in consciousness during and after the shtf.

California is swarming in new places, Arkansas is now swarming again, Colorado, Nevada, Virginia, and many more. Greece and Italy have also been swarming with Earthquakes.... Volcanic activity is also on the rise. There are millions of Volcanoes in our Oceans and believe me....magma may indeed be on the move and as the Sun becomes more active via sun spots and or comets crashing into it, we will feel the effects.

We are also moving into a debris cloud in our Solar System and this may indeed reek havoc on us.

I say....buckle up babies.... we are going to see major events take place that will shock the sh** out of some and make others fall to their knees in prayer, while others remain distant to the true nature of the Universe and will indeed perish.

Our leaders who are high on the horse now may not even be able to buy a candy bar when the Earth gets through shaking people up. These men will be praying to a God they never prayed to before. Bet ya!

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:21 AM

If ATS woke you to the real world how did you find the site? I was a late arriver to the internet and when I first got online I started reading lots of history and the more I read the more Something didn't seem right for me. I used to look all over the interent reading all sorts to try and work out the truth about the world, then a friend pointed me towards ATS and iv stopped doing all my own research and just log in here to see what others put. sometimes I wonder if that is the purpose of this site(to get all us suspicous people into one place and maybe keep us destracted with lots of bogus story's to waste our time on) but maybe that just my paranoid mind.
reply to post by ThePeopleParty

Ok... maybe I should have been more specific. When I say ATS awoke me to the "real world' I meant the world of conspiracy within our Governments...lies and deceptions. I figured they lied...but never did I think they could be involved with 9/11. Now I am made to wonder and do ponder so much that I weigh the truth a lot in its regard.

I have to also wonder WHY they (Government) allow certain pharmaceutical companies to get rich by placing citizens on prescription meds that put them in a state of immobility. The only why I can come up with is because they want us to be like zombies. I can go to the Dr. today and they will send me home with drugs.

I could go on and on about our Government and ask questions all day long that do not make sense to me....but it is what it is and I firmly believe in what comes around goes around.

I have always been a deep thinker and reader. This for me has not changed. If I am on a thread that gives links then I spend a lot of time reading said links that lead to other sites and so on.

I do not get my news from just one site nor do I fall into a laziness whereas I am not researching said topic of interest.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by MamaJ

I could go on and on about our Government and ask questions all day long....

Well, the real secret is not just asking questions - but occasionally listening to the answers.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 09:22 AM
All of the Things we see going on around us like the wars and 9/11 are obviously part of the esoteric agenda..

Just Sayin.

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Well, the real secret is not just asking questions - but occasionally listening to the answers.
reply to post by hooper

Really? Ok. Thanks for enlightening me.

Clarify what you mean by this statement.

Should I listen from within, listen to the Government..... listen to whom?


All that I said in a few posts and you pick this out as a reply to me??

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by loveguy

But the 'CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' is a corporate constitution, which is absolutely NOT the same document you think it is. First of all, it ended all our rights of sovereignty [sui juris]. So you now have the HOW, how the international bankers got their hands on THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I'm sure you've debunked this too huh? Maybe a little off-topic?
It has everything to do with this 9-11 mind-game.

Yes, I'm going to debunk it, because whoever wrote that thing is being horribly fast and loose with his facts. The District of Columbia was originally square shaped, but when the south seceded Virginia took its half of the square back, so the Civil War actually set the formation of D.C. backwards, not forwards. Plus, the guy makes the goofy claim the Civil War was just a calculated measure to create D.C., glossing over that whole "slavery" and "state's rights" issues bit, not to mention about a million people getting killed.

...and yes, this is completely off-topic because all the people involved with the 1871 act have been dead long before 9/11 and no, I'm not going to comment on the OP's post yet because I didn't get a chance to watch the entire video yet.

Does the video even make any claim that the Civil War was all some scheme to create Washington D.C.?

posted on Oct, 13 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

Should I listen from within, listen to the Government..... listen to whom? You?

Well, who are you asking? You should listen to them. And yes, you can listen to me as well. Isn't that how you get answers?

All that I said in a few posts and you pick this out as a reply to me??

Yes, because this is one of the most popular refrains of those seeking the "truth".

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 11:33 PM
Propaganda pretending to be a documentary has to be more subtle than that.

I gave up after 10 minutes there wasn't anything I would call information.


posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
Propaganda pretending to be a documentary has to be more subtle than that.

I gave up after 10 minutes there wasn't anything I would call information.


The only propaganda here is the propaganda fed by the mainstream media, which is of course what I cover in the video. Obviously you're one of the brainwashed.. Sorry to hear that.
edit on 15-10-2011 by ProphetOfZeal because: typo

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 12:06 PM
very well done.. s&f

keep it up.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by ProphetOfZeal
Obviously you're one of the brainwashed..

Yes he is. He is a Truther just like you. Brainwashed by youtube.

Are you not trying to brainwash people into believing what you believe with your video ?

edit on 15-10-2011 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:15 PM
this video is well done ! kudos to you

and for the debunkers what part of this is NOT true

it's called the American Dream becuase you have to asleep to believe it

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by waypastvne

Originally posted by ProphetOfZeal
Obviously you're one of the brainwashed..

Yes he is. He is a Truther just like you. Brainwashed by youtube.

Are you not trying to brainwash people into believing what you believe with your video ?

edit on 15-10-2011 by waypastvne because: (no reason given)

So where is the data on the distribution of steel down the towers. Like the Laws of Physics can be brainwashed.


posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by ProphetOfZeal

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
Propaganda pretending to be a documentary has to be more subtle than that.

I gave up after 10 minutes there wasn't anything I would call information.


The only propaganda here is the propaganda fed by the mainstream media, which is of course what I cover in the video. Obviously you're one of the brainwashed.. Sorry to hear that.
edit on 15-10-2011 by ProphetOfZeal because: typo

Watch 9/11 Mysteries to get an idea what a documentary on this subject is.


posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by psikeyhackr

Originally posted by ProphetOfZeal

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
Propaganda pretending to be a documentary has to be more subtle than that.

I gave up after 10 minutes there wasn't anything I would call information.


The only propaganda here is the propaganda fed by the mainstream media, which is of course what I cover in the video. Obviously you're one of the brainwashed.. Sorry to hear that.
edit on 15-10-2011 by ProphetOfZeal because: typo

Watch 9/11 Mysteries to get an idea what a documentary on this subject is.


And once you've seen that, watch or read the point-by-point refutation of it at:

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by roboe

Originally posted by psikeyhackr

Originally posted by ProphetOfZeal

Originally posted by psikeyhackr
Propaganda pretending to be a documentary has to be more subtle than that.

I gave up after 10 minutes there wasn't anything I would call information.


The only propaganda here is the propaganda fed by the mainstream media, which is of course what I cover in the video. Obviously you're one of the brainwashed.. Sorry to hear that.
edit on 15-10-2011 by ProphetOfZeal because: typo

Watch 9/11 Mysteries to get an idea what a documentary on this subject is.


And once you've seen that, watch or read the point-by-point refutation of it at:

That is the problem with DEBATING bullsh# versus UNDERSTANDING physics.

People can CLAIM that any nonsense is a refutation. So why aren't we told the tons of steel on every level of the towers? Didn't they have to hold themselves up? Didn't they do it for 28 years? So how much steel was on the 81st level of the south tower and how could it weaken in less than ONE HOUR?

So we get psychological propaganda bullsh# from both sides.

As long as we don't have accurate data on the tons of steel and tons of concrete on every level this is nonsense. And the Physics Profession has made an ass of itself by not demanding and explaining the importance of that information.


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