posted on Nov, 14 2011 @ 10:53 PM
ATS transponder: "Glad to see things are going well. Myself, I'm settled into mid Arkansas, and with permission of the mayor's daughter, and the
mayor, I'd like to call this BCARK. (Base Camp ARKansas.) We have few walkers here, and we got our crops in the ground already. With Therian's
advice, we've built two kilns, and have the kids practicing on vertical lathes, to make plates and cups and bowls. There's plenty of clay by the
river and the kids are more than eager to get it for their "projects". Little do they know that it will be the only cookware we have.
I'm working on our forge. We had to dig gypsum from the nearby hill, and mix our own mortar, but finding enough leather for the bellows took a bit
of time. We had to find a leather couch, which we did, and afterwards we made the bellows from a few discarded planks. The kids love to run the
bellows, but we are not at operating temp yet. I can melt brass, and copper, but I'm not hot enough yet to melt steel. I'm working on the
We have plenty of water from the river, we're chopping wood for the winter, and preparing for rough times ahead. We've raided hundreds of mason
jars, and cases of lids and rings, so as long as there's no problems with the crops, we'll have a bounty to trade.
Trade, I think, will be essential in the future, aye?
BCARK, Over."